999 resultados para financial vulnerability
The financial sector has been viewed traditionally as either providing the "oil" for the "wheels of commerce" or as a parasite on the real sector of the economy where real productivity gains provide for increasing real wages and per capita incomes. The present paper takes a different route and attempts to an analysis of financial institutions on a par with the production sector of the economy. It also develops a link which amalgamates "the knowledge-based" perspective on firms' operations with Schumpeterian financial leverage to exploit productivity enhancing innovations, and Minsky's tendency towards financial fragility. The analysis also leads to some policy recommendations concerning financial regulation, risk management and financial institution's building.
In the early 1990s, Brazil entered a financialized economic dynamic in which short-term financial valorization generated by the issuing of guaranteed public debt overshadowed the entire economy. This article analyzes Brazilian economic processes between 1993 and 2003, in particular the bi-directional relationship with external vulnerability, erratic international financing behavior and how State actions to obtain and maintain these resources fostered financialization. As a result, the entire economy became enmeshed in a self-perpetuating trap in which financial activity was predominant over economic activity.
Includes bibliography
The debate about the dynamics and potential policy responses to asset inflation has intensified in recent years. Some analysts, notably Borio and Lowe, have called for 'subtle' changes to existing monetary targeting frameworks to try to deal with the problems of asset inflation and have attempted to developed indicators of financial vulnerability to aid this process. In contrast, this paper argues that the uncertainties involved in understanding financial market developments and their potential impact on the real economy are likely to remain too high to embolden policy makers. The political and institutional risks associated with policy errors are also significant. The fundamental premise that a liberalised financial system is based on 'efficient' market allocation cannot be overlooked. The corollary is that any serious attempt to stabilize financial market outcomes must involve at least a partial reversal of deregulation.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais
We have investigated the phenomenon of deprivation in contemporary Switzerland through the adoption of a multidimensional, dynamic approach. By applying Self Organizing Maps (SOM) to a set of 33 non-monetary indicators from the 2009 wave of the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), we identified 13 prototypical forms (or clusters) of well-being, financial vulnerability, psycho-physiological fragility and deprivation within a topological dimensional space. Then new data from the previous waves (2003 to 2008) were classified by the SOM model, making it possible to estimate the weight of the different clusters in time and reconstruct the dynamics of stability and mobility of individuals within the map. Looking at the transition probabilities between year t and year t+1, we observed that the paths of mobility which catalyze the largest number of observations are those connecting clusters that are adjacent on the topological space.
Cette étude porte sur la vitalité des institutions collégiales situées dans trois régions administratives : Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Côte-Nord et Gaspésie –Îles de-la-Madeleine. Ces régions sont et seront aux prises avec une conjoncture démographique défavorable qui risque fort de miner leurs effectifs étudiants déjà bien faibles. Parmi celles-ci, nous cherchons à connaître les régions administratives ainsi que les institutions collégiales les plus à risque de subir des compressions ou de faire appel à des subventions gouvernementales spéciales afin de demeurer viables. Ce questionnement est dédoublé d’une considération méthodologique : comment pouvons-nous quantifier ce rapport de force entre les institutions? Afin de répondre aux exigences de cette question de recherche, un indicateur composite a été construit à l'aide de la sommation de nombreux indices regroupant cinq dimensions jugées essentielles à une telle étude : la vitalité démographique des institutions, la force de rétention du bassin étudiant interne, la force d’attraction exercée sur le bassin étudiant externe, la vulnérabilité financière ainsi que la vitalité de l'offre de formation. En vertu des résultats de l’indicateur composite, les régions se classent selon l’ordre suivants : l’Abitibi Témiscamingue, la Côte-Nord, la Gaspésie – Îles de la Madeleine. Pour les institutions collégiales, on distingue trois sous-groupes, le premier composé du Cégep de Sept-Îles et des campus de Gaspé et de Rouyn-Noranda, le deuxième, du Cégep de Baie- Comeau et du campus de Val-d’Or et le troisième, des Centres d’études collégiales des Îles et de Baie-des-Chaleurs ainsi que du campus d'Amos.
La pauvreté monoparentale touche de nombreux pays développés au point que la monoparentalité est restée pendant longtemps associée à la pauvreté. Malgré les efforts de l’État-providence, les systèmes de protection sociale s’avèrent souvent inefficaces et inadaptés aux changements de la structure familiale et de la diversité des modes de résidence. Or, les situations des familles monoparentales ne sont pas semblables d’une société à une autre. Certaines sociétés adoptent des régimes providentiels qui offrent des conditions plutôt favorables aux familles quel que soit leur statut (monoparental ou biparental), tandis que d’autres se caractérisent par des systèmes moins égalitaires et moins favorables aux familles monoparentales. Notre thèse cherche à déconstruire le lien entre la pauvreté et la monoparentalité en poussant plus loin la réflexion sur les régimes providentiels. Le bien-être des familles monoparentales dépend des arrangements institutionnels des régimes qui assurent des ressources à travers les trois piliers que sont l’État, le marché et la famille. Certaines sociétés favorisent le pilier de l’État comme principal pourvoyeur de ressources alors que d’autres mettent l’accent sur le marché. Dans d’autres cas, la solidarité familiale est considérée comme étant fondamentale dans le bien-être des individus. Parmi ces trois piliers, il est souvent difficile de trouver la combinaison la plus appropriée pour protéger les familles monoparentales et leur assurer une certaine sécurité et une autonomie économique. Lorsque les gouvernements adoptent la politique de prise en charge des familles monoparentales, ces dernières deviennent très dépendantes de l’assistance sociale et des programmes d’aide publique. Dans un contexte libéral, les mesures d’incitation au travail qui visent les chefs de famille monoparentale ont plutôt tendance à réduire cette dépendance. Mais dans bien des cas, les familles monoparentales sont amenées à dépendre d’un revenu du marché qui ne les aide pas toujours à sortir de la pauvreté. Lorsque nous regardons le troisième pilier, celui de la famille, il s’avère souvent que les solidarités qui proviennent de cette source sont limitées et occasionnelles et nécessitent parfois une réglementation spéciale pour les dynamiser (comme c’est le cas des pensions alimentaires). L’articulation de ces piliers et leur apport au bien-être des familles monoparentales soulève une question fondamentale : Quelles sont les possibilités pour les chefs de famille monoparentale de fonder et maintenir un ménage autonome qui ne soit ni pauvre ni dans la dépendance par rapport à une seule source de revenu qui peut provenir de l’État, du marché ou de la famille ? Pour examiner cette question, nous avons procédé à des comparaisons internationales et interprovinciales à partir des données du Luxembourg Income Study (LIS). Le choix des comparaisons internationales est très utile pour situer le Québec dans un environnement de régimes providentiels avec un cadre théoriquement et conceptuellement structuré pour comprendre les politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté monoparentale. Cette recherche montre principalement que la pauvreté monoparentale est très problématique dans les régimes qui privilégient le marché comme principal pilier de bien-être. Elle l’est aussi dans certains pays qui privilégient les transferts et adoptent des politiques de prise en charge envers les familles monoparentales qui restent largement désavantagées par rapport aux familles biparentales. Par contre, certains régimes favorisent une complémentarité entre ce que peuvent tirer les familles du marché du travail et ce qu’elles peuvent tirer des ressources de l’État. Généralement, ce genre d’approche mène vers des taux de pauvreté plus faibles chez les familles monoparentales. Le Québec fait partie des sociétés où le marché représente une source fondamentale de bien-être. Toutefois, la pauvreté monoparentale est moins problématique que chez ses voisins d’Amérique du Nord. De nombreux chefs de famille monoparentale dans la province occupent des emplois à temps plein sans être désavantagés. Cependant, les chefs de famille monoparentale qui occupent des emplois à temps partiel sont largement plus exposés à la pauvreté. Pourtant, dans certaines sociétés, particulièrement aux Pays-Bas, ce statut d’emploi offre des conditions meilleures pour la conciliation travail-famille.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar el papel que tuvo el Fondo Monetario Internacional [FMI] en el cambio de la imagen del Estado argentino después de la crisis financiera que estalló en el 2001. Como consecuencia de la declaración de default por parte del gobierno argentino se da un cambio en la imagen financiera del país, influenciada por el FMI, que convierte a Argentina en un paria internacional en temas financieros y comerciales alejándolo de los mercados internacionales. Este estudio de caso tendrá un acercamiento cualitativo dado que se analizarán las características, actuaciones y las bases crean el lazo entre las variables de la crisis financiera y el rol del FMI en Argentina y así poder entender su relación.
This study explored the strategies that community-based, consumer-focused advocacy, alternative service organizations (ASOs), implemented to adapt to the changes in the nonprofit funding environment (Oliver & McShane, 1979; Perlmutter, 1988a, 1994). It is not clear as to the extent to which current funding trends have influenced ASOs as little empirical research has been conducted in this area (Magnus, 2001; Marquez, 2003; Powell, 1986). ^ This study used a qualitative research design to investigate strategies implemented by these organizations to adapt to changes such as decreasing government, foundation, and corporate funding and an increasing number of nonprofit organizations. More than 20 community informants helped to identify, locate, and provide information about ASOs. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a sample of 30 ASO executive directors from diverse organizations in Miami-bade and Broward Counties, in South Florida. ^ Data analysis was facilitated by the use of ATLAS.ti, version 5, a qualitative data analysis computer software program designed for grounded theory research. This process generated five major themes: Funding Environment; Internal Structure; Strategies for Survival; Sustainability; and Committing to the Cause, Mission, and Vision. ^ The results indicate that ASOs are struggling to survive financially by cutting programs, decreasing staff, and limiting service to consumers. They are also exploring ways to develop fundraising strategies; for example, increasing the number of proposals written for grants, focusing on fund development, and establishing for-profit ventures. Even organizations that state that they are currently financially stable are concerned about their financial vulnerability. There is little flexibility or cushioning to adjust to "funding jolts." The fear of losing current funding levels and being placed in a tenuous financial situation is a constant concern for these ASOs. ^ Further data collected from the self-administered Funding Checklist and demographic forms were coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive information and frequencies generated findings regarding the revenue, staff compliment, use of volunteers and fundraising consultants, and fundraising practices. The study proposes a model of funding relationships and presents implications for social work practice, and policy, along with recommendations for future research. ^
In his dialogue - Anarchy In The Airways - Joseph C. Von Kornfeld, Assistant Professor, College of Hotel Administration, University of Nevada, Las Vegas initially states: “Deregulation of the airline industry has brought about financial vulnerability for the traveling public. The author analyzes the situation since that point in time and makes recommendations for some solutions.” In this article, Assistant Professor Von Kornfeld, first defines the airline industry in its pre-regulated form. Then he goes into the ramifications and results of deregulating the industry, both in regards to the consumer, and in deregulation’s impact on the airlines themselves. “The most dramatic consequence of the pressures and turbulence of airline deregulation has been the unprecedented proliferation of airline bankruptcies,” Von Kornfeld informs. “Prior to the deregulation of the U.S. airline industry in 1978, U.S. air carriers operated in a business environment that was insulated from the normal stresses and strains of open competition. They were restricted from actively competing with fares and routings by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB),” Von Kornfeld says. In leveling the playing field, Von Kornfeld offers, “Each carrier was restricted to specific geographic routes, with those routes limited to two or three competing carriers. The only thing that set carriers apart in this CAB defined atmosphere was their ability to either advertise, or to enhance their level of service; or both. “…ultimately paid for by the passenger through fare increases sanctioned by the CAB,” Von Kornfeld states. “Airline service standards were unquestionably superior during the regulated environment,” Von Kornfeld renders an interesting observation. He does mention, however, that carrier safety was also considered a concern immediately prior to, and then after deregulation. “The major controversy focused on the allegation that safety and maintenance standards would be compromised due to the financial pressures brought about by an openly competitive environment,” Von Kornfeld says. Pricing, as well as labor unions are important factors in the equation, and Von Kornfeld addresses their relevance in the deregulated environment. “The primary rationalization for deregulation was to facilitate a more openly competitive environment. The increased competition was to ultimately have benefitted the consumer. Ironically, that’s not entirely the case, Von Kornfeld elaborates. In addressing some of the negative aspects of airline deregulation, Von Kornfeld suggests that some sort of federal re-regulation may be in order.
Enquadramento: As IPSS debatem-se com constrangimentos de ordem financeira que podem ameaçar o seu desempenho. O Estado é o seu maior financiador, mas a tendência de diminuição dos apoios públicos impõe às IPSS encontrem outras formas de financiamento. As IPSS devem garantir a sua sustentabilidade financeira através da diversificação das fontes de financiamento (aumento do financiamento privado) e da implementação de estratégias de redução de custos e aumento das receitas. A gestão dos recursos das IPSS deve ser realizada de uma forma eficiente e eficaz, com vista à construção de uma organização sustentável que cumpra a sua missão e atinja os seus objetivos de carácter social. Objetivos: O objetivo geral do estudo é o seguinte: identificar as estratégias de financiamento que fomentam a sustentabilidade das IPSS. Os objetivos específicos são os seguintes: (1) Conhecer a tipologia das fontes de financiamento das IPSS; (2) Identificar os benefícios e os riscos da diversificação das fontes de financiamento das IPSS; (3) Analisar as fontes de receitas e de custos das IPSS; (4) Identificar os fatores que contribuem para vulnerabilidade financeira das IPSS; (5) Identificar as ações das IPSS que visam uma melhoria da sua sustentabilidade financeira. Métodos: Estudo de caso de 4 IPSS, com utilização de entrevista semi-estruturada (9 entrevistas) e análise documental. Recurso ao software NVivo 10 para categorização dos dados e à análise de conteúdo para interpretação dos dados recolhidos. Resultados:Os Acordos de Cooperação com a Segurança Social são a melhor estratégia para garantir a sustentabilidade financeira das IPSS. Estas desenvolvem um conjunto de ações que visam a melhoria da sua sustentabilidade económica, tais como, a rentabilização de recursos, a redução de despesas, o desenvolvimento de serviços de valor acrescentado e a angariação de recursos. As IPSS sentem necessidade de diversificar as fontes de financiamento (desenvolvimento de atividades complementares como fonte de receita) e apresentam preocupações relacionadas com o cumprimento da sua missão social (intervenção orientada para as necessidades dos stakeholders). Implicações:O estudo sugere a importância das IPSS diversificarem as suas fontes de financiamentoe explorar iniciativas de carácter privado que permitam criar lucro para desenvolver os objetivos e a missão da organização. Recomenda-se a replicação do estudo com uma amostra mais alargada.
One looming question has persisted in the minds of economists the world over in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 American Housing and Debt Crisis: How did it begin and who is responsible for making this happen? Another two-part question is: What measures were implemented to help end the crisis and what changes are being implemented to ensure that it will never happen again? Many speculate that the major contributing factor was the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 that prompted a virtual feeding frenzy among the banking community when new calls from Capitol Hill encouraged home ownership in America as well as the secondary mortgage market which skyrocketed thereafter. The Glass-Steagall Act will be among many of the topics explored in this paper along with the events leading up to the 2007-2008 housing/debt crisis as well as the aftermath.
The problem of small Island Developing States (SIDS) is quite recent, end of the 80s and 90s, still looking for a theoretical consolidation. SIDS, as small states in development, formed by one or several islands geographically dispersed, present reduced population, market, territory, natural resources, including drinkable water, and, in great number of the cases, low level of economic activity, factors that together, hinder the gathering of scale economies. To these diseconomies they come to join the more elevated costs in transports and communications which, allies to lower productivities, to a smaller quality and diversification of its productions, which difficult its integration in the world economy. In some SIDS these factors are not dissociating of the few investments in infrastructures, in the formation of human resources and in productive investments, just as it happens in most of the developing countries. In ecological terms, many of them with shortage of natural resources, but integrating important ecosystems in national and world terms, but with great fragility relatively to the pollution action, of excessive fishing, of uncontrolled development of tourism, factors that, conjugated and associated to the stove effect, condition the climate and the slope of the medium level of the sea water and therefore could put in cause the own survival of some of them. The drive to the awareness of the international community towards its problems summed up with the accomplishment by the United Nations in the Barbados’s Conference, 1994 where the right to the development was emphasized, through the going up the appropriate strategies and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of the SIDS. The orientation of the regional and international cooperation in that sense, sharing technology (namely clean technology and control and administration environmental technology), information and creation of capacity-building, supplying means, including financial resources, creating non discriminatory and just trade rules, it would drive to the establishment of a world system economically more equal, in which the production, the consumption, the pollution levels, the demographic politics were guided towards the sustainability. It constituted an important step for the recognition for the international community on the specificities of those states and it allowed the definition of a group of norms and politics to implement at the national, regional and international level and it was important that they continued in the sense of the sustainable development. But this Conference had in its origin previous summits: the Summit of Rio de Janeiro about Environment and Development, accomplished in 1992, which left an important document - the Agenda 21, in the Conference of Stockholm at 1972 and even in the Conference of Ramsar, 1971 about “Wetlands.” CENTRO DE ESTUDOS AFRICANOS Occasional Papers © CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos 4 Later, the Valletta Declaration, Malta, 1998, the Forum of Small States, 2002, get the international community's attention for the problems of SIDS again, in the sense that they act to increase its resilience. If the definition of “vulnerability” was the inability of the countries to resist economical, ecological and socially to the external shocks and “resilience” as the potential for them to absorb and minimize the impact of those shocks, presenting a structure that allows them to be little affected by them, a part of the available studies, dated of the 90s, indicate that the SIDS are more vulnerable than the other developing countries. The vulnerability of SIDS results from the fact the they present an assemblage of characteristics that turns them less capable of resisting or they advance strategies that allow a larger resilience to the external shocks, either anthropogenic (economical, financial, environmental) or even natural, connected with the vicissitudes of the nature. If these vulnerability factors were grouped with the expansion of the economic capitalist system at world level, the economic and financial globalisation, the incessant search of growing profits on the part of the multinational enterprises, the technological accelerated evolution drives to a situation of disfavour of the more poor. The creation of the resilience to the external shocks, to the process of globalisation, demands from SIDS and of many other developing countries the endogen definition of strategies and solid but flexible programs of integrated development. These must be assumed by the instituted power, but also by the other stakeholders, including companies and organizations of the civil society and for the population in general. But that demands strong investment in the formation of human resources, in infrastructures, in investigation centres; it demands the creation capacity not only to produce, but also to produce differently and do international marketing. It demands institutional capacity. Cape Verde is on its way to this stage.