93 resultados para fiberoptic bronchoscopy
BACKGROUND: Endobronchial biopsies are an important tool for the study of airway remodeling in children. We aimed to evaluate the impact of performing endobronchial biopsies as a part of fiberoptic bronchoscopy on the length of the procedure. METHODS: Clinically indicated fiberoptic bronchoscopy at which endobronchial biopsy was attempted as a part of a research protocol was performed in 40 children (median age 6 years, range 2 months-16 years). Time needed for airway inspection, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with three aliquots of 1 ml/kg of 0.9% saline, sampling of three macroscopically adequate biopsies, teaching, and other interventions (e.g., removal of plugs) was recorded. The bronchoscopist was not aware that the procedure was being timed. RESULTS: Median (range) duration (min) was 2.5 (1.0-8.2) for airway inspection, 2.8 (1.7-9.4) for BAL, 5.3 (2.5-16.6) for biopsy sampling, 2.4 (1.5-6.6) for teaching and 4.1 (0.8-18.5) for other interventions. Three adequate biopsies were obtained in 33 (83%) children. Use of 2.0 mm biopsy forceps (via 4.0 and 4.9 mm bronchoscopes) rather than 1.0 mm (via 2.8 and 3.6 mm bronchoscopes) significantly reduced biopsy time (4.6 min vs. 8.4 min, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: It takes a median of just over 5 min to obtain three endobronchial biopsies in children, which we consider an acceptable increase in the duration of fiberoptic bronchoscopy for the purpose of research.
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of bronchoscopy in patients with clinical or radiological suspicion of tuberculosis who were unable to produce sputum or with negative sputum smear microscopy results. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study involving 286 patients under clinical or radiological suspicion of having pulmonary tuberculosis and submitted to bronchoscopy-BAL and transbronchial biopsy (TBB). The BAL specimens were submitted to direct testing and culture for AFB and fungi, whereas the TBB specimens were submitted to histopathological examination. Results: Of the 286 patients studied, 225 (79%) were diagnosed on the basis of bronchoscopic findings, as follows: pulmonary tuberculosis, in 127 (44%); nonspecific chronic inflammation, in 51 (18%); pneumocystis, fungal infections, or nocardiosis, in 20 (7%); bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia, alveolites, or pneumoconiosis, in 14 (5%); lung or metastatic neoplasms, in 7 (2%); and nontuberculous mycobacterium infections, in 6 (2%). For the diagnosis of tuberculosis, BAL showed a sensitivity and a specificity of 60% and 100%, respectively. Adding the TBB findings significantly increased this sensitivity (to 84%), as did adding the post-bronchoscopy sputum smear microscopy results (total sensitivity, 94%). Minor post-procedure complications occurred in 5.6% of the cases. Conclusions: Bronchoscopy is a reliable method for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, with low complication rates. The combination of TBB and BAL increases the sensitivity of the method and facilitates the differential diagnosis with other diseases.
Background: CO2 monitoring is recommended for thoracic telescopic procedures and for spontaneous breathing general anesthesia in children. During flexible bronchoscopy (FB) in children, the various currently available methods of CO2 measurements are limited. The CO2 falls and increases have been reported in FB but it is unknown whether airway lesions predispose to CO2 change. The aim of this study was to describe and validate endoscopic intratracheal CO2 measurements in children undergoing FB under spontaneously breathing GA. Methods: Endtidal CO2 (PECO2) measurements at the start (Start-CO2) and end (End-CO2) of FB on 100 consecutive children were performed using a newly designed endoscopic intratracheal method. To validate the method blood gas sampling was simultaneously performed in 28 children and results analyzed using the Bland and Altman method, intraclass correlation and 95% range for repeatability. Results: End-CO2 and CO2-change (End-CO2 minus Start-CO2) were significantly different in children with airway lesions (CO2 change: no lesion = 3 mmHg, extrathoracic airway lesion = 4.5, intrathoracic airway lesion = 8, P = 0.038). There was no significant difference in Start-CO2 values among the groups. CO2-change in those aged > 12 months was similar to those >12 months. Intratracheal CO2 measurements were comparable with arterial blood values in the Bland and Altman plots. The intraclass correlation was 0.69 and 95% range for repeatability was 3.7-4.17 mmHg. Conclusions: Midtracheal PECO2 provides a useful estimate of PaCO2 for monitoring the respiratory status of children undergoing FB. The presence of airway lesions rather than age is associated with significant increased PCO2 rise.
La neumonía asociada a ventilador (NAV) es una entidad de incidencia creciente en cuidado intensivo con grandes dificultades en la estandarización de pruebas diagnósticas, generando altos costos en su manejo. Realizar un abordaje diagnóstico apropiado para cada institución y conocer la flora causante permite un mejor desenlace clínico y ahorro significativo para el sistema. Métodos diagnósticos sencillos como la tinción gram de muestras respiratorias son ampliamente usados para NAV, pero se observa variabilidad con el cultivo, prueba microbiológica definitiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el grado de acuerdo entre la tinción de gram inicial de una muestra de lavado broncoalveolar, con el resultado del cultivo. Se realizó muestreo consecutivo secuencial incluyendo los pacientes con diagnostico clínico de neumonía asociada a ventilador y que por protocolo institucional se llevaron a fibrobroncoscopia y lavado del cual se tomaron muestras para tinción de gram y cultivo de gérmenes comunes. Se realizó análisis de concordancia por índice kappa para determinar el acuerdo entre los resultados de la tinción de gram y el informe del cultivo. Adicionalmente se analizaron otras variables descriptivas de importancia. El indica kappa de 16,8% muestra mala concordancia entre el gram y el cultivo del lavado broncoalveolar, sin embargo, esto puede tener relación con el uso de antibióticos previo ocurrido en un 69%. Los diagnósticos mas frecuentes son sepsis y enfermedad neurológica, predominó la baja probabilidad clínica de neumonía; hay mayor trastorno de oxigenación el día de diagnostico de NAV. La mortalidad en UCI fue 27.5% y 29% al día 28.
BACKGROUND: The pathology of pediatric severe therapy-resistant asthma (STRA) is little understood. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that STRA in children is characterized by airway eosinophilia and mast cell inflammation and is driven by the T(H)2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. METHODS: Sixty-nine children (mean age, 11.8 years; interquartile range, 5.6-17.3 years; patients with STRA, n = 53; control subjects, n = 16) underwent fiberoptic bronchoscopy, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), and endobronchial biopsy. Airway inflammation, remodeling, and BAL fluid and biopsy specimen T(H)2 cytokines were quantified. Children with STRA also underwent symptom assessment (Asthma Control Test), spirometry, exhaled nitric oxide and induced sputum evaluation. RESULTS: Children with STRA had significantly increased BAL fluid and biopsy specimen eosinophil counts compared with those found in control subjects (BAL fluid, P < .001; biopsy specimen, P < .01); within the STRA group, there was marked between-patient variability in eosinophilia. Submucosal mast cell, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts were similar in both groups. Reticular basement membrane thickness and airway smooth muscle were increased in patients with STRA compared with those found in control subjects (P < .0001 and P < .001, respectively). There was no increase in BAL fluid IL-4, IL-5, or IL-13 levels in patients with STRA compared with control subjects, and these cytokines were rarely detected in induced sputum. Biopsy IL-5(+) and IL-13(+) cell counts were also not higher in patients with STRA compared with those seen in control subjects. The subgroup (n = 15) of children with STRA with detectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines had significantly lower lung function than those with undetectable BAL fluid T(H)2 cytokines. CONCLUSIONS: STRA in children was characterized by remodeling and variable airway eosinophil counts. However, unlike in adults, there was no neutrophilia, and despite the wide range in eosinophil counts, the T(H)2 mediators that are thought to drive allergic asthma were mostly absent.
BACKGROUND: Studies on airway remodeling in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) may be hampered by difficulty in obtaining evaluable endobronchial biopsy specimens because of large amounts of mucus and inflammation in the CF airway. We prospectively assessed how the quality of biopsy specimens obtained from children with CF compare with those from children with other airway diseases. METHODS: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with endobronchial biopsy was performed in 67 CF children (age range, 0.2 to 16.8 years), 34 children with wheeze/asthma (W/A), and 64 control children with chronic respiratory symptoms. Up to three biopsy specimens were taken and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Biopsy specimen size and structural composition were quantified using stereology. RESULTS: At least one evaluable biopsy specimen was obtained in 72% of CF children, in 79% of children with W/A, and in 72% of control subjects (difference was not significant). The use of large biopsy forceps (2.0 mm) rather than small biopsy forceps (1.0 mm) [odds ratio (OR), 5.8; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.1 to 29.8; p = 0.037] and the number of biopsy specimens taken (odds ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 5.2; p = 0.006) significantly contributed to the success rate. Biopsy size and composition were similar between groups, except that CF children and those patients with W/A had a higher percentage of the biopsy specimen composed of muscle than did control subjects (median 6.2% and 9.7% vs 0.9%, respectively; p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Biopsy size and quality are adequate for the study of airway remodeling in CF children as young as 2 months of age. Researchers should use large forceps when possible and take at least two biopsy specimens per patient. An increased airway smooth muscle content of the airway mucosa may contribute to the pathophysiology of CF lung disease.
RATIONALE: Structural alterations to airway smooth muscle (ASM) are a feature of asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF) in adults. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether increase in ASM mass is already present in children with chronic inflammatory lung disease. METHODS: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed in 78 children (median age [IQR], 11.3 [8.5-13.8] yr): 24 with asthma, 27 with CF, 16 with non-CF bronchiectasis (BX), and 11 control children without lower respiratory tract disease. Endobronchial biopsy ASM content and myocyte number and size were quantified using stereology. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The median (IQR) volume fraction of subepithelial tissue occupied by ASM was increased in the children with asthma (0.27 [0.12-0.49]; P < 0.0001), CF (0.12 [0.06-0.21]; P < 0.01), and BX (0.16 [0.04-0.21]; P < 0.01) compared with control subjects (0.04 [0.02-0.05]). ASM content was related to bronchodilator responsiveness in the asthmatic group (r = 0.66, P < 0.01). Median (IQR) myocyte number (cells per mm(2) of reticular basement membrane) was 8,204 (5,270-11,749; P < 0.05) in children with asthma, 4,504 (2,838-8,962; not significant) in children with CF, 4,971 (3,476-10,057; not significant) in children with BX, and 1,944 (1,596-6,318) in control subjects. Mean (SD) myocyte size (mum(3)) was 3,344 (801; P < 0.01) in children with asthma, 3,264 (809; P < 0.01) in children with CF, 3,177 (873; P < 0.05) in children with BX, and 1,927 (386) in control subjects. In all disease groups, the volume fraction of ASM in subepithelial tissue was related to myocyte number (asthma: r = 0.84, P < 0.001; CF: r = 0.81, P < 0.01; BX: r = 0.95, P < 0.001), but not to myocyte size. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in ASM (both number and size) occur in children with chronic inflammatory lung diseases that include CF, asthma, and BX.
There is currently no validated scoring system for quantification of airway secretions in children. A user friendly, valid scoring system of airway secretions during flexible bronchoscopy (FB) would be useful for comparative purposes in clinical medicine and research. The objective of this study was to validate our bronchoscopic secretion (BS) scoring system by examining the relationship between the amount of secretions seen at bronchoscopy with airway cellularity and microbiology. In 106 children undergoing FIB, the relationship of BS grades with bronchocalveolar lavage (BAL) cellularity and infective state (bacterial and viral infections) were examined using receptor operator curves (ROC). BAL was obtained according to European Respiratory Society guidelines; first lavage for microbiology and second lavage for cellularity Area under the ROC was significant for total cell count (TCC) and neutrophil % but not for lymphocyte %. BS grade significantly related to infection positive state (chi(2)(trend) = 5.85, P = 0,016). The area under the ROC for infection positive state versus BS grade was 0.645, 95% Cl 0.527-0.763. The BS scoring system is a valid method for quantifying airway secretions in children undergoing bronchoscopy The system related well to airway cellularity and neutrophilia, as well as to an airway infective state. However, the system is only complementary to cell counts and cultures and cannot replace these laboratory quantification techniques.
Infection is a major cause of mortality and morbidity after thoracic organ transplantation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the infectious complications after lung and heart transplantation, with a special emphasis on the usefulness of bronchoscopy and the demonstration of cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpes virus (HHV)-6, and HHV-7. We reviewed all the consecutive bronchoscopies performed on heart transplant recipients (HTRs) from May 1988 to December 2001 (n = 44) and lung transplant recipients (LTRs) from February 1994 to November 2002 (n = 472). To compare different assays in the detection of CMV, a total of 21 thoracic organ transplant recipients were prospectively monitored by CMV pp65-antigenemia, DNAemia (PCR), and mRNAemia (NASBA) tests. The antigenemia test was the reference assay for therapeutic intervention. In addition to CMV antigenemia, 22 LTRs were monitored for HHV-6 and HHV-7 antigenemia. The diagnostic yield of the clinically indicated bronchoscopies was 41 % in the HTRs and 61 % in the LTRs. The utility of the bronchoscopy was highest from one to six months after transplantation. In contrast, the findings from the surveillance bronchoscopies performed on LTRs led to a change in the previous treatment in only 6 % of the cases. Pneumocystis carinii and CMV were the most commonly detected pathogens. Furthermore, 15 (65 %) of the P. carinii infections in the LTRs were detected during chemoprophylaxis. None of the complications of the bronchoscopies were fatal. Antigenemia, DNAemia, and mRNAemia were present in 98 %, 72 %, and 43 % of the CMV infections, respectively. The optimal DNAemia cut-off levels (sensitivity/specificity) were 400 (75.9/92.7 %), 850 (91.3/91.3 %), and 1250 (100/91.5 %) copies/ml for the antigenemia of 2, 5, and 10 pp65-positive leukocytes/50 000 leukocytes, respectively. The sensitivities of the NASBA were 25.9, 43.5, and 56.3 % in detecting the same cut-off levels. CMV DNAemia was detected in 93 % and mRNAemia in 61 % of the CMV antigenemias requiring antiviral therapy. HHV-6, HHV-7, and CMV antigenemia was detected in 20 (91 %), 11 (50 %), and 12 (55 %) of the 22 LTRs (median 16, 31, and 165 days), respectively. HHV-6 appeared in 15 (79 %), HHV-7 in seven (37 %), and CMV in one (7 %) of these patients during ganciclovir or valganciclovir prophylaxis. One case of pneumonitis and another of encephalitis were associated with HHV-6. In conclusion, bronchoscopy is a safe and useful diagnostic tool in LTRs and HTRs with a suspected respiratory infection, but the role of surveillance bronchoscopy in LTRs remains controversial. The PCR assay acts comparably with the antigenemia test in guiding the pre-emptive therapy against CMV when threshold levels of over 5 pp65-antigen positive leukocytes are used. In contrast, the low sensitivity of NASBA limits its usefulness. HHV-6 and HHV-7 activation is common after lung transplantation despite ganciclovir or valganciclovir prophylaxis, but clinical manifestations are infrequently linked to them.
Background: Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of cancer death in the developed world. Most cancers are associated with tobacco smoking. A primary hope for reducing lung cancer has been prevention of smoking and successful smoking cessation programs. To date, these programs have not been as successful as anticipated. Objective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether lung cancer screening combining low dose computed tomography with autofluorescence bronchoscopy (combined CT & AFB) is superior to CT or AFB screening alone in improving lung cancer specific survival. In addition, the extent of improvement and ideal conditions for combined CT & AFB screening were evaluated. Methods: We applied decision analysis and Monte Carlo simulation modeling using TreeAge Software to evaluate our study aims. Histology- and stage specific probabilities of lung cancer 5-year survival proportions were taken from Surveillance and Epidemiologic End Results (SEER) Registry data. Screeningassociated data was taken from the US NCI Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO), National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), and US NCI Lung Screening Study (LSS), other relevant published data and expert opinion. Results: Decision Analysis - Combined CT and AFB was the best approach at Improving 5-year survival (Overall Expected Survival (OES) in the entire screened population was 0.9863) and in lung cancer patients only (Lung Cancer Specific Expected Survival (LOSES) was 0.3256). Combined screening was slightly better than CT screening alone (OES = 0.9859; LCSES = 0.2966), and substantially better than AFB screening alone (OES = 0.9842; LCSES = 0.2124), which was considerably better than no screening (OES = 0.9829; LCSES = 0.1445). Monte Carlo simulation modeling revealed that expected survival in the screened population and lung cancer patients is highest when screened using CT and combined CT and AFB. CT alone and combined screening was substantially better than AFB screening alone or no screening. For LCSES, combined CT and AFB screening is significantly better than CT alone (0.3126 vs. 0.2938, p< 0.0001). Conclusions: Overall, these analyses suggest that combined CT and AFB is slightly better than CT alone at improving lung cancer survival, and both approaches are substantially better than AFB screening alone or no screening.
Objective: The use of Er:YAG laser operating in the 3 μm range with adjustable power and pulses has become popular for dental and medical practice due to its high photoablative capacity, surgical precision and antimicrobial action. Background data: The existing fiberoptic tips irradiate lasers parallel to the long axes of the tooth limiting its efficiency in the root canal. Methods: We evaluated hollow fiberoptic tips obtained from silicate glass as a means of Er:YAG laser conduction in dental procedures. The fiber tips were molded from capillary tubes with different profiles so that their ends would have cylindric, conical or spherical shapes. The performance of the three fibers as a means of propagation of Er:YAG (λ = 2.94 μm) laser radiation was compared to that of a solid sapphire fiber at 10 Hz and 200 mJ and of 20 Hz and 500 mJ. The profiles of frontal and lateral burning were visualized on thermal paper. Results: Analysis of these profiles demonstrated that the sapphire tip and the hollow fiber of cylindric section did not differ significantly in the profiles of frontal burning, and no lateral burning was detected. The fibers of the conical and spherical sections, although presenting attenuation in the frontal output power, showed a larger burning area in the frontal profile, in addition to producing lateral burning. Conclusions: The results indicate that commercial hollow fiberoptics have advantages such as easy manufacture of the different tip shapes, great adaptability, low cost, and a low loss of transmission. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.