934 resultados para few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses


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The propagation of an arbitrary polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in a degenerate three-level medium is investigated by using an iterative predictor-corrector finite-difference time-domain method. It is found that the polarization evolution of the ultrashort laser pulse is dependent not only on the initial atomic coherence of the medium but also on the polarization condition of the incident laser pulse. When the initial effective area is equal to 2 pi, complete linear-to-circular and circular-to-linear polarization conversion of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses can be achieved due to the quantum interference effects between the two different transition paths.


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We investigate the propagation of an arbitrary elliptically polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in resonant two-level quantum systems using an iterative predictor-corrector finite-difference time-domain method. It is shown that when the initial effective area is equal to 2 pi, the effective area will remain invariant during the course of propagation, and a complete Rabi oscillation can be achieved. However, for an elliptically polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse, polarization conversion can occur. Eventually, the laser pulse will evolve into two separate circularly polarized laser pulses with opposite helicities.


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We theoretically investigate carrier-envelope phase dependence of few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse propagation in a polar molecule medium. Our results show that a soliton pulse can be generated during the two-photon resonant propagation of few-cycle pulse in the polar molecule medium. Moreover, the main features of the soliton pulse, such as pulse duration and intensity, depend crucially on the carrier-envelope phase of the incident pulse, which could be utilized to determine the carrier-envelope phase of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse from a mode-locked oscillator.


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The recent adiabatic saddle-point approach of Shearer et al. [ Phys. Rev. A 84 033409 (2011)] is extended to multiphoton detachment of negative ions with outer p-state electrons. This theory is applied to investigate the strong-field photodetachment dynamics of F- ions exposed to few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses, without taking into account the rescattering mechanism. Numerical calculations are considered for mid-infrared laser wavelengths of 1300 and 1800 nm at laser intensities of 7.7 × 1012, 1.1 × 1013, and 1.3 × 1013 W/cm2. Two-dimensional momenta saddle-point spectra exhibit a distinct distribution in the shape of a “smile” in the complex-time plane. Electron momentum distribution maps of direct electrons are investigated. These produce a distinct pattern of above-threshold detachment (ATD) concentric rings due to constructive and destructive quantum interference of electrons detached from their parent ions. Probability detachment distributions presented, capturing the influence of saturation effects that are found to become more significant with increasing laser intensity at a fixed wavelength. ATD photoangular distributions as functions of laser intensity and wavelength near channel closings are also investigated and found to be sensitive to initial-state symmetry. Nonmonotonic structures observed in the ejected photoelectron energy spectra are attributed to interference effects from coherent electronic wave packets. Additionally the profiles of all the photoelectron emission spectra show strong dependence on the carrier-envelope phase, indicating that it is a reliable parameter for characterizing the wave form of the pulse.


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The behavior of population transfer in an excited-doublet four-level system driven by linear polarized few-cycle ultrashort laser pulses is investigated numerically. It is shown that almost complete population transfer can be achieved even when the adiabatic criterion is not fulfilled. Moreover, the robustness of this scheme in terms of the Rabi frequencies and chirp rates of the pulses is explored.


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We present an efficient method to generate a ultrashort attosecond (as) pulse when a model He+ ion is exposed to the combination of an intense few-cycle chirped laser pulse and its 27th harmonics. By solving the time-dependent Schroumldinger equation, we found that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from He+ ion is enhanced by seven orders of magnitude due to the presence of the harmonic pulse. After optimizing the chirp of the fundamental pulse, we show that the cut-off energy of the generated harmonics is extended effectively to I-p+25.5U(p). As a result, an isolated 26-as pulse with a bandwidth of 170.5 eV can be obtained directly from the supercontinuum around the cut-off of HHG. To better understand the physical origin of HHG enhancement and attosecond pulse emission, we perform semiclassical simulations and analyze the time-frequency characteristics of attosecond pulse.


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We investigate the influence of ionization on the propagation and spectral effects of a few-cycle ultrashort laser pulse in a two-level medium. It is found that when the fractional ionization is weak, the production of higher spectral components makes no difference. However, when the two states are essentially depleted before the peak of the laser pulse, the impact of ionization on the higher spectral components is very significant.


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Using a omega-3 omega combination scenario, we investigate the absolute phase control of the spectra effects for ultrashort laser pulses propagating in a two-level medium. It is found that the higher spectral components can be controlled by the absolute phases. In particular, different absolute phase combinations can lead to the buildup or split of the even harmonics. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The results of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect at 805 am with the 80 fs ultrafast pulses in amorphous Ge10As40S30Se20 film is reported in this Letter. The film shows an optical nonlinear response of 200 fs under ultrafast 80 fs-pulse excitation, and the values of real and imaginary parts of nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) were 9.0 x 10(-12) esu and -4.0 x 10(-12) esu respectively. The large third-order nonlinearity and ultrafast response are attributed to the ultrafast distortion of the electron orbits surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge, As, S and Se atoms. This Ge10As40S30Se20 chalcogenide glass would be expected as a promising material for optical switching technique.


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We report for the first time the proper conditions to observe Autler-Townes splitting (ac-Stark splitting) from vibrationally coherent states belonging to the different electronic terms of a diatomic molecule. Wave packet dynamics simulations demonstrate that such a process is feasible by multiphoton resonance ionization of the molecule Na-2 with a single ultrashort intense laser pulse. With the ultrahigh time resolution of a femtosecond laser pulse, one can directly measure the absolute value of the transition dipole moment between any kinds of molecular states by this kind of Autler-Townes splitting, which is a function of the internuclear distance R.


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We have studied the emission of Kalpha radiation from Ti foils irradiated with ultrashort (45 fs) laser pulses. We utilized the fundamental (800 nm) light from a Ti:sapphire laser on bare foils and foils coated with a thin layer of parylene E (CH). The focusing was varied widely to give a range of intensities from approximately 10(15)-10(19) W cm(-2). Our results show a conversion efficiency of laser to Kalpha energy of similar to 10(-4) at tight focus for both types of targets. In addition, the coated targets exhibited strong secondary peaks of conversion at large defocus, which we believe are due to modification of the extent of preformed plasma due to the dielectric nature of the plastic layer. This in turn affects the level of resonance absorption. A simple model of Kalpha production predicts a much higher conversion than seen experimentally and possible reasons for this are discussed.


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The ionization dynamics of H2 + exposed to high-intensity, high-frequency, ultrashort laser pulses is investigated with two theoretical approaches. The time-dependent Schrödinger equation is solved by a direct numerical method, and a simple two-center interference-diffraction model is studied. The energy and angular distributions of the photoelectron for various internuclear distances and relative orientations between the internuclear axis of the molecule and the polarization of the field are calculated. The main features of the photoelectron spectrum pattern are described well by the interference-diffraction model, and excellent quantitative agreement between the two methods is found. The effect of quantal vibration on the photoelectron spectrum is also calculated. We find that vibrational average produces some broadening of the main features, but that the patterns remain clearly distinguishable.