987 resultados para feeding levels


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Selostus: Ruokinnan voimakkuuden vaikutus siitosuuhikaritsan tuotantoon


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to determine the optimal feeding level and feeding frequency for the culture of freshwater angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare). A randomized block design in a factorial scheme (3 × 2) with three feeding levels (30, 60 and 90 g/kg of body weight (BW)/day) and two feeding frequencies (1x and 2x/day) was set up in duplicate, representing 24 experimental units. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and the Tukey test for comparison between means. After 84 days, results indicated that both factors influenced fish performance. No interaction between these factors was, however, observed. Increased feeding level and feeding frequency resulted in increased feed intake. The feed conversion ratio was negatively affected by feeding level, but not affected by feeding frequency. Final weights were higher when fish were fed twice daily, at levels of 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day. Specific growth rate was higher when fish received 60 or 90 g/kg BW/day, regardless of the feeding frequency. Survival was not affected by any treatment, with mean survival rates higher than 90%. It is recommended that juveniles be fed at a level of 60 g/kg BW/day with a minimum of two meals per day, to attain optimal survival, growth and feed efficiency.


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In order to study the effect of pH on defaunation in the rumen, four rumen fistulated steers were fed a basal roughage diet for a 4-week adaptation period followed by 17 weeks of feeding with three diets and two feeding levels of high concentrate diet. Rumen outflow fluid rate was evaluated in both ration levels. Rumen protozoa population was monitored weekly and when animals became defaunated, protozoa were reinoculated with rumen contents from one of the faunated steers. At every two weeks, during all the experimental period, rumen pH was measured in all animals at 0, 4, 8 and 12 h after feeding. It was observed an individual animal influence on the establishment and maintenance of the rumen ciliate protozoa population. In all sampling times, mean rumen pH values were higher in faunated steers than in the defaunated ones. No differences were observed in rumen outflow fluid rates between the two ration levels. Extended periods of low rumen pH are probably more detrimental to the survival of ciliate protozoa in the rumen than other factors.


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This thesis deals with the reproductive physiology of the two species of Indian sea mussels, namely the brown mussel perna indica and the green mussel p viridis .The major aspects of the study include ecophysiology of reproduction linking up the animal reproductive cycle of the animals with the ecological conditions of the natural mussel beds, biochemical and histochemical changes associated with reproduction and neurosecretory cycle in synchrony with the reproductive cycle. Some basic studies on gamete morphology and certain aspects of gamete physiology have been taken up. The experimental work deals with the influence of different feeding levels on gamatogenesis and maturation and the effect of ganglia ablation on spawning. The material for the investigation on perna indica were collected from the natural mussel beds at Vizhinjam near Trivandrum and on p.viridic from Elathur, near Calicut. The period of observation extended from October 1981 to December 1982.


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Cytochrome P450 activity in individual Chironomus riparius larvae was measured using a microtiter plate adaptation of the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) assay. The sensitivity of this biomarker was tested by exposing larvae to phenobarbital (0.5 and 1.0 mM) and permethrin (1 and 10 mug/g). Both chemicals induced EROD activity in C. riparius larvae by up to 1.58-fold with PB and 2.47-fold with permethrin. EROD induction was more pronounced after 48 h. The initially high EROD activity in the controls suggested that P450s are induced by stress. Feeding levels prior to exposure also had a significant effect on EROD activity. EROD activity compared to the control was highest when larvae were fed double the normal ration. These results indicate that EROD activity in individual C. riparius may be a useful biomarker to add to a suite of biomarkers for the detection of freshwater pollution. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Ruminant production is a vital part of food industry but it raises environmental concerns, partly due to the associated methane outputs. Efficient methane mitigation and estimation of emissions from ruminants requires accurate prediction tools. Equations recommended by international organizations or scientific studies have been developed with animals fed conserved forages and concentrates and may be used with caution for grazing cattle. The aim of the current study was to develop prediction equations with animals fed fresh grass in order to be more suitable to pasture-based systems and for animals at lower feeding levels. A study with 25 nonpregnant nonlactating cows fed solely fresh-cut grass at maintenance energy level was performed over two consecutive grazing seasons. Grass of broad feeding quality, due to contrasting harvest dates, maturity, fertilisation and grass varieties, from eight swards was offered. Cows were offered the experimental diets for at least 2 weeks before housed in calorimetric chambers over 3 consecutive days with feed intake measurements and total urine and faeces collections performed daily. Methane emissions were measured over the last 2 days. Prediction models were developed from 100 3-day averaged records. Internal validation of these equations, and those recommended in literature, was performed. The existing in greenhouse gas inventories models under-estimated methane emissions from animals fed fresh-cut grass at maintenance while the new models, using the same predictors, improved prediction accuracy. Error in methane outputs prediction was decreased when grass nutrient, metabolisable energy and digestible organic matter concentrations were added as predictors to equations already containing dry matter or energy intakes, possibly because they explain feed digestibility and the type of energy-supplying nutrients more efficiently. Predictions based on readily available farm-level data, such as liveweight and grass nutrient concentrations were also generated and performed satisfactorily. New models may be recommended for predictions of methane emissions from grazing cattle at maintenance or low feeding levels.


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Objetivou-se estudar o efeito de diferentes planos alimentares, de acordo com os níveis de triptofano, sobre o desempenho e estresse (pela avaliação de parâmetros fisiológicos) de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica) nas fases de recria e postura. Cento e noventa e duas codornas japonesas na fase de recria (30 a 44 dias de idade) foram alojadas em gaiolas e distribuídas em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro planos de nutrição [0,27 (controle); 0,52; 0,77 ou 1,02% de triptofano], seis repetições e oito aves por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho (consumo de ração, ganho de médio peso, conversão alimentar e taxa de mortalidade) e os parâmetros fisiológicos das aves (relação heterófilo/linfócito e concentração de corticosterona no plasma sangüíneo). Outras 192 codornas japonesas na fase de postura (45 a 146 dias) foram distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso e submetidas a quatro planos de nutrição (0,23 [controle]; 0,48; 0,73 ou 0,98% de triptofano), com seis repetições e oito aves por parcela. Foram avaliados o consumo de ração, a produção de ovos, a conversão alimentar por dúzia de ovos, a taxa de mortalidade, a relação heterófilo/linfócito e a concentração de corticosterona no plasma. Os níveis de triptofano testados não afetaram o desempenho e os parâmetros fisiológicos de codornas japonesas nas fases de recria e postura.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações estruturais e produtivas de capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) em resposta à suplementação alimentar de bovinos e a ciclos de pastejo. Os níveis de suplementação com concentrado à base de polpa cítrica, milho, farelo de soja e ureia foram 0,2, 0,6 e 1% do peso vivo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com os níveis de suplementação nas parcelas e os ciclos de pastejo nas subparcelas. Os efeitos da suplementação alimentar dos animais sobre o pasto foram detectados sobre o índice de área foliar, interceptação luminosa e relação folha/colmo, em pré-pastejo. Os menores valores foram observados na suplementação de 0,2% do peso vivo. No pós-pastejo, a massa de folhas e a relação folha/colmo foram menores com a menor suplementação (0,2%). Os ciclos de pastejo afetaram as características produtivas e estruturais do pasto, bem como os índices morfogênicos do capim-marandu. Apenas a massa de material morto aumentou, enquanto o número e o peso de perfilhos não foi afetado pelos ciclos de pastejo. O pasto de capim-marandu foi influenciado pela suplementação alimentar dos bovinos. Com o suceder dos ciclos de pastejo, do verão para o outono, há redução do crescimento do pasto, com prejuízos à sua estrutura.


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O potencial genético para o crescimento de qualquer espécie animal depende das condições ambientais em que são cultivados, como competição por espaço, alimentos e oxigênio. O presente experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho produtivo de alevinos de tricogaster (Trichogaster trichopterus), uma espécie de peixe ornamental, submetidos a diferentes densidades de estocagem e índices alimentares. Os peixes (com peso médio de 0,56 g ± 0,09 e 0,96 g ± 0,13) foram divididos em dois blocos, submetidos às densidades de 5, 10 e 15 peixes/aquário e alimentados a taxas de 3, 6 e 9% do peso vivo/dia. Os peixes foram alimentados, uma vez ao dia, com ração comercial moída e mantidos em aquários (com capacidade para 100 L) dotados de filtro biológico e aeração, com renovação parcial da água. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água mantiveram-se dentro da faixa de conforto para a espécie, com diminuição do pH e da condutividade no final do período experimental, para a maior densidade (15 peixes/aquário) e índice alimentar mais elevado (9% p.v./dia). A taxa de arraçoamento afetou significativamente o comprimento final, peso final, ganho de peso, a taxa de crescimento específico e o fator de condição. Os peixes alimentados à base de 9% p.v./dia apresentaram os melhores resultados. Para as diferentes densidades de estocagem, apenas o fator de condição apresentou diferença significativa, com os melhores resultados para os peixes cultivados à densidade de 10 peixes/aquário, em relação aos cultivados à densidade de 15 peixes/aquário. Não foram observadas interações significativas entre os índices alimentares e as densidades de estocagem.


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Com esta pesquisa buscou-se avaliar diferentes níveis de arraçoamento, em porcentagem de peso corporal (PC), para juvenis de trairão em início do período de engorda. Peixes com comprimento de 15,0 ± 1,0 cm e peso de 38,5 ± 8,2 g foram distribuídos em seis aquários com 250 litros de água cada, em densidade de cinco juvenis/aquário. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualisado com três tratamentos (níveis de arraçoamento diário: 2, 4 e 6% PC) e duas repetições. Os juvenis foram alimentados com ração comercial extrusada (42% PB), às 8 e 13 h. Ao final de 45 dias, avaliaram-se a sobrevivência, a conversão alimentar aparente e os ganhos em biomassa, peso diário e comprimento. Não houve diferença para sobrevivência e ganhos em biomassa, peso diário e comprimento. Houve diferença para a conversão alimentar aparente em função do manejo adotado. Os melhores resultados de desempenho foram encontrados nos peixes alimentados com níveis de 2 e 4% PC de ração por dia. Conclui-se que a melhor taxa de arraçoamento para juvenis de trairão é de 4% PC.


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The trials were conduced to determine the energy requirements of growing pullets from 1 to 18 weeks of age,by means of the factorial method, using the comparative slaughter technique. The energy requirements for maintenance were determined utilizing the following feeding levels: ad libitum, 80% and 60% of ad libitum and sufficient for maintenance. Heat production was determined as a function of metabolizable energy intake (MEI) and the retained energy, which, when extrapolated to zero of ME intake, indicated net energy (NE) for maintenance of 63.6; 71.24 and 76.78 kcal/kg0.75/day, for the periods from 1 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 18 weeks of age, respectively. ME requirements for maintenance were determined by ME intake regression as a function of the retained energy, which, when extrapolated to zero retained energy, resulted in 86.12; 98.95 and 116.24 kcal/kg0.75 per day for the periods from 1 to 6, 7 to 12 and 13 to 18 weeks of age, respectively. ME requirements for weight gain were determined through regression analysis of the energy present in the body as a function of body weight, obtained by means of weekly slaughtering during the period from 1 to 18 weeks old. The regression coefficients of energy present in the body as a function of the body weight were used for the determination of the NE requirements for gain. By taking into account the conversion efficiencies of ME to NE for gain, the requirements for weight gain were: 4.11, 5.78 and 7.32 kcal/g ME for the periods 1 to 6, 7 to 12, and 12 to 18 weeks of age, respectively.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)