59 resultados para e-tailing
The grazing trial at Kidston Gold Mine, North Queensland, was aimed specifically to assess the uptake of metals from the tailing and the potential for unacceptable contamination of saleable meat. Further aims included estimating metal dose rates and identifying potential exposure pathways including plant uptake of heavy metals, mine tailings adhered to plants and direct ingestion of mine tailing. It was found that of the 11 metals analysed (As, Zn, Co, Cd, Cr, Sn, Pb, Sb, Hg, Se and Ni) in the animal's liver, muscle and blood during the 8-month trial period, only accumulation of arsenic and zinc occurred. A risk assessment including these two metals was conducted to determine the potential for chronic metal toxicity and long-term contamination, using the estimates of metal dose rate. It was concluded that no toxicity or long-term contamination in cattle was likely at this site. Management procedures were therefore not required at this site; however, the results highlight percent ground cover and standing dry matter (DM) as important factors in decreasing metal exposure from direct ingestion of tailings and dust adhered to plants. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
La gestión de estériles de una explotación minera es un punto clave en el desarrollo económico de una actividad extractiva, y en especial, del entorno natural y social en el que se emplaza dicho proyecto. La minería de metales preciosos lleva asociada la construcción de balsas de residuos muy peligrosos, fruto de su proceso extractivo, como por ejemplo la cianuración en el caso del oro. Para un correcto funcionamiento de dichos emplazamientos es necesario escoger correctamente el método constructivo a partir de estudios de reconocimiento previos, como estudios de estabilidad geotécnica, contexto geológico de la zona, sismicidad, hidrología, etc. Así mismo, han de llevarse a cabo unas exhaustivas medidas de control y vigilancia para asegurar las condiciones de seguridad exigidas. La ruptura de la balsa de decantación de Aurul S.A. en Baia Mare (Rumania) el 30 de Enero del año 2000 ha sido escogido como caso de estudio de estabilidad de diques. ABSTRACT Tailing's management of a mining exploitation is a key point in the economical development of the extractive activity and, especially, of the natural and social environment of the site. Precious metals mining has high hazardous embankment construction associated, product of its extractive process, i.e. gold cyanidation. A correct operation of those sites makes necessary to choose a suitable construction method, based on previous studies as geotechnical stability studies, geological context of the area, seismicity, hydrology, etc. At the same time, exhaustive control and monitoring must be carried out in order to assure the required safety conditions. Aurul's decantation pond failure in Baia Mare (Romania), on 30th January 2000, has been chosen as a stability analysis case-study.
The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.
We analyze a business model for e-supermarkets to enable multi-product sourcing capacity through co-opetition (collaborative competition). The logistics aspect of our approach is to design and execute a network system where “premium” goods are acquired from vendors at multiple locations in the supply network and delivered to customers. Our specific goals are to: (i) investigate the role of premium product offerings in creating critical mass and profit; (ii) develop a model for the multiple-pickup single-delivery vehicle routing problem in the presence of multiple vendors; and (iii) propose a hybrid solution approach. To solve the problem introduced in this paper, we develop a hybrid metaheuristic approach that uses a Genetic Algorithm for vendor selection and allocation, and a modified savings algorithm for the capacitated VRP with multiple pickup, single delivery and time windows (CVRPMPDTW). The proposed Genetic Algorithm guides the search for optimal vendor pickup location decisions, and for each generated solution in the genetic population, a corresponding CVRPMPDTW is solved using the savings algorithm. We validate our solution approach against published VRPTW solutions and also test our algorithm with Solomon instances modified for CVRPMPDTW.
The Mondunguara copper mines are situated in mountainous terrain in west-central Mozambique. The mineralization consists of chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, common pcntlandite, cobaltpentlandite, pyrite and several minor oxides and sulphides in tabular ore bodies deeping steep to the north. Gold was known to occur in small quantities but no systematic sampling and analysis for precious clements was ever done. Mineralogical and geological evidence has shown that the ores are magmatic in origin and were derived from gabbro-peridotitic magma dykes saturated in sulphides when intruded. The ore bodies show a clear zonation. Platinum group elements as well as pure gold are associated with high temperature hexagonal pyrrhotite. This pyrrhotite being of no use is generally discarded to the tailing dumps. Late hydrothermal phases are enriched in native silver, silver tellurides as well as electrum.
RESUMO - Introdução: O encerramento das minas de urânio em Portugal tem suscitado preocupação no que respeita aos eventuais efeitos que as radiações emitidas e os agentes químicos presentes terão na saúde das populações. Para esclarecer a existência de tal efeito foi delineado um programa de investigação em que o presente estudo se enquadra. Sendo conhecido que as populações expostas a minas de urânio, nomeadamente os mineiros, têm risco acrescido de sofrer de neoplasias, especialmente de «neoplasias da traqueia, dos brônquios e do pulmão», foi este o grupo de neoplasias seleccionado para constituir a hipótese principal do estudo. Assim, o estudo pretendeu verificar se existe associação entre exposição a minas de urânio e suas escombreiras (especialmente à mina da Urgeiriça, no concelho de Nelas) e a mortalidade por alguns grupos de neoplasias malignas, nomeadamente as «neoplasias malignas da traqueia, dos brônquios e do pulmão». Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo «ecológico» em que se consideraram «expostos» os residentes no concelho de Nelas, bem como no conjunto de concelhos com minas de urânio, e «não expostos» os residentes nos restantes concelhos das NUTS Dão-Lafões e Beira Interior Norte e Serra da Estrela. A análise centrou-se no cálculo, para cada concelho ou grupo de concelhos, das razões padronizadas de mortalidade (RPM) por «neoplasias malignas da traqueia, dos brônquios e do pulmão», por «neoplasia maligna do estômago» e por «todas as neoplasias malignas » no período de vinte anos compreendido entre 1980 e 1999. Resultados: Tomando os dois sexos em conjunto, o concelho de Nelas teve a RPM mais elevada para as «neoplasias malignas da traqueia, dos brônquios e do pulmão» (RPM = 133; p = 0,003). Teve também o valor mais elevado no sexo masculino (RPM = 126, não significativo) e o segundo mais elevado no sexo feminino (RPM = 142, não significativo). A razão das RPM concelho de Nelas/concelhos limítrofes de Nelas foi 1,46, p = 0,002 (homens: 1,50 p = 0,003; mulheres: 1,27, não significativo). As razões das RPM concelho de Nelas/concelhos com minas (1,94, p = 0,001) e concelho de Nelas/concelhos sem minas (1,57, p = 0,001) foram claramente superiores a 1. Pelo contrário, as RPM por «neoplasia maligna do estômago » foram sobretudo elevadas nos concelhos da NUTS Beira Interior Norte, que inclui grande parte do distrito da Guarda, (Trancoso: 154, p = 0,000; Sabugal: 146, p = 0,000), embora se tenham observado valores elevados em alguns concelhos da NUTS Dão-Lafões (Vila Nova de Paiva: 154, p = 0,001). Saliente-se que os dois valores mais baixos ocorreram nos concelhos de Tábua (RPM = 57; p = 0,000) e de Nelas (RPM = 60; p = 0,000). Para o conjunto de «todas as neoplasias malignas» as RPM dos vários concelhos variaram entre 62 e 100 sem que a distribuição desses valores sugerisse qualquer associação positiva relevante. Discussão: Os resultados mostraram que a população do concelho de Nelas teve, no período estudado, um risco acrescido de morrer por «neoplasias malignas da traqueia, dos brônquios e do pulmão» quando comparado com a dos concelhos limítrofes e restantes concelhos das NUTS estudadas. A existência da mina da Urgeiriça e da sua escombreira é uma possível causa desse excesso de mortalidade. Ele poderá ter sido gerado, por um lado, através da existência de uma percentagem elevada de ex-mineiros, bem como, por outro lado, através de uma exposição ambiental geral, facto este que é sustentado pela ocorrência de excesso de mortalidade tanto em homens como em mulheres. O excesso de mortalidade por aquele grupo de neoplasias pode ainda ter origem noutras exposições cujo potencial papel é discutido.
Little attention has been paid so far to the influence of the chemical nature of the substance when measuring δ 15N by elemental analysis (EA)-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). Although the bulk nitrogen isotope analysis of organic material is not to be questioned, literature from different disciplines using IRMS provides hints that the quantitative conversion of nitrate into nitrogen presents difficulties. We observed abnormal series of δ 15N values of laboratory standards and nitrates. These unexpected results were shown to be related to the tailing of the nitrogen peak of nitrate-containing compounds. A series of experiments were set up to investigate the cause of this phenomenon, using ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) samples, two organic laboratory standards as well as the international secondary reference materials IAEA-N1, IAEA-N2-two ammonium sulphates [(NH4)2SO4]-and IAEA-NO-3, a potassium nitrate. In experiment 1, we used graphite and vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) as additives to observe if they could enhance the decomposition (combustion) of nitrates. In experiment 2, we tested another elemental analyser configuration including an additional section of reduced copper in order to see whether or not the tailing could originate from an incomplete reduction process. Finally, we modified several parameters of the method and observed their influence on the peak shape, δ 15N value and nitrogen content in weight percent of nitrogen of the target substances. We found the best results using mere thermal decomposition in helium, under exclusion of any oxygen. We show that the analytical procedure used for organic samples should not be used for nitrates because of their different chemical nature. We present the best performance given one set of sample introduction parameters for the analysis of nitrates, as well as for the ammonium sulphate IAEA-N1 and IAEA-N2 reference materials. We discuss these results considering the thermochemistry of the substances and the analytical technique itself. The results emphasise the difference in chemical nature of inorganic and organic samples, which necessarily involves distinct thermochemistry when analysed by EA-IRMS. Therefore, they should not be processed using the same analytical procedure. This clearly impacts on the way international secondary reference materials should be used for the calibration of organic laboratory standards.
Prevention of acid mine drainage (AMD) in sulfide-containing tailings requires the identification of the geochemical processes and element pathways in the early stages of tailing deposition. However, analyses of recently deposited tailings in active tailings impoundments are scarce because mineralogical changes occur near the detection limits of many assays. This study shows that a detailed geochemical study which includes stable isotopes of water (delta H-2, delta O-18), dissolved sulfates (delta S-34, delta O-18) and hydrochernical parameter (pH, Eh, DOC, major and trace elements) from tailings samples taken at different depths in rainy and dry seasons allows the understanding of weathering (oxidation, dissolution, sorption, and desorption), water and element pathways, and mixing processes in active tailings impoundments. Fresh alkaline tailings (pH 9.2-10.2) from the Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in El Teniente, Chile had low carbonate (0.8-1.1 Wt-% CaCO3 equivalent) and sulfide concentrations (0.8-1.3 wt.%, mainly as pyrite). In the alkaline tailings water, Mo and Cu (up to 3.9 mg/L Mo and 0.016 mg/L Cu) were mobile as MoO42- and Cu (OH)(2)(0). During the flotation, tailings water reached equilibrium with gypsum (up to 738 mg/L Ca and 1765 mg/ L SO4). The delta S-34 VS. delta O-18 covariations of dissolved sulfate (2.3 to 4.5% delta S-34 and 4.1 to 6.0 % delta O-18) revealed the sulfate sources: the dissolution of primary sulfates (12.0 to 13.2%. delta S-34, 7.4 to 10.9%.delta O-18) and oxidation of primary sulfides (-6.7 to 1.7%. delta S-34). Sedimented tailings in the tailings impoundment can be divided into three layers with different water sources, element pathways, and geochemical processes. The deeper sediments (> 1 m depth) were infiltrated by catchment water, which partly replaced the original tailings water, especially during the winter season. This may have resulted in the change from alkaline to near-neutral pH and towards lower concentrations of most dissolved elements. The neutral pH and high DOC (up to 99.4 mg/L C) of the catchment water mobilized Cu (up to 0.25 mg/L) due to formation of organic Cu complexes; and Zn (up to 130 mg/L) due to dissolution of Zn oxides and desorption). At I m depth, tailings pore water obtained during the winter season was chemically and isotopically similar to fresh tailings water (pH 9.8-10.6, 26.7-35.5 mg/L Cl, 2.3-6.0 mg/L Mo). During the summer, a vadose zone evolved locally and temporarily up to 1.2 m depth. resulting in a higher concentration of dissolved solids in the pore water due to evaporation. During periodical new deposition of fresh tailings, the geochemistry of the surface layer was geochemically similar to fresh tailings. In periods without deposition, sulfide oxidation was suggested by decreasing pH (7.7-9.5), enrichment of MoO42- and SO42-, and changes in the isotopic composition of dissolved sulfates. Further enrichment for Na, K, Cl, SO4, Mg, Cu, and Mo (up to 23.8 mg/L Mo) resulted from capillary transport towards the surface followed by evaporation and the precipitation of highly soluble efflorescent salts (e.g., mirabilite, syngenite) at the tailing surface during summer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tests for bioaccessibility are useful in human health risk assessment. No research data with the objective of determining bioaccessible arsenic (As) in areas affected by gold mining and smelting activities have been published so far in Brazil. Samples were collected from four areas: a private natural land reserve of Cerrado; mine tailings; overburden; and refuse from gold smelting of a mining company in Paracatu, Minas Gerais. The total, bioaccessible and Mehlich-1-extractable As levels were determined. Based on the reproducibility and the accuracy/precision of the in vitro gastrointestinal (IVG) determination method of bioaccessible As in the reference material NIST 2710, it was concluded that this procedure is adequate to determine bioaccessible As in soil and tailing samples from gold mining areas in Brazil. All samples from the studied mining area contained low percentages of bioaccessible As.
L’increment de la salinitat a les aigües subterrànies a prop de la zones de les explotacions mineres salines representa un problema ambiental amb moltes implicacions socio-econòmiques. La part mitja de la conca del riu Llobregat i Cardener és un clar exemple d’aquesta problemàtica. En molts casos l’origen de la salinitat és dubtós, ja que pot provenir del contacte de l’aigua de l’aqüífer amb formacions geològiques salines naturals o per l’afectació de les escombreres produïdes per l’explotació minera de potasses que es troba en aquesta regió. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és demostrar que el Ra pot ser un bon traçador per determinar l’origen de la salinitat de les aigües i complementar les analítiques químiques elementals i dels isòtops del sofre i de l’oxigen del sulfat (δ34SSO4 i δ18OSO4). La presència dels diversos isòtops del Ra en les aigües subterrànies dependrà de la geologia i del temps de residència de l’aigua dins l’aqüífer. L’anàlisi de 12 mostres de la comarca indica que el 226Ra és el millor dels isòtops del Ra que permet diferenciar l’origen de les aigües subterrànies.
This study evaluated the environmental impact resulting from surface water and sediment contamination by metals in a watershed affected by a tailing basin that controls effluents coming from a zinc-ore beneficiation plant. The studies combined assessments of sediment chemistry (exceedances of sediment quality guidelines), benthic assemblage structure and acute and chronic ecotoxicity. The results showed that the levels of metal contamination in sediments are not yet enough to cause deleterious effects to the biota. However, the ecotoxicity tests indicated the occurrence of chronic effects, demonstrating that other factors, as the use of fertilizers, could also be a source of contamination.