827 resultados para design of mobile networks


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Nowadays, computing is migrating from traditional high performance and distributed computing to pervasive and utility computing based on heterogeneous networks and clients. The current trend suggests that future IT services will rely on distributed resources and on fast communication of heterogeneous contents. The success of this new range of services is directly linked to the effectiveness of the infrastructure in delivering them. The communication infrastructure will be the aggregation of different technologies even though the current trend suggests the emergence of single IP based transport service. Optical networking is a key technology to answer the increasing requests for dynamic bandwidth allocation and configure multiple topologies over the same physical layer infrastructure, optical networks today are still “far” from accessible from directly configure and offer network services and need to be enriched with more “user oriented” functionalities. However, current Control Plane architectures only facilitate efficient end-to-end connectivity provisioning and certainly cannot meet future network service requirements, e.g. the coordinated control of resources. The overall objective of this work is to provide the network with the improved usability and accessibility of the services provided by the Optical Network. More precisely, the definition of a service-oriented architecture is the enable technology to allow user applications to gain benefit of advanced services over an underlying dynamic optical layer. The definition of a service oriented networking architecture based on advanced optical network technologies facilitates users and applications access to abstracted levels of information regarding offered advanced network services. This thesis faces the problem to define a Service Oriented Architecture and its relevant building blocks, protocols and languages. In particular, this work has been focused on the use of the SIP protocol as a inter-layers signalling protocol which defines the Session Plane in conjunction with the Network Resource Description language. On the other hand, an advantage optical network must accommodate high data bandwidth with different granularities. Currently, two main technologies are emerging promoting the development of the future optical transport network, Optical Burst and Packet Switching. Both technologies respectively promise to provide all optical burst or packet switching instead of the current circuit switching. However, the electronic domain is still present in the scheduler forwarding and routing decision. Because of the high optics transmission frequency the burst or packet scheduler faces a difficult challenge, consequentially, high performance and time focused design of both memory and forwarding logic is need. This open issue has been faced in this thesis proposing an high efficiently implementation of burst and packet scheduler. The main novelty of the proposed implementation is that the scheduling problem has turned into simple calculation of a min/max function and the function complexity is almost independent of on the traffic conditions.


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Real living cell is a complex system governed by many process which are not yet fully understood: the process of cell differentiation is one of these. In this thesis work we make use of a cell differentiation model to develop gene regulatory networks (Boolean networks) with desired differentiation dynamics. To accomplish this task we have introduced techniques of automatic design and we have performed experiments using various differentiation trees. The results obtained have shown that the developed algorithms, except the Random algorithm, are able to generate Boolean networks with interesting differentiation dynamics. Moreover, we have presented some possible future applications and developments of the cell differentiation model in robotics and in medical research. Understanding the mechanisms involved in biological cells can gives us the possibility to explain some not yet understood dangerous disease, i.e the cancer. Le cellula è un sistema complesso governato da molti processi ancora non pienamente compresi: il differenziamento cellulare è uno di questi. In questa tesi utilizziamo un modello di differenziamento cellulare per sviluppare reti di regolazione genica (reti Booleane) con dinamiche di differenziamento desiderate. Per svolgere questo compito abbiamo introdotto tecniche di progettazione automatica e abbiamo eseguito esperimenti utilizzando vari alberi di differenziamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che gli algoritmi sviluppati, eccetto l'algoritmo Random, sono in grado di poter generare reti Booleane con dinamiche di differenziamento interessanti. Inoltre, abbiamo presentato alcune possibili applicazioni e sviluppi futuri del modello di differenziamento in robotica e nella ricerca medica. Capire i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento cellulare può fornirci la possibilità di spiegare patologie ancora oggi non comprese, come il cancro.


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We show a cluster based routing protocol in order to improve the convergence of the clusters and of the network it is proposed to use a backup cluster head. The use of a event discrete simulator is used for the implementation and the simulation of a hierarchical routing protocol called the Backup Cluster Head Protocol (BCHP). Finally it is shown that the BCHP protocol improves the convergence and availability of the network through a comparative analysis with the Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)[1] routing protocol and Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)[2]


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This paper presents experimental results of the communication performance evaluation of a prototype ZigBee-based patient monitoring system commissioned in an in-patient floor of a Portuguese hospital (HPG – Hospital Privado de Guimar~aes). Besides, it revisits relevant problems that affect the performance of nonbeacon-enabled ZigBee networks. Initially, the presence of hidden-nodes and the impact of sensor node mobility are discussed. It was observed, for instance, that the message delivery ratio in a star network consisting of six wireless electrocardiogram sensor devices may decrease from 100% when no hidden-nodes are present to 83.96% when half of the sensor devices are unable to detect the transmissions made by the other half. An additional aspect which affects the communication reliability is a deadlock condition that can occur if routers are unable to process incoming packets during the backoff part of the CSMA-CA mechanism. A simple approach to increase the message delivery ratio in this case is proposed and its effectiveness is verified. The discussion and results presented in this paper aim to contribute to the design of efficient networks,and are valid to other scenarios and environments rather than hospitals.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The use of wireless local area networks, called WLANs, as well as the proliferation of the use of multimedia applications have grown rapidly in recent years. Some factors affect the quality of service (QoS) received by the user and interference is one of them. This work presents strategies for planning and performance evaluation through an empirical study of the QoS parameters of a voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application in an interference network, as well as the relevance in the design of wireless networks to determine the coverage area of an access point, taking into account several parameters such as power, jitter, packet loss, delay, and PMOS. Another strategy is based on a hybrid approach that considers measuring and Bayesian inference applied to wireless networks, taking into consideration QoS parameters. The models take into account a cross layer vision of networks, correlating aspects of the physical environment, on the signal propagation (power or distance) with aspects of VoIP applications (e.g., jitter and packet loss). Case studies were carried out for two indoor environments and two outdoor environments, one of them displaying main characteristics of the Amazon region (e.g., densely arboreous environments). This last test bed was carried out in a real system because the Government of the State of Pará has a digital inclusion program called NAVEGAPARÁ.


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Diplomityössä perehdytään UMTS-verkon historiaan, monikäyttötekniikkaan ja suun-nitteluun. Erityisesti tarkastellaan UMTS-verkon palveluiden laatuvaatimuksia (QoS), joiden avulla sekä palveluiden käyttäjät että palveluiden tarjoajat voivat käyttää radiora-japintaa haluamallaan tavalla. Käytännön osassa tarkastellaan QoS:ien mukaisia palveluita, palveluiden sijoittamista UMTS-verkkoon ja palvelutuotantoon liittyviä teknisiä rajoituksia. Lisäksi tarkastel-laan, miten UMTS-verkossa olevan päätelaitteen dataliikenteen taajuuskaista muuttuu päätelaitteen liikkuessa.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Computação e Instrumentação Médica


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Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään WAP:in Push -viitekehykseen. WAP-standardit määrittelevät kuinka Internet-tyyppisiä palveluita, joita voidaan käyttää erilaisia mobiileja päätelaiteitteita käyttäen, toteutetaan tehokkaalla ja verkkoteknologiasta riippumattomalla tavalla. WAP pohjautuu Internet:iin, mutta huomioi pienten päätelaitteiden ja mobiiliverkkojen rajoitukset ja erikoisominaisuudet. WAP Push viitekehys määrittelee verkon aloittaman palvelusisällön toimittamisen. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi yleinen WAP-arkkitehtuuri ja WAP-protokollapino käyttäen vertailukohtina lanka-Internetin arkkitehtuuria ja protokollapinoa. Edellistä perustana käyttäen tutustaan WAP Push -viitekehykseen. Käytännönosassa kuvataan WAP Push -välityspalvelimen suunnittelu ja kehitystyö. WAP Push -välityspalvelin on keskeinen verkkoelementti WAP Push -viitekehyksessä. WAP Push -välityspalvelin yhdistää Internetin ja mobiiliverkon tavalla, joka piilottaa teknologiaeroavaisuudet Internetissä olevalta palveluntuottajalta.


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The world of communication has changed quickly in the last decade resulting in the the rapid increase in the pace of peoples’ lives. This is due to the explosion of mobile communication and the internet which has now reached all levels of society. With such pressure for access to communication there is increased demand for bandwidth. Photonic technology is the right solution for high speed networks that have to supply wide bandwidth to new communication service providers. In particular this Ph.D. dissertation deals with DWDM optical packet-switched networks. The issue introduces a huge quantity of problems from physical layer up to transport layer. Here this subject is tackled from the network level perspective. The long term solution represented by optical packet switching has been fully explored in this years together with the Network Research Group at the department of Electronics, Computer Science and System of the University of Bologna. Some national as well as international projects supported this research like the Network of Excellence (NoE) e-Photon/ONe, funded by the European Commission in the Sixth Framework Programme and INTREPIDO project (End-to-end Traffic Engineering and Protection for IP over DWDM Optical Networks) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research. Optical packet switching for DWDM networks is studied at single node level as well as at network level. In particular the techniques discussed are thought to be implemented for a long-haul transport network that connects local and metropolitan networks around the world. The main issues faced are contention resolution in a asynchronous variable packet length environment, adaptive routing, wavelength conversion and node architecture. Characteristics that a network must assure as quality of service and resilience are also explored at both node and network level. Results are mainly evaluated via simulation and through analysis.


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With the advent of 5G, several novel network paradigms and technologies have been proposed to fulfil the key requirements imposed. Flexibility, efficiency and scalability, along with sustainability and convenience for expenditure have to be addressed in targeting these brand new needs. Among novel paradigms introduced in the scientific literature in recent years, a constant and increasing interest lies in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as network nodes supporting the legacy terrestrial network for service provision. Their inherent features of moving nodes make them able to be deployed on-demand in real-time. Which, in practical terms, means having them acting as a base station (BS) when and where there is the highest need. This thesis investigates then the potential role of UAV-aided mobile radio networks, in order to validate the concept of adding an aerial network component and assess the system performance, from early to later stages of its deployment. This study is intended for 5G and beyond systems, to allow time for the technology to mature. Since advantages can be manyfold, the aerial network component is considered at the network layer under several aspects, from connectivity to radio resource management. A particular emphasis is given to trajectory design, because of the efficiency and flexibility it potentially adds to the infrastructure. Two different frameworks have been proposed, to take into account both a re-adaptable heuristic and an optimal solution. Moreover, diverse use cases are taken under analysis, from mobile broadband to machine and vehicular communications. The thesis aim is thus to discuss the potential and advantages of UAV-aided systems from a broad perspective. Results demonstrate that the technology has good prospects for diverse scenarios with a few arrangements.


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Using benthic habitat data from the Florida Keys (USA), we demonstrate how siting algorithms can help identify potential networks of marine reserves that comprehensively represent target habitat types. We applied a flexible optimization tool-simulated annealing-to represent a fixed proportion of different marine habitat types within a geographic area. We investigated the relative influence of spatial information, planning-unit size, detail of habitat classification, and magnitude of the overall conservation goal on the resulting network scenarios. With this method, we were able to identify many adequate reserve systems that met the conservation goals, e.g., representing at least 20% of each conservation target (i.e., habitat type) while fulfilling the overall aim of minimizing the system area and perimeter. One of the most useful types of information provided by this siting algorithm comes from an irreplaceability analysis, which is a count of the number of, times unique planning units were included in reserve system scenarios. This analysis indicated that many different combinations of sites produced networks that met the conservation goals. While individual 1-km(2) areas were fairly interchangeable, the irreplaceability analysis highlighted larger areas within the planning region that were chosen consistently to meet the goals incorporated into the algorithm. Additionally, we found that reserve systems designed with a high degree of spatial clustering tended to have considerably less perimeter and larger overall areas in reserve-a configuration that may be preferable particularly for sociopolitical reasons. This exercise illustrates the value of using the simulated annealing algorithm to help site marine reserves: the approach makes efficient use of;available resources, can be used interactively by conservation decision makers, and offers biologically suitable alternative networks from which an effective system of marine reserves can be crafted.


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As the wireless cellular market reaches competitive levels never seen before, network operators need to focus on maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) a main priority if they wish to attract new subscribers while keeping existing customers satisfied. Speech Quality as perceived by the end user is one major example of a characteristic in constant need of maintenance and improvement. It is in this topic that this Master Thesis project fits in. Making use of an intrusive method of speech quality evaluation, as a means to further study and characterize the performance of speech codecs in second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) technologies. Trying to find further correlation between codecs with similar bit rates, along with the exploration of certain transmission parameters which may aid in the assessment of speech quality. Due to some limitations concerning the audio analyzer equipment that was to be employed, a different system for recording the test samples was sought out. Although the new designed system is not standard, after extensive testing and optimization of the system's parameters, final results were found reliable and satisfactory. Tests include a set of high and low bit rate codecs for both 2G and 3G, where values were compared and analysed, leading to the outcome that 3G speech codecs perform better, under the approximately same conditions, when compared with 2G. Reinforcing the idea that 3G is, with no doubt, the best choice if the costumer looks for the best possible listening speech quality. Regarding the transmission parameters chosen for the experiment, the Receiver Quality (RxQual) and Received Energy per Chip to the Power Density Ratio (Ec/N0), these were subject to speech quality correlation tests. Final results of RxQual were compared to those of prior studies from different researchers and, are considered to be of important relevance. Leading to the confirmation of RxQual as a reliable indicator of speech quality. As for Ec/N0, it is not possible to state it as a speech quality indicator however, it shows clear thresholds for which the MOS values decrease significantly. The studied transmission parameters show that they can be used not only for network management purposes but, at the same time, give an expected idea to the communications engineer (or technician) of the end-to-end speech quality consequences. With the conclusion of the work new ideas for future studies come to mind. Considering that the fourth-generation (4G) cellular technologies are now beginning to take an important place in the global market, as the first all-IP network structure, it seems of great relevance that 4G speech quality should be subject of evaluation. Comparing it to 3G, not only in narrowband but also adding wideband scenarios with the most recent standard objective method of speech quality assessment, POLQA. Also, new data found on Ec/N0 tests, justifies further research studies with the intention of validating the assumptions made in this work.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial