933 resultados para curing of polymers


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In this present work attempts have been made to study the glass transition temperature of alternative mould materials by using both microwave heating and conventional oven heating. In this present work three epoxy resins, namely R2512, R2515 and R2516, which are commonly used for making injection moulds have been used in combination with two hardeners H2403 and H2409. The magnetron microwave generator used in this research is operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a hollow rectangular waveguide. In order to distinguish the effects between the microwave and conventional heating, a number of experiments were performed to test their mechanical properties such as tensile and flexural strengths. Additionally, differential scanning calorimeter technique was implemented to measure the glass transition temperature on both microwave and conventional heating. This study provided necessary evidences to establish that microwave heated mould materials resulted with higher glass transition temperature than the conventional heating. Finally, attempts were also made to study the microstructure of microwave-cured materials by using a scanning electron microscope in order to analyze the morphology of cured specimens.


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Microwave heating technology is a cost-effective alternative way for heating and curing of used in polymer processing of various alternate materials. The work presented in this paper addresses the attempts made by the authors to study the glass transition temperature and curing of materials such as casting resins R2512, R2515 and laminating resin GPR 2516 in combination with two hardeners ADH 2403 and ADH 2409. The magnetron microwave generator used in this research is operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a hollow rectangular waveguide. During this investigation it has been noted that microwave heated mould materials resulted with higher glass transition temperatures and better microstructure. It also noted that Microwave curing resulted in a shorter curing time to reach the maximum percentage cure. From this study it can be concluded that microwave technology can be efficiently and effectively used to cure new generation alternate polymer materials for manufacture of injection moulds in a rapid and efficient manner. Microwave curing resulted in a shorter curing time to reach the maximum percentage cure.


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The encapsulation and release of bioactive molecules from polymeric vehicles represents the holy grail of drug and growth factor delivery therapies, whereby sustained and controlled release is crucial in eliciting a positive therapeutic effect. To this end, electrospraying is rapidly emerging as a popular technology for the production of polymeric particles containing bioactive molecules. Compared with traditional emulsion fabrication techniques, electrospraying has the potential to reduce denaturation of protein drugs and affords tighter regulation over particle size distribution and morphology. In this article, we review the importance of the electrospraying parameters that enable reproducible tailoring of the particles' physical and in vitro drug release characteristics, along with discussion of existing in vivo data. Controlled morphology and monodispersity of particles can be achieved with electrospraying, with high encapsulation efficiencies and without unfavorable denaturation of bioactive molecules throughout the process. Finally, the combination of electrospraying with electrospun scaffolds, with an emphasis on tissue regeneration is reviewed, depicting a technique in its relative infancy but holding great promise for the future of regenerative medicine.


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The purpose of this review is to showcase the present capabilities of ambient sampling and ionisation technologies for the analysis of polymers and polymer additives by mass spectrometry (MS) while simultaneously highlighting their advantages and limitations in a critical fashion. To qualify as an ambient ionisation technique, the method must be able to probe the surface of solid or liquid samples while operating in an open environment, allowing a variety of sample sizes, shapes, and substrate materials to be analysed. The main sections of this review will be guided by the underlying principle governing the desorption/extraction step of the analysis; liquid extraction, laser ablation, or thermal desorption, and the major component investigated, either the polymer itself or exogenous compounds (additives and contaminants) present within or on the polymer substrate. The review will conclude by summarising some of the challenges these technologies still face and possible directions that would further enhance the utility of ambient ionisation mass spectrometry as a tool for polymer analysis. (C) 2013 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Three strategies for approaching the design and synthesis of non-chemically amplified resists (non-CARs) are presented. These are linear polycarbonates, star polyester-blk-poly(methyl methacrylate) and comb polymers with polysulfone backbones. The linear polycarbonates were designed to cleave when irradiated with 92 eV photons and high Tg alicyclic groups were incorporated into the backbone to increase Tg and etch resistance. The star block copolymers were designed to have a core that is sensitive to 92 eV photons and arms that have the potential to provide properties such as high Tg and etch resistance. Similarly the polysulfone comb polymers were designed to have an easily degradable polymer backbone and comb-arms that impart favorable physical properties. Initial patterning results are presented for a number of the systems.


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The effect of some alcohols, acetylacetonates of transition metals, and manganese stearate and naphthenate on the curing reaction of a diglycidyl ether of ether of bisphenol-A with p-phenylenediamine is studied. Maximum catalytic activity is shown by the manganese compounds and triethanolamine.


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Combustion is a complex phenomena involving a multiplicity of variables. Some important variables measured in flame tests follow [1]. In order to characterize ignition, such related parameters as ignition time, ease of ignition, flash ignition temperature, and self-ignition temperature are measured. For studying the propagation of the flame, parameters such as distance burned or charred, area of flame spread, time of flame spread, burning rate, charred or melted area, and fire endurance are measured. Smoke characteristics are studied by determining such parameters as specific optical density, maximum specific optical density, time of occurrence of the densities, maximum rate of density increase, visual obscuration time, and smoke obscuration index. In addition to the above variables, there are a number of specific properties of the combustible system which could be measured. These are soot formation, toxicity of combustion gases, heat of combustion, dripping phenomena during the burning of thermoplastics, afterglow, flame intensity, fuel contribution, visual characteristics, limiting oxygen concentration (OI), products of pyrolysis and combustion, and so forth. A multitude of flammability tests measuring one or more of these properties have been developed [2]. Admittedly, no one small scale test is adequate to mimic or assess the performance of a plastic in a real fire situation. The conditions are much too complicated [3, 4]. Some conceptual problems associated with flammability testing of polymers have been reviewed [5, 6].


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A simple and inexpensive technique is described for the study of flammability of polymers, wherein the samples can be weighed continuously during their combustion in controlled atmosphere. The mass versus time curves for burning and quenching process in polystyrene samples are discussed. The experimental data indicates the efficiency of Monoammonium phosphate and ammonium halides in quenching of polystyrene.


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Abstract is not available.


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The statistical properties of fractional Brownian walks are used to construct a path integral representation of the conformations of polymers with different degrees of bond correlation. We specifically derive an expression for the distribution function of the chains’ end‐to‐end distance, and evaluate it by several independent methods, including direct evaluation of the discrete limit of the path integral, decomposition into normal modes, and solution of a partial differential equation. The distribution function is found to be Gaussian in the spatial coordinates of the monomer positions, as in the random walk description of the chain, but the contour variables, which specify the location of the monomer along the chain backbone, now depend on an index h, the degree of correlation of the fractional Brownian walk. The special case of h=1/2 corresponds to the random walk. In constructing the normal mode picture of the chain, we conjecture the existence of a theorem regarding the zeros of the Bessel function.


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We use a path-integral approach to calculate the distribution P(w, t) of the fluctuations in the work W at time t of a polymer molecule (modeled as an elastic dumbbell in a viscous solvent) that is acted on by an elongational flow field having a flow rate (gamma) over dot. We find that P(w, t) is non-Gaussian and that, at long times, the ratio P(w, t)/ P (-w, t) is equal to expw/(k(B)T)], independent of (gamma) over dot. On the basis of this finding, we suggest that polymers in elongational flows satisfy a fluctuation theorem.