975 resultados para contracting entity
Opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena on esitellä olennaiset kohdat julkisten hankintojen sähköisessä menettelyssä. Arvioinnin kohteena on lokakuussa 2011 voimaan astunut laki sähköisestä huutokaupasta ja dynaamisesta hankintajärjestelmästä. Opinnäytetyöni on kirjoituspöytätutkimus, joka perustuu julkisia hankintoja koskevaan lainsäädäntöaineistoon sekä julkisia hankintoja tutkivien sidosryhmien tuottamaan kirjallisuuteen. Näkökulmana on sähköisen menettelyn sääntelyn tarkoituksenmukaisuus hankintayksiköiden sekä toimittajien näkökulmista. Sääntely julkisten hankintojen sähköisestä menettelystä tarkoittaa julkisilla varoilla hankittavien palvelujen sekä tavaroiden hankintaa sähköisessä verkkoympäristössä. Hankintayksikkö, kuten valtion tai kunnan viranomainen, voi tämän lain myötä suorittaa hankintaprosessin sähköisesti käyttöliittymän kautta haluamastaan tuotteesta tai palvelusta.
Suomalaiset kunnat ovat julkisissa hankinnoissaan suurien haasteiden edessä heikentyvän taloustilanteen, muuttoliikkeen ja osaamisen puutteen takia. Rakennusinvestoinnit muodostavat valtaosan kunnallisista investoinneista. Epäonnistuessaan rakennusurakan hankintamenettely voi aiheuttaa kunnalle merkittäviä viivästyksiä sekä tappioita, joten menettelyn onnistuminen on kunnalle erittäin tärkeää. Hankintaprosessin sujuvuus riippuu tarjouspyyntöasiakirjojen oikeaoppisesta laatimisesta ja niiden sisällön soveltamisesta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää yleisimmät hankintamenettelyyn liittyvät virheet sekä määritellä hankintayksikölle toimintatavat, joita noudattamalla hankintayksikkö voi virheet välttää. Tutkimusmenetelmä on lainopillinen ja tutkimus perustuu oikeuskäytäntöön, pääasiassa markkinaoikeustapauksiin nojaavaan empiiriseen analyysiin. Tutkielman perusteella hankintayksiköiden osaamista tarjouspyyntöasiakirjojen laadinnassa ja sisällön soveltamisessa on kehitettävä seuraavasti: Tarjoajien ja tarjousten vertailuvaiheet on eroteltava selkeästi toisistaan. Tarjoajiin kohdistuvia vaatimuksia sekä kokonaistaloudellisen edullisuuden laadullisia vertailuperusteita on yksityiskohtaistettava. Kullekin menettelyvaiheelle on varattava riittävästi aikaa ja hankintamenettely on valmisteltava niin, että täsmennys- ja täydennyspyynnöiltä voidaan välttyä. Julkisen talouden elvyttämiseksi suunniteltuun rakennusurakkahankintojen keskittymiseen on reagoitava jakamalla urakka mahdollisuuksien mukaan pienempiin osiin urakoitsijamarkkinoiden monipuolisuuden ylläpitämiseksi.
The large amount of information in electronic contracts hampers their establishment due to high complexity. An approach inspired in Software Product Line (PL) and based on feature modelling was proposed to make this process more systematic through information reuse and structuring. By assessing the feature-based approach in relation to a proposed set of requirements, it was showed that the approach does not allow the price of services and of Quality of Services (QoS) attributes to be considered in the negotiation and included in the electronic contract. Thus, this paper also presents an extension of such approach in which prices and price types associated to Web services and QoS levels are applied. An extended toolkit prototype is also presented as well as an experiment example of the proposed approach.
Objective: To determine the degree of knowledge that cardiologists from Sao Paulo, Brazil, have regarding a low-prevalent entity associated with a high rate of sudden death-Brugada syndrome. Methods: Two hundred forty-four cardiologists were interviewed by an instrument divided in two parts: in the first, we recorded gender, age, and data related to academic profile. The second-answered only by the professionals that manifested having some degree of knowledge on the syndrome-had 28 questions that evaluated their knowledge. The answers were spontaneous and they did not have a chance to consult. We used uni- and multivariate analysis on the average percentage of right and wrong answers, and the influence of the academic profile. Results: The predominant gender was the male gender (61.1%), the average age was 44.32 +/- 10.83 years, 40% with more than 20 years after obtaining their degree, 44% were educated in public institutions, 69% had a residency in cardiology, 20% had overseas practice, 12% had postdegree, 41% were linked to an educational institution, 24% with publication(s) in an indexed journal, 17.2% were authors of chapters in books, 2.5% had edited books, and 10% were linked to the Brazilian Society of Cardiac Arrhythmias. The average percentage of right answers was 45.7%. Conclusion: The sample studied revealed a little knowledge on the entity. A residency in cardiology was the factor of greater significance in the percentage of right answers. Other significant factors were the link of the interviewed person to an educational institution, or the Brazilian Society of Cardiac Arrhythmias, and having a specialist degree.
The United States has gone further than any country in the "privatization of security". Other countries may find the economic or financial logic in the use of contractors persuasive. The US experience with contracting out security, particularly in Iraq, was problematic, and can serve as a cautionary tale in order that other countries might learn how to avoid the pitfalls.
The Portuguese Energy Policy considers the development of a commercially viable and competitive market for energy performance contracting (EPC) as a main mechanism to achieve the objectives of energy efficiency improvement. This paper proposes a study to investigate how to achieve widespread adoption of energy performance contracting by means of system dynamics modelling and simulation. To explore and gather insights on this question, a system dynamics model representing the system of the Portuguese EPC market at industry level will be created. The simulation of that model will provide a helpful basis for analysing and explaining the development of key variables, and accelerating learning on the managerial, organizational and political adaptation processes that foster the diffusion of EPC adoption. The first phase of this research project aims at identifying and analysing the key factors and critical cause-effect relations that drive the adoption of EPC. With this purpose, a qualitative content analysis on relevant documents was performed and a set of interviews was conducted. That data was analysed to capture the critical variables and its interrelation to formulate a preliminary representation of the system structure as stock and flow diagrams.
Traditional vertically integrated power utilities around the world have evolved from monopoly structures to open markets that promote competition among suppliers and provide consumers with a choice of services. Market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. Electricity can be traded in both organized markets or using forward bilateral contracts. This article focuses on bilateral contracts and describes some important features of an agent-based system for bilateral trading in competitive markets. Special attention is devoted to the negotiation process, demand response in bilateral contracting, and risk management. The article also presents a case study on forward bilateral contracting: a retailer agent and a customer agent negotiate a 24h-rate tariff. © 2014 IEEE.
Knowing exactly where a mobile entity is and monitoring its trajectory in real-time has recently attracted a lot of interests from both academia and industrial communities, due to the large number of applications it enables, nevertheless, it is nowadays one of the most challenging problems from scientific and technological standpoints. In this work we propose a tracking system based on the fusion of position estimations provided by different sources, that are combined together to get a final estimation that aims at providing improved accuracy with respect to those generated by each system individually. In particular, exploiting the availability of a Wireless Sensor Network as an infrastructure, a mobile entity equipped with an inertial system first gets the position estimation using both a Kalman Filter and a fully distributed positioning algorithm (the Enhanced Steepest Descent, we recently proposed), then combines the results using the Simple Convex Combination algorithm. Simulation results clearly show good performance in terms of the final accuracy achieved. Finally, the proposed technique is validated against real data taken from an inertial sensor provided by THALES ITALIA.
Traditional vertically integrated power utilities around the world have evolved from monopoly structures to open markets that promote competition among suppliers and provide consumers with a choice of services. Market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. Electricity can be traded in both organized markets or using forward bilateral contracts. This article focuses on bilateral contracts and describes some important features of an agent-based system for bilateral trading in competitive markets. Special attention is devoted to the negotiation process, demand response in bilateral contracting, and risk management. The article also presents a case study on forward bilateral contracting: a retailer agent and a customer agent negotiate a 24h-rate tariff. © 2014 IEEE.
Traditional vertically integrated power utilities around the world have evolved from monopoly structures to open markets that promote competition among suppliers and provide consumers with a choice of services. Market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. Electricity can be traded in both organized markets or using forward bilateral contracts. This article focuses on bilateral contracts and describes some important features of an agent-based system for bilateral trading in competitive markets. Special attention is devoted to the negotiation process, demand response in bilateral contracting, and risk management. The article also presents a case study on forward bilateral contracting: a retailer agent and a customer agent negotiate a 24h-rate tariff.
Primary tumours of the heart are uncommon entities, cardiac myxomas being the most frequent. However, mitral valve myxomas are exceptionally rare. In the last 12 years, there have been 25 myxomas diagnosed at our institution, with only two of them originating from the mitral valve. Both patients were female, the first, 25, and the second, 72 years old. The younger patient was very symptomatic with a large mass, 4 cm long, which involved both leaflets causing significant obstruction to the left ventricular inflow. The second one had a smaller mass located at the atrial side of the posterior leaflet that only produced some flow divergence. Neither of them had constitutional nor embolic symptoms. Both patients were submitted to emergent surgical resection that in the first case involved the mitral valve and replacement with mechanical prosthesis. The macroscopic appearance of these tumours suggested a malignant aetiology which may represent somewhat different features of the myxomas when originating from the cardiac valves. Both patients are well reflecting the good prognosis of this illness after resection, although the younger patient was re-operated because of prosthetic valve obstruction and suspicion of recurrence that was not confirmed. Because of the illustrative images and different presentations, we found it interesting to report and discuss them together.
INTRODUCTION: Primary small bowel malignancy is unusual and accounts for 1-3% of all gastrointestinal tract neoplasms. Adenocarcinoma is one of the most common histologic types, but its frequency decreases with more distal locations. Its clinical presentation is nonspecific and is usually associated with advanced disease, which contributes to delayed diagnosis. PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 66-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with a 6-day history of progressively worsening abdominal pain localized in the right lower quadrant, nausea, and vomiting. Investigation revealed an inflammatory appendiceal tumor. The patient underwent surgery and an unexpected tumor involving the distal ileal segment and ileocecal appendix was found. Right radical hemicolectomy with en bloc resection of the distal ileum was performed. Histopathological examination revealed adenocarcinoma of the ileum. DISCUSSION: This rare entity is associated with a nonspecific clinical presentation that contributes to delayed diagnosis and treatment, and consequently to a worse prognosis. Approximately half of the cases are only diagnosed at surgery. Primary treatment consists of wide resection with locoregional lymphadenectomy. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy has yet to be determined. CONCLUSION: This case demonstrates an unusual condition characterized by late and challenging diagnosis. We highlight the importance of an earlier diagnosis and optimal treatment for improved patient outcomes.
Primary inoculation tuberculosis is an exogenous infection resulting from direct inoculation of bacteria into individuals with no acquired immunity to the organism. We report a 63-year-old male patient who was diagnosed with primary inoculation tuberculosis on the basis of clinical appearance and histopathological examination. The findings from this case emphasize the importance of clinical and histopathological findings in this rarely seen form of skin tuberculosis if the organism cannot be shown to grow in culture.
A patient with heart failure and acute atrial fibrillation received the final diagnosis of atrial infarction associated with ventricular infarction based on clinical findings of ischemia in association with atrial fibrillation and heart failure (mechanisms probably involved: contractile dysfunction and loss of atrial contribution). Although a transesophageal echocardiography, which could refine the diagnosis of anatomic abnormalities, was not performed, all evidence led to the diagnosis of atrial involvement. Electrocardiographic findings were consistent with Liu's major criterion 3. Therapy with digitalis, quinidine and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors was chosen, as the patient had acute pulmonary edema. The use of beta-blockers and verapamil was restricted. No other complications, such as thrombo-embolism or atrial rupture, were noted.