958 resultados para cholinergic receptors


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RESUME Les changements locaux de la température à la surface de la peau humaine ont une influence importante sur sa perfusion. La chaleur augmente localement le flux sanguin cutané, mais les mécanismes et les médiateurs de cette réponse (réponse thermique d'hyperémie) sont incomplètement élucidés. Dans la présente étude, nous avons examiné la relation possible entre la réponse thermique d'hyperémie, les récepteurs cholinergiques muscariniques et la production des prostaglandines vasodilatatrices. Chez 13 sujets de sexe masculin en bonne santé âgés entre 20 et 30 ans, une chambre métallique (contenant de l'eau) dont la température peut être contrôlée, a été placée sur la face palmaire de leur avant-bras et utilisée pour augmenter la température de surface de 34 à 41°C. L'hyperémie cutanée consécutive a été enregistrée par l'intermédiaire d'un scanner laser-Doppler. Dans une expérience, chacun des 8 sujets a reçu un bolus i.v. de glycopyrolate (agent antimuscarinique) (4 µg/kg) lors d'une visite et de NaCl 0,9% lors de l'autre visite. La réponse thermique d'hyperémie a été déterminée dans l'heure suivant les injections. Les glycopyrolate a efficacement empêché la vasodilation des micro-vaisseaux cutanés induite par iontophorèse d'acétylcholine mais n'a pas influencé la réponse thermique d'hyperémie. Dans une deuxième expérience entreprise avec 5 autres sujets 1 g d'aspirine (inhibiteur de la cyclooxygénase) administrée oralement a totalement supprimé la vasodilatation induite dans la peau par le courant anodique, sans modifier la réponse thermique d'hyperémie. La présente étude confirme l'absence de stimulation des récepteurs muscariniques et la production de prostaglandines vaso-dilatatrices dans la vasodilatation induite chez l'homme par réchauffement local de la peau de l'avant-bras. ABSTRACT Local changes in surface temperature have a powerful influence on the perfusion of human skin. Heating increases local skin blood flow (SkBF), but the mechanisms and mediators of this response (thermal hyperemia response) are incompletely elucidated. In the present study, we examined the possible dependence of the thermal hyperemia response on stimulation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors and on production of vasodilator prostanoids. In 13 male healthy subjects aged 20 - 30 years, a temperature- controlled chamber was positioned on the volar face of one forearm and used to raise surface temperature from 34to41°C. The time-course of the resulting thermal hyperemia response was recorded with a laser-Doppler imager. In one experiment, each of 8 subjects received an i.v. bolus of the antimuscarinic agent glycopyrrolate (4µg/kg) on one visit and saline on the other. The thermal hyperemia response was determined within the hour following the injections. Glycopyrrolate effectively inhibited the skin vasodilation induced by iontophoresis of acetylcholine, but did not influence the thermal hyperemia response. In a second experiment conducted in 5 other subjects, 1 gram of the cyclooxygenase inhibitor aspirin administered orally totally abolished the vasodilation induced in the skin by anodal current, but also failed to modify the thermal hyperemia response. The present study excludes the stimulation of muscarinic receptors and the production of vasodilator prostaglandins as essential and nonredundant mechanisms for the vasodilation induced by local heating in human forearm skin.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The role of acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous systems is well established in adults. Cholinergic modulation of vascular functions and body fluid balance has been extensively studied. In the embryo-fetus, cholinergic receptors are widespread in the peripheral and central systems, including smooth muscle and the epithelial lining of the cardiovascular, digestive, and urinary systems, as well as in the brain. Fetal nicotine and muscarinic receptors develop in a pattern (e.g., amount and distribution) related to gestational periods. Cholinergic mechanisms have been found to be relatively intact and functional in the control of vascular homeostasis during fetal life in utero at least during the last third of gestation. This review focuses on the development of fetal nicotine and muscarinic receptors, and provides information indicating that central cholinergic systems are well developed in the control of fetal blood pressure and body fluid balance before birth. Therefore, the development of cholinergic systems in utero plays an important role in fetal vascular regulation, gastrointestinal motility, and urinary control.


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Our objective was to investigate in conscious Sprague-Dawley (6-8 weeks, 250-300 g) female rats (N = 7 in each group) the effects of intracerebroventricularly (icv) injected adrenomedullin (ADM) on blood pressure and heart rate (HR), and to determine if ADM and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptors, peripheral V1 receptors or the central cholinergic system play roles in these cardiovascular effects. Blood pressure and HR were observed before and for 30 min following drug injections. The following results were obtained: 1) icv ADM (750 ng/10 µL) caused an increase in both blood pressure and HR (DMAP = 11.8 ± 2.3 mmHg and ΔHR = 39.7 ± 4.8 bpm). 2) Pretreatment with a CGRP receptor antagonist (CGRP8-37) and ADM receptor antagonist (ADM22-52) blocked the effect of central ADM on blood pressure and HR. 3) The nicotinic receptor antagonist mecamylamine (25 µg/10 µL, icv) and the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (5 µg/10 µL, icv) prevented the stimulating effect of ADM on blood pressure. The effect of ADM on HR was blocked only by atropine (5 µg/10 µL, icv). 4) The V1 receptor antagonist [β-mercapto-β-β-cyclopentamethylenepropionyl¹, O-me-Tyr²,Arg8]-vasopressin (V2255; 10 µg/kg), that was applied intravenously, prevented the effect of ADM on blood pressure and HR. This is the first study reporting the role of specific ADM and CGRP receptors, especially the role of nicotinic and muscarinic central cholinergic receptors and the role of peripheral V1 receptors in the increasing effects of icv ADM on blood pressure and HR.


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Les cortices sensoriels sont des régions cérébrales essentielles pour la perception. En particulier, le cortex visuel traite l’information visuelle en provenance de la rétine qui transite par le thalamus. Les neurones sont les unités fonctionnelles qui transforment l'information sensorielle en signaux électriques, la transfèrent vers le cortex et l'intègrent. Les neurones du cortex visuel sont spécialisés et analysent différents aspects des stimuli visuels. La force des connections entre les neurones peut être modulée par la persistance de l'activité pré-synaptique et induit une augmentation ou une diminution du signal post-synaptique à long terme. Ces modifications de la connectivité synaptique peuvent induire la réorganisation de la carte corticale, c’est à dire la représentation de ce stimulus et la puissance de son traitement cortical. Cette réorganisation est connue sous le nom de plasticité corticale. Elle est particulièrement active durant la période de développement, mais elle s’observe aussi chez l’adulte, par exemple durant l’apprentissage. Le neurotransmetteur acétylcholine (ACh) est impliqué dans de nombreuses fonctions cognitives telles que l’apprentissage ou l’attention et il est important pour la plasticité corticale. En particulier, les récepteurs nicotiniques et muscariniques du sous-type M1 et M2 sont les récepteurs cholinergiques impliqués dans l’induction de la plasticité corticale. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de déterminer les mécanismes de plasticité corticale induits par la stimulation du système cholinergique au niveau du télencéphale basal et de définir les effets sur l’amélioration de la perception sensorielle. Afin d’induire la plasticité corticale, j’ai jumelé des stimulations visuelles à des injections intracorticales d’agoniste cholinergique (carbachol) ou à une stimulation du télencéphale basal (neurones cholinergiques qui innervent le cortex visuel primaire). J'ai analysé les potentiels évoqués visuels (PEVs) dans le cortex visuel primaire des rats pendant 4 à 8 heures après le couplage. Afin de préciser l’action de l’ACh sur l’activité des PEVs dans V1, j’ai injecté individuellement l’antagoniste des récepteurs muscariniques, nicotiniques, α7 ou NMDA avant l’infusion de carbachol. La stimulation du système cholinergique jumelée avec une stimulation visuelle augmente l’amplitude des PEVs durant plus de 8h. Le blocage des récepteurs muscarinique, nicotinique et NMDA abolit complètement cette amélioration, tandis que l’inhibition des récepteurs α7 a induit une augmentation instantanée des PEVs. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'ACh facilite à long terme la réponse aux stimuli visuels et que cette facilitation implique les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques et une interaction avec les récepteur NMDA dans le cortex visuel. Ces mécanismes sont semblables à la potentiation à long-terme, évènement physiologique lié à l’apprentissage. L’étape suivante était d’évaluer si l’effet de l’amplification cholinergique de l’entrée de l’information visuelle résultait non seulement en une modification de l’activité corticale mais aussi de la perception visuelle. J’ai donc mesuré l’amélioration de l’acuité visuelle de rats adultes éveillés exposés durant 10 minutes par jour pendant deux semaines à un stimulus visuel de type «réseau sinusoïdal» couplé à une stimulation électrique du télencéphale basal. L’acuité visuelle a été mesurée avant et après le couplage des stimulations visuelle et cholinergique à l’aide d’une tâche de discrimination visuelle. L’acuité visuelle du rat pour le stimulus d’entrainement a été augmentée après la période d’entrainement. L’augmentation de l’acuité visuelle n’a pas été observée lorsque la stimulation visuelle seule ou celle du télencéphale basal seul, ni lorsque les fibres cholinergiques ont été lésées avant la stimulation visuelle. Une augmentation à long terme de la réactivité corticale du cortex visuel primaire des neurones pyramidaux et des interneurones GABAergiques a été montrée par l’immunoréactivité au c-Fos. Ainsi, lorsque couplé à un entrainement visuel, le système cholinergique améliore les performances visuelles pour l’orientation et ce probablement par l’optimisation du processus d’attention et de plasticité corticale dans l’aire V1. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes pharmacologiques impliqués dans l’amélioration de la perception visuelle, j’ai comparé les PEVs avant et après le couplage de la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique en présence d’agonistes/antagonistes sélectifs. Les injections intracorticales des différents agents pharmacologiques pendant le couplage ont montré que les récepteurs nicotiniques et M1 muscariniques amplifient la réponse corticale tandis que les récepteurs M2 muscariniques inhibent les neurones GABAergiques induisant un effet excitateur. L’infusion d’antagoniste du GABA corrobore l’hypothèse que le système inhibiteur est essentiel pour induire la plasticité corticale. Ces résultats démontrent que l’entrainement visuel jumelé avec la stimulation cholinergique améliore la plasticité corticale et qu’elle est contrôlée par les récepteurs nicotinique et muscariniques M1 et M2. Mes résultats suggèrent que le système cholinergique est un système neuromodulateur qui peut améliorer la perception sensorielle lors d’un apprentissage perceptuel. Les mécanismes d’amélioration perceptuelle induits par l’acétylcholine sont liés aux processus d’attention, de potentialisation à long-terme et de modulation de la balance d’influx excitateur/inhibiteur. En particulier, le couplage de l’activité cholinergique avec une stimulation visuelle augmente le ratio de signal / bruit et ainsi la détection de cibles. L’augmentation de la concentration cholinergique corticale potentialise l’afférence thalamocorticale, ce qui facilite le traitement d’un nouveau stimulus et diminue la signalisation cortico-corticale minimisant ainsi la modulation latérale. Ceci est contrôlé par différents sous-types de récepteurs cholinergiques situés sur les neurones GABAergiques ou glutamatergiques des différentes couches corticales. La présente thèse montre qu’une stimulation électrique dans le télencéphale basal a un effet similaire à l’infusion d’agoniste cholinergique et qu’un couplage de stimulations visuelle et cholinergique induit la plasticité corticale. Ce jumelage répété de stimulations visuelle/cholinergique augmente la capacité de discrimination visuelle et améliore la perception. Cette amélioration est corrélée à une amplification de l’activité neuronale démontrée par immunocytochimie du c-Fos. L’immunocytochimie montre aussi une différence entre l’activité des neurones glutamatergiques et GABAergiques dans les différentes couches corticales. L’injection pharmacologique pendant la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique suggère que les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques M1 peuvent amplifier la réponse excitatrice tandis que les récepteurs M2 contrôlent l’activation GABAergique. Ainsi, le système cholinergique activé au cours du processus visuel induit des mécanismes de plasticité corticale et peut ainsi améliorer la capacité perceptive. De meilleures connaissances sur ces actions ouvrent la possibilité d’accélérer la restauration des fonctions visuelles lors d’un déficit ou d’amplifier la fonction cognitive.


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Although cholinergic agonists such as pilocarpine injected peripherally can act directly on salivary glands to induce salivation, it is possible that their action in the brain may contribute to salivation. To investigate if the action in the brain is important to salivation, we injected pilocarpine intraperitoneally after blockade of central cholinergic receptors with atropine methyl bromide (atropine-mb). In male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted into the lateral ventricle and anesthetized with ketamine, atropine-mb (8 and 16 nmol) intracerebroventricularly reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (4 mumol/kg) intraperitoneally (133 +/- 42 and 108 +/- 22 mg/7 min, respectively, vs. saline, 463 +/- 26 mg/7 min), but did not modify peripheral cardiovascular responses to intravenous acetylcholine. Similar doses of atropine-mb intraperitoneally also reduced pilocarpine-induced salivation. Therefore, systemically injected pilocarpine also enters the brain and acts on central muscarinic receptors, activating autonomic efferent fibers to induce salivation.


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Cholinergic and adrenergic agonists and antagonists were injected directly into the subfornical organ (SFO), via implanted cannulae, and the volume of water ingested was recorded over a period of 1 hour after injection. Application of 2 nmol carbachol caused intense water intake in 100% of the animals (8.78±0.61 ml), with a very short intake latency. When the 2 nmol carbachol dose was preceded by increased doses of atropine, a progressive reduction in water intake was observed, with complete blockage of the thirst-inducing response to carbachol at the 20 nmol dose level with atropine. Followed by several doses of hexamethonium, the water intake caused by application of 2 nmol carbachol was reduced, although the response was not totally blocked. Injection of 80 nmol of nicotine had a significant thirst-inducing inducing effect in 50% of the animals studied (1.06±0.18 ml) and increase in water intake was further reduced by application of increased doses of hexamethonium. Raising the dose levels of noradrenaline into th SFO caused an increase in water intake although to a lesser degree than was observed after carbachol injection. When the 40 nmol dose of noradrenaline was preceded by increased doses of propranolol (5 to 40 nmol), there was a gradual reduction in water intake, with total blockage at the 40 nmol dose. Application of phentolamine in doses of 10 to 80 nmol caused no reduction in water intake after 40 nmol of noradrenaline. Application of isoproterenol at doses from 20 to 160 nmol into the SFO caused a dosedependent increase in water intake which was blocked by previous applications of propranolol. These results support the hypothesis that the water intake caused by chemical stimulation of the SFO is mainly due to muscarinic cholinergic receptors, although the influence of nicotinic receptors or participation of adrenergic mediation should not be ruled out. © 1984.


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Bilateral injections of the GABAA agonist muscimol into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) disrupt satiety and induce strong ingestion of water and 0.3M NaCl in fluid-replete rats by mechanisms not completely clear. In the present study, we investigated the effects of the blockade of central muscarinic cholinergic receptors with atropine injected intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) on 0.3M NaCl and water intake induced by muscimol injections into the LPBN in fluid-replete rats. Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into the LPBN and unilaterally into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. Bilateral injections of muscimol (0.5nmol/0.2μL) into the LPBN induced 0.3M NaCl (32.2±9.9mL/4h, vs. saline: 0.4±0.2mL/4h) and water intake (11.4±4.4mL/4h, vs. saline: 0.8±0.4mL/4h) in fluid-replete rats previously treated with i.c.v. injection of saline. The previous i.c.v. injection of atropine (20nmol/1μL) reduced the effects of LPBN-muscimol on 0.3M NaCl (13.5±5.0mL/4h) and water intake (2.9±1.6mL/4h). The i.c.v. injection of atropine did not affect 0.3M NaCl (26.8±6.2mL/2h, vs. saline i.c.v.: 36.5±9.8mL/2h) or water intake (14.4±2.5mL/2h, vs. saline i.c.v.: 15.6±4.8mL/2h) in rats treated with furosemide+captopril subcutaneously combined with bilateral injections of moxonidine (α2-adrenoceptor/imidazoline agonist, 0.5nmol/0.2μL) into the LPBN, suggesting that the effect of atropine was not due to non-specific inhibition of ingestive behaviors. The results show that active central cholinergic mechanisms are necessary for the hypertonic NaCl and water intake induced by the blockade of the inhibitory mechanisms with injections of muscimol into the LPBN in fluid-replete rats. The suggestion is that in fluid-replete rats the action of LPBN mechanisms inhibits facilitatory signals produced by the activity of central cholinergic mechanisms to maintain satiety. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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In this study, we investigated an interaction between noradrenergic and cholinergic pathways of the medial septal area (MSA) on the control of water intake and urinary electrolyte excretion by means of injection of their respective agonists. Noradrenaline (a nonspecific α-adrenergic agonist) and clonidine (an α2-adrenergic agonist), but not phenylephrine (an α1-adrenergic agonist), induced natriuresis and kaliuresis. α-Adrenergic activation had no effect on the natriuresis and kaliuresis induced by carbachol (a cholinergic agonist) and it inhibited the antinatriuresis and antikaliuresis induced by isoproterenol (a ß-adrenergic agonist). Interactions related to volume excretion are complex. α-Adrenergic activation induced a mild diuresis and inhibited the antidiuresis induced by isoproterenol, but phenylephrine combined with carbachol induced antidiuresis. The water intake induced by carbachol was inhibited by clonidine and noradrenaline, but not phenylephrine. These results show an asymmetry in the interaction between α-adrenergic and cholinergic receptors concerning water intake and electrolyte excretion. © 1992.


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My Doctorate Research has been focused on the evaluation of the pharmacological activity of a natural extract of chestnut wood (ENC) towards the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system and on the identification of the active compounds. The ENC has been shown to contain more than 10% (w/w) of phenolic compounds, of which tannins as Vescalgin and Castalgin are the more representative. ENC cardiovascular effects have been investigated in guinea pig cardiac preparations; furthermore its activity has been evalueted in guinea pig aorta strips. ENC induced transient negative chronotropic effect in isolated spontaneously beating right atria and simultaneously positive inotropic effect in left atria driven at 1 Hz. Cardiac cholinergic receptors are not involved in the negative chronotropic effect and positive inotropic effects are not related to adrenergic receptors. In vascular smooth muscle, natural extract of chestnut did not significantly change the contraction induced by potassium (80 mM) or that induced by noradrenaline (1μM). In guinea pig ileum, ENC reduced the maximum response to carbachol in a concentrationdependent manner and behaved as a reversible non competitive antagonist. In guinea pig ileum, the antispasmodic activity of ENC showed a significant antispasmodic activity against a variety of different spasmogenic agents including histamine, KCl, BaCl2. In guinea pig proximal colon, stomach and jejunum, ENC reduced the maximum response to carbachol in a concentrationdependent manner and behaved as a reversible non competitive antagonist. ENC contracted gallbladder guinea pig in a reversible and concentration-dependent manner. This effect does not involve cholinergic and cholecystokinin receptors and it is reduced by nifedipine. ENC relaxed Oddi sphincter smooth muscle. The cholecystokinetic and Oddi sphincter relaxing activities occurred also in guinea pigs fed a lithogenic diet. The cholecystokinetic occurred also in human gallbladder. The Fractionation of the extract led to the identification of the active fraction.


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Cholinergic pathways serve important functions in learning and memory processes, and deficits in cholinergic transmission occur in Alzheimer disease (AD). A subset of muscarinic cholinergic receptors are linked to G-proteins that activate phospholipase C, resulting in the liberation of inositol trisphosphate and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. We now report that amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta), which forms plaques in the brain in AD, impairs muscarinic receptor activation of G proteins in cultured rat cortical neurons. Exposure of rodent fetal cortical neurons to Abeta25-35 and Abeta1-40 resulted in a concentration and time-dependent attenuation of carbachol-induced GTPase activity without affecting muscarinic receptor ligand binding parameters. Downstream events in the signal transduction cascade were similarly attenuated by Abeta. Carbachol-induced accumulation of inositol phosphates (IP, IP2, IP3, and IP4) was decreased and calcium imaging studies revealed that carbachol-induced release of calcium was severely impaired in neurons pretreated with Abeta. Muscarinic cholinergic signal transduction was disrupted with subtoxic levels of exposure to AP. The effects of Abeta on carbachol-induced GTPase activity and calcium release were attenuated by antioxidants, implicating free radicals in the mechanism whereby Abeta induced uncoupling of muscarinic receptors. These data demonstrate that Abeta disrupts muscarinic receptor coupling to G proteins that mediate induction of phosphoinositide accumulation and calcium release, findings that implicate Abeta in the impairment of cholinergic transmission that occurs in AD.


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The medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) modulates several physiological and behavioral processes and among them, the cardiovascular correlates of behavioral responses to stressful stimuli. Acute restraint evokes cardiovascular responses, which are characterized by both elevated blood pressure (BP) and intense heart rate (HR) increase. We presently report effects of MeA pharmacological manipulations on BP and HR responses evoked by acute restraint in rats. Bilateral microinjection of 100 nL of the unspecific synaptic blocker COCl(2) (1 mM) into the MeA increased HR response to acute restraint, without significant effect on the BP response. This result indicates an inhibitory influence of MeA on restraint-evoked HR changes. Injections of the non-selective muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine (3 nmol); the inhibitor of choline uptake hemicholinium (2 nmol) or the selective M(1)-receptor antagonist pirenzepine (6 nmol) caused effects that were similar to those caused by cobalt. These results suggest that local cholinergic neurotransmission and M(1)-receptors mediate the MeA inhibitory influence on restraint-related HR responses. Pretreatment with the M3 receptor antagonist 4-DAMP (4-Diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine methiodide-2 nmol) did not affect restraint-related cardiovascular responses, reinforcing the idea that M(1)-receptors mediate MeA-related inhibitory influence on restraint-evoked HR increase. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, we describe the cardiovascular effects of local acetylcholine (Ach) microinjection into both the ventrolateral (vlPAG) and dorsal (dPAG) periaqueductal gray areas of anesthetized rats and the possible local receptors involved with these responses. Microinjection of Ach (9, 27, 45 or 81 nmol/50 nL) into the vlPAG caused dose-related depressor responses. These hypotensive responses were blocked by local pretreatment with increasing doses of the nonselective muscarinic antagonist atropine (1, 3 or 9 nmol/50 nL). The microinjection of Ach into the dPAG caused no significant cardiovascular responses in anesthetized rats. In conclusion, the present findings suggest that a cholinergic system present in the vlPAG, but not in the dPAG, is involved with cardiovascular system control. Moreover, these cardiovascular responses evoked by Ach are mediated by muscarinic receptors. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES This study was designed to assess effects of cholinergic stimulation using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), a group of drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors and are used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD), on healing of hip fractures. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed using 46-female AD patients, aged above 75 years, who sustained hip fractures. Study analyses included the first 6-months after hip fracture fixation procedure. Presence of AChEIs was used as predictor variable. Other variables that could affect study outcomes: age, body mass index (BMI), mental state or type of hip fracture, were also included. Radiographic union at fracture site (Hammer index), bone quality (Singh index) and fracture healing complications were recorded as study outcomes. The collected data was analyzed by student's-t, Mann-Whitney-U and chi-square tests. RESULTS No significant differences in age, BMI, mental state or type of hip fracture were observed between AChEIs-users and nonusers. However, AChEIs-users had better radiographic union at the fracture site (relative risk (RR),2.7; 95%confidence interval (CI),0.9-7.8), better bone quality (RR,2.0; 95%CI,1.2-3.3) and fewer healing complications (RR,0.8; 95%CI,0.7-1.0) than nonusers. CONCLUSION In elderly female patients with AD, the use of AChEIs might be associated with an enhanced fracture healing and minimized complications.


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Primary sensory neurons were grown under four conditions of culture. The influence of nonneuronal cells, horse serum or both was studied on the phenotypic expression of certain neuronal subpopulations. The number of neurons expressing acetylcholinesterase, alpha-bungarotoxin-binding sites or a high uptake capacity for glutamine was enhanced by nonneuronal cells. The horse serum increases the neuronal subpopulation exhibiting a carbonic anhydrase activity. Certain phenotypic changes fit conditions consistent with an epigenetic induction rather than a cell selection.