67 resultados para chipping
The coordinated regulation of gene expression in higher eukaryotes is complex and poorly understood. Recent technological advances have allowed the first insights into these networks on a genome-wide scale. These investigations have identified transcription factor target sites in the genome and successfully predicted cooperative interactions with other factors. However, a detailed understanding of the processes that coordinate gene expression remains elusive. Here, we highlight the advances that have been made using current methods, and the need for new technologies to address the gaps in our knowledge and to map these complex pathways further.
Current research stresses the importance of parent involvement in their children 's academic development. Parents reading and writing with their young children is shown to prepare them for the benefits of for ma I education. Studies completed on parent participation in early literacy activities have tended to look at mothers ' role. Few researchers have investigated the contributions fathers have made. The results of a study completed on father-child early literacy practices are presented. Fathers reported engaging in reading and writing activities with their children for three reasons: To prepare their children for school, to bond with their children, and to assist their children in language skill development. Recommendations are provided on how to encourage fathers to participate in early literacy practices
In dryland cotton cropping systems, the main weeds and effectiveness of management practices were identified, and the economic impact of weeds was estimated using information collected in a postal and a field survey of Southern Queensland and northern New South Wales. Forty-eight completed questionnaires were returned, and 32 paddocks were monitored in early and late summer for weed species and density. The main problem weeds were bladder ketmia (Hibiscus trionum), common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus), barnyard grasses (Echinochloa spp.), liverseed grass (Urochloa panicoides) and black bindweed (Fallopia convolvulus), but the relative importance of these differed with crops, fallows and crop rotations. The weed flora was diverse with 54 genera identified in the field survey. Control of weed growth in rotational crops and fallows depended largely on herbicides, particularly glyphosate in fallow and atrazine in sorghum, although effective control was not consistently achieved. Weed control in dryland cotton involved numerous combinations of selective herbicides, several non-selective herbicides, inter-row cultivation and some manual chipping. Despite this, residual weeds were found at 38-59% of initial densities in about 3-quarters of the survey paddocks. The on-farm financial costs of weeds ranged from $148 to 224/ha.year depending on the rotation, resulting in an estimated annual economic cost of $19.6 million. The approach of managing weed populations across the whole cropping system needs wider adoption to reduce the weed pressure in dryland cotton and the economic impact of weeds in the long term. Strategies that optimise herbicide performance and minimise return of weed seed to the soil are needed. Data from the surveys provide direction for research to improve weed management in this cropping system. The economic framework provides a valuable measure of evaluating likely future returns from technologies or weed management improvements.
The cross-sectional indentation method is extended to evaluate the interfacial adhesion between brittle coating and ductile substrate. The experimental results on electroplated chromium coating/steel substrate show that the interfacial separation occurs due to the edge chipping of brittle coating. The corresponding models are established to elucidate interfacial separation processes. This work further highlights the advantages and potential of this novel indentation method.
The cross-sectional indentation method is extended to evaluate the interfacial adhesion between brittle coating and ductile substrate. The experimental results on electroplated chromium coating/steel substrate show that the interfacial separation occurs due to the edge chipping of brittle coating. The corresponding models are established to elucidate interfacial separation processes. This work further highlights the advantages and potential of this novel indentation method
Sintered boron carbide is very hard, and can be an attractive material for wear-resistant components in critical applications. Previous studies of the erosion of less hard ceramics have shown that their wear resistance depends on the nature of the abrasive particles. Erosion tests were performed on a sintered boron carbide ceramic with silica, alumina and silicon carbide erodents. The different erodents caused different mechanisms of erosion, either by lateral cracking or small-scale chipping; the relative values of the hardness of the erodent and the target governed the operative mechanism. The small-scale chipping mechanism led to erosion rates typically an order of magnitude lower than the lateral fracture mechanism. The velocity exponents for erosion in the systems tested were similar to those seen in other work, except that measured with the 125 to 150 μm silica erodent. With this erodent the exponent was initially high, then decreased sharply with increasing velocity and became negative. It was proposed that this was due to deformation and fragmentation of the erodent particles. In the erosion testing of ceramics, the operative erosion mechanism is important. Care must be taken to ensure that the same mechanism is observed in laboratory testing as that which would be seen under service conditions, where the most common erodent is silica.
The understanding of rock breaking and chipping due to the TBM cutter disks mechanism in deep tunnels is considered in this paper. The interest stems from the use of TBMs for the excavation of long Trans-Alpine tunnels. Some tests that simulate the disk cutter action at the tunnel face by means of an indenter, acting on a rock specimen are proposed. The rock specimen is confined through a flat-jack and a confinement-free area on one side of the specimen simulates the formation of a groove near the indenter, like it occurs in TBM excavation conditions. Results show a limited influence of the confinement stress versus the thrust increment required for breaking the rock between the indenter and the free side of the specimen. Numerical modelling of the cutter disk action on confined material has also been carried out in order to investigate further aspects of the fracture initiation. Also in this case the importance of the relative position between disk cutter and groove is pointed out. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.
Considering that TBMs are nowadays used for long Trans-Alpine tunnels, the
understanding of rock breaking and chipping due to TBM cutter disks mechanism, for deep tunnelling operations, becomes very interesting. In this paper, the results from carried out laboratory tests that simulate the disk cutter action at the rock tunnel face by means of an indentation tool, acting on a rock
specimen with proper size, and the related three-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical modelling are proposed. The developed numerical models simulate the different test conditions (applied load, boundary conditions) allowing the analysis of the stresses distributions along possible breaking planes.
The influence of a confinement-free area on one side of the specimen, simulating the formation of a groove near the tool, is pointed out.
The obtained results from numerical modelling put in evidence a satisfactory agreement with the experimental observations.
This study aims to investigate drilling process in carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) composites with multilayer TiAlN/TiN PVD-coated tungsten carbide drill. The effect of process parameters have been investigated in drilling of Hexcel M21-T700GC. Thrust force and torque were measured online throughout the drilling experiments. Delamination were observed using optical microscope and analyzed via a developed algorithm based on digital image processing technique. Surface roughness of each hole was measured using a surface profilometer. In addition, the progression of tool wear in various surfaces of drill was observed using tool microscope and measured using image software. Our results indicate that the thrust force and torque increased with the increasing cutting speed and feed rate. Delamination and average surface roughness that rose with the increase in feed rate, however, decreased with the increasing cutting speed. The average surface roughness tended to increase with the increase in feed rate and decrease with the increasing cutting speed in drilling of carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). Feed rate was found as the predominant factor on the drilling outputs. Abrasive wear was observed on both flank and relief surfaces, which created edge wear on cutting edges. No sign of chipping or plastic deformation has been observed on the surfaces of drills. © 2012 The Author(s).
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää seulamurskaimen murskausprosessia selvittämällä murskaukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Murskausprosessin sisäistämisen myötä voidaan saavuttaa parempi jaekoon hallinta, parantaa kapasiteettia sekä luoda tehokkaampia murskaussovelluksia. Murskausprosessia tutkittiin aluksi murskaukseen vaikuttavien teorioiden kautta. Teoriapohjaista tietoa ja murskaustapahtumaa tutkittiin käytännön testeillä, joissa testattiin seulamurskainta useilla eri materiaaleilla ja erilaisilla tuotevariaatioilla. Testeissä kerättiin näytteitä jaekoon jatkotutkimusta varten sekä saatujen tulosten pohjalta vertailtiin eri tuotevariaatioiden keskeisiä eroja. Saavutettuja tuloksia analysoitiin ja kehitettiin uusia potentiaalisia ratkaisuja seulamurskaimiin. Seulamurskaimen nykyinen rakenne on kehitetty ennen kaikkea seulontasovelluksiin ja sen toiminta perustuu rungon sisällä materiaalin pyörivään liikkeeseen. Murskausprosessissa on kuitenkin oleellista pyrkiä vähentämään sisäistä pyörintäliikettä, joka on hidasteena kappaleiden murskaukselle. Lisäksi seulamurskaimessa on useita rakenteita, jotka on kehitetty erityisesti seulontaa varten ja niiden uudenlaisella rakennesuunnittelulla voitaisiin saavuttaa huomattavasti parempia tuloksia murskauksen kannalta. Nämä tekijät kuitenkin vaativat huomattavan paljon tehoa, mikä puolestaan saattaa asettaa uusia haasteita suunnitteluun, sillä seulamurskaimessa käytettävissä oleva teho on varsin rajallinen.
The rate of decrease in mean sediment size and weight per square metre along a 54 km reach of the Credit River was found to depend on variations in the channel geometry. The distribution of a specific sediment size consist of: (1) a transport zone; (2) an accumulation zone; and (3) a depletion zone. These zones shift downstream in response to downcurrent decreases in stream competence. Along a .285 km man-made pond, within the Credit River study area, the sediment is also characterized by downstream shifting accumulation zones for each finer clast size. The discharge required to initiate movement of 8 cm and 6 cm blocks in Cazenovia Creek is closely approximated by Baker and Ritter's equation. Incipient motion of blocks in Twenty Mile Creek is best predicted by Yalin's relation which is more efficient in deeper flows. The transport distance of blocks in both streams depends on channel roughness and geometry. Natural abrasion and distribution of clasts may depend on the size of the surrounding sediment and variations in flow competence. The cumulative percent weight loss with distance of laboratory abraded dolostone is defined by a power function. The decrease in weight of dolostone follows a negative exponential. In the abrasion mill, chipping causes the high initial weight loss of dolostone; crushing and grinding produce most of the subsequent weight loss. Clast size was found to have little effect on the abrasion of dolostone within the diameter range considered. Increasing the speed of the mill increased the initial amount of weight loss but decreased the rate of abrasion. The abrasion mill was found to produce more weight loss than stream action. The maximum percent weight loss determined from laboratory and field abrasion data is approximately 40 percent of the weight loss observed along the Credit River. Selective sorting of sediment explains the remaining percentage, not accounted for by abrasion.
L’exposition prolongée par inhalation à des poussières de taille respirable contenant de la silice cristalline est reconnue pour causer des maladies respiratoires dont le cancer du poumon et la silicose. De nombreuses études ont relevé la surexposition des travailleurs de la construction à la silice cristalline, puisque ce composé est présent dans de nombreux matériaux utilisés sur les chantiers. L’évaluation de l’exposition à la silice cristalline dans cette industrie constitue un défi en raison de la multitude de conditions de travail et de la nature éphémère des chantiers. Afin de mieux cerner cette problématique, une banque de données d’exposition professionnelle compilée à partir de la littérature a été réalisée par une équipe de l’Université de Montréal et de l’IRSST, et constitue le point de départ de ce travail. Les données présentes dans la banque ont été divisées en fonction de la stratégie d’échantillonnage, résultant en deux analyses complémentaires ayant pour objectif d’estimer les niveaux d’exposition sur le quart de travail en fonction du titre d’emploi, et selon la nature de la tâche exécutée. La méthode de Monte Carlo a été utilisée pour recréer les échantillons provenant de données rapportées sous forme de paramètres de synthèse. Des modèles Tobit comprenant les variables de titre d’emploi, tâche exécutée, durée, année et stratégie d’échantillonnage, type de projet, secteur d’activité, environnement et moyens de maîtrise ont été développés et interprétés par inférence multimodèle. L’analyse basée sur le quart de travail a été réalisée à partir de 1346 données d’exposition couvrant 11 catégories de titre d’emploi. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 22% de la variabilité des mesures et la durée, l’année et la stratégie d’échantillonnage étaient d’importants prédicteurs de l’exposition. Les chantiers de génie civil et les projets de nouvelle construction étaient associés à des expositions plus faibles, alors que l’utilisation de moyens de maîtrise diminuait les concentrations de 18% à l’extérieur et de 24% à l’intérieur. Les moyennes géométriques les plus élevées prédites pour l’année 1999 sur 8 heures étaient retrouvées chez les foreurs (0.214 mg/m3), les travailleurs souterrains (0.191 mg/m3), les couvreurs (0.146 mg/m3) et les cimentiers-applicateurs (0.125 mg/m3). 1566 mesures réparties en 27 catégories de tâches étaient contenues dans la seconde analyse. Le modèle contenant toutes les variables a expliqué 59% des niveaux d’exposition, et l’ensemble des variables contextuelles étaient fortement prédictives. Les moyennes géométriques prédites pour l’année 1998 et selon la durée médiane par tâche dans la banque de données étaient plus élevées lors du bouchardage du béton (1.446 mg/m3), du cassage de pièces de maçonnerie avec autres outils (0.354 mg/m3), du décapage au jet de sable (0.349 mg/m3) et du meulage de joints de brique (0.200 mg/m3). Une diminution importante des concentrations a été observée avec les systèmes d’arrosage (-80%) et d’aspiration des poussières (-64%) intégrés aux outils. L’analyse en fonction des titres d’emploi a montré une surexposition généralisée à la valeur guide de l’ACGIH et à la norme québécoise, indiquant un risque à long terme de maladies professionnelles chez ces travailleurs. Les résultats obtenus pour l’évaluation en fonction de la tâche exécutée montrent que cette stratégie permet une meilleure caractérisation des facteurs associés à l’exposition et ainsi de mieux cibler les priorités d’intervention pour contrôler les niveaux d’exposition à la silice cristalline sur les chantiers de construction durant un quart de travail.