822 resultados para caring bureaucratique
Les vies de millions de personnes sont dévastées par des désastres naturels à travers le monde. Les écrits scientifiques relatifs aux efforts humanitaires dans ces contextes ciblent les travailleurs humanitaires sans toutefois les différencier quant à leur appartenance disciplinaire ou à l’organisation qui les emploie. Les connaissances liées à la pratique des infirmières dans le contexte d’urgence humanitaire sont limitées, malgré qu’elles jouent un rôle vital auprès des populations touchées. Cette ethnographie focalisée, guidée par la théorie du caring bureaucratique de Ray (1989) répond à la question de recherche: Comment des infirmières ayant participé à une mission humanitaire d’urgence suite au séisme à Haïti en janvier 2010 au sein de l’organisation Médecins Sans Frontières décrivent-elles leur pratique dans les contextes légal, politique, économique, éducationnel, socioculturel, physique et technologique de cette expérience? Des entrevues semi-structurées en profondeur de 90 minutes ont été menées auprès de quatre participantes qui ont également échangé à propos de photographies prises durant leurs missions. Les participantes ont discuté de leur préparation, de leurs objectifs, des rôles qu’elles assumaient, ainsi que des défis rencontrés au retour de leurs missions. Des facteurs inhérents à l’infirmière et à l’organisation ont émergé comme importants pour l’articulation et la délimitation de leur pratique. Cette étude révèle également que des facteurs contextuels importants, soit l’équipe, le temps, l’environnement physique, la médiatisation, la sécurité, ainsi que les conditions de travail et les contextes sociopolitique et culturel avaient une influence sur la pratique. Les participantes, selon leur évaluation de ces contextes et des besoins immédiats, devaient constamment ajuster leur pratique. Cette recherche permet une meilleure compréhension de la pratique d’infirmières dans un contexte d’urgence humanitaire de laquelle découlent des implications pour la pratique, la formation et la recherche.
Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil
The standards presented in this section focus on providing physical, social and psychological care for the patient at the point he or she is diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) and starts treatment. Detailed guidance is included with regard to organising directly observed treatment (DOT) safely and acceptably for both the patient and the management unit. The aim is to give the patient the best possible chance of successfully completing treatment according to a regimen recommended by the World Health Organization. If the health service where the patient is diagnosed cannot offer ongoing treatment and care due to a lack of facilities, overcrowding or inaccessibility, the patient needs to be referred to a designated TB management unit (BMU) elsewhere. The patient may also receive treatment from a facility outside a BMU. However care is organised, it is essential for all patients who are diagnosed with TB to be registered at an appropriate BMU so that their progress can be routinely monitored and programme performance can be assessed. To avoid the risk of losing contact with the patient at any stage of their care, good communication is essential between all parties involved, from the patient him/herself to the person supervising their DOT to the BMU.
Caring for someone with dementia at home is a difficult task. Support services call do much to assist carers. However, ill rural areas these may not be readily available or accessible. This paper reports on a qualitative study ill which a group of carers living in a rural community participated in a focus group and interviews. Issues explored included the carers' experiences of caring, and the effects of rural life on this, Through content analysis of the data, it was found that these carers faced many challenges but were also able to access a number of supports, particularly in terms of family and the local community.
Dementia care in rural areas is in need of attention from researchers, planners and policy makers. Family carers in these areas face some significant challenges, in terms of managing the care where support services are often unavailable or inaccessible. This paper reports on a qualitative study in which a group of rural based carers participated in a focus group and interviews. Through this process, the carers' perceptions of support services were explored. Content analysis of the data revealed that, despite a number of supportive aspects of rural life, these carers felt in need of more services, a finding supported by current literature.
Previous research points to the importance of both kin and non-kin ties within social networks as sources of social support. This study examines the kin and non-kin providers of specific types of support to dual-parent low-income Australian families caring for young children. The study highlights the importance of family and friends as support providers. Study Participants tended to rely on family, including parents, siblings and other family members, and friends for emotional and information support. Parents also tended to provide material and practical support. While neighbors and community agencies offered some emotional and information support, overall, these sources were minimal. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction: Informal caregivers provide a significant part of the total care needed by dependent older people poststroke. Although informal care is often the preferred option of those who provide and those who receive informal care, informal caregivers often report lack of preparation to take care of older dependent people. This article outlines the development and psychometric testing of informal caregivers’ skills when providing care to older people after a stroke – ECPICID-AVC. Design: Prospective psychometric instrument validation study. Methods: Eleven experts participated in a focus group in order to delineate, develop and validate the instrument. Data were gathered among adult informal caregivers (n = 186) living in the community in Northern Portugal from August 2013 to January 2014. Results: The 32-item scale describes several aspects of informal caregiver’s skills. The scale has eight factors: skill to feed/hydrate by nasogastric feeding, skill to assist the person in personal hygiene, skill to assist the person for transferring, skill to assist the person for positioning, skill to provide technical aids, skill to assist the person to use the toilet, skill to feed/hydrate and skill to provide technical aids for dressing/undressing. Analysis demonstrated adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83) and good temporal stability 0.988 (0.984–0.991). Conclusion: The psychometric properties of the measurement tool showed acceptable results allowing its implementation in clinical practice by the nursing community staff for evaluating practical skills in informal caregivers when providing care to older stroke survivors living at home.
Les syndromes démentiels évoluent sur plusieurs années et touchent la personne dans sa globalité, altérant ses fonctions cognitives, son comportement et ses capacités relationnelles. Le patient perd peu à peu son indépendance. Les proches vont alors jouer un rôle essentiel auprès de lui et devront s'adapter à l'évolution de ses besoins, assumant progressivement surveillance, guidance et aide concrète. L'inestimable contribution des familles et les difficultés liées à l'exercice de ce rôle sont encore trop peu reconnues. De nombreuses études décrivent les conséquences négatives de l'aide naturelle. Toutefois les données sont moins riches quant aux déterminants de ces conséquences. Les proches ont souvent besoin d'information, de conseil et de soutien psychologique. Les programmes psychoéducatifs sont une des possibilités d'aide auprès de l'entourage de patients déments. Dementing disorders usually evolve over several years and alter cognitive performances, behavior and social abilities. Progressively, the patients lose their independence. Families will play a key role for the demented patient and have to adapt to the evolution of his or her needs. They will have to watch over, guide and help the demented proxy. The families' invaluable contribution and the numerous difficulties they encounter while they care for their demented proxy are insufficiently recognized. The deleterious consequences on the carers are currently better known than the determinants of these consequences. Families often need information, counselling and psychological support. Psycho-educational programs represent one of the possible strategies to help families and carers of patients with dementia
Caring for Carers - Recognising, Valuing and Supporting the Caring Role
A Strategic Framework for the Development of Primary Health and Social Care for Individuals, Families and Communities in Northern Ireland
A Strategic Framework for the Development of Primary Health and Social Care