319 resultados para banho agitado
A preocupação com o meio ambiente deve fazer parte da rotina de uma indústria de petróleo e derivados. A presença de compostos heterocíclicos em correntes de diesel motiva a sua remoção, pois além do aspecto ambiental, esses compostos podem interferir no desempenho de processos de hidrotratamento (HDT). A adsorção é uma das opções para minimizar esse problema. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o adsorvente comercial mais adequado através de um estudo cinético realizado em tanque agitado e suportado por alguns ensaios de equilíbrio. Foi dada ênfase preferencial à remoção de compostos nitrogenados, sendo avaliada a remoção de compostos sulfurados nos adsorventes mais promissores. Foram selecionados, como adsorventes comerciais, as argilas bentoníticas TCO 626G (Süd-Chemie) e F-24 (Engelhard), a -alumina CCI (Süd-Chemie), a sílica-alumina SIRAL 40 (Sasol) e a zeólita Y ultraestável USY (cedida pelo CENPES-Petrobras). Na composição do óleo diesel modelo encontra-se quinolina, carbazol e benzotiofeno, com n-hexadecano como diluente. A caracterização destes adsorventes incluiu análise química por fluorescência de raios X, análise estrutural por difração de raios X, análise textural por fisissorção de N2, análises de acidez por termodessorção de amônia (TPD de NH3) e por espectroscopia no infravermelho de piridina adsorvida. Os estudos cinéticos mostraram que a quinolina é adsorvida rapidamente, principalmente na zeolita USY, que apresentou a maior capacidade adsortiva. Observou-se que a ordem decrescente de melhor adsorvente seguiu a mesma ordem da quantidade de sítios ácidos encontrada por TPD-NH3. Nos estudos cinéticos com carbazol, a zeólita USY também foi o melhor adsorvente. Não houve acordo com relação a acidez, o que se esperava uma vez que se trata de um composto nitrogenado não básico. A presença de carbazol e quinolina na mesma solução, não alterou o desempenho da cinética de remoção de ambos, indicando que provavelmente não estão competindo pelos mesmos sítios de adsorção. Quando foi introduzido um composto sulfurado no sistema, a zeólita se manteve como o melhor adsorvente, a quinolina continuou sendo eficazmente removida, mas a remoção de carbazol sofreu alguma interferência que pode indicar a competição das moléculas pelo mesmo sítio. Nos estudos com carga real de óleo diesel, ao contrário do observado para as cargas modelo, a TCO 626G mostrou-se mais efetiva na remoção de compostos heterocíclicos que a USY. O modelo cinético proposto ajustou adequadamente as curvas e as isotermas de adsorção para quinolina e carbazol, relativas a USY e a TCO 626G, foram melhor ajustadas pelo modelo de Freundlich
Combating pollution of soils is a challenge that has concerned researchers from different areas and motivated the search for technologies that aim the recovery of degraded soils. Literature shows numerous processes that have been proposed with the intent of remediating soils contaminated by oils and other by-products of the oil industry, considering that the processes available have, generally, high operating costs, this work proposes a costeffective alternative to the treatment of Diesel-contaminated soils. The washing solutions were prepared using water as aqueous phase, the saponified coconut oil (OCS) as surfactant and n-butanol as co-surfactant. In this study, the soil was characterized by physical and chemical analyses. The study of diesel desorption from the soil was held in bath, using hexane and washing solutions, which had 10 and 20 wt.% active matter (AM - co-surfactant/surfactants) respectively. The study of the influence of active matter concentration and temperature in bath agitated used an experimental planning. The experiment also developed a system of percolation in bed to wash the soil and studied the influence of the concentration of active substance and volume of washing solution using an experimental planning. The optimal times to achieve hexane extraction were 30 and 180 min, while the best results using a 10% AM was 60 min and using a 20% AM was 120 min. The results of the experimental planning on bath showed that the maximum diesel removal was obtained when at a 20 wt.% of AM and under 50 °C, removing 99.92% of the oil. As for experiments in the system of percolation soil bed, the maximum diesel removal was high when the volume of the washing solution was of 5 L and the concentration of 20% AM. This experiment concluded that the concentration of AM and the temperature were vital to bath experiments for diesel removal, while in the system of percolation soil bed only concentration of AM influenced the soil remediation
Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do banho somente com água e do banho com sabonete neutro e água sobre a flora microbiana cutânea, comparando a quantidade de colônias e o tipo de microorganismos presentes na pele dos recém-nascidos pré-termo antes e após o banho. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado cego, com 73 pré-termos de idade gestacional entre 28 e 35 semanas e peso de nascimento entre 800 g e 1.800 g, alocados por randomização para um grupo que recebeu sete banhos somente com água ou para outro grupo que recebeu sete banhos com sabonete neutro e água. Foram coletados swabs da região axilar antes e após o banho para comparação da flora cutânea de ambos os grupos. Resultados: O Staphylococcus coagulase negativo foi o microorganismo com maior prevalência nos dois grupos. Na comparação, entre os grupos, da contagem de colônias de microorganismos, não houve diferença significativa. A comparação do número de UFC realizada pela ANOVA de medidas repetidas, mostrou uma diferença significativa ao longo do tempo dos germes gram-positivos (P < 0,001) e dos germes gram-negativos (P = 0,032) nos dois grupos, indicando que a colonização da pele diminuiu em ambos os grupos de maneira semelhante, sem haver diferença significativa entre os dois grupos de pré-termos. Conclusões: O banho do pré-termo com sabonete neutro e água e o banho somente com água produzem efeitos semelhantes sobre a colonização da pele do recém-nascido prétermo hospitalizado em UTIN, sendo ambos eficazes na redução do número de colônias de bactérias gram-positivas e gram-negativas.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
This study aimed to validate the technology at Bed Bath System, in view of bedridden elderly and their caregivers, with a view to transforming the conventional paradigm regarding the practice of bodily hygiene held in bath chairs adapted in long-stay institutions for the elderly. This is an experimental study involving 51 (fifty one) elderly and 17 (seventeen) caregivers of three long-stay institutions for the elderly of the city of João Pessoa. For data collection, applied initially to cognitive assessment scale Mini Mental State Examination, with the aim of tracking the subject group of elderly cognitively able to participate in the study. In the second phase, to measure the percentage of agreement and disagreement about the attributes of the subjects of the shower chair and adapted the system for bed bath, used a questionnaire with closed questions, Likert scale model of four (4) points, with a good reliability index (0.728), estimated by alpha conbrach, evidenced by the Wilcoxon test a significant difference (P<0.05) between the responses of seniors and caregivers about the attributes involving technology system in bath bed and bath chair adapted, confirming the perspective of the subjects that the two systems differ significantly. However, the system bed bath got greater degree of agreement for their use, characterizing this system is a technology that makes the differential bed bath pleasurable action, quality and humanized
This study proposes to develop an equipment that attends the demands of tetraplegic people due to cerebral palsy and that promotes an adequate caregivers postural biomechanics during the shower activity of daily living. First, a bibliographic review was performed to define the terms refering to cerebral palsy, activity of daily living (specifically shower), and assistive technology, besides listing the wheelchairs made on the mainly national assistive technology companies. Therefore, this is a descriptive-exploratory study based on a literature review and on a based-field exploration research. On the field research a survey was adopted as a methodological procedure as it is related to a direct investigation related to a phenomenon, on the case, represented by the current shower situation of the people investigated in this study. Data were collected with the application of a form to the caregivers and consumers of the medical-therapeutic treatment and place used by the participants. Such form, which was made up of open and close questions, tried to identify, besides the personal data of evaluated users and consumers, the characteristics of the current shower activity, such as the place where it takes place in the house, the used equipmentS, in the case there is any, and how often it occurs. The form also was used to identify the caregivers and consumers desires and perceptions in relation to the present characteristics of the new dispositive besides the users and consumers anthropometric data. The evaluation of the results obtained through the form, together with the practice and clinical experience of the researchers and engineers involved in this study, made it possible to develop and make up a real shower chair prototype with the specific adjusts destined to adequate the equipment to be used according to the needs of each user and consumer
The stress responses can be parameters used in order to identify the welfare of animals. Behavior parameters can also be regarded as means to identify their relation to stressing situations. In this study, adult male and female poodle dogs, accustomed (group 1) or not (group 2) to the environment of a bath and grooming salon were analyzed through the plasmatic concentration of cortisol, cell counting of the immune system (total leukocytes and percentage of neutrophils and lymphocytes) and through observation of changes in behavior before and after the bath and grooming service. After arriving at the kennel, the dogs were taken to the bath and grooming facility, where they had their blood samples taken and were observed for ten minutes. The subsequent procedures consisted of the bath and grooming services and the collection of another blood samples. The research results were analyzed through non-parametric statistic tests and p < 0.05. Accustomed and non-accustomed dogs presented different hormonal and behavior responses: accustomed dogs presented an increasing of the cortisol level at the second blood samples collection, thus indicating stress towards the aforementioned procedures and presenting behavior responses which can be described as moderated stress. Non-accustomed dogs presented the same cortisol levels in both first and second samples suggesting that they were already reacting to the new environment. Dogs also shown behavioral responses which can be described as acute stress. Both male and female dogs showed similar immunological changes as well as different endocrine and behavioral profiles. Concerning aggression, this study demonstrates that biting the owner can be a predicting behavior of aggression during the bath and grooming service, male dogs were more aggressive than the female, and that males were more reactive to unknown caretaker. The results of this research propose that the familiarization of the animal with the bath and grooming environment and caretaker is important to the welfare of poodle dogs, especially to that of male dogs
Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, realizado com pacientes acamados, visando compreender a experiência da pessoa dependente da enfermagem para o banho no leito e desenvolver um modelo teórico representativo dessa experiência. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico e, como referencial metodológico, a Grounded Theory. Dos resultados emergiu o fenômeno - aprendendo a avaliar a vida e a enfermagem, ao tornar-se dependente de seus cuidados para o banho no leito. Isso possibilitou identificar a categoria central - propondo um modelo assistencial de enfermagem para o banho no leito, na perspectiva do processo avaliativo do paciente, que contrapõe a evolução técnico-científica relativa ao procedimento.
O prurido do traje de banho ou seabather s eruption é uma dermatite intensamente pruriginosa que ocorre pelo contato com larvas plânulas do cnidário cifozoário Linuche unguiculata, especialmente sob os trajes de banhistas. As larvas disparam seus nematocistos a partir de cnidócitos ou células urticantes de defesa na pele da vítima, causando uma típica erupção pápulo-eritemato-pruriginosa. Os primeiros cinco casos descritos no Brasil foram publicados em 2001, no litoral Sudeste (Ubatuba, SP), obtendo-se associação com larvas de Linuche unguiculata, uma vez que a ocorrência e o ciclo de vida do cnidário já haviam sido estudados no Canal de São Sebastião, SP. Os autores relatam os seis casos na região Sul do Brasil (Estado de Santa Catarina), enfatizando os aspectos clínicos e a pesquisa para identificação do agente na água do mar local.
To determine the effects of the pre-slaughter showering on some meat quality parameters, the bacterial changes in the Longus colli muscle and the contamination of the meat surface at three different points of the slaughter line were studied. Sixteen Nelore steers were slaughtered in a commercial slaughterhouse. Eight animals were submitted to pre-slaughter showering; a control group of eight animals were slaughtered without showering. Aseptic samples were collected for evaluations in the muscle depth, in the anterior portion of Longus colli muscle, just before chilling. The swab method was used for sampling carcass surface right after dressing, before carcasse washing, and at the beginning of chilling. Longus colli muscle samples were used to determine bacteria total count, psychrotrophic count and Enterobacteriaceae count, after 5, 24 and 48 hours from slaughtering, and in carcass surface, bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count. Multivariate methods were used to evaluate bacterial data the use of pre-slaughter showering did not affect the bacteria total counts, in the deep tissue. A significant growth of psychrotrophic bacteria was detected in both treatments. No significant differences (P>.05) were found in bacteria total count and psychrotrophic count between treatments. Also, no differences (P>.05) were detected between counts taken at different momments at the kill floor: skinning, before carcasse washing, and at the cooler, before chilling.