922 resultados para backing paper
Lattialaminaatti on kerrosrakenteinen levymateriaali. Tässä työssä tutkittiin laminaatin epäsymmetrisen kerrosrakenteen aiheuttamaa taipumusta käyristymiseen. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää lattialaminaatin käyristymän hallintaan käytettävää taustapaperia niin, että käyristymää ei tapahtuisi tai käyristymä olisi lievästi alapintaa kohden heti puristuksen jälkeen ja säilyisi samanlaisena varastoinnissa. Kehityksessä huomioitiin taustan ulkonäkö. Taustapapereita valmistettiin sekä pilot- että tuotantomittakaavassa. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin laminointiolosuhteiden vaikutusta lattialaminaatin käyristymään. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään lattialaminaatin valmistusta huomioiden ulkonäköön vaikuttavat tekijät sekä lattialaminaatin käyristymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.Lattialaminaatin käyristymään vaikuttavat laminointiolosuhteet. Puulevyä vasten puristettavat kalvot kutistuvat laminoinnissa, erityisesti puristuslämpötilan kasvaessa. Laminaatin puristuksen jälkeinen käyristymä määräytyy lähinnä ylä- ja alapinnan kalvojen kutistuman erolla.Lattialaminaatin käyristymään varastoinnissa vaikuttaa ylä- ja alapinnan kalvojen dimensiostabiliteettikerroin. Yläpinnan kalvon dimensiostabiliteetti on huonompi kuin alapinnan, jolloin yläpinnan kalvo kutistuu enemmän kuivissa olosuhteissa käyristäen samalla laminaattia positiiviseen suuntaan.Taustapaperin ominaisuuksista merkittävimmin laminaatin käyristymään vaikuttaa kuituraaka-aine. Lattialaminaatin ulkonäköön vaikuttavat pinnassa olevat kuopat. Laminaatin taustan ulkonäköä voidaan parantaa lisäämällä taustapaperiin pehmitintä. Vääräntyyppisellä pehmittimellä menetetään taustan vastavetovoimaa.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper studies the interdependence between fiscal and monetary policies, and their joint role in the determination of the price level. The government is characterized by a long-run fiscal policy rule whereby a given fraction of the outstanding debt, say d, is backed by the present discounted value of current and future primary surpluses. The remaining debt is backed by seigniorage revenue. The parameter d characterizes the interdependence between fiscal and monetary authorities. It is shown that in a standard monetary economy, this policy rule implies that the price level depends not only on the money stock, but also on the proportion of debt that is backed with money. Empirical estimates of d are obtained for OECD countries using data on nominal consumption, monetary base, and debt. Results indicate that debt plays only a minor role in the determination of the price level in these economies. Estimates of d correlate well with institutional measures of central bank independence.
Az elemzés egy, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem (BCE) Logisztika és Ellátási Lánc Menedzsment Tanszéke által végzett kérdőíves felmérés eredményeit foglalja össze. A kutatás alapvető célja, hogy felmérje és bemutassa a hazai vállalatok logisztikai, ezen belül is elsősorban disztribúciós logisztikai folyamatainak informatikai oldalról történő jelenlegi támogatottsági szintjét és a következő két-három év e téren várható fejlesztési irányait. A kutatás szisztematikusan kitért a logisztikai információs rendszer valamennyi alrendszerére, vizsgálta a különböző azonosítási megoldások elterjedtségét, a vállalatirányítási rendszer, illetve egyes moduljainak használatával kapcsolatban kialakult gyakorlatot, de a logisztika stratégiai döntéseinek informatikai támogatottságát és a használt kommunikációs technikákat is. Összességében megállapíthatjuk, hogy a logisztikai információs rendszerek fejlettségi szintje ma Magyarországon közepesnek mondható, fontos megjegyezni azonban, hogy a KKV szektor e téren is jelentős lemaradással rendelkezik. Ez természetesen azt is jelent, hogy az informatikai eszközök alkalmazásának kiterjesztésével még jelentős teljesítményjavulás érhető el. = The essay summarizes the results of a survey carried out by Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Aim of the survey was to analyze and describe the actual Hungarian company practice regarding the IT support of logistics – and particularly distribution – processes, and the plans of developing it within the next 2-3 years. Survey has systematically covered all fields of logistics information system, analyzed the prevalence of different identification techniques and systems. On the whole we appoint that logistics information systems applied by Hungarian companies are on satisfactory level; however it is important to tell that SME companies are in huge lag. This means that improving logistics information system hides the possibility of considerable performance development.
To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.
Paper has become increasingly recognized as a very interesting substrate for the construction of microfluidic devices, with potential application in a variety of areas, including health diagnosis, environmental monitoring, immunoassays and food safety. The aim of this review is to present a short history of analytical systems constructed from paper, summarize the main advantages and disadvantages of fabrication techniques, exploit alternative methods of detection such as colorimetric, electrochemical, photoelectrochemical, chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence, as well as to take a closer look at the novel achievements in the field of bioanalysis published during the last 2 years. Finally, the future trends for production of such devices are discussed.
We reported here for the first time that triboelectric charges on PET sheets can be used to seal and control the flow rate in paper-based devices. The proposed method exhibits simplicity and low cost, provides reversible sealing and minimizes the effect of sample evaporation.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the contamination status of endodontic absorbent paper points from sterilized or not sterilized commercial packs, as well as paper points exposed to the dental office environment. METHODS: Twenty absorbent paper points were evaluated for contamination status packed under different conditions: commercial/sterilized pack, commercial/non-sterilized pack, exposed to the clinical environment, and intentionally contaminated (positive control). Contamination was determined qualitatively and quantitatively by aerobiosis, capnophilic growth, and pour plate. The Petri dishes were analyzed with a colony counter, and the results were expressed as colony-forming units. The data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05). RESULTS: No difference in colony-forming units was found among the groups of endodontic absorbent paper points. All groups were contaminated by fungi and bacteria. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the sterilization of absorbent endodontic paper points before clinical use should be recommended regardless of commercial presentation
O artigo visa analisar a concentração de fluoreto na água para consumo humano, considerando o balanço entre benefícios e riscos à saúde, e produzir subsídios para atualização da legislação brasileira. Estudos de revisão sistemática, documentos oficiais e dados meteorológicos foram examinados. As temperaturas nas capitais brasileiras indicam que o fluoreto deveria variar de 0,6 a 0,9 mg/L para prevenir cárie dentária. Concentração de fluoreto natural de 1,5 mg/L é tolerável para consumo no Brasil se não houver tecnologia de custo-benefício aceitável para ajuste/remoção do seu excesso. A ingestão diária de água com fluoreto em concentração > 0,9 mg/L representa risco à dentição em menores de oito anos de idade e os consumidores deveriam ser expressamente informados desse risco. Considerando a expansão do programa nacional de fluoretação da água para regiões de clima tipicamente tropical, deve-se revisar a Portaria 635/75, relacionada ao fluoreto adicionado às águas de abastecimento público.
This paper describes three-dimensional microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (3-D mu PADs) that can be programmed (postfabrication) by the user to generate multiple patterns of flow through them. These devices are programmed by pressing single-use 'on' buttons, using a stylus or a ballpoint pen. Pressing a button closes a small space (gap) between two vertically aligned microfluidic channels, and allows fluids to wick from one channel to the other. These devices are simple to fabricate, and are made entirely out of paper and double-sided adhesive tape. Programmable devices expand the capabilities of mu PADs and provide a simple method for controlling the movement of fluids in paper-based channels. They are the conceptual equivalent of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) widely used in electronics.
The impact of ozone oxidation on removing high molecular weight (HMW) organics in order to improve the biodegradability of alkaline bleach plant effluent was investigated using a semi-batch reactor under different initial pH (12 and 7). After the ozonation process, the ratio of BOD5/COD increased from 0.07 to 0.16 and 0.22 for initial pH 12 and 7, respectively. Also, the effluent color decreased by 48% and 61% at initial pH 12 and pH 7, respectively. These changes were primarily driven by reductions of the HMW fractions of the effluent during ozonation.
Paper products show dimensional changes when subjected to moisture content modification. Hygroexpansivity was investigated in a commercial paper machine operating at 1256 m/min by a set of measurements on 75 g/m(2) reprographic bleached eucalyptus pulp paper samples. The present work shows hygroexpansivity development in different sections of the paper machine along the manufacturing direction. The measurement results demonstrate the effects of papermaking process operations on paper hygroexpansivity and lead to the confirmation of fiber orientation degree, drying restraint and shrinkage and paper tension as significant influencing factors. Structural, strength and elastic properties of paper were also measured as a function of machine direction position and presented for discussion purposes.