823 resultados para arm movement
Because the structure of the spine is inherently unstable, muscle activation is essential for the maintenance of trunk posture and intervertebral control when the limbs are moved. To investigate how the central nervous system deals with this situation the temporal components of the response of the muscles of the trunk were evaluated during rapid limb movement performed in response to a visual stimulus. Fine-wire electromyography (EMG) electrodes were inserted into transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus abdominis (OI) and obliquus externus abdominis (OE) of 15 subjects under the guidance of real-time ultrasound imaging. Surface electrodes were placed over rectus abdominis (RA), lumbar multifidus (MF) and the three parts of deltoid. In a standing position, ten repetitions of shoulder flexion, abduction and extension were performed by the subjects as fast as possible in response to a visual stimulus. The onset of TrA EMG occurred in advance of deltoid irrespective of the movement direction. The time to onset of EMC activity of OI, OE, RA and MF varied with the movement direction, being activated earliest when the prime action of the muscle opposed the reactive forces associated with the specific limb movement. It is postulated that the non-direction-specific contraction of TrA may be related to the control of trunk. stability independent of the requirement for direction-specific control of the centre of gravity in relation to the base of support.
A serial-link manipulator may form a mobile closed kinematic chain when interacting with the environment, if it is redundant with respect to the task degrees of freedom (DOFs) at the endpoint. If the mobile closed chain assumes a number of configurations, then loop consistency equations permit the manipulator and task kinematics to be calibrated simultaneously using only the joint angle readings; endpoint sensing is not required. Example tasks include a fixed endpoint (0 DOF task), the opening of a door (1 DOF task), and point contact (3 DOF task). Identifiability conditions are derived for these various tasks.
In this study we investigate the coordination between rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) movements at the elbow joint-complex, while manipulating the intersegmental dynamics by means of a 2-degrees of freedom (df) robot arm. We hypothesized that constraints imposed by the structure of the neuromuscular-skeletal system would (1) result in predominant pattern(s) of coordination in the absence of interaction torques and (2) influence the capabilities of participants to exploit artificially induced interaction torques. Two experiments were conducted in which different conditions of interaction torques were applied on the SP-axis as a function of FE movements. These conditions promoted different patterns of coordination between the 2-df. Control trials conducted in the absence of interaction torques revealed that both the in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and the anti-phase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns were spontaneously established by participants. The predominance of these patterns of coordination is explained in terms of the mechanical action of bi-articular muscles acting at the elbow joint-complex, and in terms of the reflexes that link the activity of the muscles involved. Results obtained in the different conditions of interaction torques revealed that those neuromuscular-skeletal constraints either impede or favor the exploitation of intersegmental dynamics depending on the context. Interaction torques were indeed found to be exploited to a greater extent in conditions in which the profiles of interaction torques favored one of the two predominant patterns of coordination (i.e., in-phase or anti-phase) as opposed to other patterns of coordination (e.g., 90 degrees or 270 degrees). Those results are discussed in relation to recent studies reporting exploitation of interaction torques in the context of rhythmic movements.
The authors tested for predominant patterns of coordination in the combination of rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) at the elbow-joint complex. Participants (N = 10) spontaneously established in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and antiphase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns. In addition, the authors used a motorized robot arm to generate involuntary SP movements with different phase relations with respect to voluntary FE. The involuntarily induced in-phase pattern was accentuated and was more consistent than other patterns. That result provides evidence that the predominance of the in-phase pattern originates in the influence of neuro-muscular-skeletal constraints rather than in a preference dictated by perceptual-cognitive factors implicated in voluntary control. Neuromuscular-skeletal constraints involved in the predominance of the in-phase and the antiphase patterns are discussed.
At least 6% of primary school aged children present with DCD, where co-ordination is substantially below the normal range for the child’s age and intelligence. Motor skill difficulties negatively affect academic achievement, recreation and activities of daily living. Poor upper-limb co-ordination is a common difficulty for children with DCD. A possible cause of this problem is deviant muscle timing in proximal muscle groups, which results in poor postural and movement control. While studies have been published investigating postural control in response to external perturbations, detail about postural muscle activity during voluntary movement is limited even in children with normal motor development. No studies have investigated the relationship between muscle timing, resultant arm motion and upper-limb coordination deficits. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between functional difficulties with upper-limb motor skills and neuromuscular components of postural stability and coordination. Specifically, to investigate onset-timing of muscle activity, timing of arm movement, and resultant three-dimensional (3D) arm co-ordination during rapid, voluntary arm movement and to analyse differences arising due to the presence of DCD. This study is part of a larger research program investigating postural stability and control of upper limb movement in children. Design: A controlled, cross-sectional study of differences between children with and without DCD. Methods: This study included 50 children aged eight to 10 years (25 with DCD and 25 without DCD). Children participated in assessment of motor skills according to the Movement ABC Test and a laboratory study of rapid, voluntary arm movements. Parameters investigated included muscle activation timing of shoulder and trunk muscles (surface electromyography), arm movement timing (light sensor) and resultant 3D arm motion (Fastrak). Results: A MANOVA is being used to analyse between-group differences. Preliminary results indicate children with DCD demonstrate altered muscle timing during a rapid arm raise when compared with the control group of children. Conclusion: Differences in proximal muscle timing in children with DCD support the hypothesis that altered proximal muscle activity may contribute to poor proximal stability and consequently poor arm movement control. This has implications for clinical physiotherapy.
The study assessed the effect of velocity of arm movement on the generation of APAs in the contralateral and ipsilateral muscles of individuals with stroke in the sitting position. In the sitting position, 10 healthy and 8 post-stroke subjects reached for an object placed at the scapular plane and mid-sternum height at self-selected and fast velocities. Electromyography was recorded from the anterior deltoid (AD), upper (UT) and lower trapezius (LT), and latissimus dorsi (LD). Kinematic analysis was used to assess peak velocity and trunk displacement. Post-stroke subjects presented a delay of APAs on both sides of the body compared to healthy subjects. Differences were found between the timing of APAs on the ipsilateral and contralateral LD and LT in both movement speeds and in the ipsilateral UT during movement of the non-affected arm at a self-selected velocity. A delay in the contralateral LD in the reaching movement with the non-affected arm at fast velocity was also observed. Trunk displacement was greater in post-stroke subjects. In the sitting position, APAs were delayed in both fast and self-selected movements on both sides in post-stroke subjects, which also presented a higher trunk displacement.
A new ambulatory technique for qualitative and quantitative movement analysis of the humerus is presented. 3D gyroscopes attached on the humerus were used to recognize the movement of the arm and to classify it as flexion, abduction and internal/external rotations. The method was first validated in a laboratory setting and then tested on 31 healthy volunteer subjects while carrying the ambulatory system during 8 h of their daily life. For each recording, the periods of sitting, standing and walking during daily activity were detected using an inertial sensor attached on the chest. During each period of daily activity the type of arm movement (flexion, abduction, internal/external rotation) its velocity and frequency (number of movement/hour) were estimated. The results showed that during the whole daily activity and for each activity (i.e. walking, sitting and walking) the frequency of internal/external rotation was significantly higher while the frequency of abduction was the lowest (P < 0.009). In spite of higher number of flexion, abduction and internal/external rotation in the dominant arm, we have not observed in our population a significant difference with the non-dominant arm, implying that in healthy subjects the arm dominance does not lie considerably on the number of movements. As expected, the frequency of the movement increased from sitting to standing and from standing to walking, while we provide a quantitative value of this change during daily activity. This study provides preliminary evidence that this system is a useful tool for objectively assessing upper-limb activity during daily activity. The results obtained with the healthy population could be used as control data to evaluate arm movement of patients with shoulder diseases during daily activity.
In clinical settings, functional evaluation of shoulder movement is primarily based on what the patient thinks he/she is able to do rather than what he/she is actually performing. We proposed a new approach for shoulder assessment based on inertial sensors to monitor arm movement in the daily routine. The detection of movement of the humerus relative to the trunk was first validated in a laboratory setting (sensitivity>95%, specificity>97%). Then, 41 control subjects and 21 patients suffering from a rotator cuff tear were evaluated (before and after surgery) using clinical questionnaires and a one-day measurement of arm movement. The quantity of movement was estimated with the movement frequency and its symmetry index (SIFr). The quality of movement was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance (KS) between the cumulative distribution of the arm velocity for controls and the same distribution for each patient. SIFr presented differences between patients and controls at 3 month follow-up (p<0.05) while KS showed differences also after 6 months (p<0.01). SIFr illustrated a change in dominance due to the disorder whereas KS, which appeared independent of the dominance and occupation, showed a change in movement velocity. Both parameters were correlated to clinical scores (R(2) reaching 0.5). This approach provides clinicians with new objective parameters for evaluating the functional ability of the shoulder in daily conditions, which could be useful for outcome assessment after surgery.
Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of line of gaze, arm and ball was used to describe the visual and motor behaviour of male adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The ADHD participants were tested when both on (ADHD-On) and off (ADHD-Off) their medication and compared to age-matched normal controls in a modified table tennis task that required tracking the ball and hitting to cued right and left targets. Long-duration information was provided by a pre-cue, in which the target was illuminated approximately 2 s before the serve, and short-duration information by an early-cue illuminated about 350 ms after the serve, leaving -500 ms to select the target and perform the action. The ADHD groups differed significantly from the control group in both the pre-cue and early-cue conditions in being less accurate, in having a later onset and duration of pursuit tracking, and a higher frequency of gaze on and off the ball. The use of medication significantly reduced the gaze frequency of the ADHD participants, but surprisingly this did not lead to an increase in pursuit tracking, suggesting a barrier was reached beyond which ball flight information could not be processed. The control and ADHD groups did not differ in arm movement onset, duration and velocity in the short-duration early-cue condition; in the long-duration pre-cue condition, however, the ADHD group's movement time onset and arm velocity differed significantly from controls. The results show that the ADHD groups were able to process short-duration information without experiencing adverse effects on their motor behaviour; however, long-duration information contributed to irregular movement control.
The participation of the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles in free movements of abduction, adduction, flexion, extension and hyperextension of the arm was studied electromyographically. These muscles were active and synergic in all analysed movements, both acting with intensity that ranged from moderate to very marked.
The participation of the trapezius (pars media) and rhomboideus major muscles were studied electromyographically in movements of lateral and medial rotation (free and against resistance) of the arm. In the majority of cases both muscles were inactive during the performance of the analysed movements. Cases in which only one or both muscles acted in free rotation occurred only at the second half or ending of the movement. Records of electrical potentials during against resistance rotation were due to tensional efforts at the shoulder level.
The trapezius (pars superior) and levator scapulae mm were studied in the arm movements of circumduction and pendular oscillation in 30 adult volunteers of both sexes. A two-channel TECA TE 4 electromyograph and single coaxial needle electrodes were used. It was found out that as arm conduction, both muscles show an activity that gradually increases and decreases the intensity at the elevation and lowering phases respectively. It was also noticed that between two consecutive circumductions a 'silent period' in the activity of the above mentioned muscles occurs. In pendular oscillation these muscles show electrical activity both in the forward and backward moving, and both muscles show a 'silent period' when the arm passes by the trunk. It was not observed in these movements any significant difference in activity of these muscles regarding sex.