980 resultados para aortic banding
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the follow-up of an experimental model of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) induced by supravalvular ascending aortic stenosis in young rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were submitted to thoracotomy and aortic stenosis was created by placing a clip on the ascending aorta (AoS group, n=12). Age-matched control animals underwent a sham operation (C group, n=12). Cardiac function was analysed by echocardiograms performed 6, 12, and 21 weeks after aortic banding. Myocardial morphological features and myocardial hydroxyproline concentration (HOP) were evaluated 2, 6, 12, and 21 weeks after surgery in additional animals. RESULTS: Aortic banding promoted early concentric LVH and a progressive increase in HOP. Under light microscopy, we observed myocyte hypertrophy and wall thickening of the intramural branches of the coronary arteries due to medial hypertrophy. Cardiac function was supranormal after 6 weeks (percentage of fractional shortening - EAo6: 70.3±10.8; C6: 61.3±5.4; p<0.05), and depressed in the last period. Diastolic dysfunction was detected after 12 weeks (ratio of early-to-late filling velocity - EAo12: 4.20±3.25; C12: 1.61±0.16; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Ascending aortic stenosis promotes concentric LVH with myocardial fibrosis and minimal histological changes. According to the period of evaluation, cardiac function may be improved, normal, or depressed. The model is suitable and useful for studies on pathophysiology and treatment of the different phases of cardiac hypertrophy.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background- Cardiac hypertrophy involves growth responses to a variety of stimuli triggered by increased workload. It is an independent risk factor for heart failure and sudden death. Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays a key role in cellular growth responses by integrating growth factor and energy status signals. It is found in 2 structurally and functionally distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex (mTORC) 1 and mTORC2. The role of each of these branches of mTOR signaling in the adult heart is currently unknown. Methods and Results- We generated mice with deficient myocardial mTORC1 activity by targeted ablation of raptor, which encodes an essential component of mTORC1, during adulthood. At 3 weeks after the deletion, atrial and brain natriuretic peptides and β-myosin heavy chain were strongly induced, multiple genes involved in the regulation of energy metabolism were altered, but cardiac function was normal. Function deteriorated rapidly afterward, resulting in dilated cardiomyopathy and high mortality within 6 weeks. Aortic banding-induced pathological overload resulted in severe dilated cardiomyopathy already at 1 week without a prior phase of adaptive hypertrophy. The mechanism involved a lack of adaptive cardiomyocyte growth via blunted protein synthesis capacity, as supported by reduced phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 kinase 1 and 4E-binding protein 1. In addition, reduced mitochondrial content, a shift in metabolic substrate use, and increased apoptosis and autophagy were observed. Conclusions- Our results demonstrate an essential function for mTORC1 in the heart under physiological and pathological conditions and are relevant for the understanding of disease states in which the insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling axis is affected such as diabetes mellitus and heart failure or after cancer therapy.
In response to stress, the heart undergoes a remodeling process associated with cardiac hypertrophy that eventually leads to heart failure. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) have been shown to coordinate numerous prohypertrophic signaling pathways in cultured cardiomyocytes. However, it remains to be established whether AKAP-based signaling complexes control cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling in vivo. In the current study, we show that AKAP-Lbc assembles a signaling complex composed of the kinases PKN, MLTK, MKK3, and p38α that mediates the activation of p38 in cardiomyocytes in response to stress signals. To address the role of this complex in cardiac remodeling, we generated transgenic mice displaying cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of a molecular inhibitor of the interaction between AKAP-Lbc and the p38-activating module. Our results indicate that disruption of the AKAP-Lbc/p38 signaling complex inhibits compensatory cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to aortic banding-induced pressure overload and promotes early cardiac dysfunction associated with increased myocardial apoptosis, stress gene activation, and ventricular dilation. Attenuation of hypertrophy results from a reduced protein synthesis capacity, as indicated by decreased phosphorylation of 4E-binding protein 1 and ribosomal protein S6. These results indicate that AKAP-Lbc enhances p38-mediated hypertrophic signaling in the heart in response to abrupt increases in the afterload.
Effet de l’atorvastatine sur la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques associée à l’hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche dans un modèle porcin Forcillo J, Aubin MC, Horn A, Shi YF, Carrier M, Tardif JC, Perrault LP Introduction: L’atorvastatine par ses effets pléiotropiques pourrait limiter la dysfonction endothéliale associée au développement de l’HVG. Méthodologie : Un cerclage de l’aorte ascendante pendant 2 mois entraîne le développement d’HVG et les groupes ont été traités avec atorvastatine 40 ou 80 mg de 60 à 90 jours. L’HVG est confirmée par échographie. La réactivité vasculaire est évaluée en chambres d’organe, la fonction endothéliale par la quantification de la GMPc et des nitrites/nitrates plasmatiques. Le stress oxydant est mesuré par les niveaux d’ANG II et de la carbonylation des protéines. Résultats : Après 60 et 90 j de cerclage, l’HVG est observée chez tous ces groupes. Les courbes concentrations-réponse des anneaux des artères coronaires épicardiques des groupes traités avec l’atorvastatine 40 et 80 mg pour 30 et 60 jours n’ont démontré aucune amélioration des relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium. Une exacerbation significative de la dysfonction endothéliale a été observée. Les niveaux vasculaires de GMPc sont significativement diminués dans le groupe sans cerclage traité 60 d et ceux d’ANG II sont fortement augmentés chez ce dernier groupe ainsi que le groupe traité avec 80 mg pour 30 jours par rapport aux contrôles. L’expression de la carbonylation des protéines est augmentée dans le groupe témoin traité avec atorvastatine 80 mg, reflétant une augmentation du stress oxydant. Conclusion : L’administration d’atorvastatine ne prévient pas le développement de l’HVG ni la dysfonction endothéliale dans notre modèle. Au contraire l’atorvastatine à haute dose a un effet toxique sur les artères coronaires épicardiques en augmentant la dysfonction endothéliale.
Effet positif de la N-acétylcystéine sur la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques associée à une hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche dans un modèle porcin A. A. HORN, M-C AUBIN, YF SHI, J-C TARDIF, M. CARRIER , L. P. PERRAULT INSTITUT DE CARDIOLOGIE DE MONTRÉAL, MONTRÉAL, CANADA, Objectif : Il a été démontré dans le laboratoire que dans notre modèle d’hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche, la dysfonction endothéliale est secondaire à une diminution de la biodisponibilité du NO, celle-ci étant causée par une augmentation du stress oxydant tel que démontré par Malo et al. (2003) et Aubin et al. (2006). Le but de la présente étude est d’étudier l’effet d’un traitement chronique de la N-acétylcystéine (NAC) (un antioxydant) sur la dysfonction endothéliale associée à une hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche (HVG). Méthodologie: L’HVG a été induite par cerclage aortique (CA) chez vingt-et-un porcelets âgés de deux mois qui furent divisés aléatoirement en quatre groupes expérimentaux. Le groupe témoin (groupe 1) a été soumis à une thoracotomie antérolatérale gauche sans cerclage aortique (n=3). Le groupe 2 a été soumis à un cerclage aortique pour une période de 60 jours (n=6). Le groupe 3 a subi un cerclage aortique et a reçu un traitement oral de N-acétylcystéine de 1000 mg/jour per os pendant 60 jours commençant le jour de la chirurgie (n=6). Le groupe 4 a été soumis à un cerclage aortique et a reçu un traitement oral de N-acétylcystéine : 1000 mg/par jour pendant 30 jours commençant le jour 30 (post-chirurgie) (n=6). L’hypertrophie fut évaluée par échocardiographie. La réactivité vasculaire fut étudiée à l’aide de chambres d’organes par la construction des courbes concentration-réponse à la sérotonine (5-HT: relaxations induites par les récepteurs 5-HT1D, couplés aux protéines Gi) et à la bradykinine (BK: relaxations induites par les récepteurs B2, couplés aux protéines Gq). Les quantités de nitrites/nitrates et la production basale de GMPc ont été mesurées pour évaluer la fonction endothéliale. Le stress oxydant a été étudié en quantifiant les concentrations plasmatiques d’hydroperoxydes lipidiques et de glutathion réduit, ainsi que l’activité plasmatique des enzymes antioxydantes peroxydase du glutathion et dismutase du superoxyde. Résultats: Le rapport masse ventricule gauche/masse corporelle était significativement plus élevé pour le groupe 2 comparativement au groupe 1 (p<0,05) confirmant la présence d’une HVG. Le développement de l’HVG dans le groupe 3 a pu être prévenu par la NAC et sa progression fut atténuée dans le groupe 4 (p<0,05 versus groupe 2). La présence de la dysfonction endothéliale a été confirmée chez le groupe 2, tel qu’illustré par une diminution significative des relaxations maximales à la 5-HT et à la BK comparativement au groupe témoin. Le traitement à la NAC a significativement potentialisé les relaxations maximales (p<0,05) induites par la sérotonine et par la bradykinine, chez les deux groupes traités. Cette amélioration des relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium peut être la conséquence d’une augmentation significative (p<0,05) de la biodisponibilité du monoxyde d’azote pour les cellules musculaires lisses, tel que suggéré par l’augmentation du ratio nitrites/nitrates et de la production basale de GMPc chez les groupes 3 et 4 comparativement au groupe 2. Cette augmentation du facteur relaxant peut résulter d’une augmentation de sa production par les cellules endothéliales ou d’une diminution de sa neutralisation par les espèces réactives oxygénées. De fait, les concentrations d’hydroperoxydes lipidiques étaient significativement inférieures (p<0,05) et associées à une augmentation des concentrations de l’antioxydant glutathion réduit et de l’activité de la peroxydase du glutathion chez les deux groupes traités par rapport au groupe 2. Conclusion: Le traitement à la NAC prévient le développement de la dysfonction endothéliale coronaire ainsi que l’HVG qui lui est associée.
Les propriétés antioxydantes du resvératrol sont d’un grand intérêt pour contrer la dysfonction endothéliale où la contribution du stress oxydant est majeure. Cette dysfonction endothéliale est d’ailleurs bien caractérisée en hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche (HVG). Cette étude vise à explorer les effets thérapeutiques du resvératrol sur la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques associée à l’HVG. L’HVG est induite suite à un cerclage aortique (CA) sur des porcelets de 2 mois. Le resvératrol est ensuite administré à 20 mg/kg/jour per os aux animaux répertoriés dans différents groupes. Le groupe 1 comprend les animaux contrôles sans CA alors que le groupe 2 représente les porcelets ayant subit le CA sans traitement. Le groupe 3 comprend les animaux traités pendant les 60 jours après la chirurgie alors que le groupe 4 est traité seulement à partir du 30ème jour jusqu’au jour 60. Des analyses échocardiographiques et histologiques ont été effectuées afin de déterminer le degré d’hypertrophie et l’impact du resvératrol sur la progression de l’HVG alors que la réactivité vasculaire a été évaluée par des expériences de chambres d’organes. La dysfonction endothéliale a été étudiée in vitro par quantification des métabolites nitriques et des niveaux de GMPc tandis que le stress oxydant est décrit par les niveaux d’angiotensine II (Ang II) et de protéines carbonylées. Les courbes dose-réponse à la sérotonine du groupe 3 traité pendant les 60 jours au resvératrol ont démontré une relaxation vasculaire significativement améliorée comparé au groupe 2 non-traité (p<0,05). Le pourcentage de changement du rapport de la masse du ventricule gauche sur la masse corporelle (LVmass/BW) a démontré une inhibition du développement de l’HVG dans le groupe 3 alors que le groupe 4 n’a pas eu d’effets bénéfiques des 30 jours de traitement au resvératrol. La biodisponibilité du NO représentée par la mesure de ses métabolites en circulation (398,71±21,74 ; 151,04±14,95 ; 241,86±15,53 ; 208,17±26,52 uM pour les groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 respectivement, p<0,001 pour groupe 1 et 3 vs groupe 2) et par le niveau de GMPc a été augmentée avec l’administration du polyphénol (2,54±0,63 ; 0,67±0,45 ; 1,71±0,25 ; 1,98±0,29 pmol/ml pour les groupes 1, 2, 3 et 4 respectivement, p<0,05 pour groupe 1, 3 et 4 vs groupe 2). Le rôle antioxydant du resvératrol a été confirmé avec une réduction des niveaux de protéines carbonylées chez le groupe 3 comparé aux valeurs du groupe 2 (0,14±0,05 vs 0,33±0,03 nmol/mg respectivement) sans diminution des niveaux d’Ang II. Le resvératrol a aussi réduit l’hypertrophie des cardiomyocytes et la fibrose interstitielle. Ainsi, le resvératrol peut effectivement réduire la dysfonction endothéliale des artères coronaires épicardiques et limiter l’occurrence de remodelage myocardique associé à l’HVG, principalement à travers l’activation de la signalisation dépendante du NO.
We have identified and characterised a cDNA encoding a novel gene, designated myocyte stress 1 (ms1), that is up-regulated within 1 h in the left ventricle following the application of pressure overload by aortic banding in the rat. The deduced ms1 protein of 317 amino acids contains several putative functional motifs, including a region that is evolutionarily conserved. Distribution analysis indicates that rat ms1 mRNA expression is predominantly expressed in striated muscle and progressively increases in the left ventricle from embryo to adulthood. These findings suggest that rust may be important in striated muscle biology and the development of pressure-induced left ventricular hypertrophy. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis ecocardiográficas que definam graus de disfunção cardíaca em ratos com estenose aórtica (EAo). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (n = 23), machos (90-100 g), foram submetidos a cirurgia para indução de EAo. As variáveis ecocardiográficas analisadas foram: diâmetros diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) e sistólico do átrio esquerdo em valores absolutos e normalizados para o peso corporal; diâmetro sistólico do VE (DSVE); três índices de encurtamento do VE (% de encurtamento endocárdico, %Enc.Endo; % de encurtamento miocárdico, %Enc.Mio; e velocidade de encurtamento da parede posterior do VE, VEPP); e índice de massa do VE (IMVE). Essas variáveis foram utilizadas para a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis). RESULTADOS: A análise de agrupamento possibilitou separar os ratos com EAo em dois grupos: disfunção leve (n = 13) e disfunção severa (n = 9). Os intervalos de confiança das seguintes variáveis não apresentaram superposição dos seus valores: DDVE, DSVE, %Enc.Endo, %Enc.Mio, IMVE e VEPP. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização conjunta dos intervalos de confiança dessas variáveis permite identificar dois grupos de ratos com estenose aórtica e diferentes graus de comprometimento cardíaco, possibilitando a realização de estudos longitudinais com grupos homogêneos de animais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In response to stress, the heart undergoes a remodeling process associated with cardiac hypertrophy that eventually leads to heart failure. A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) have been shown to coordinate numerous prohypertrophic signaling pathways in cultured cardiomyocytes. However, it remains to be established whether AKAP-based signaling complexes control cardiac hypertrophy and remodeling in vivo. In the current study, we show that AKAP-Lbc assembles a signaling complex composed of the kinases PKN, MLTK, MKK3, and p38α that mediates the activation of p38 in cardiomyocytes in response to stress signals. To address the role of this complex in cardiac remodeling, we generated transgenic mice displaying cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of a molecular inhibitor of the interaction between AKAP-Lbc and the p38-activating module. Our results indicate that disruption of the AKAP-Lbc/p38 signaling complex inhibits compensatory cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in response to aortic banding-induced pressure overload and promotes early cardiac dysfunction associated with increased myocardial apoptosis, stress gene activation, and ventricular dilation. Attenuation of hypertrophy results from a reduced protein synthesis capacity, as indicated by decreased phosphorylation of 4E-binding protein 1 and ribosomal protein S6. These results indicate that AKAP-Lbc enhances p38-mediated hypertrophic signaling in the heart in response to abrupt increases in the afterload.
The heart is a remarkable organ. In order to maintain its function, it remodels in response to a variety of environmental stresses, including pressure overload, volume overload, mechanical or pharmacological unloading and hormonal or metabolic disturbances. All these responses are linked to the inherent capacity of the heart to rebuild itself. Particularly, cardiac pressure overload activates signaling pathways of both protein synthesis and degradation. While much is known about regulators of protein synthesis, little is known about regulators of protein degradation in hypertrophy. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) selectively degrades unused and abnormal intracellular proteins. I speculated that the UPS may play an important role in both qualitative and quantitative changes in the composition of heart muscle during hypertrophic remodeling. My study hypothesized that cardiac remodeling in response to hypertrophic stimuli is a dynamic process that requires activation of highly regulated mechanisms of protein degradation as much as it requires protein synthesis. My first aim was to adopt a model of left ventricular hypertrophy and determine its gene expression and structural changes. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were submitted to ascending aortic banding and sacrificed at 7 and 14 days after surgery. Sham operated animals served as controls. Effective aortic banding was confirmed by hemodynamic assessment by Doppler flow measurements in vivo. Banded rats showed a four-fold increase in peak stenotic jet velocities. Histomorphometric analysis revealed a significant increase in myocyte size as well as fibrosis in the banded animals. Transcript analysis showed that banded animals had reverted to the fetal gene program. My second aim was to assess if the UPS is increased and transcriptionally regulated in hypertrophic left ventricular remodeling. Protein extracts from the left ventricles of the banded and control animals were used to perform an in vitro peptidase assay to assess the overall catalytic activity of the UPS. The results showed no difference between hypertrophied and control animals. Transcript analysis revealed decreases in transcript levels of candidate UPS genes in the hypertrophied hearts at 7 days post-banding but not at 14 days. However, protein expression analysis showed no difference at either time point compared to controls. These findings indicate that elements of the UPS are downregulated in the early phase of hypertrophic remodeling and normalizes in a later phase. The results provide evidence in support of a dynamic transcriptional regulation of a major pathway of intracellular protein degradation in the heart. The discrepancy between transcript levels on the one hand and protein levels on the other hand supports post-transcriptional regulation of the UPS pathway in the hypertrophied heart. The exact mechanisms and the functional consequences remain to be elucidated.
Objectives: Chronic right ventricular (RV) pressure overload results in pathologic RV hypertrophy and diminished RV function. Although aortic constriction has been shown to improve systolic function in acute RV failure, its effect on RV responses to chronic pressure overload is unknown. Methods: Adjustable vascular banding devices were placed on the main pulmonary artery and descending aorta. In 5 animals (sham group), neither band was inflated. In 9 animals (PAB group), only the pulmonary arterial band was inflated, with adjustments on a weekly basis to generate systemic or suprasystemic RV pressure at 28 days. In 9 animals, both pulmonary arterial and aortic devices were inflated (PAB+AO group), the pulmonary arterial band as for the PAB group and the aortic band adjusted to increase proximal systolic blood pressure by approximately 20 mm Hg. Effects on the functional performance were assessed 5 weeks after surgery by conductance catheters, followed by histologic and molecular assessment. Results: Contractile performance was significantly improved in the PAB+AO group versus the PAB group for both ventricles. Relative to sham-operated animals, both banding groups showed significant differences in myocardial histologic and molecular responses. Relative to the PAB group, the PAB+AO group showed significantly decreased RV cardiomyocyte diameter, decreased RV collagen content, and reduced RV expression of endothelin receptor type B, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and transforming growth factor beta genes. Conclusions: Aortic constriction in an experimental model of chronic RV pressure overload not only resulted in improved biventricular systolic function but also improved myocardial remodeling. These data suggest that chronically increased left ventricular afterload leads to a more physiologically hypertrophic response in the pressure-overloaded RV. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144:1494-501)
Background: Ruthenium (Ru) tetraamines are being increasingly used as nitric oxide (NO) carriers. In this context, pharmacological studies have become highly relevant to better understand the mechanism of action involved. Objective: To evaluate the vascular response of the tetraamines trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO) (cyclan)](PF6)2, and trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Methods: Aortic rings were contracted with noradrenaline (10-6 M). After voltage stabilization, a single concentration (10-6 M) of the compounds was added to the assay medium. The responses were recorded during 120 min. Vascular integrity was assessed functionally using acetylcholine at 10-6 M and sodium nitroprusside at 10-6 M as well as by histological examination. Results: Histological analysis confirmed the presence or absence of endothelial cells in those tissues. All tetraamine complexes altered the contractile response induced by norepinephrine, resulting in increased tone followed by relaxation. In rings with endothelium, the inhibition of endothelial NO caused a reduction of the contractile effect caused by pyridine NO. No significant responses were observed in rings with endothelium after treatment with cyclan NO. In contrast, in rings without endothelium, the inhibition of guanylate cyclase significantly reduced the contractile response caused by the pyridine NO and cyclan NO complexes, and both complexes caused a relaxing effect. Conclusion: The results indicate that the vascular effect of the evaluated complexes involved a decrease in the vascular tone induced by norepinephrine (10-6 M) at the end of the incubation period in aortic rings with and without endothelium, indicating the slow release of NO from these complexes and suggesting that the ligands promoted chemical stability to the molecule. Moreover, we demonstrated that the association of Ru with NO is more stable when the ligands pyridine and cyclan are used in the formulation of the compound.Fundamento: As tetra-aminas de rutênio cada vez mais se destacam como carreadoras da molécula de óxido nítrico. Desse modo, estudos farmacológicos tornam-se altamente relevantes, afim de melhor compreender o mecanismo de ação envolvido. Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta vascular das tetra-aminas trans-[RuII(NH3)4(Py)(NO)]3+, trans-[RuII(Cl)(NO)(Cyclan)](PF6)2 e trans-[RuII(NH3)4(4-acPy)(NO)]3+. Métodos: Anéis de aorta foram pré-contraídos com noradrenalina (10-6M). Após estabilização da tensão, concentração única (10-6M) dos compostos foi adicionada ao banho de incubação. As respostas foram registradas ao longo de 120 minutos. A integridade vascular foi avaliada funcionalmente (acetilcolina 10-6M; nitroprussiato de sódio 10-6M) e histologicamente Resultados: A análise histológica confirmou a presença ou não de células endoteliais nos tecidos analisados. Todos os complexos alteraram a resposta contrátil induzida pela noradrenalina, resultando em aumento de tônus seguido de efeito relaxante. Em anéis com endotélio, a inibição do óxido nítrico endotelial causou redução do efeito contrátil da piridina óxido nítrico. Não foram observadas respostas significativas em anéis com endotélio referente ao composto cyclan óxido nítrico. Por outro lado, em anéis sem endotélio, a inibição da guanilato ciclase reduziu significativamente a resposta contrátil dos complexos piridina óxido nítrico e cyclan óxido nítrico, levando ambos os compostos a um efeito relaxante. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o efeito vascular dos complexos avaliados apresentaram diminuição no tônus vascular induzido pela noradrenalina (10-6M) ao final do tempo de incubação, em anéis com e sem endotélio, indicando liberação lenta da molécula de óxido nítrico do composto estudado e sugerindo que os ligantes causaram estabilidade química à molécula. Demonstramos que a ligação rutênio óxido nítrico é mais estável quando utilizamos os ligantes piridina e cyclan para a formulação do composto.
Introdution: The transcatheter aortic valve implantation in the treatment of high-risk symptomatic aortic stenosis has increased the number of implants every year. The learning curve for transcatheter aortic valve implantation has improved since the last 12 years, allowing access alternatives. The aim of this study is to approach the implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through transaortic via associated with off-pump cardiopulmonary bypass surgery in a 67-year-old man, with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension and kidney transplant. Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery was performed and the valve in the aortic position was released successfully. There were no complications in the intraoperative and postoperative period. Gradient reduction, effective orifice increasing of the prosthesis and absence of valvular regurgitation after implantation were observed by transesophageal echocardiography. Procedural success demonstrates that implantation of transcatheter aortic valve through the ascending aorta associated with coronary artery bypass surgery without CPB is a new option for these patients.