947 resultados para adaptive backstepping control
This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
Plant circadian clock controls a wide variety of physiological and developmental events, which include the short-days (SDs)-specific promotion of the elongation of hypocotyls during de-etiolation and also the elongation of petioles during vegetative growth. In A. thaliana, the PIF4 gene encoding a phytochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor plays crucial roles in this photoperiodic control of plant growth. According to the proposed external coincidence model, the PIF4 gene is transcribed precociously at the end of night specifically in SDs, under which conditions the protein product is stably accumulated, while PIF4 is expressed exclusively during the daytime in long days (LDs), under which conditions the protein product is degraded by the light-activated phyB and also the residual proteins are inactivated by the DELLA family of proteins. A number of previous reports provided solid evidence to support this coincidence model mainly at the transcriptional level of the PIF 4 and PIF4-traget genes. Nevertheless, the diurnal oscillation profiles of PIF4 proteins, which were postulated to be dependent on photoperiod and ambient temperature, have not yet been demonstrated. Here we present such crucial evidence on PIF4 protein level to further support the external coincidence model underlying the temperature-adaptive photoperiodic control of plant growth in A. thaliana.
This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms
This paper considers the use of a discrete-time deadbeat control action on systems affected by noise. Variations on the standard controller form are discussed and comparisons are made with controllers in which noise rejection is a higher priority objective. Both load and random disturbances are considered in the system description, although the aim of the deadbeat design remains as a tailoring of reference input variations. Finally, the use of such a deadbeat action within a self-tuning control framework is shown to satisfy, under certain conditions, the self-tuning property, generally though only when an extended form of least-squares estimation is incorporated.
Recursive Learning Control (RLC) has the potential to significantly reduce the tracking error in many repetitive trajectory applications. This paper presents an application of RLC to a soil testing load frame where non-adaptive techniques struggle with the highly nonlinear nature of soil. The main purpose of the controller is to apply a sinusoidal force reference trajectory on a soil sample with a high degree of accuracy and repeatability. The controller uses a feedforward control structure, recursive least squares adaptation algorithm and RLC to compensate for periodic errors. Tracking error is reduced and stability is maintained across various soil sample responses.
This research aims at developing a variable structure adaptive backstepping controller (VS-ABC) by using state observers for SISO (Single Input Single Output), linear and time invariant systems with relative degree one. Therefore, the lters were replaced by a Luenberger Adaptive Observer and the control algorithm uses switching laws. The presented simulations compare the controller performance, considering when the state variables are estimated by an observer, with the case that the variables are available for measurement. Even with numerous performance advantages, adaptive backstepping controllers still have very complex algorithms, especially when the system state variables are not measured, since the use of lters on the plant input and output is not something trivial. As an attempt to make the controller design more intuitive, an adaptive observer as an alternative to commonly used K lters can be used. Furthermore, since the states variables are considered known, the controller has a reduction on the dependence of the unknown plant parameters on the design. Also, switching laws could be used in the controller instead of the traditional integral adaptive laws because they improve the system transient performance and increase the robustness against external disturbances in the plant input
"Technical report AFFDL-TR-67-18"
Dedicated short range communications (DSRC) was proposed for collaborative safety applications (CSA) in vehicle communications. In this article we propose two adaptive congestion control schemes for DSRC-based CSA. A cross-layer design approach is used with congestion detection at the MAC layer and traffic rate control at the application layer. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed rate control scheme for adapting to dynamic traffic loads.
Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) is a promising technique for vehicle ad-hoc network (VANET) and collaborative road safety applications. As road safety applications require strict quality of services (QoS) from the VANET, it is crucial for DSRC to provide timely and reliable communications to make safety applications successful. In this paper we propose two adaptive message rate control algorithms for low priority safety messages, in order to provide highly available channel for high priority emergency messages while improve channel utilization. In the algorithms each vehicle monitors channel loads and independently controls message rate by a modified additive increase and multiplicative decrease (AIMD) method. Simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed rate control algorithms in adapting to dynamic traffic load.
Congestion control is critical for the provisioning of quality of services (QoS) over dedicated short range communications (DSRC) vehicle networks for road safety applications. In this paper we propose a congestion control method for DSRC vehicle networks at road intersection, with the aims of providing high availability and low latency channels for high priority emergency safety applications while maximizing channel utilization for low priority routine safety applications. In this method a offline simulation based approach is used to find out the best possible configurations of message rate and MAC layer backoff exponent (BE) for a given number of vehicles equipped with DSRC radios. The identified best configurations are then used online by an roadside access point (AP) for system operation. Simulation results demonstrated that this adaptive method significantly outperforms the fixed control method under varying number of vehicles. The impact of estimation error on the number of vehicles in the network on system level performance is also investigated.
Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) are a promising vehicle communication technique for collaborative road safety applications (CSA). However, road safety applications require highly reliable and timely wireless communications, which present big challenges to DSRC based vehicle networks on effective and robust quality of services (QoS) provisioning due to the random channel access method applied in the DSRC technique. In this paper we examine the QoS control problem for CSA in the DSRC based vehicle networks and presented an overview of the research work towards the QoS control problem. After an analysis of the system application requirements and the DSRC vehicle network features, we propose a framework for cooperative and adaptive QoS control, which is believed to be a key for the success of DSRC on supporting effective collaborative road safety applications. A core design in the proposed QoS control framework is that network feedback and cross-layer design are employed to collaboratively achieve targeted QoS. A design example of cooperative and adaptive rate control scheme is implemented and evaluated, with objective of illustrating the key ideas in the framework. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed rate control schemes in providing highly available and reliable channel for emergency safety messages. © 2013 Wenyang Guan et al.
Il presente elaborato intende valutare l’influenza che i sistemi di assistenza alla guida (ADAS) hanno sul comportamento dei conducenti, con particolare attenzione alla distrazione ed al workload (carico di lavoro fisico e mentale) che essi provocano. Lo studio si concentrerà in particolare sull’analisi del comportamento di guida dei conducenti a bordo di un veicolo dotato di Adaptive Cruise Control.
La presente tesi si pone l’obiettivo di studiare e comprendere l’influenza che i sistemi di assistenza alla guida (ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), installati negli autoveicoli di nuova generazione, hanno sulla condotta di guida degli automobilisti, con particolare attenzione alla distrazione ed al workload che essi provocano. Punto centrale dell’analisi è il sistema Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) che permette al guidatore del veicolo sia di mantenere una velocità di marcia costante sia di rilevare, tramite sensoristica, i veicoli che lo precedono, intervenendo sul sistema frenante e sulla centralina di controllo del motore, così da garantire il mantenimento della distanza di sicurezza selezionata. Lo studio, attraverso l’utilizzo di tecniche innovative, si sofferma, in particolare, sull’analisi del comportamento di guida dei conducenti a bordo di un veicolo dotato di Adaptive Cruise Control. Il fine della ricerca è quello di determinare se e quanto il sistema ACC influisca sul conducente in termini di carico di lavoro cognitivo e fisico e di livelli d’attenzione, concentrandosi sulla valutazione del tempo di reazione con sistema acceso o spento.
1° level of automation: the effectiveness of adaptive cruise control on driving and visual behaviour
The research activities have allowed the analysis of the driver assistance systems, called Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in relation to road safety. The study is structured according to several evaluation steps, related to definite on-site tests that have been carried out with different samples of users, according to their driving experience with the ACC. The evaluation steps concern: •The testing mode and the choice of suitable instrumentation to detect the driver’s behaviour in relation to the ACC. •The analysis modes and outputs to be obtained, i.e.: - Distribution of attention and inattention; - Mental workload; - The Perception-Reaction Time (PRT), the Time To Collision (TTC) and the Time Headway (TH). The main purpose is to assess the interaction between vehicle drivers and ADAS, highlighting the inattention and variation of the workloads they induce regarding the driving task. The research project considered the use of a system for monitoring visual behavior (ASL Mobile Eye-XG - ME), a powerful GPS that allowed to record the kinematic data of the vehicle (Racelogic Video V-BOX) and a tool for reading brain activity (Electroencephalographic System - EEG). Just during the analytical phase, a second and important research objective was born: the creation of a graphical interface that would allow exceeding the frame count limit, making faster and more effective the labeling of the driver’s points of view. The results show a complete and exhaustive picture of the vehicle-driver interaction. It has been possible to highlight the main sources of criticalities related to the user and the vehicle, in order to concretely reduce the accident rate. In addition, the use of mathematical-computational methodologies for the analysis of experimental data has allowed the optimization and verification of analytical processes with neural networks that have made an effective comparison between the manual and automatic methodology.