971 resultados para YANG-MILLS FIELDS
Starting from the Generating functional for the Green Function (GF), constructed from the Lagrangian action in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) theory (L-approach) we strictly prove that the physical matrix elements of the S-matrix in DKP and Klein-Gordon-Fock (KGF) theories coincide in cases of interacting spin O particles with external and quantized Maxwell and Yang-Mills fields and in case of external gravitational field (without or with torsion), For the proof we use the reduction formulas of Lehmann, Symanzik and Zimmermann (LSZ). We prove that many photons and Yang-Mills particles GF coincide in both theories too. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We have studied the null plane hamiltonian structure of the free Yang Mills fields. Following the Dirac's procedure for constrained systems we have performed a detailed analysis of the constraint structure of the model and we give the generalized Dirac brackets for the physical variables. Using the correspondence principle in the Dime's brackets we obtain the same commutators present in the literature and new ones.
Fujikawa's method of evaluating the supercurrent and the superconformal current anomalies, using the heat-kernel regularization scheme, is extended to theories with gauge invariance, in particular, to the off-shell N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SSYM) theory. The Jacobians of supersymmetry and superconformal transformations are finite. Although the gauge-fixing term is not supersymmetric and the regularization scheme is not manifestly supersymmetric, we find that the regularized Jacobians are gauge invariant and finite and they can be expressed in such a way that there is no one-loop supercurrent anomaly for the N=1 SSYM theory. The superconformal anomaly is nonzero and the anomaly agrees with a similar result obtained using other methods.
We set up a new calculational framework for the Yang-Mills vacuum transition amplitude in the Schrodinger representation. After integrating out hard-mode contributions perturbatively and performing a gauge-invariant gradient expansion of the ensuing soft-mode action, a manageable saddle-point expansion for the vacuum overlap can be formulated. In combination with the squeezed approximation to the vacuum wave functional this allows for an essentially analytical treatment of physical amplitudes. Moreover, it leads to the identification of dominant and gauge-invariant classes of gauge field orbits which play the role of gluonic infrared (IR) degrees of freedom. The latter emerge as a diverse set of saddle-point solutions and are represented by unitary matrix fields. We discuss their scale stability, the associated virial theorem and other general properties including topological quantum numbers and action bounds. We then find important saddle-point solutions (most of them solitons) explicitly and examine their physical impact. While some are related to tunneling solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equation, i.e. to instantons and merons, others appear to play unprecedented roles. A remarkable new class of IR degrees of freedom consists of Faddeev-Niemi type link and knot solutions, potentially related to glueballs.
Using an infinite number of fields, we construct actions for D = 4 self-dual Yang-Mills with manifest Lorentz invariance and for D = 10 super-Yang-Mills with manifest super-Poincare invariance. These actions are generalizations of the covariant action for the D = 2 chiral boson which was first studied by McClain, Wu, Yu and Wotzasek.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using an infinite number of fields, we construct actions for D = 4 self-dual Yang-Mills with manifest Lorentz invariance and for D = 10 super-Yang-Mills with manifest super-Poincaré invariance. These actions are generalizations of the covariant action for the D = 2 chiral boson which was first studied by McClain, Wu, Yu and Wotzasek.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Despite the fact that the integral form of the equations of classical electrodynamics is well known, the same is not true for non-Abelian gauge theories. The aim of the present paper is threefold. First, we present the integral form of the classical Yang-Mills equations in the presence of sources and then use it to solve the long-standing problem of constructing conserved charges, for any field configuration, which are invariant under general gauge transformations and not only under transformations that go to a constant at spatial infinity. The construction is based on concepts in loop spaces and on a generalization of the non-Abelian Stokes theorem for two-form connections. The third goal of the paper is to present the integral form of the self-dual Yang-Mills equations and calculate the conserved charges associated with them. The charges are explicitly evaluated for the cases of monopoles, dyons, instantons and merons, and we show that in many cases those charges must be quantized. Our results are important in the understanding of global properties of non-Abelian gauge theories.
We obtain the superconformal transformation laws of theN=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and explicitly demonstrate the closure of the algebra.
We study the structure constants of the N = 1 beta deformed theory perturbatively and at strong coupling. We show that the planar one loop corrections to the structure constants of single trace gauge invariant operators in the scalar sector is determined by the anomalous dimension Hamiltonian. This result implies that 3 point functions of the chiral primaries of the theory do not receive corrections at one loop. We then study the structure constants at strong coupling using the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We explicitly construct the supergravity mode dual to the chiral primary with three equal U(1) R-charges in the Lunin-Maldacena geometry. We show that the 3 point function of this supergravity mode with semi-classical states representing two other similar chiral primary states but with large U(1) charges to be independent of the beta deformation and identical to that found in the AdS(5) x S-5 geometry. This together with the one-loop result indicate that these structure constants are protected by a non-renormalization theorem. We also show that three point function of U(1) R-currents with classical massive strings is proportional to the R-charge carried by the string solution. This is in accordance with the prediction of the R-symmetry Ward identity.
The superspace approach provides a manifestly supersymmetric formulation of supersymmetric theories. For N= 1 supersymmetry one can use either constrained or unconstrained superfields for such a formulation. Only the unconstrained formulation is suitable for quantum calculations. Until now, all interacting N>1 theories have been written using constrained superfields. No solutions of the nonlinear constraint equations were known.
In this work, we first review the superspace approach and its relation to conventional component methods. The difference between constrained and unconstrained formulations is explained, and the origin of the nonlinear constraints in supersymmetric gauge theories is discussed. It is then shown that these nonlinear constraint equations can be solved by transforming them into linear equations. The method is shown to work for N=1 Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions.
N=2 Yang-Mills theory is formulated in constrained form in six-dimensional superspace, which can be dimensionally reduced to four-dimensional N=2 extended superspace. We construct a superfield calculus for six-dimensional superspace, and show that known matter multiplets can be described very simply. Our method for solving constraints is then applied to the constrained N=2 Yang-Mills theory, and we obtain an explicit solution in terms of an unconstrained superfield. The solution of the constraints can easily be expanded in powers of the unconstrained superfield, and a similar expansion of the action is also given. A background-field expansion is provided for any gauge theory in which the constraints can be solved by our methods. Some implications of this for superspace gauge theories are briefly discussed.