983 resultados para Wild type TTR
Transthyretin (TTR) is a tetrameric beta-sheet-rich transporter protein directly involved in human amyloid diseases. It was recently found that the isoflavone genistein (GEN) potently inhibits TTR amyloid fibril formation (Green et al., 2005) and is therefore a promising candidate for TTR amyloidosis treatment. Here we used structural and biophysical approaches to characterize genistein binding to the wild type (TTRwt) and to its most frequent amyloidogenic variant, the V30M mutant. In a dose-dependent manner, genistein elicited considerable increases in both mutant and TTRwt stability as demonstrated by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and acid-mediated dissociation/denaturation assays. TTR:GEN crystal complexes and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments showed that the binding mechanisms of genistein to the TTRwt and to V30M are different and are dependent on apoTTR structure conformations. Furthermore, we could also identify potential allosteric movements caused by genistein binding to the wild type TTR that explains, at least in part, the frequently observed negatively cooperative process between the two sites of TTRwt when binding ligands. These findings show that TTR mutants may present different ligand recognition and therefore are of value in ligand design for inhibiting TTR amyloidosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The complete genome sequences of two Brazilian wild-type rabies viruses (RABV), a BR-DR1 isolate from a haematophagous bat (Desmodus rotundus) and a BR-AL1 isolate from a frugivorous bat (Artibeus lituratus), were determined. The genomes of the BR-DR1 and RR-AL1 had 11,923 and 11,922 nt, respectively, and both encoded the five standard genes of rhabdoviruses. The complete nucleotide sequence identity between the BR-DR1 and BR-AL1 isolates was 97%. The BR-DR1 and BR-AL1 isolates had some conserved functional sites revealed by the fixed isolates, whereas both isolates had unique amino acid substitutions in the antigenic region IV of the nucleocapsid gene. Therefore, it is speculated that both isolates were nearly identical in virologic character. According to our phylogenetic analysis based on the complete genomes, both isolates belonged to genotype 1, and to the previously defined ""vampire bat-related RABV lineage"" which consisted of mainly D. rotundus- and A. lituratus- isolates; however, a branch pattern with high bootstrap values suggested that BR-DR1 was more closely related to the 9001FRA isolate, which was collected from a dog bitten by a bat in French Guiana, than to BR-AL1. This result suggests that the vampire bat-related RABV lineage includes Brazilian vampire bat and Brazilian frugivorous bat RABV and is further divided into Brazilian vampire bat and Brazilian frugivorous bat RABV sub-lineages. The phylogenetic analysis based on the complete genomes was valuable in discriminating among very closely related isolates.
The rhizosphere is a niche exploited by a wide variety of bacteria. The expression of heterologous genes by plants might become a factor affecting the structure of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere. In a greenhouse experiment, the bacterial community associated to transgenic eucalyptus, carrying the Lhcb1-2 genes from pea (responsible for a higher photosynthetic capacity), was evaluated. The culturable bacterial community associated to transgenic and wild type plants were not different in density, and the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA) typing of 124 strains revealed dominant ribotypes representing the bacterial orders Burkholderiales, Rhizobiales, and Actinomycetales, the families Xanthomonadaceae, and Bacillaceae, and the genus Mycobacterium. Principal Component Analysis based on the fingerprints obtained by culture-independent Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis analysis revealed that Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria communities responded differently to plant genotypes. Similar effects for the cultivation of transgenic eucalyptus to those observed when two genotype-distinct wild type plants are compared.
Background In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), glucocorticoid treatment suppresses adrenocorticotrophic hormone-regulated hybrid gene expression and corrects hyperaldosteronism. Objective To determine whether the wild-type aldosterone synthase genes, thereby released from chronic suppression, are capable of functioning normally. Methods We compared mid-morning levels of plasma potassium, plasma aldosterone, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone : PRA ratios, measured with patients in an upright position, and responsiveness of aldosterone levels to infusion of angiotensin II (AII), for 11 patients with FH-I before and during long-term (0.8-14.3 years) treatment with 0.25-0.75 mg/day dexamethasone or 2.5-10 mg/day prednisolone. Results During glucocorticoid treatment, hypertension was corrected in all. Potassium levels, which had been low (< 3.5 mmol/l) in two patients before treatment, were normal in all during treatment (mean 4.0 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, range 3.5-4.6). Aldosterone levels during treatment [13.2 +/- 2.1 ng/100 ml (mean +/- SEM)] were lower than those before treatment (20.1 +/- 2.5 ng/100 ml, P < 0.05). PRA levels, which had been suppressed before treatment (0.5 +/- 0.2 ng/ml per h), were unsuppressed during treatment (5.1 +/- 1.5 ng/ml per h, P < 0.01) and elevated (> 4 ng/ml per h) in six patients. Aldosterone : PRA ratios, which had been elevated (> 30) before treatment (101.1 +/- 25.9), were much lower during treatment (4.1 +/- 1.0, P < 0.005) and below normal (< 5) in eight patients. Surprisingly, aldosterone level, which had not been responsive (< 50% rise) to infusion of AII for all 11 patients before treatment, remained unresponsive for 10 during treatment. Conclusions Apparently regardless of duration of glucocorticoid treatment in FH-I, aldosterone level remains poorly responsive to AII, with a higher than normal PRA and a low aldosterone : PRA ratio. This is consistent with there being a persistent defect in functioning of wild-type aldosterone synthase gene. (C) Rapid Science Publishers ISSN 0263-6352.
Some blockers of beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors cause cardiostimulant effects through an atypical beta-adrenoceptor (putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor) that resembles the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. It is likely but not proven that the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is genetically distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor. We therefore investigated whether or not the cardiac atypical beta-adrenoceptor could mediate agonist effects in mice lacking a functional beta(3)-adrenoceptor gene (beta(3)KO). (-)-CGP 12177, a beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptor blocker that causes agonist effects through both beta(3)-adrenoceptors and cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors, caused cardiostimulant effects that were not different in atria from wild-type (WT) mice and beta(3)KO mice. The effects of (-)-CGP 12177 were resistant to blockade by (-)-propranolol (200 nM) but were blocked by (-)-bupranolol (1 mu M) with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 15 nM in WT and 17 nM in beta(3)KO. (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 labeled a similar density of the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor in ventricular membranes from the hearts of both WT (B-max = 52 fmol/mg protein) and beta(3)KO (B-max = 53 fmol/mg protein) mice. The affinity of (-)-[H-3]CGP 12177 for the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor was not different between WT (K-d = 46 nM) and beta(3)KO (K-d = 40 nM). These results provide definitive evidence that the cardiac putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor is distinct from the beta(3)-adrenoceptor.
PCR-based cancer diagnosis requires detection of rare mutations in k-ras, p53 or other genes. The assumption has been that mutant and wild-type sequences amplify with near equal efficiency, so that they are eventually present in proportions representative of the starting material. Work factor IX suggests that this assumption is invalid for one case of near-sequence identity To test the generality of this phenomenon and its relevance to cancer diagnosis, primers distant from point mutations in p53 and k-ras were used to amplify, wild-type and mutant sequences from these genes. A substantial bias against PCR amplification of mutants was observed for two regions of the p53 gene and one region of k-ras. For kras and p53, bias was observed when the wild-type and mutant sequences were amplified separately or when mixed in equal proportions before PCR. Bias was present with proofreading and non-proofreading polymerases. Mutant and wild-type segments of the factor V cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and prothrombin genes were amplified and did not exhibit PCR bias. Therefore, the assumption of equal PCR efficiency for point mutant and wild-type sequences is invalid in several systems. Quantitative or diagnostic PCR will require validation for each locus, and enrichment strategies may be needed to optimize detection of mutants.
1 The smooth muscle relaxant responses to the mixed beta(3)-, putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor agonist, (-)-CGP 12177 in rat colon are partially resistant to blockade by the beta(3)-adrenoceptor antagonist SR59230A suggesting involvement of beta(3)- and putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. We now investigated the function of the putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor and other beta-adrenoceptor subtypes in the colon, oesophagus and ureter of wild-type (WT) and beta(3)-adrenoceptor knockout (beta(3)KO) mice. 2 (-)-Noradrenaline and (-)-adrenaline relaxed KCl (30 mM)-precontracted colon mostly through beta(1)-and beta(3)-adrenoceptors to a similar extent and to a minor extent through beta(2)-adrenoceptors. In colon from beta(3)KO mice, (-)-noradrenaline was as potent as in WT mice but the effects were mediated entirely through beta(1)-adrenoceptors. (-)-CGP 12177 relaxed colon from beta(3)KO mice with 2 fold greater potency than in WT mice. The maintenance of potency for (-)-noradrenaline and increase for (-)-CGP 12177 indicate compensatory increases in beta(1)- and putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor function in beta(3)KO mice. 3 In oesophagi precontracted with 1 mu M carbachol, (-)-noradrenaline caused relaxation mainly through beta(1)-and beta(3)-adrenoceptors. (-)-CGP 12177 (2 mu M) relaxed oesophagi from WT by 61.4+/-5.1% and beta(3)KO by 67.3+/-10.1% of the (-)-isoprenaline-evoked relaxation, consistent with mediation through putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. 4 In ureter, (-)-CGP 12177 (2 mu M) reduced pacemaker activity by 31.1+/-2.3% in WT and 31.3+/-7.5% in beta(3)KO, consistent with mediation through putative beta(4)-adrenoceptors. 5 Relaxation of mouse colon and oesophagus by catecholamines are mediated through beta(1)- and beta(3)- adrenoceptors in WT. The putative beta(4)-adrenoceptor, which presumably is an atypical state of the beta(1)-adrenoceptor, mediates the effects of(-)-CGP 12177 in colon, oesophagus and ureter.
P>Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 protease is a known target of CD8+ T cell responses, but it is the only HIV-1 protein in which no fully characterized HIV-1 protease CD4 epitopes have been identified to date. We investigated the recognition of HIV-1 protease by CD4+ T cells from 75 HIV-1-infected, protease inhibitor (PI)-treated patients, using the 5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-based proliferation assay. In order to identify putative promiscuous CD4+ T cell epitopes, we used the TEPITOPE algorithm to scan the sequence of the HXB2 HIV-1 protease. Protease regions 4-23, 45-64 and 73-95 were identified; 32 sequence variants of the mentioned regions, encoding frequent PI-induced mutations and polymorphisms, were also tested. On average, each peptide bound to five of 15 tested common human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR) molecules. More than 80% of the patients displayed CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cell recognition of at least one of the protease peptides. All 35 peptides were recognized. The response was not associated with particular HLA-DR or -DQ alleles. Our results thus indicate that protease is a frequent target of CD4+ along with CD8+ proliferative T cell responses by the majority of HIV-1-infected patients under PI therapy. The frequent finding of matching CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses to the same peptides may indicate that CD4+ T cells provide cognate T cell help for the maintenance of long-living protease-specific functional CD8+ T cells.
We compared the aldosterone-producing potency of the angiotensin II-sensitive wild-type aldosterone synthase genes and the ACTH-sensitive hybrid 11 beta-hydroxylase/aldosterone synthase gene by examining aldosterone, PRA, and cortisol day-curves (2-hourly levels over 24 h) in patients with familial hyperaldosteronism type I, before and during long-term (0.8-13.5 yr) glucocorticoid treatment. In 8 untreated patients, PRA levels were usually suppressed, and aldosterone correlated strongly with cortisol (r = 0.69-0.99). Fourteen studies were performed on 10 patients receiving glucocorticoid treatment that corrected hypertension, hypokalemia, and PRA suppression in all. ACTH was markedly and continuously suppressed in 6 studies, 3 of which demonstrated strong correlations between aldosterone and PRA (r = 0.77-0.92), ACTH was only partially suppressed in the remaining 8 studies; aldosterone correlated strongly: 1) with cortisol alone in 5 (r = 0.71-0.98); 2) with cortisol (r = 0.90) and PRA (r = 0.74) in one; 3) with PRA only in one (r = 0.80); and 4) with neither PRA nor cortisol in one. Unless ACTH is markedly and continuously suppressed, aldosterone is more responsive to ACTH than to renin/angiotensin II, despite the latter being unsuppressed. This is consistent with the hybrid gene being more powerfully expressed than the wild-type aldosterone synthase genes in familial hyperaldosteronism type I.
Introduction. The hippocampal formation is a specific structure in the brain where neurogenesis occurs throughout adulthood and in which the neuronal cell loss causes various demential states. The main goal of this study was to verify whether fetal neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from transgenic rats expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) retain the ability to differentiate into neuronal cells and to integrate into the hippocampal circuitry after transplantation. Methods. NPCs were isolated from E14 (gestational age: 14 days postconception) transgenic-Lewis and wild-type Sprague-Dawley rat embryos. Wild-type and transgenic cells were expanded and induced to differentiate into a neuronal lineage in vitro. Immunocytochemical and electrophysiological analysis were performed in both groups. GFP-expressing cells were implanted into the hippocampus and recorded electrophysiologically 3 months thereafter. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed neuronal differentiation, and the yield of neuronal cells was determined stereologically. Results. NPCs derived from wild-type and transgenic animals are similar regarding their ability to generate neuronal cells in vitro. Neuronal maturity was confirmed by immunocytochemistry and electrophysiology, with demonstration of voltage-gated ionic currents, firing activity, and spontaneous synaptic currents. GFP-NPCs were also able to differentiate into mature neurons after implantation into the hippocampus, where they formed functional synaptic contacts. Conclusions. GFP-transgenic cells represent an important tool in transplantation studies. Herein, we demonstrate their ability to generate functional neurons both in vitro and in vivo conditions. Neurons derived from fetal NPCs were able to integrate into the normal hippocampal circuitry. The high yield of mature neurons generated render these cells important candidates for restorative approaches based on cell therapy.
Cells produce and use peptides in distinctive ways. In the present report, using isotope labeling plus semi-quantitative mass spectrometry, we evaluated the intracellular peptide profile of TAP1/beta 2m(-/-) (transporter associated with antigen-processing 1/beta 2 microglobulin) double-knockout mice and compared it with that of C57BL/6 wild-type animals. Overall, 92 distinctive peptides were identified, and most were shown to have a similar concentration in both mouse strains. However, some peptides showed a modest increase or decrease (similar to 2-fold), whereas a glycine-rich peptide derived from the C-terminal of neurogranin (KGPGPGGPGGAGGARGGAGGGPSGD) showed a substantial increase (6-fold) in TAP1/beta 2m(-/-) mice. Thus, TAP1 and beta 2microglobulin have a small influence on the peptide profile of neuronal tissue, suggesting that the presence of peptides derived from intracellular proteins in neuronal tissue is not associated with antigens of the class I major histocompatibility complex. Therefore, it is possible that these intracellular peptides play a physiological role.
Animals inheriting the slick hair gene have a short, sleek, and sometimes glossy coat. The objective of the present study was to determine whether slick-haired Holstein cows regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type Holstein cows when exposed to an acute increase in heat stress. Lactating slick cows (n = 10) and wild-type cows (n = 10) were placed for 10 h in an indoor environment with a solid roof, fans, and evaporative cooling or in an outdoor environment with shade cloth and no fans or evaporative cooling. Cows were exposed to both environments in a single reversal design. Vaginal temperature, respiration rate, surface temperature, and sweating rate were measured at 1200, 1500, 1800, and 2100 h (replicate 1) or 1200 and 1500 h (replicate 2), and blood samples were collected for plasma cortisol concentration. Cows in the outdoor environment had higher vaginal and surface temperatures, respiration rates, and sweating rates than cows in the indoor environment. In both environments, slick-haired cows had lower vaginal temperatures (indoor: 39.0 vs. 39.4 degrees C; outdoor 39.6 vs. 40.2 degrees C; SEM = 0.07) and respiration rate (indoor: 67 vs. 79 breaths/min; outdoor 97 vs. 107 breaths/min; SEM = 5.5) than wild-type cows and greater sweating rates in unclipped areas of skin (indoor: 57 vs. 43 g.h(-1)/m(2); outdoor 82 vs. 61 g.h(-1)/m(2); SEM = 8). Clipping the hair at the site of sweating measurement eliminated the difference between slick-haired and wild-type cows. Results indicate that slick-haired Holstein cows can regulate body temperature more effectively than wild-type cows during heat stress. One reason slick-haired animals are better able to regulate body temperature is increased sweating rate.
The ABA-deficient wilty pea (Pisum sativum L.) and its wild-type (WT) were grown at two levels of nitrogen supply (0.5 and 5.0 mM) for 5-6 weeks from sowing, to determine whether leaf ABA status altered the leaf growth response to N deprivation. Plants were grown at high relative humidity to prevent wilting of the wilty peas. Irrespective of N supply, expanding wilty leaflets had ca 50% less ABA than WT leaflets but similar ethylene evolution rates. Fully expanded wilty leaflets had lower relative water contents (RWC) and were 10-60% smaller in area (according to the node of measurement) than WT leaflets. However, there were no genotypic differences in plant relative leaf expansion rate (RLER). Growth of both genotypes at 0.5 mM N increased the RWC of fully expanded leaflets, but did not alter ethylene evolution or ABA concentration of expanding leaflets. Plants grown at 0.5 mM N showed a 20-30% reduction in RLER, which was similar in magnitude in both wilty and WT peas. Thus, leaf ABA status did not alter the leaf growth response to N deprivation.
The aim of this work was to devise a one-step purification procedure for monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) of IgG class by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC). Therefore, several stationary phases were prepared containing immobilized metal chelates in order to study the chromatographic behaviour of MAbs against wild-type amidase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Such MAbs adsorbed to Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II) and Co(II)-IDA agarose columns. The increase in ligand concentration and the use of longer spacer arms and higher pH values resulted in higher adsorption of MAbs into immobilized metal chelates. The dynamic binding capacity and the maximum binding capacity were 1.33 +/- 0.015 and 3.214 +/- 0.021 mg IgG/mL of sedimented commercial matrix, respectively. A K(D) of 4.53 x 10(-7) M was obtained from batch isotherm measurements. The combination of tailor-made stationary phases of IMAC and the correct selection of adsorption conditions permitted a one-step purification procedure to be devised for MAbs of IgG class. Culture supernatants containing MAbs were purified by IMAC on commercial-Zn(II) and EPI-30-IDA-Zn(II) Sepharose 6B columns and by affinity chromatography on Protein A-Sepharose CL-4B. This MAb preparation revealed on SDS-PAGE two protein bands with M(r) of 50 and 22 kDa corresponding to the heavy and light chains, respectively. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Purpose: This study was conducted to study the influence of protein structure on the immunogenicity in wild-type and immune tolerant mice of well-characterized degradation products of recombinant human interferon alpha2b (rhIFNα2b). Methods: RhIFNα2b was degraded by metal-catalyzed oxidation (M), cross-linking with glutaraldehyde (G), oxidation with hydrogen peroxide (H), and incubation in a boiling water bath (B). The products were characterized with UV absorption, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, and mass spectrometry. The immunogenicity of the products was evaluated in wild-type mice and in transgenic mice immune tolerant for hIFNα2. Serum antibodies were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or surface plasmon resonance. Results: M-rhIFNα2b contained covalently aggregated rhIFNα2b with three methionines partly oxidized to methionine sulfoxides. G-rhIFNα2b contained covalent aggregates and did not show changes in secondary structure. H-rhIFNα2b was only chemically changed with four partly oxidized methionines. B-rhIFNα2b was largely unfolded and heavily aggregated. Nontreated (N) rhIFNα2b was immunogenic in the wild-type mice but not in the transgenic mice, showing that the latter were immune tolerant for rhIFNα2b. The anti-rhIFNα2b antibody levels in the wild-type mice depended on the degradation product: M-rhIFNα2b > H-rhIFNα2b ∼ N-rhIFNα2b ≫ B-rhIFNα2b; G-rhIFNα2b did not induce anti-rhIFNα2b antibodies. In the transgenic mice, only M-rhIFNα2b could break the immune tolerance. Conclusions: RhIFNα2b immunogenicity is related to its structural integrity. Moreover, the immunogenicity of aggregated rhIFNα2b depends on the structure and orientation of the constituent protein molecules and/or on the aggregate size.