916 resultados para Wetness duration


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Asiatic citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas smithii ssp. citri, formerly X. axonopodis pv. citri, is one of the most serious phytosanitary problems in Brazilian citrus crops. Experiments were conducted under controlled conditions to assess the influence of temperature and leaf wetness duration on infection and subsequent symptom development of citrus canker in sweet orange cvs Hamlin, Natal, Pera and Valencia. The quantified variables were incubation period, disease incidence, disease severity, mean lesion density and mean lesion size at temperatures of 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 42 degrees C, and leaf wetness durations of 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 h. Symptoms did not develop at 42 degrees C. A generalized beta function showed a good fit to the temperature data, severity being highest in the range 30-35 degrees C. The relationship between citrus canker severity and leaf wetness duration was explained by a monomolecular model, with the greatest severity occurring at 24 h of leaf wetness, with 4 h of wetness being the minimum duration sufficient to cause 100% incidence at optimal temperatures of 25-35 degrees C. Mean lesion density behaved similarly to disease severity in relation to temperature variation and leaf wetness duration. A combined monomolecular-beta generalized model fitted disease severity, mean lesion density or lesion size as a function of both temperature and duration of leaf wetness. The estimated minimum and maximum temperatures for the occurrence of disease were 12 degrees C and 40 degrees C, respectively.


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L'estemfiliosi de la perera és una malaltia fúngica ocasionada pel fong Deuteromicet Stemphylium vesicarium. Els símptomes característics d'aquesta malaltia són lesions necròtiques en fulles i fruits, provocant el depreciament econòmic d'aquests últims. Si les condicions climàtiques són favorables aquesta malaltia pot arribar a provocar la pèrdua total de la producció. La malaltia es localitza bàsicament en la conca mediterrània, sent les zones fructícoles de Girona a Catalunya i Emilia-Romagna a Itàlia els llocs on les pèrdues de producció són més grans. Actualment l'únic mètode de control és la cobertura permanent dels òrgans de la planta amb fungicides. Per obtenir aquesta protecció és necessari realitzar aplicacions preventives amb una cadència fixa, setmanal o quinzenal, de diferents fungicides en els arbres. Aquesta cadència d'aplicació comporta que al llarg del període vegetatiu de la perera es realitzin entre 20 i 25 aplicacions de fungicida, per cadències setmanals, o entre 10 i 13 aplicacions si la cadència és quinzenal. Aquest elevat nombre de tractaments comporta uns efectes toxicològics a nivell mediambiental i per a la salut humana, un augment del cost econòmic de la producció i en alguns casos afavorir l'aparició de resistències del patogen a determinats fungicides. Molts d' aquests tractaments es realitzen sense que les condicions ambientals siguin favorables a l'inici d'infeccions del fong, i són per tant innecessàries. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir una eina per determinar el risc d'infeccions en funció de les condicions climàtiques i realitzar d'aquesta manera els tractaments amb fungicides només quan són necessaris, es va elaborar el Sistema pel Tractament Racionalitzat de l'Estemfiliosi de la Perera (STREP). El model consisteix en relacionar quantitativament amb la severitat de la malaltia els paràmetres climàtics de durada del període d'humectació i temperatura mitjana durant aquests períodes. En aquest treball s'ha determinat l'eficàcia en el control de la malaltia per diferents fungicides aplicats de manera preventiva amb una cadència fixa en diferents finques comercials i durant varis anys. S'ha constatat que no hi ha cap producte totalment eficaç en el control de la malaltia, sent l'eficàcia obtinguda mitjana. Aquesta eficàcia de control esta en funció del nivell de pressió de la malaltia, obtenint eficàcies inferiors quan el nivell en els testimonis no tractats és elevat. En assajos en condicions controlades s'ha determinat que els fungicides analitzats aplicats de manera curativa o postinfecciosa, quan ja s'han iniciat les infeccions, presenten una eficàcia més baixa que quan s'apliquen preventivament. El tiram és el producte amb una eficàcia més elevada en la major part de les condicions experimentals. S' ha analitzat durant 5 anys, 1992-1996, en diferents plantacions de perera de Girona, la dinàmica dels paràmetres ambientals de durada deis períodes amb humectació, la temperatura mitjana de l'aire, la temperatura mitjana durant els períodes d'humectació, la durada dels períodes amb humitat relativa superior al 90% i la pluviometria. S 'ha constatat que la humectació deguda a la rosada és la principal causa d'humectació i que és un procés lent i continu. Les durades més freqüents d'humectació han estat períodes inferiors a 12 hores i les temperatures més freqüents durant aquests períodes han estat entre 11 i 21°C. S'ha determinat també que existeixen períodes amb humitat relativa elevada però sense formació de pel·lícula d'aigua i s'ha observat que ocasionalment existeixen períodes breus d'interrupció de la humectació en que poden existir humanitats relatives elevades o baixes. La capacitat predictiva del model STREP ha estat avaluada mitjançant 42 assajos en condicions naturals i controlades, determinant que en més del 95 % dels casos avaluats les prediccions de malaltia s'han correspost amb les observades, i que només en dos casos el model ha infraestimat el nivell de risc d'infecció. Demostrant així que el model STREP és fiable en les seves prediccions. S'ha estudiat l'efecte de la humitat relativa durant els períodes interromputs d'humectació i les durades d'aquests períodes, en les infeccions produïdes pel fong. S'ha constatat que el model STREP hauria d'incorporar com a períodes separats els períodes d'humectació interromputs amb relatives elevades (>98%) s'haurien de considerar com a períodes continus. Per una altra banda s'ha comprovat que els períodes amb humitats relatives elevades sense formació d'humectació en condicions naturals no són suficients per provocar l'inici d'infeccions de S. Vesicarium. S'ha utilitzat el model STREP com a eina per guiar els tractaments fungicides en diferents parcel·les de finques comercials durant dos anys. D'aquests assajos es pot concloure que utilitzant valors de risc acumulat SA:0.4 com a llindar per a realitzar els tractaments es controla la malaltia amb una eficàcia semblant als tractaments setmanals, però amb una reducció del nombre d'aplicacions necessàries entre un 25 i un 50%. Utilitzar un llindar SA:0.6 en finques amb varietats sensibles i una pressió d'inòcul del patogen elevada presenta bons resultats però inferiors als obtinguts amb tractaments setmanals, no obstant l'estalvi de tractaments ha estat molt important (50-70%). De tots aquests resultats es conclou que el model STREP és adequat per ésser utilitzat en programes pilot a escala comercial en el control racional de l'estemfiliosi de la perera. En funció d'aquests resultats es considerarà la seva implementació en Estacions d'Avisos Fitosanitaris.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Monilinia spp. (M. laxa, M. fructigena y M. fructicola) causa marchitez en brotes y flores, chancros en ramas y podredumbre de la fruta de hueso provocando pérdidas económicas importantes en años con climatología favorable para el desarrollo de la enfermedad, particularmente en variedades tardías de melocotonero y nectarino. En estos huéspedes en España, hasta el momento, la especie predominante es M. laxa y, en menor proporción, M. fructigena. La reciente introducción en Europa de la especie de cuarentena M. fructicola hace necesaria una detección e identificación rápida de cada una de las especies. Además, hay diversos aspectos de la etiología y epidemiología de la enfermedad que no se conocen en las condiciones de cultivo españolas. En un primer objetivo de esta Tesis se ha abordado la detección e identificación de las especies de Monilinia spp. causantes de podredumbre parda. El estudio de las bases epidemiológicas para el control de la enfermedad constituye el fin del segundo objetivo. Para la detección del género Monilinia en material vegetal por PCR, diferenciándolo de otros hongos presentes en la superficie del melocotonero, se diseñaron una pareja de cebadores siguiendo un análisis del ADN ribosomal. La discriminación entre especies de Monilinia se consiguió utilizando marcadores SCAR (región amplificada de secuencia caracterizada), obtenidos después de un estudio de marcadores polimórficos de ADN amplificados al azar (RAPDs). También fue diseñado un control interno de amplificación (CI) basado en la utilización de un plásmido con secuencias de los cebadores diferenciadores del género, para ser utilizado en el protocolo de diagnóstico de la podredumbre parda con el fin de reconocer falsos negativos debidos a la inhibición de PCR por componentes celulares del material vegetal. Se disponía de un kit comercial que permitía distinguir Monilinia de otros géneros y M. fructicola del resto de especies mediante anticuerpos monoclonales utilizando la técnica DAS-ELISA. En esta Tesis se probaron diferentes fuentes de material como micelio ó conidias procedentes de cultivos en APD, o el micelio de la superficie de frutas o de momias frescas, como formas de antígeno. Los resultados obtenidos con ELISA se compararon con la identificación por métodos morfológico-culturales y por PCR con los cebadores desarrollados en esta Tesis. Los resultados demostraron la posibilidad de una detección temprana en frutas frescas por este método, realzando las posibilidades de una diagnosis temprana para una prevención más eficaz de M. fructicola en fruta de hueso. El estudio epidemiológico de la enfermedad comenzó con la determinación de las principales fuentes de inóculo primario y su importancia relativa en melocotoneros y nectarinos del valle del Ebro. Para ello se muestrearon 9 huertos durante los años 2003 a 2005 recogiendo todas las momias, frutos abortados, gomas, chancros, y brotes necróticos en los árboles. También se recogieron brotes aparentemente sanos y muestras de material vegetal situados en el suelo. En estas muestras se determinó la presencia de Monilinia spp. Los resultados mostraron que la fuente principal de inóculo son las momias que se quedan en los árboles en las que la supervivencia del hongo tras el invierno es muy alta. También son fuentes de inóculo las momias del suelo y los brotes necróticos. De aquí se deriva que una recomendación importante para los agricultores es que deben eliminar este material de los huertos. Un aspecto no estudiado en melocotonero o nectarino en España es la posible relación que puede darse entre la incidencia de infecciones latentes en los frutos inmaduros a lo largo del cultivo y la incidencia de podredumbre en los frutos en el momento de la recolección y en postcosecha. Esta relación se había observado previamente en otros frutales de hueso infectados con M. fructicola en diversos países del mundo. Para estudiar esta relación se realizaron ensayos en cinco huertos comerciales de melocotonero y nectarino situados en el Valle del Ebro en cuatro estados fenológicos durante los años 2000-2002. No se observaron infecciones latentes en botón rosa, dándose la máxima incidencia en precosecha, aunque en algunos huertos se daba otro pico en el endurecimiento del embrión. La especie prevaleciente fue M. laxa. Se obtuvo una correlación positiva significativa entre la incidencia de infecciones latentes y la incidencia de podredumbre en postcosecha. Se desarrolló también un modelo de predicción de las infecciones latentes en función de la temperatura (T) y el periodo de humectación (W). Este modelo indicaba que T y W explicaban el 83% de la variación en la incidencia de infecciones latentes causadas por Monilinia spp. Por debajo de 8ºC no se predecían latentes, necesitándose más de 22h de W para predecir la ocurrencia de latentes con T = 8ºC, mientras que solo se necesitaban 5h de W a 25ºC. Se hicieron también ensayos en condiciones controladas para determinar la relación entre la incidencia de las infecciones latentes, las condiciones ambientales (T y W), la concentración de inóculo del patógeno (I) y el estado de desarrollo del huésped (S) y para validar el modelo de predicción desarrollado con los experimentos de campo. Estos ensayos se llevaron cabo con flores y frutos de nectarino procedentes de un huerto comercial en seis estados fenológicos en los años 2004 y 2005, demostrándose que la incidencia de podredumbre en postcosecha y de infecciones latentes estaba afectada por T, W, I y S. En los frutos se producían infecciones latentes cuando la T no era adecuada para el desarrollo de podredumbre. Una vez desarrollado el embrión eran necesarias más de 4-5h de W al día y un inóculo superior a 104 conidias ml-1 para que se desarrollase o podredumbre o infección latente. La ecuación del modelo obtenido con los datos de campo era capaz de predecir los datos observados en estos experimentos. Para evaluar el efecto del inóculo de Monilinia spp. en la incidencia de infecciones latentes y de podredumbre de frutos en postcosecha se hicieron 11 experimentos en huertos comerciales de melocotonero y nectarino del Valle del Ebro durante 2002 a 2005. Se observó una correlación positiva entre los números de conidias de Monilinia spp. en la superficie de los frutos y la incidencia de infecciones latentes De los estudios anteriores se deducen otras dos recomendaciones importantes para los agricultores: las estrategias de control deben tener en cuenta las infecciones latentes y estimar el riesgo potencial de las mismas basándose en la T y W. Deben tener también en cuenta la concentración de esporas de Monilinia spp. en la superficie de los frutos para disminuir el riesgo de podredumbre parda. El conocimiento de la estructura poblacional de los patógenos sienta las bases para establecer métodos más eficaces de manejo de las enfermedades. Por ello en esta Tesis se ha estudiado el grado de diversidad genética entre distintas poblaciones de M. laxa en diferentes localidades españolas utilizando 144 marcadores RAPDs (59 polimórficos y 85 monomórficos) y 21 aislados. El análisis de la estructura de la población reveló que la diversidad genética dentro de las subpoblaciones (huertos) (HS) representaba el 97% de la diversidad genética (HT), mientras que la diversidad genética entre subpoblaciones (DST) sólo representaba un 3% del total de esta diversidad. La magnitud relativa de la diferenciación génica entre subpoblaciones (GST) alcanzaba 0,032 y el número estimado de migrantes por generación (Nm) fue de 15,1. Los resultados obtenidos en los dendrogramas estaban de acuerdo con el análisis de diversidad génica. Las agrupaciones obtenidas eran independientes del huerto de procedencia, año o huésped. En la Tesis se discute la importancia relativa de las diferentes fuentes evolutivas en las poblaciones de M. laxa. Finalmente se realizó un muestreo en distintos huertos de melocotonero y nectarino del Valle del Ebro para determinar la existencia o no de aislados resistentes a los fungicidas del grupo de los benzimidazoles y las dicarboximidas, fungicidas utilizados habitualmente para el control de la podredumbre parda y con alto riesgo de desarrollar resistencia en las poblaciones patógenas. El análisis de 114 aislados de M. laxa con los fungicidas Benomilo (bencimidazol) (1Bg m.a ml-1), e Iprodiona (dicarboximida) (5Bg m.a ml-1), mostró que ninguno era resistente en las dosis ensayadas. Monilinia spp. (M. laxa, M. fructigena and M. fructicola) cause bud and flower wilt, canker in branches and stone fruit rot giving rise important economic losses in years with appropriate environmental conditions, it is particularly important in late varieties of peach and nectarine. Right now, M. laxa is the major species for peach and nectarine in Spain followed by M. fructigena, in a smaller proportion. The recent introduction of the quarantine organism M. fructicola in Europe makes detection and identification of each one of the species necessary. In addition, there are different aspects of disease etiology and epidemiology that are not well known in Spain conditions. The first goal of this Thesis was the detection and identification of Monilinia spp. causing brown rot. Study of the epidemiology basis for disease control was the second objective. A pair of primers for PCR detection was designed based on the ribosomal DNA sequence in order to detect Monilinia spp. in plant material and to discriminate it from other fungi colonizing peach tree surface. Discrimination among Monilinia spp. was successful by SCAR markers (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region), obtained after a random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) study. An internal control for the PCR (CI) based on the use of a mimic plasmid designed on the primers specific for Monilinia was constructed to be used in diagnosis protocol for brown rot in order to avoid false negatives due to the inhibition of PCR as consequence of remained plant material. A commercial kit based on DAS-ELISA and monoclonals antibodies was successfully tested to distinguish Monilinia from other fungus genera and M. fructicola from other Monilinia species. Different materials such as micelium or conidias from APD cultures, or micelium from fresh fruit surfaces or mummies were tested in this Thesis, as antigens. Results obtained by ELISA were compared to classical identification by morphologic methods and PCR with the primers developed in this Thesis. Results demonstrated the possibility of an early detection in fresh fruits by this method for a more effective prevention of M. fructicola in stone fruit. The epidemiology study of the disease started with the determination of the main sources of primary inoculum and its relative importance in peach trees and nectarines in the Ebro valley. Nine orchards were evaluated during years 2003 to 2005 collecting all mummies, aborted fruits, rubbers, cankers, and necrotic buds from the trees. Apparently healthy buds and plant material located in the ground were also collected. In these samples presence of Monilinia spp. was determined. Results showed that the main inoculum sources are mummies that stay in the trees and where fungus survival after the winter is very high. Mummies on the ground and the necrotics buds are also sources of inoculum. As consequence of this an important recommendation for the growers is the removal of this material of the orchards. An important issue not well studied in peach or nectarine in Spain is the possible relationship between the incidence of latent infections in the immature fruits and the incidence of fruit rot at harvesting and postharvesting. This relationship had been previously shown in other stone fruit trees infected with M. fructicola in different countries over the world. In order to study this relationship experiments were run in five commercial peach and nectarine orchards located in the Ebro Valley in four phenologic states from 2000 to 2002. Latent infections were not observed in pink button, the maxima incidence arise in preharvest, although in some orchards another increase occurred in the embryo hardening. The most prevalence species was M. laxa. A significant positive correlation between the incidence of latent infections and the incidence of rot in postharvest was obtained. A prediction model of the latent infections based on the temperature (T) and the wetness duration (W) was also developed. This model showed that T and W explained 83% of the variation in latent infection incidence caused by Monilinia spp. Below 8ºC latent infection was not predicted, more than 22h of W with T = 8ºC were needed to predict latent infection occurrence of, whereas at 25ºC just 5h of W were enough. Tests under controlled conditions were also made to determine the relationship among latent infections incidence, environmental conditions (T and W), inoculum concentration of the pathogen (I) and development state of the host (S) to validate the prediction model developed on the field experiments. These tests were made with flowers and fruits of nectarine coming from a commercial orchard, in six phenologic states in 2004 and 2005, showing that incidence of rot in postharvest and latent infections were affected by T, W, I and S. In fruits latent infections took place when the T was not suitable for rot development. Once developed the embryo, more than 4-5h of W per day and higher inoculums (104 conidia ml-1) were necessary for rot or latent infection development. The equation of the model obtained with the field data was able to predict the data observed in these experiments. In order to evaluate the effect of inoculum of Monilinia spp. in the incidence of latent infections and of rot of fruits in postharvest, 11 experiments in commercial orchards of peach and nectarine of the Ebro Valley were performed from 2002 to 2005. A positive correlation between the conidial numbers of Monilinia spp. in the surface of the fruits and the incidence of latent infections was observed. Based on those studies other two important recommendations for the agriculturists are deduced: control strategies must consider the latent infections and potential risk based on the T and W. Spores concentration of Monilinia spp. in the surface of fruits must be also taken in concern to reduce the brown rot risk. The knowledge of the population structure of the pathogens determines the bases to establish more effective methods of diseases handling. For that reason in this Thesis the degree of genetic diversity among different M. laxa populations has been studied in different Spanish locations using 144 RAPDs markers (59 polymorphic and 85 monomorphics) on 21 fungal isolates. The analysis of the structure of the population revealed that the genetic diversity within the subpopulations (orchards) (HS) represented 97% of the genetic diversity (HT), whereas the genetic diversity between subpopulations (DST) only represented a 3% of the total of this diversity. The relative magnitude of the genic differentiation between subpopulations (GST) reached 0.032 and the considered number of migrantes by generation (Nm) was of 15.1. The results obtained in dendrograms were in agreement with the analysis of genic diversity. The obtained groupings were independent of the orchard of origin, year or host. In the Thesis the relative importance of the different evolutionary sources in the populations from M. laxa is discussed. Finally a sampling of resistant isolates in different orchards from peach and nectarine of Ebro Valley was made to determine the existence of fungicide resistance of the group of benzimidazoles and the dicarboximidas, fungicides used habitually for the control of rot brown and with high risk of resistance developing in the pathogenic populations. The analysis of 114 isolated ones of M. laxa with the fungicides Benomilo (bencimidazol) (1Bg m.a ml-1), and Iprodiona (dicarboximida) (5Bg m.a ml-1), showed no resistant in the doses evaluated.


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This study presents an application of the geographical information system technology on plant disease involving a multidisciplinary teamwork of geoprocessing and physiopathology specialists. The spatial analysis tools in a GIS were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of two diseases of maize in Brazil: polysora rusl caused by Puccinia polysora and tropical rust caused by Physopella zeae. A database of cIimate variables (mean temperature. relative humidity. and leaf wetness duration) of cIimatological normal from 1961-1990 was obtained and then related it to a mathematical model of disease development (polysora rust) and to the cIimate intervals (tropical rust) in order to obtain the maps. The choice of the model or the favorable climate interval is the important chalIenge of the method because the difficulty of adequacy to the spatial and temporal scales for the specific application. The major incidence of both disease occurred in almost alI the North region from January to June. although this region has traditionalIy a low production of maize. Considering the biggest producers regions. for both the diseases, favorable areas are located in part of Mato Grosso, Tocanlins. Minas Gerais; Mato Grosso do Sul. and coastal areas of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. varying among the dilferent months from January to June. The method allowed making an adequate distinction of the states and the months considered.


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Ring-width indices from 136 sites in the area from northern Montana to southern New Mexico between latitudes 103°W and 111°W were examined to infer periods of anomalous wetness for the years 1700-1964. Sites were grouped into north, central and south regions, and the gross regional tree-ring fluctuations were compared. The results indicate that the period 1905-1917 was unique in the 265-year record for the combined magnitude, duration, and north/south coherence of the growth anomaly of much lesser magnitude occurred in the 1830's-1840's [sic]. Both this and the 1905-1917 anomaly appear from time-series plots to be manifestations of low-frequency growth variations at wave lengths between about 20 and 60 years.


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Hydrological loss is a vital component in many hydrological models, which are usedin forecasting floods and evaluating water resources for both surface and subsurface flows. Due to the complex and random nature of the rainfall runoff process, hydrological losses are not yet fully understood. Consequently, practitioners often use representative values of the losses for design applications such as rainfall-runoff modelling which has led to inaccurate quantification of water quantities in the resulting applications. The existing hydrological loss models must be revisited and modellers should be encouraged to utilise other available data sets. This study is based on three unregulated catchments situated in Mt. Lofty Ranges of South Australia (SA). The paper focuses on conceptual models for: initial loss (IL), continuing loss (CL) and proportional loss (PL) with rainfall characteristics (total rainfall (TR) and storm duration (D)), and antecedent wetness (AW) conditions. The paper introduces two methods that can be implemented to estimate IL as a function of TR, D and AW. The IL distribution patterns and parameters for the study catchments are determined using multivariate analysis and descriptive statistics. The possibility of generalising the methods and the limitations of this are also discussed. This study will yield improvements to existing loss models and will encourage practitioners to utilise multiple data sets to estimate losses, instead of using hypothetical or representative values to generalise real situations.


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This paper discusses hardware design principles for long-term solar-powered wireless sensor networks. We argue that the assumptions and principles appropriate for long-term operation from primary cells are quite different from the solar power case with its abundant energy and regular charging cycles. We present data from a long-term deployment that illustrates the use of solar energy and rechargeable batteries to achieve 24x7 operation for over two years, since March 2005.


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Crystal growth of bulk CdTe in short-duration microgravity is performed by the unidirectional cooling method. The largest growth grains in microgravity samples are 4X2mm. The cooling profiles indicate undercooling melts in microgravity. Cooling melt samples in microgravity generate strong gradient of temperature due to stop thermal convections. Temperature distribution in the melt is calculated by the one-dimensional equation of heat conduction, and about 100 K-undercooling is considered to occur at the cooling surface.


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Commentary on : Carey JV. Literature review : should antipyretic therapies routinely be administered to patients with [corrected] fever? J Clin Nurs 2010;19:2377–93.


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A basic understanding of the relationships between rainfall intensity, duration of rainfall and the amount of suspended particles in stormwater runoff generated from road surfaces has been gained mainly from past washoff experiments using rainfall simulators. Simulated rainfall was generally applied at constant intensities, whereas rainfall temporal patterns during actual storms are typically highly variable. This paper discusses a rationale for the application of the constant-intensity washoff concepts to actual storm event runoff. The rationale is tested using suspended particle load data collected at a road site located in Toowoomba, Australia. Agreement between the washoff concepts and measured data is most consistent for intermediate-duration storms (duration <5 h and >1 h). Particle loads resulting from these storm events increase linearly with average rainfall intensity. Above a threshold intensity, there is evidence to suggest a constant or plateau particle load is reached. The inclusion of a peak discharge factor (maximum 6 min rainfall intensity) enhances the ability to predict particle loads.


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Durland and McCurdy [Durland, J.M., McCurdy, T.H., 1994. Duration-dependent transitions in a Markov model of US GNP growth. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 12, 279–288] investigated the issue of duration dependence in US business cycle phases using a Markov regime-switching approach, introduced by Hamilton [Hamilton, J., 1989. A new approach to the analysis of time series and the business cycle. Econometrica 57, 357–384] and extended to the case of variable transition parameters by Filardo [Filardo, A.J., 1994. Business cycle phases and their transitional dynamics. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 12, 299–308]. In Durland and McCurdy’s model duration alone was used as an explanatory variable of the transition probabilities. They found that recessions were duration dependent whilst expansions were not. In this paper, we explicitly incorporate the widely-accepted US business cycle phase change dates as determined by the NBER, and use a state-dependent multinomial Logit modelling framework. The model incorporates both duration and movements in two leading indexes – one designed to have a short lead (SLI) and the other designed to have a longer lead (LLI) – as potential explanatory variables. We find that doing so suggests that current duration is not only a significant determinant of transition out of recessions, but that there is some evidence that it is also weakly significant in the case of expansions. Furthermore, we find that SLI has more informational content for the termination of recessions whilst LLI does so for expansions.


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The aim of this study is to assess the potential use of Bluetooth data for traffic monitoring of arterial road networks. Bluetooth data provides the direct measurement of travel time between pairs of scanners, and intensive research has been reported on this topic. Bluetooth data includes “Duration” data, which represents the time spent by Bluetooth devices to pass through the detection range of Bluetooth scanners. If the scanners are located at signalised intersections, this Duration can be related to intersection performance, and hence represents valuable information for traffic monitoring. However the use of Duration has been ignored in previous analyses. In this study, the Duration data as well as travel time data is analysed to capture the traffic condition of a main arterial route in Brisbane. The data consists of one week of Bluetooth data provided by Brisbane City Council. As well, micro simulation analysis is conducted to further investigate the properties of Duration. The results reveal characteristics of Duration, and address future research needs to utilise this valuable data source.