100 resultados para WS2


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The MOCVD assisted formation of nested WS2 inorganic fullerenes (IF-WS2) was performed by enhancing surface diffusion with iodine, and fullerene growth was monitored by taking TEM snapshots of intermediate products. The internal structure of the core-shell nanoparticles was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after cross-cutting with a focused ion beam (FIB). Lamellar reaction intermediates were found occluded in the fullerene particles. In contrast to carbon fullerenes, layered metal chalcogenides prefer the formation of planar, plate-like structures where the dangling bonds at the edges are stabilized by excess S atoms. The effects of the reaction and annealing temperatures on the composition and morphology of the final product were investigated, and the strength of the WS2 shell was measured by intermittent contact-mode AFM. The encapsulated lamellar structures inside the hollow spheres may lead to enhanced tribological activities.


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Closed WS2 nanoboxes were formed by topotactic sulfidization of a WO3/WO3 center dot 1/3H(2)O intergrowth precursor. Automated diffraction tomography was used to elucidate the growth mechanism of these unconventional hollow structures. By partial conversion and structural analysis of the products, each of them representing a snapshot of the reaction at a given point in time, the overall reaction can be broken down into a cascade of individual steps and each of them identified with a basic mechanism. During the initial step of sulfidization WO3 center dot 1/3H(2)O transforms into hexagonal WO3 whose surface allows for the epitaxial induction of WS2. The initially formed platelets of WS2 exhibit a preferred orientation with respect to the nanorod surface. In the final step individual layers of WS2 coalesce to form closed shells. In essence, a cascade of several topotactic reactions leads to epitactic induction and formation of closed rectangular hollow boxes made up from hexagonal layers.


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Encapsulated and hollow closed-cage onion-like structures of WS2 and MoS2 were prepared by laser ablation of the corresponding layered structures in argon atmosphere at four varied temperatures. A detailed study for WS2 indicates that only metal-filled onion-like structures are produced at temperatures Tless-than-or-equals, slant650°C, whereas a mixture of metal-filled and hollow structures are produced at Tgreater-or-equal, slanted850°C. The encapsulated metal is identified to be predominantly the metastable β phase of tungsten. Very short tube-like or elongated polyhedral structures are also obtained at high temperatures.


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The ternary alloy Ni-W-P and its WS2 nanocomposite coatings were successfully obtained on low-carbon steel using the electroless plating technique. The sodium tungstate (Na2WO4) concentration in the bath was varied to obtain Ni-W-P deposits containing various Ni and P contents. WS2 composite was obtained with a suitable concentration of Na2WO4 in Ni-P coating. These deposits were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) studies. The corrosion behavior was investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies in 3.5 wt % NaCl solutions, and the corrosion rates of the coatings for Ni-P, Ni-W-P, and Ni-W-P-WS2 were found to be 2.571 x 10(-5), 8.219 x 10(-7), and 7.986 x 10(-7) g/h, respectively. An increase in the codeposition of alloying metal tungsten (W) enhanced the corrosion resistance and microhardness and changed the structure and morphology of the deposits. Incorporation of WS2 nanoparticles to Ni-W-P alloy coating reduced the coefficient of friction from 0.16 to 0.11 and also helped in improving the corrosion resistance of the coating further.


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Exposure of few-layer MoS2, WS2 and MoSe2 to high-temperature shock waves causes morphological changes and a significant decrease in the interlayer separation between the (002) planes, the decrease being greatest in MoSe2. Raman spectra show softening of both the A(1g) and the E-2g(1) modes initially, followed by a slightly stiffening. Using first-principles density functional theoretical analysis of the response of few-layer MoS2 to shock waves, we propose that a combination of shear and uniaxial compressive deformation leads to flattening of MoS2 sheets which is responsible for the changes in the vibrational spectra. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the contribution is to introduce a high performance anode alternative to graphite for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). A simple process was employed to synthesize uniform graphene-like few-layer tungsten sulfide (WS2) supported on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) through a hydrothermal synthesis route. The WS2-RGO (80:20 and 70:30) composites exhibited good enhanced electrochemical performance and excellent rate capability performance when used as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The specific capacity of the WS2-RGO composite delivered a capacity of 400-450 mAh g(-1) after 50 cycles when cycled at a current density of 100 mA g(-1). At 4000 mA g(-1), the composites showed a stable capacity of approximately 180-240 mAh g(-1), respectively. The noteworthy electrochemical performance of the composite is not additive, rather it is synergistic in the sense that the electrochemical performance is much superior compared to both WS2 and RGO. As the observed lithiation/delithiation for WS2-RGO is at a voltage 1.0 V (approximate to 0.1 V for graphite, Li* /Li), the lithium-ion battery with WS2-RGO is expected to possess high interface stability, safety and management of electrical energy is expected to be more efficient and economic. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Performance of supercapacitors based on 1:1 (by weight) composites of polyaniline (PANI) with nanosheets of nitrogenated reduced graphene oxide (NRGO), BC1.5N, MoS2 and WS2 has been investigated in detail. The highest specific capacitance is found with the 1:1 NRGO-PANI composite, the value being 561 F/g at a current density of 0.2 A/g. All the 1:1 nanocomposites show good cyclability. Increasing the PANI content increases the specific capacitance and the highest value found being 715 F/g at a current density of 0.5 A/g in the case of the 1:6 NRGO-PANI composite. However, all the 1:6 composites show a marked decrease in specific capacitance with increase in current density. The energy density of 1:6 NRGO-PANI is similar to 25 Wh/Kg at 0.5 A/g and 1:1 NRGO-PANI is similar to 19 Wh/Kg at 0.2 A/g. NRGO-PANI composites clearly stand out as viable materials for practical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Investigation of a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD)-metal interface is essential for the effective functioning of monolayer TMD based field effect transistors. In this work, we employ the Density Functional Theory calculations to analyze the modulation of the electronic structure of monolayer WS2 with chlorine doping and the relative changes in the contact properties when interfaced with gold and palladium. We initially examine the atomic and electronic structures of pure and doped monolayer WS2 supercell and explore the formation of midgap states with band splitting near the conduction band edge. Further, we analyze the contact nature of the pure supercell with Au and Pd. We find that while Au is physiosorbed and forms n-type contact, Pd is chemisorped and forms p-type contact with a higher valence electron density. Next, we study the interface formed between the Cl-doped supercell and metals and observe a reduction in the Schottky barrier height (SBH) in comparison to the pure supercell. This reduction found is higher for Pd in comparison to Au, which is further validated by examining the charge transfer occurring at the interface. Our study confirms that Cl doping is an efficient mechanism to reduce the n-SBH for both Au and Pd, which form different types of contact with WS2. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Bi dimentsiotako materialetan presente diren propietate elektroniko bereziek betidanik piztu izan dute komunitate zientifikoaren interesa. Idealki atomo bakarreko lodierako materialak diren hauek hasiera batean joku teoriko huts zirela uste bazen ere, A.K. Geim eta K.S. Novoselov-ek kontrakoa frogatu zuten lehenengo aldiz grafenoa sintetizatuz[1]. Grafitoa osatzen duen geruzetako bakoitza den grafenoak guztiz anomaloak diren pro- pietate elektronikoak dauzka, Dirac-en motako sei puntuz besterik ez osatutako Fermi gainazala duelarik. Honen ondorioz, eroapen elektroiak masa gabekoak balira bezala higitzen dira mobilitate elektronikoa areagotuz. Propietate berezi hauetaz baliatuko liratekeen aplikazio teknologiko posibleek[2] material honekiko interesa egun arlo zienti- fikotik at ere hedatzea eragin du. Grafenoaren sintesiaren errekonozimendu gisa Geim eta Novoselov-ek 2010ean fisikaren Nobel saria lortu zuten. Hala ere, grafenoa ez da sintetiza daitekeen material bidimentsional bakarra. Grafenoa lortzeko teknika bera erabiliz (banantze mikromekanikoa), Geim eta Novoselov-ek zu- zendutako taldeak M oS2 eta N bSe2 sintetizatzea lortu zuen[3]. Konkretuki, M oS2 mo- nogeruza erdieroalea izanik transistoreak minimizatzeko prozesuan silizioaren ordezkari gisa jarduteko hautagaia da. Hala ere, hau egin ahal izateko bere propietate elektro- nikoak sakonkiago aztertzea komeni da. Gradu amaierako lan honetan material honen egitura elektronikoaren eta magnetikoaren karakterizazio teorikoan aurrerapauso txiki bat egitea izan dugu helburu. Horrez gain, W S2 materiala ere era berean landu da, tungsteno atomoa pisutsuagoa izatean, spin-orbita elkarrekintzaren eragina nabariagoa izatea espero baita. Modu honetan, lan hau hiru atal nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoa teoriari dago- kio, DF T (Dentsitatearen Funtzionalaren Teoria) inplementatzeko oinarri teorikoa lan- du delarik. Magnetizazioa aztertzeko ezinbestekoa den espina inplementatzeko modua ere aztertu da, eta baita egin beharreko hurbilketen eta pseudopotentzialen metodoaren azalpen bat eman ere. Bigarren atalean QuantumEspresso kodea erabiliz burututako ab-initio kalkuluen deskripzio eta emaitzak aurkeztu dira, azkenei dagokien interpreta- zioa eginez. Bertan M oS2 -n bolumenetiketik monogeruzara pasatzeak egitura elektroni- koan duen eragina aztertu da, ondoren M oS2 eta W S2 monogeruzen banda egitura eta magnetizazioan analisi sakonagoa eginez. Azkenengo atalean ateratako ondorioak idatzi dira, etorkizunerako lanetarako ateak zabalduz.


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We report on the photoresponse characteristics of tungsten disulfide (WS2) nanotubes. Field effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated by using individual WS2 multiwall nanotubes. Photo-sensitivity to visible light is clearly observed, with enhancement of the channel conductivity, carrier mobility and carrier concentration upon illumination in the visible regime. Polarization-sensitive measurements reveal a strong anisotropy of the photocurrent on the polarization angle of the incident light with respect to the WS2 nanotube axis. This nano-scale transistor capable of detecting visible light would have a wide range of applications in medical and consumer electronics. © 2008 IEEE. Crown Copyright.


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Novel carbon fiber (CF)-reinforced poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS) laminates incorporating inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles were prepared via melt-blending and hot-press processing. The influence of the IF-WS2 on the morphology, thermal, mechanical and tribological properties of PPS/CF composites was investigated. Efficient nanoparticle dispersion within the matrix was attained without using surfactants. A progressive rise in thermal stability was found with increasing IF-WS2 loading, as revealed by thermogravimetric analysis. The addition of low nanoparticle contents retarded the crystallization of the matrix, whereas concentrations equal or higher than 1.0 wt% increased both the crystallization temperature and degree of crystallinity compared to those of PPS/CF. Mechanical tests indicated that with only 1.0 wt% IF-WS2 the flexural modulus and strength of PPS/CF improved by 17 and 14%, respectively, without loss in toughness, ascribed to a synergistic effect between the two fillers. A significant enhancement in the storage modulus and glass transition temperature was also observed. Moreover, the wear rate and coefficient of friction strongly decreased, attributed to the lubricant role of the IF-WS2 combined with their reinforcing effect. These inorganic nanoparticles show great potential to improve the mechanical and tribological properties of conventional thermoplastic/CF composites for structural applications.


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The thermal and mechanical behaviour of isotactic polypropylene (iPP) nanocomposites reinforced with different loadings of inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide (IF-WS2) nanoparticles was investigated. The IF-WS2 noticeably enhanced the polymer stiffness and strength, ascribed to their uniform dispersion, the formation of a large nanoparticle?matrix interface combined with a nucleating effect on iPP crystallization. Their reinforcement effect was more pronounced at high temperatures. However, a drop in ductility and toughness was found at higher IF-WS2 concentrations. The tensile behaviour of the nanocomposites was extremely sensitive to the strain rate and temperature, and their yield strength was properly described by the Eyring s equation. The activation energy increased while the activation volume decreased with increasing nanoparticle loading, indicating a reduction in polymer chain motion. The nanoparticles improved the thermomechanical properties of iPP: raised the glass transition and heat deflection temperatures while decreased the coefficient of thermal expansion. The nanocomposites also displayed superior flame retardancy with longer ignition time and reduced peak heat release rate. Further, a gradual rise in thermal conductivity was found with increasing IF-WS2 loading both in the glassy and rubbery states. The results presented herein highlight the benefits and high potential of using IF-nanoparticles for enhancing the thermomechanical properties of thermoplastic polymers compared to other nanoscale fillers.