944 resultados para Veículo flex fuel
Efforts in research and development of new technologies to reduce emission levels of pollutant gases in the atmosphere has intensified in the last decades. In this context, it can be highlighted the modern systems of electronic engine management, new automotive catalysts and the use of renewable fuels which contributes to reduce the environmental impact. The purpose of this study was a comparative analysis of gas emissions from a automotive vehicle, operating with different fuels: natural gas, AEHC or gasoline. To execute the experimental tests, a flex vehicle was installed on a chassis dynamometer equipped with a gas analyzer and other complementary accessories according to the standard guidelines of emission and security procedures. Tests were performed according to NBR 6601 and NBR 7024, which define the urban and road driving cycle, respectively. Besides the analysis of exhaust gases in the discharge tube, before and after the catalyst, using the suction probe of the gas analyzer to simulate the vehicle in urban and road traffic, were performed tests of fuel characterization. Final results were conclusive in indicating leaded gasoline as the fuel which most contributed with pollutant emissions in atmosphere and the usual gasoline being the fuel which less contributed with pollutant emissions in atmosphere
Flex-fuel vehicles are equipped with Otto Cycle internal combustion engines and have the capability of functioning with more than one type of fuel, mixed at the same tank and burned in the combustion chamber simultaneously. This sort of motorization is a world pattern due to the scarcity of petroleum, the trade of several types of fuels, technology advances and the restriction imposed to gas emissions to the atmosphere. In Brazil, the Flexfuel vehicles are a reality, specially the ones using fuel with 20 to 25% anhydrous alcohol mixed with gasoline and those that use natural gas or original liquid fuel (gasoline or hydrated ethanol). The Brazilian model Fiat Siena, the object of this present scientific investigation, is equipped with a unique electronic central capable of managing the liquid or gaseous fuels. The purpose of this research was to perform a comparative analysis in terms of performance (in terms of both potency and consumption) of a tetra-fuel vehicle - using a chassis dynamometer, operating with different fuels: common gasoline, premium gasoline, Podium gasoline, ethanol or natural gas. It became necessary to develop a bench of tests and trials procedures, as well as to know the functioning of the electronic management of the vehicle under analysis. The experiments were performed at the automotive laboratory in CTGAS-ER (Center of Gas Technologies and Renewable energies) at the light of Brazilian standard ABNT, NBR 7024: Light on-road vehicles - measurement of fuel consumption. The essay results on specific fuel consumption using common gasoline, premium gasoline and Podium gasoline have shown similar results, both for urban and road driving cycles
This study is an analysis, on a trial basis, the fuel consumption of a Flex vehicle, operating with different mixtures of gasoline and ethanol in urban traffic, allowing more consistent results with the reality of the driver. Considering that most owners unaware of the possibility of mixing the fuel at the time of supply, thus enabling the choice of the most economically viable mixing gasoline / ethanol, resulting in lower costs and possibly a decrease in pollutant emission rates. Currently, there is a myth created by the people that supply ethanol only becomes viable if the value of not more than 70% of regular gasoline. However vehicles with this technology make it possible to operate with any percentage of mixture in the fuel tank, but today many of the owners of these vehicles do not use this feature effectively, because they ignore the possibility of mixing or the reason there is a deeper study regarding the optimal percentage of the mixture to provide a higher yield with a lower cost than proposed by the manufacturers.
This study is an analysis, on a trial basis, the fuel consumption of a Flex vehicle, operating with different mixtures of gasoline and ethanol in urban traffic, allowing more consistent results with the reality of the driver. Considering that most owners unaware of the possibility of mixing the fuel at the time of supply, thus enabling the choice of the most economically viable mixing gasoline / ethanol, resulting in lower costs and possibly a decrease in pollutant emission rates. Currently, there is a myth created by the people that supply ethanol only becomes viable if the value of not more than 70% of regular gasoline. However vehicles with this technology make it possible to operate with any percentage of mixture in the fuel tank, but today many of the owners of these vehicles do not use this feature effectively, because they ignore the possibility of mixing or the reason there is a deeper study regarding the optimal percentage of the mixture to provide a higher yield with a lower cost than proposed by the manufacturers.
Efforts in research and development of new technologies to reduce emission levels of pollutant gases in the atmosphere has intensified in the last decades. In this context, it can be highlighted the modern systems of electronic engine management, new automotive catalysts and the use of renewable fuels which contributes to reduce the environmental impact. The purpose of this study was a comparative analysis of gas emissions from a automotive vehicle, operating with different fuels: natural gas, AEHC or gasoline. To execute the experimental tests, a flex vehicle was installed on a chassis dynamometer equipped with a gas analyzer and other complementary accessories according to the standard guidelines of emission and security procedures. Tests were performed according to NBR 6601 and NBR 7024, which define the urban and road driving cycle, respectively. Besides the analysis of exhaust gases in the discharge tube, before and after the catalyst, using the suction probe of the gas analyzer to simulate the vehicle in urban and road traffic, were performed tests of fuel characterization. Final results were conclusive in indicating leaded gasoline as the fuel which most contributed with pollutant emissions in atmosphere and the usual gasoline being the fuel which less contributed with pollutant emissions in atmosphere
Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.
The retaking of the ethanol program in the year 2003 as a fuel for light road transportation in Brazil through the introduction of flex fuel vehicles fleet was a good strategy to overcome the difficulties of the ethanol production sector and did work to increase its market share relative to gasoline. This process, however, may cause a future disequilibrium on the food production and on the refining oil derivates structure. In order to analyze the substitution process resultant of the competition between two opponents fighting for the same market, in this case the gasoline/ethanol substitution process, a method derived from the biomathematics based on the non-linear differential equations (NLDE) system is utilized. A brief description of the method is presented. Numerical adherence of the method to explain several substitution phenomena that occurred in the past is presented in the previous author`s paper, in which the urban gas pipeline system substitution of bottled LPG in the dwelling sector and the substitution of the urban diesel transportation fleet by compressed natural gas (CNG) buses is presented. The proposed method is particularly suitable for prospective analysis and scenarios assessment. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Registered FFVs Effective 1/2011
Registered FFVs Effective 1/2012
Registered FFVs Effective 1/2013
Registered FFVs Effective 1/2014
Esse trabalho teve por objetivo contribuir para o entendimento da evolução da demanda por etanol e gasolina no Brasil e como este crescimento deverá ser traduzido em disponibilidade de cana de açúcar. Nesse estudo foram usados dados históricos que refletem o comportamento de variáveis no passado para projetar o futuro, considerando que o comportamento permaneça similar. Com as pressões internacionais por sustentabilidade e uma busca por uma matriz energética mais limpa, o etanol passou a ser uma opção real de complemento às demais fontes, sobretudo pelo seu aspecto ambiental. Com essa visão o Brasil já na década de 70 iniciou investimentos e incentivos para a produção de etanol para veículos, impulsionando a produção de carros flex na década de 90. Apesar de altos e baixos, hoje o aumento da demanda por etanol se deve principalmente ao crescimento da produção de veículos flex fuel. Esse crescimento vertiginoso da demanda fez com que houvesse necessidade de cada vez mais etanol e infelizmente a capacidade de produção do Brasil não foi capaz de acompanhar esse movimento, gerando falta de produto e provocando a migração do etanol para a gasolina. Essa migração tipicamente ocorre quando o etanol ultrapassa a paridade de 70% do preço da gasolina. Nesse contexto, o consumo de gasolina aumenta, impactando no volume de importação que a Petrobrás realiza para suprir o mercado interno. Através da análise das curvas de paridade e comportamento do consumidor, foi possível perceber que nos próximos anos a demanda por etanol vai continuar subindo e que a oferta de cana de açúcar não cresce na mesma proporção. Isso quer dizer que o que tínhamos de folga de produção de etanol, vai representar um déficit importante a ser suprido pela gasolina, custando ainda mais para a Petrobrás manter o nível de preço com baixo impacto inflacionário. Caso não sejam feitos investimentos relevantes para aumentar a oferta de etanol, através de novas usinas ou de maior produtividade, ou de gasolina através de mais refino, certamente teremos um cenário de desbalanceamento entre oferta e demanda de etanol e gasolina no Brasil
In this paper we describe the electrosynthesis of poly[(2-bromo-5-hexyloxy- 1,4-phenylenevinylene)-co-(1,4-phenylenevinylene)] (BHPPV-co-PPV), a novel conducting copolymer, and its application as active layer of a chemiresistive gas sensor suitable for quantification of ethanol present in ethanol-gasoline mixtures normally present in the fuel tanks of flex-fuel vehicles. This information is crucial for the smooth operation of the engine since it permits optimal air:fuel ratio regulation. The sensor consists of an interdigitated electrode coated with a thin polymer film doped with dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid. On exposure to fuel vapours at room temperature, the device presents a linear correlation between its electrical conductance and the ethanol concentration in the fuel. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A questão central que buscou-se responder no presente estudo foi: qual o impacto dos veículos flex-fuel sobre a demanda por gasolina no Brasil? Para tentar responder esta questão foi estimada a função demanda por gasolina no Brasil e suas elasticidades-preço e renda, para o período de agosto de 1994 a julho de 2006 (era pós-Plano Real), utilizando-se técnicas de cointegração para avaliar a existência de uma relação de equilíbrio de longo prazo entre variáveis do modelo. Com a renovação da frota automotiva, centrada cada vez mais nos veículos flex-fuel, cuja participação nas vendas nacionais de veículos novos deve ultrapassar os 70% em 2006, surge a preocupação de que o deslocamento do consumo de gasolina pelo álcool hidratado leve a excedentes crescentes de gasolina no Brasil. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo indicam que a demanda por gasolina no Brasil é inelástica no longo prazo, tanto em relação a variações nos preços deste combustível, quanto a alterações na renda dos consumidores. Os valores estimados para as elasticidades-preço e renda de longo prazo foram de -0,197 e 0,685, respectivamente. Também foi estimado o coeficiente de uma variável binária de inclinação associada ao preço da gasolina, incluída no modelo com o objetivo de capturar os impactos da entrada do flex-fuel sobre a curva de demanda por gasolina a partir de março de 2003. Esta variável binária de inclinação apresentou-se com um coeficiente de aproximadamente -0,137. Isto significa que a partir de março de 2003 há uma significativa mudança na elasticidade-preço da demanda por gasolina, que se torna mais elástica, saindo de -0,197 para -0,334. Este resultado indica que o mercado nacional de combustíveis de ciclo Otto pode estar passando por mudanças estruturais, para as quais a entrada dos veículos flex-fuel é a causa mais provável e que o álcool hidratado tem se tornado um substituto menos imperfeito da gasolina.