957 resultados para Vascular Malformations


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Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome (BRRS) is a rare autosomal, dominantly-inherited, hamartoma syndrome with distinct phenotypic features. Mutations in the PTEN gene have been identified in PTEN hamartoma tumor syndromes. Our aim was to determine the correlation of phenotype-genotype relationships in a BRRS case. We have evaluated a PTEN mutation in a patient with vascular anomalies and the phenotypic findings of BRRS. We described an 8-year-old girl with the clinical features of BRRS, specifically with vascular anomalies. The mutation in the PTEN gene was identified by DNA sequencing. In our patient, we defined a de novo nonsense R335X (c. 1003 C>T) mutation in exon 8, which results in a premature termination codon. Due to vascular anomalies and hemangioma, the patient's left leg was amputated 1 year after the hemangioma diagnosis. Bannayan - Riley - Ruvalcaba syndrome patients with macrocephaly and vascular anomalies should be considered for PTEN mutation analysis and special medical care.


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The diagnostic approach to vascular anomalies should include the distinction between vascular tumors (i.e. hemangiomas) and congential vascular malformations (CVMs). This step is based more on history and clinical examination rather than on instrumental evaluation. In children Duplex ultrasound and histology can be helpful to separate hypervasularized tumors from CVMs. Appropriate record of objective measures as size or flow volume is required in order to evaluate the progress of the pathology and/or to assess the results of adopted therapeutic interventions. The anatomic, pathological and hemodynamic characteristics, the secondary effects on the surrounding tissues and the systemic manifestations should be defined. Basic diagnostic tools are Duplex sonography followed by MRI or CT scanning. The definition of the vascular anomaly should be according to the Hamburg classification and should separate vascular tumors from vacular malformations followed by separation of high flow from low flow CVMs. Diagnostic investigations are best undertaken at centers where subsequent therapeutic interventions will be performed.


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PURPOSE Treatment of vascular malformations requires the placement of a needle within vessels which may be as small as 1 mm, with the current state of the art relying exclusively on two-dimensional fluoroscopy images for guidance. We hypothesize that the combination of stereotactic image guidance with existing targeting methods will result in faster and more reproducible needle placements, as well as reduced radiationexposure, when compared to standard methods based on fluoroscopy alone. METHODS The proposed navigation approach was evaluated in a phantom experiment designed to allow direct comparison with the conventional method. An anatomical phantom of the left forearm was constructed, including an independent control mechanism to indicate the attainment of the target position. Three interventionalists (one inexperienced, two of them frequently practice the conventional fluoroscopic technique) performed 45 targeting attempts utilizing the combined and 45 targeting attempts utilizing the standard approaches. RESULTS In all 45 attempts, the users were able to reach the target when utilizing the combined approach. In two cases, targeting was stopped after 15 min without reaching the target when utilizing only the C-arm. The inexperienced user was faster when utilizing the combined approach and applied significantly less radiation than when utilizing the conventional approach. Conversely, both experienced users were faster when using the conventional approach, in one case significantly so, with no significant difference in radiation dose when compared to the combined approach. CONCLUSIONS This work presents an initial evaluation of a combined navigation fluoroscopy targeting technique in a phantom study. The results suggest that, especially for inexperienced interventionalists, navigation may help to reduce the time and the radiation dose. Future work will focus on the improvement and clinical evaluation of the proposed method.


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Presently, there is controversy and misconception in the diagnosis and management of most congenital vascular malformations. The aim of this manuscript is to identify the current knowledge of these poorly understood and relatively uncommon pathologies. We will also review the updated terminology, classiication, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis approach and management


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Juvenile nasopharingeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign locally aggressive tumor characterized by irregular vessels embedded. in a fibrous stroma. Excessive vascularity results in bleeding complications, and the inhibition of angiogenesis is a promising strategy for managing extensive JNA tumors. To better characterize the endothelial components of JNA, we aimed to evaluate markers of vascular differentiation and proliferation, such as friend leukemia integration-1 (FLI-1) and endoglin, lymphatic markers, including podoplanin and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR3) and its cognate ligand VEGFC, GLUT-1, a diagnostic marker that discriminates between hemangiomas and vascular malformations, and two markers of tissue remodeling, stromelysin 3 (ST3) and secreted acid protein rich in cysteine (SPARC). Antigens were assessed immunohistochemically in vessels and stromal cells of JNA archival cases (n=22). JNA endothelial cells were positive for endoglin, VEGFC and FLI-1, whereas podoplanin and VEGFR3 were negative in all cases. Both endothelial cells and fibroblasts stained for ST3 and SPARC. GLUT-1 was investigated in JNA cases, in infantile hemangiomas (n=123) and in vascular malformations (n=135) as controls. JNAs and vascular malformations were GLUT-1-negative, while hemangiomas showed positive staining. The presence of markers of endothelial differentiation and proliferation highlighted the hyper-proliferative state of JNA vessels. The absence of podoplanin and VEGFR3 underscores their blood endothelial cell characteristic. The absence of GLUT-1 discriminates JNAs from hemangiomas. ST3 and SPARC up-regulation in endothelial cells and fibroblasts may contribute to a compensatory signaling for controlling angiogenesis. Some of these markers may eventually serve as therapeutic targets. Our results may aid in the understanding of JNA pathophysiology.


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The role of cerebral angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is currently being questioned due to both the increasing availability of carotid sonography and the recent introduction of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). After a technical foreword about the different modalities available today in Cerebral Angiography, we discuss its present indications (Conventional or Digital subtraction by intra-arterial route), in patients with extra and intra cranial atherosclerotic cerebro vascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage and arterial aneurysms, in vascular malformations, particularly arterio-venous malformations (AVM's), in occlusive non-atherosclerotic non hypertensive arteriopathies and in occlusive venous pathology. Although it is possible that the future will show us the progressive replacement of the invasive technologies by MRA, at the present stage of Magnetic Resonance development there is still an important role, if not crucial, for catheter angiography in the diagnosis of most of the diseases producing stroke syndromes.


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Phacomatosis pigmentovascularis is a rare syndrome characterized by the coexistence of a pigmented nevus and a cutaneous vascular malformation. We report a 5-year-old boy with all the typical findings of phacomatosis pigmentovascularis type Ia. Although its existence according to the traditional classification has been questioned, this case represents a very rare association of a capillary vascular malformation and a common keratinocytic nevus of the soft type.


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Cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are well-known sources of intracranial hemorrhage, but can also manifest as other clinical symptoms or remain clinically asymptomatic. The aim was to document and analyze cases of aneurysm or AVM with brain infarction. Survey on 4804 stroke patients treated at the Department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, Switzerland between 1978 and 2000 using the Lausanne Stroke Registry. Twenty patients presented with cerebral aneurysm and 21 with cerebral AVM. Hemorrhage was present in 100% of the AVM and in 75% of the aneurysm patients; in one (5%) of the remaining aneurysm patients, aneurysm and infarction were located in different territories. Infarction associated with Sylvian artery aneurysm was found in three (15%), vertebrobasilar ischemia because of fusiform left vertebral artery aneurysm in one (5%), and dural fistula draining to the distal transversal and left sigmoid sinus associated with a stroke in the territory of the left anterior inferior cerebellar artery in one patient. Ischemic stroke is infrequent, but important, complication in unruptured intracranial aneurysms and AVMs. The early recognition and therapy of these vascular malformations in selected patients can avoid a major neurological deficit or death caused by their rupture.


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Les anomalies vasculaires constituent des affections rares présentes dès la naissance. Elles sont classées selon leur histologie en tumeurs ou malformations vasculaires. La connaissance de ces anomalies par le médecin de famille est importante, permettant ainsi leur diagnostic, qui repose essentiellement sur la clinique. Les caractéristiques anatomiques et hémodynamiques de l'anomalie sont précisées par l'angiologue grâce à l'écho-Doppler. Cet examen permet un suivi de la lésion et le diagnostic d'éventuelles complications. Un bilan radiologique peut compléter cette évaluation avant discussion multidisciplinaire en vue d'un traitement parfois difficile. Dans cet article, un bref aperçu des malformations vasculaires et de leur prise en charge multidisciplinaire est discuté, en particulier dans le cas du syndrome de Klippel-Trenaunay. Vascular anomalies are rare conditions that could be observed at all ages. They are classified, according to their histology, in vascular tumors or vascular malformations. The general practitioner plays a significant role in diagnosis and patient management, diagnosis being suspected on clinical history. In case of vascular anomaly, ultrasound-Doppler assessment is helpful to characterize morphologic and hemodynamic changes of the lesion and permits to monitor the evolution and to detect complications. Further investigations are often necessary prior to multidisciplinary management. In this article, a brief overview of vascular anomalies, their multidisciplinary management and the exemple of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome are presented.


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Cavernous malformations (CCMs) are benign, well-circumscribed, and mulberry-like vascular malformations that may be found in the central nervous system in up to 0.5% of the population. Cavernous malformations can be sporadic or inherited. The common symptoms are epilepsy, hemorrhages, focal neurological deficits, and headaches. However, CCMs are often asymptomatic. The familiar form is associated with three gene loci, namely 7q21-q22 (CCM1), 7p13-p15 (CCM2), and 3q25.2-q27 (CCM3) and is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with incomplete penetrance. The CCM genes are identified as Krit 1 (CCM1), MGC4607 (CCM2), and PDCD10 (CCM3). Here, we present the clinical and genetic features of CCMs in 19 Swiss families. Furthermore, surgical aspects in such families are also discussed.


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Cavernous malformations (CM) of the central nervous system are vascular malformations responsible for symptoms such as seizures, headache, and neurological deficits: 25% of cases already present in childhood.


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Reticulate pattern is one of the most important dermatological signs of a pathological process involving the superficial vascular networks. Vascular malformations, such as cutis marmorata congenita telangiectasia and benign forms of livedo reticularis, and sinister conditions, such as meningococcal meningitis or Sneddon's syndrome, can all present with a reticulate pattern. The clinical presentation and morphology is determined by the nature and extent of the underlying pathology and the involvement of a particular vascular network. This review has been divided into four instalments. In the present paper, we discuss the anatomy and physiology of the complex network of vascular structures that support the function of the skin and subcutis.


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VE-PTP, a receptor-type phosphotyrosine phosphatase, associates with the tyrosine kinase receptor Tie-2 and VE-cadherin and enhances the adhesive function of the latter. Here, VE-PTP was found to be restricted to endothelial cells, with a preference for arterial endothelium. Mutant mice expressing a truncated, secreted form of VE-PTP lacking the cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains and the most membrane-proximal extracellular fibronectin type III repeat, showed severe vascular malformations causing lethality at 10 days of gestation. Although blood vessels were initially formed, the intraembryonic vascular system soon deteriorated. Blood vessels in the yolk sac developed into dramatically enlarged cavities. In explant cultures of mutant allantoides, endothelial cells were found next to vessel structures growing as cell layers. No signs for enhanced endothelial apoptosis or proliferation were observed. Thus, the activity of VE-PTP is not required for the initial formation of blood vessels, yet it is essential for their maintenance and remodeling.