1000 resultados para Twins Design
Background. Children of alcoholics are significantly more likely to experience high-risk environmental exposures, including prenatal substance exposure, and are more likely to exhibit externalizing problems [e.g. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]. While there is evidence that genetic influences and prenatal nicotine and/or alcohol exposure play separate roles in determining risk of ADHD, little has been done on determining the joint roles that genetic risk associated with maternal alcohol use disorder (AUD) and prenatal risk factors play in determining risk of ADHD. Method. Using a children-of-twins design, diagnostic telephone interview data from high-risk families (female monozygotic and dizygotic twins concordant or discordant for AUD as parents) and control families targeted from a large Australian twin cohort were analyzed using logistic regression models. Results. Offspring of twins with a history of AUD, as well as offspring of non-AUD monozygotic twins whose co-twin had AUD, were significantly more likely to exhibit ADHD than offspring of controls. This pattern is consistent with a genetic explanation for the association between maternal AUD and increased offspring risk of ADHD. Adjustment for prenatal smoking, which remained significantly predictive, did not remove the significant genetic association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD. Conclusions. While maternal smoking during pregnancy probably contributes to the association between maternal AUD and offspring ADHD risk, the evidence for a significant genetic correlation suggests: (i) pleiotropic genetic effects, with some genes that influence risk of AUD also influencing vulnerability to ADHD; or (ii) ADHD is a direct risk-factor for AUD.
Girls who grow up in households with an unrelated adult male reach menarche earlier than peers, a finding hypothesized to be an evolutionary strategy for families under stress. The authors tested the alternative hypothesis that nonrandom selection into stepfathering due to shared environmental and/or genetic predispositions creates a spurious relation between stepfathering and early menarche. Using the unique controls for genetic and shared environmental experiences offered by the children-of-twins design, the authors found that cousins discordant for stepfathering did not differ in age of menarche. Moreover, controlling for mother's age of menarche eliminated differences in menarcheal age associated with stepfathering in unrelated girls. These findings strongly suggest selection, and not causation, accounts for the relationship between stepfathering and early menarche.
Parental divorce is associated with problematic offspring adjustment, but the relation may be due to shared genetic or environmental factors. One way to test for these confounds is to study offspring of twins discordant for divorce. The current analyses used this design to separate the mechanisms responsible for the association between parental divorce, experienced either before or after the age of 16, and offspring well-being. The results were consistent with a causal role of divorce in earlier initiation of sexual intercourse and emotional difficulties, in addition to a greater probability of educational problems, depressed mood, and suicidal ideation. In contrast, the increased risk for cohabitation and earlier initiation of drug use was explained by selection factors, including genetic confounds.
Conclusions about the effects of harsh parenting on children have been limited by research designs that cannot control for genetic or shared environmental confounds. The present study used a sample of children of twins and a hierarchical linear modeling statistical approach to analyze the consequences of varying levels of punishment while controlling for many confounding influences. The sample of 887 twin pairs and 2,554 children came from the Australian Twin Registry. Although corporal punishment per se did not have significant associations with negative childhood outcomes, harsher forms of physical punishment did appear to have specific and significant effects. The observed association between harsh physical punishment and negative outcomes in children survived a relatively rigorous test of its causal status, thereby increasing the authors' conviction that harsh physical punishment is a serious risk factor for children.
Objective. To evaluate early neonatal morbidity and mortality in twin pregnancies with growth discordance. Design. Retrospective study. Setting. Tertiary teaching hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Population. A total of 151 twin pregnancies managed and delivered at the Multiple Pregnancy Unit at Sao Paulo University Hospital between 1998 and 2004. Methods. Comparison between twin pregnancies with weight discordance 20% and pregnancies concordant for fetal weight. Cases with fetal death, abnormalities, twin-to-twin transfusion and delivery before 26 weeks or in another hospital were excluded. Outcome measures. Early neonatal morbidity (Apgar at 5 minutes 7, respiratory or neurological complications, infection, necrotizing enterocolitis, length of hospital stay) and mortality. Results. Forty (26.5%) pregnancies presented discordance 20% and 111 (73.5%) were concordant. In the discordant group, 75% of pregnancies had at least one growth restricted fetus (10th centile). In concordant twin pregnancies, monochorionic cases (22.5%) presented with lower gestational age (34.3 vs. 36.2 weeks), lower birthweight (2,067 vs. 2,334 g) and a longer period of hospital stay (5.5 vs. 3.0) compared to dichorionic concordant twins. No differences between monochorionic and dichorionic subgroups were observed in discordant twins. Pregnancies in which at least one baby was born with a birthweight below the 10th centile showed that discordant pregnancies had a lower gestational age at delivery (35.2 vs. 36.8 weeks) and a longer period of hospital stay (9 vs. 4 weeks) compared to concordant cases. Neonatal mortality was similar in discordant (3.7%) and concordant (4.5%) twins. Conclusion. Early perinatal morbidity is increased in twin pregnancies with birthweight discordance 20% only when associated with fetal growth restriction and low birthweight.
Objective(s): We intend to verify if fetal volume and crown-rump length were different between singletons and twins in pregnancies aged from 7 to 10 weeks and to evaluate if fetal volume is more accurate to determine the gestational age than crown-rump length at this gestational age. Study design: From 52 days (7 weeks and 3 days) to 73 days (10 weeks and 3 days) weekly three-dimensional Ultrasonography was per-formed in 20 twin fetuses and 20 singletons. Crown-rump length and fetal volume using VOCAL were assessed in all examinations. The `true` gestational age was based on oocyte retrieval. Results: At the age of 52 days, the crown-rump length was 11.74 +/- 0.27 mm (mean +/- S.D.) and 11.48 +/- 0.22 mm (singletons and twins, respectively), while the fetal volume was 0.354 +/- 0.015 cm(3) and 0.324 +/- 0.012 cm(3). At the gestational age of 73 days, the crown-rump length was 36.19 +/- 0.90 mm and 35.87 +/- 0.54 mm and the fetal volume was 6.204 +/- 0.090 cm(3) and 6.083 +/- 0.081 cm(3). The total relative increase observed was much higher for fetal volume than for CRL: 1705 +/- 301% vs. 210 +/- 33% in singletons and 1827 +/- 305% vs. 214 +/- 25% in twins. The 95% limits of agreement (+/- 2.3 days vs. +/- 3.2 days, fetal volume vs. crown-rump length) and the intraclass correlation coefficients (0.989 vs. 0.978) between the ""true"" gestational age and that predicted by fetal volume were better than those predicted by crown-rump length. No significant difference was identified between singletons and twins for both fetal volume and crown-rump length. Conclusion(s): Twins and singletons had similar fetal volume and crown-rump length between the 7th and 10th week of gestational age. Additionally, fetal volume assessed by VOCAL was better than crown-rump length to estimate the gestational age at the evaluated period. However, the improvement was small and probably without clinical significance. Condensation: Fetal volume and crown-rump length were similar between singletons and twins. Fetal volume relative increase was higher and the predicted gestational age was better. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to calculate the prospective risk of fetal death in monochorionic-diamniotic twins. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated 193 monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies that were followed and delivered after 24 weeks. Surveillance included cardiotocography and sonography performed at least once weekly. The prospective risk of fetal death was calculated as the total number of deaths at the beginning of the gestational period divided by the number of continuing pregnancies at or beyond that period. RESULTS: The fetal death rate was 5 of 193 pregnancies (2.6%; 95% CI, 1.1, 5.9); the prospective risk of stillbirth per pregnancy after 32 weeks of gestation was 1.2% (95% CI, 0.3% - 4.2%). CONCLUSION: Under intensive surveillance, the prospective risk of fetal death in monochorionic-diamniotic pregnancies after 32 weeks of gestation is much lower than reported and does not support a policy of elective preterm delivery.
Background: Previous research has reported both a moderate degree of comorbidity between cannabis dependence and major depressive disorder (MDD) and that early-onset cannabis use is associated with increased risks for MDD. Objective: To examine whether associations between both lifetime cannabis dependence and early cannabis use and measures of MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt persist after controlling for genetic and/or shared environmental influences. Design: Cross-sectional survey of twin pairs discordant for lifetime cannabis dependence and those discordant for early cannabis use. Setting: General population sample of twins (median age, 30 years). Participants: Two hundred seventy-seven same-sex twin pairs discordant for cannabis dependence and 311 pairs discordant for early-onset cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures: Self-report measures of DSM-IV-defined lifetime MDD, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempt. Results: Individuals who were cannabis dependent had odds of suicidal ideation and suicide attempt that were 2.5 to 2.9 times higher than those of their non-cannabis-dependent co-twin. Additionally, cannabis dependence was associated with elevated risks of MDD in dizygotic but not in monozygotic twins. Those who initiated cannabis use before age 17 years had elevated rates of subsequent suicide attempt (odds ratio, 3.5 [95% confidence interval, 1.4-8.6]) but not of MDD or suicidal ideation. Early MDD and suicidal ideation were significantly associated with subsequent risks of cannabis dependence in discordant dizygotic pairs but not in discordant monozygotic pairs. Conclusions: Comorbidity between cannabis dependence and MDD likely arises through shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities predisposing to both outcomes. In contrast, associations between cannabis dependence and suicidal behaviors cannot be entirely explained by common predisposing genetic and/or shared environmental predispositions. Previously reported associations between early-onset cannabis use and subsequent MDD likely reflect shared genetic and environmental vulnerabilities, although it remains possible that early-onset cannabis use may predispose to suicide attempt.
There is now considerable evidence that host genetic factors are important in determining the outcome of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). The aim of this study was to assess the role of several candidate genes in the variation observed in the immune responses to MTB antigens. In-vitro assays of T-cell proliferation, an in-vivo intradermal delayed hypersensitivity response; cytokine and antibody secretions to several mycobacterial peptide antigens were assessed in healthy, but exposed, West African twins. Candidate gene polymorphisms were typed in the NRAMP1, Vitamin D receptor, IL10, IL4, IL4 receptor and CTLA-4 genes. Variants of the loci IL10 (-1082 G/A), CTLA-4 (49 A/G) and the IL4 receptor (128 A/G) showed significant associations with immune responses to several antigens. T-cell proliferative responses and antibody responses were reduced, TNF-alpha responses were increased for subjects with the CTLA-4 G allele. The T-cell proliferative responses of subjects with IL10 GA and GG genotypes differed significantly. IL4 receptor AG and GG genotypes also showed significant differences in their T-cell proliferative responses to MTB antigens. These results yield a greater understanding of the genetic mechanisms that underlie the immune responses in tuberculosis and have implications for the design of therapeutic interventions.
Context: Genes from the ovarian bone morphogenetic signaling pathway (GDF9 and BMP15) are critical for normal human fertility. We previously identified a deletion mutation in GDF9 in sisters with spontaneous dizygotic (DZ) twins, but the prevalence of rare GDF9 variants in twinning families is unknown. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the frequency of rare variants in GDF9 in families with a history of DZ twinning. Design and Subjects: We recruited 3450 individuals from 915 DZ twinning families (1693 mothers of twins) and 1512 controls of Caucasian origin. One mother of DZ twins was selected from 279 of the 915 families, and a DNA sample was screened for rare variants in GDF9 using denaturant HPLC. Variants were confirmed by DNA sequencing and genotyped in the entire sample by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Results: We found two novel insertion/deletions (c.392-393insT, c.1268-1269delAA) and four missense alterations in the GDF9 sequence in mothers of twins. Two of the missense variants (c.307C > T, p.Pro103Ser and c.362C > T, p.Thr121Leu) were located in the proregion of GDF9 and two (c.1121C > T, p.Pro374Leu and c.1360C > T, p.Arg454Cys) in the mature protein region. For each variant, the frequencies were higher in cases compared with controls. The proportion of mothers of DZ twins carrying any variant (4.12%) was significantly higher (P < 0.0001) than the proportion of carriers in controls (2.29%). Conclusion: We describe new variants in the GDF9 gene that are significantly more common in mothers of DZ twins than controls, suggesting that rare GDF9 variants contribute to the likelihood of DZ twinning.
Hybrid bioisoster derivatives from N-acylhydrazones and furoxan groups were designed with the objective of obtaining at least a dual mechanism of action: cruzain inhibition and nitric oxide (NO) releasing activity. Fifteen designed compounds were synthesized varying the substitution in N-acylhydrazone and in furoxan group as well. They had its anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity in amastigotes forms, NO releasing potential and inhibitory cruzain activity evaluated. The two most active compounds (6, 14) both in the parasite amastigotes and in the enzyme contain the nitro group in para position of the aromatic ring. The permeability screening in Caco-2 cell and cytotoxicity assay in human cells were performed for those most active compounds and both showed to be less cytotoxic than the reference drug, benznidazole. Compound 6 was the most promising, since besides activity it showed good permeability and selectivity index, higher than the reference drug. Thereby the compound 6 was considered as a possible candidate for additional studies.
Split-plot design (SPD) and near-infrared chemical imaging were used to study the homogeneity of the drug paracetamol loaded in films and prepared from mixtures of the biocompatible polymers hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polyethyleneglycol. The study was split into two parts: a partial least-squares (PLS) model was developed for a pixel-to-pixel quantification of the drug loaded into films. Afterwards, a SPD was developed to study the influence of the polymeric composition of films and the two process conditions related to their preparation (percentage of the drug in the formulations and curing temperature) on the homogeneity of the drug dispersed in the polymeric matrix. Chemical images of each formulation of the SPD were obtained by pixel-to-pixel predictions of the drug using the PLS model of the first part, and macropixel analyses were performed for each image to obtain the y-responses (homogeneity parameter). The design was modeled using PLS regression, allowing only the most relevant factors to remain in the final model. The interpretation of the SPD was enhanced by utilizing the orthogonal PLS algorithm, where the y-orthogonal variations in the design were separated from the y-correlated variation.
In Brazil, the consumption of extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) is increasing annually, but there are no experimental studies concerning the phenolic compound contents of commercial EVOO. The aim of this work was to optimise the separation of 17 phenolic compounds already detected in EVOO. A Doehlert matrix experimental design was used, evaluating the effects of pH and electrolyte concentration. Resolution, runtime and migration time relative standard deviation values were evaluated. Derringer's desirability function was used to simultaneously optimise all 37 responses. The 17 peaks were separated in 19min using a fused-silica capillary (50μm internal diameter, 72cm of effective length) with an extended light path and 101.3mmolL(-1) of boric acid electrolyte (pH 9.15, 30kV). The method was validated and applied to 15 EVOO samples found in Brazilian supermarkets.
Herein we describe the synthesis of a focused library of compounds based on the structure of goniothalamin (1) and the evaluation of the potential antitumor activity of the compounds. N-Acylation of aza-goniothalamin (2) restored the in vitro antiproliferative activity of this family of compounds. 1-(E)-But-2-enoyl-6-styryl-5,6-dihydropyridin-2(1H)-one (18) displayed enhanced antiproliferative activity. Both goniothalamin (1) and derivative 18 led to reactive oxygen species generation in PC-3 cells, which was probably a signal for caspase-dependent apoptosis. Treatment with derivative 18 promoted Annexin V/7-aminoactinomycin D double staining, which indicated apoptosis, and also led to G2 /M cell-cycle arrest. In vivo studies in Ehrlich ascitic and solid tumor models confirmed the antitumor activity of goniothalamin (1), without signs of toxicity. However, derivative 18 exhibited an unexpectedly lower in vivo antitumor activity, despite the treatments being administered at the same site of inoculation. Contrary to its in vitro profile, aza-goniothalamin (2) inhibited Ehrlich tumor growth, both on the ascitic and solid forms. Our findings highlight the importance of in vivo studies in the search for new candidates for cancer treatment.
An HPLC-PAD method using a gold working electrode and a triple-potential waveform was developed for the simultaneous determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in veterinary drugs. Glucose was used as the internal standard, and the triple-potential waveform was optimized using a factorial and a central composite design. The optimum potentials were as follows: amperometric detection, E1=-0.15V; cleaning potential, E2=+0.85V; and reactivation of the electrode surface, E3=-0.65V. For the separation of the aminoglycosides and the internal standard of glucose, a CarboPac™ PA1 anion exchange column was used together with a mobile phase consisting of a 0.070 mol L(-1) sodium hydroxide solution in the isocratic elution mode with a flow rate of 0.8 mL min(-1). The method was validated and applied to the determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in veterinary formulations (injection, suspension and ointment) without any previous sample pretreatment, except for the ointments, for which a liquid-liquid extraction was required before HPLC-PAD analysis. The method showed adequate selectivity, with an accuracy of 98-107% and a precision of less than 3.9%.