989 resultados para Tunelamento (Fisica)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper aims to give an initial presentation to physics students of the area of electron transfer, addressing its major aspects. The subject is then presented in an introductory way, highlighting and discussing the key points. Primarily, the problem is approached in a simplified manner through a two-state system, and aspects of calculating the matrix-element are discussed. Then, the electron transfer problem, influenced by nuclear reaction coordinates, is addressed and treated by the Marcus theory. Time scales and the concepts of adiabatic and nonadiabatic phenomena are discussed in the context of electron transfer. The classical, semi-classical and quantum formalisms of for the nuclear reactions coordinates are presented, and aspects of solvents are also discussed. Finally, we conclude by examining some recent examples of problems discussed in the literature.


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El estudio del efecto de diferentes residuos orgánicos de origen vegetal y animal en algunas características física, química y biológica del compost. Los objetivos fueron: C ontribuir a la búsqueda de alternativas de reciclaje de diferentes materiales de origen vegetal, animal y que contenga buenas características físicas, q uímicas y biológicas, evaluar el efecto de diferentes materiales orgánicos (pulpa de café, aserrín, basura verde + cascarilla de arroz, abono verde + cascarilla de arroz y residuos del comedor) sobre algunas propiedades químicas, físicas y biológicas del c ompost y determinar cuál de las mezclas orgánicas evaluadas (pulpa de café, aserrín, basura verde + cascarilla de arroz, abono verde + cascarilla de arroz y residuos del comedor) contribuyen a mejorar algunas de las propiedades químicas, físicas y biológic as del compost. Se estableció en la Hacienda Las Mercedes, propiedad de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el Km. 11 y ½ carretera norte, 1 Km. al lago frente a la empresa CARNIC en la localidad Las Mercedes perteneciente al departamento de Mana gua. Está finca se ubica geográficamente a los 12º8 ́36 ́ ́ latitud norte y 86º09 ́49 ́ ́ longitud oeste a una altitud de 56 msnm. El estudio comprendió cinco tratamientos y tres repeticiones: los cinco tratamientos compuestos de: basura seca recogida de la Ha cienda Las Mercedes, estiércol, cal y sica (carbón vegetal) en común; el tratamiento uno se diferenciaba por la presencia de pulpa de café, el dos por tener aserrín, el tres con basura verde más cascarilla de arroz, el cuatro con abono verde más cascarill a de arroz y el quinto con residuos provenientes del comedor de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. Se evaluaron las siguientes variables: temperatura, humedad, fitoxicidad , Contenido de macro y micro elementos y d iversidad de hongos y bacterias en el proce so de compostaje . El aná lisis estadístico utilizado fue el análisis de varianza a la variable: análisis químico, se realizó separación de medias por TUKEY al 5% de probabilidad de error. A las variables humedad, toxicidad y análisis microbiológico se les realizó un análisis cualitativo. La variable temperatura se le realizó análisis de varianz a a través del MANOVA. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: existe diferencia significativa entre los tratamientos en la variable temperatura siendo la pulp a de café el material orgánico que favorece mayor actividad microbiana y que permitió obtener temperaturas más altas que el resto de mezclas . La pasteurización del abono se logró a través de que la temperatura entre 45 ºC y 50 ºC fue por un tiempo prolon gado. Según el resultado del análisis químico realizado en el laboratorio de suelos y aguas de la UNA indican por que los rangos de humedad al final del ensayo se mantuvieron dentro de los parámetros óptimos (50 - 65 %). Todos los tratamientos tienen una r elación carbono/nitrógeno alta, las que varían entre 79:1 a 60:1. Todas las mezclas tienen estabilidad, no hay presencia de sustancias fitotóxicas. En todos los tratamientos se obtiene una germinación arriba del 90 por ciento. La presencia de bacterias y hongos estuvo durante todo el proceso de descomposición, siendo menor el número de especies de hongos encontrados por tratamiento a los 30 días que a los 90 días. Entre las bacterias más encontradas están las del género Bacillus.


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Interpretación geométrica del fenómeno de las oscilaciones eléctricas que nos ha permitido deducir la fórmula de Thomson. Energéticamente las oscilaciones de un circuito oscilante se realizan en virtud de un intercambio constante entre las dos clases de energía implicadas, la del campo eléctrico y la del campo magnético. El principio de conservación de la energía permite establecer que en todo momento permanece constante la suma de dichas energías.


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Neste trabalho é apresentada a caracterização de amostras de filmes finos granulares de Fe- Al2O3, obtidas por evaporação em ultra alto vácuo. Duas amostras com composições diferentes foram obtidas. A espectroscopia de Espalhamento de Rutherford (Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy - RBS) foi utilizada para determinar a fração volumétrica de metal e a espessura das amostras, cujos valores obtidos foram 43% e 34% respectivamente. A morfologia das amostras foi investigada por difração de raios-x a qual mostrou a existência de grãos de ferro com 30Å de diâmetro e orientação cristalina preferencial (110) embebidos em uma matriz amorfa de Al2O3. As medidas de magnetização também mostraram que as duas amostras apresentavam uma distribuição de tamanhos de grão de ferro com valor médio de 24Å, estando de acordo com os resultados obtidos por difração de raios-x. A magneto-resistência observada em temperatura ambiente pode ser explicada pelo tunelamento dependente de spin dos elétrons de condução entre os grãos de ferro. Os resultados das medidas de RxT e IxV mostraram que o principal mecanismo de transporte foi o tunelamento termicamente ativado, o que está de acordo com a teoria apresentada por Abeles.


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A venous ulcer is the most serious clinical manifestation of chronic venous failure, and the most frequent in lower limbs, accounting for 70% of all ulcers. Patients may suffer from this infirmity for several years without healing of the lesion if treatment is inadequate. The aim of this investigation was to verify the effectiveness of decongestive physical therapy in the healing of venous ulcers. This is a quasi-experimental, interventionist study, with paired, non-probabilistic sampling, composed of 50 patients divided into two groups: control and intervention, each composed of 25 patients. Both groups were identically treated for six months with daily dressings and the latter also underwent complex physical therapy consisting of a combination of the following techniques: manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, lower limb elevation, myolymphokinetic exercises and skin care. The study was approved (Protocol no. 59/2007) by the Ethics Committee of the State University of Southeast Bahia. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests were applied for data analysis. After statistical analysis the patients who underwent therapy showed a statistically significant difference with respect to wound contraction starting in the second month of treatment. Compared to the control, the intervention group showed a greater reduction in both pain and edema starting in the third and fourth month of therapy, respectively. To reinforce these findings, the mean percentage of tissue present at the base of the ulcer (granulation/fibrin ratio) was calculated. The intervention group showed greater granulation at the base of the ulcer compared to the control, significant from the second month of treatment on. It was observed in this study that lymphotherapy, when compared between the intervention and control groups, accelerated the healing process, and reduced pain and edema in the affected limbs. It is expected, therefore, that these results widen scientific knowledge and we suggest that this therapy be used 78 not only to reduce lymphedema, but also as a treatment option for venous ulcers, given its easy application and low cost. The data, therefore, demonstrated the importance of basic care on the part of a multiprofessional and transdisciplinary health team involved in the healing process of these infirmities, thereby contributing to better quality of life in these individuals


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The effect of confinement on the magnetic structure of vortices of dipolar coupled ferromagnetic nanoelements is an issue of current interest, not only for academic reasons, but also for the potential impact in a number of promising applications. Most applications, such as nano-oscillators for wireless data transmission, benefit from the possibility of tailoring the vortex core magnetic pattern. We report a theoretical study of vortex nucleation in pairs of coaxial iron and Permalloy cylinders, with diameters ranging from 21nm to 150nm, and 12nm and 21nm thicknesses, separated by a non-magnetic layer. 12nm thick iron and Permalloy isolated (single) cylinders do not hold a vortex, and 21nm isolated cylinders hold a vortex. Our results indicate that one may tailor the magnetic structure of the vortices, and the relative chirality, by selecting the thickness of the non-magnetic spacer and the values of the cylinders diameters and thicknesses. Also, the dipolar interaction may induce vortex formation in pairs of 12nm thick nanocylinders and inhibit the formation of vortices in pairs of 21nm thick nanocylinders. These new phases are formed according to the value of the distance between the cylinderes. Furthermore, we show that the preparation route may control relative chirality and polarity of the vortex pair. For instance: by saturating a pair of Fe 81nm diameter, 21nm thickness cylinders, along the crystalline anisotropy direction, a pair of 36nm core diameter vortices, with same chirality and polarity is prepared. By saturating along the perpendicular direction, one prepares a 30nm diameter core vortex pair, with opposite chirality and opposite polarity. We also present a theoretical discussion of the impact of vortices on the thermal hysteresis of a pair of interface biased elliptical iron nanoelements, separated by an ultrathin nonmagnetic insulating layer. We have found that iron nanoelements exchange coupled to a noncompensated NiO substrate, display thermal hysteresis at room temperature, well below the iron Curie temperature. The thermal hysteresis consists in different sequences of magnetic states in the heating and cooling branches of a thermal loop, and originates in the thermal reduction of the interface field, and on the rearrangements of the magnetic structure at high temperatures, 5 produce by the strong dipolar coupling. The width of the thermal hysteresis varies from 500 K to 100 K for lateral dimensions of 125 nm x 65 nm and 145 nm x 65 nm. We focus on the thermal effects on two particular states: the antiparallel state, which has, at low temperatures, the interface biased nanoelement with the magnetization aligned with the interface field and the second nanoelement aligned opposite to the interface field; and in the parallel state, which has both nanoelements with the magnetization aligned with the interface field at low temperatures. We show that the dipolar interaction leads to enhanced thermal stability of the antiparallel state, and reduces the thermal stability of the parallel state. These states are the key phases in the application of pairs of ferromagnetic nanoelements, separated by a thin insulating layer, for tunneling magnetic memory cells. We have found that for a pair of 125nm x 65nm nanoelements, separated by 1.1nm, and low temperature interface field strength of 5.88kOe, the low temperature state (T = 100K) consists of a pair of nearly parallel buckle-states. This low temperature phase is kept with minor changes up to T= 249 K when the magnetization is reduced to 50% of the low temperature value due to nucleation of a vortex centered around the middle of the free surface nanoelement. By further increasing the temperature, there is another small change in the magnetization due to vortex motion. Apart from minor changes in the vortex position, the high temperature vortex state remains stable, in the cooling branch, down to low temperatures. We note that wide loop thermal hysteresis may pose limits on the design of tunneling magnetic memory cells