992 resultados para Training procedures


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This paper examines the auditory training procedures used at Central Institute for the Deaf.


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Synaesthesia denotes a condition of remarkable individual differences in experience characterized by specific additional experiences in response to normal sensory input. Synaesthesia seems to (i) run in families which suggests a genetic component, (ii) is associated with marked structural and functional neural differences, and (iii) is usually reported to exist from early childhood. Hence, synaesthesia is generally regarded as a congenital phenomenon. However, most synaesthetic experiences are triggered by cultural artifacts (e.g., letters, musical sounds). Evidence exists to suggest that synaesthetic experiences are triggered by the conceptual representation of their inducer stimuli. Cases were identified for which the specific synaesthetic associations are related to prior experiences and large scale studies show that grapheme-color associations in synaesthesia are not completely random. Hence, a learning component is inherently involved in the development of specific synaesthetic associations. Researchers have hypothesized that associative learning is the critical mechanism. Recently, it has become of scientific and public interest if synaesthetic experiences may be acquired by means of associative training procedures and whether the gains of these trainings are associated with similar cognitive benefits as genuine synaesthetic experiences. In order to shed light on these issues and inform synaesthesia researchers and the general interested public alike, we provide a comprehensive literature review on developmental aspects of synaesthesia and specific training procedures in non-synaesthetes. Under the light of a clear working definition of synaesthesia, we come to the conclusion that synaesthesia can potentially be learned by the appropriate training.


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BACKGROUND Pelvic floor muscle training is effective and recommended as first-line therapy for female patients with stress urinary incontinence. However, standard pelvic floor physiotherapy concentrates on voluntary contractions even though the situations provoking stress urinary incontinence (for example, sneezing, coughing, running) require involuntary fast reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. Training procedures for involuntary reflexive muscle contractions are widely implemented in rehabilitation and sports but not yet in pelvic floor rehabilitation. Therefore, the research group developed a training protocol including standard physiotherapy and in addition focused on involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle contractions. METHODS/DESIGN The aim of the planned study is to compare this newly developed physiotherapy program (experimental group) and the standard physiotherapy program (control group) regarding their effect on stress urinary incontinence. The working hypothesis is that the experimental group focusing on involuntary reflexive muscle contractions will have a higher improvement of continence measured by the International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence (short form), and - regarding secondary and tertiary outcomes - higher pelvic floor muscle activity during stress urinary incontinence provoking activities, better pad-test results, higher quality of life scores (International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire) and higher intravaginal muscle strength (digitally tested) from before to after the intervention phase. This study is designed as a prospective, triple-blinded (participant, investigator, outcome assessor), randomized controlled trial with two physiotherapy intervention groups with a 6-month follow-up including 48 stress urinary incontinent women per group. For both groups the intervention will last 16 weeks and will include 9 personal physiotherapy consultations and 78 short home training sessions (weeks 1-5 3x/week, 3x/day; weeks 6-16 3x/week, 1x/day). Thereafter both groups will continue with home training sessions (3x/week, 1x/day) until the 6-month follow-up. To compare the primary outcome, International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire (short form) between and within the two groups at ten time points (before intervention, physiotherapy sessions 2-9, after intervention) ANOVA models for longitudinal data will be applied. DISCUSSION This study closes a gap, as involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training has not yet been included in stress urinary incontinence physiotherapy, and if shown successful could be implemented in clinical practice immediately. TRIAL REGISTRATION NCT02318251 ; 4 December 2014 First patient randomized: 11 March 2015.


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The individual effects that echoic, mand, and sign language training procedures have on the acquisition of verbal behavior have been widely demonstrated, but more efficient strategies are still needed. This study combined all three treatment strategies into one treatment intervention in order to investigate the joint effects they may have on verbal behavior. Six participants took part in the study. Intervention totaled 1 hour/day for 5 days/week until mastery criterion for motor echoic behavior was achieved. Although motor echoic behavior were solely targeted for acquisition, significant increases in spontaneous motor mands were noted in all treatment participants. Additionally, 4 treatment participants also demonstrated significant gains in vocal echoics and spontaneous vocal mands. No significant increases were noted for the control participant. Results suggest that the aforementioned procedure may provide more efficient results as a first-step to teaching a functional repertoire of verbal behavior to developmentally delayed children.


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– The purpose of this paper is to review an evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers called the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Protocol (NICHD Protocol), with a specific focus on how the Protocol is being adapted in various countries.
– The authors include international contributions from experienced trainers, practitioners, and scientists, who are already using the Protocol or whose national or regional procedures have been directly influenced by the NICHD Protocol research (Canada, Finland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Norway, Portugal, Scotland, and USA). Throughout the review, these experts comment on: how and when the Protocol was adopted in their country; who uses it; training procedures; challenges to implementation and translation; and other pertinent aspects. The authors aim to further promote good interviewing practice by sharing the experiences of these international experts.
– The NICHD Protocol can be easily incorporated into existing training programs worldwide and is available for free. It was originally developed in English and Hebrew and is available in several other languages.
– This paper reviews an evidence-based tool for training child forensic interviewers called the NICHD Protocol. It has been extensively studied and reviewed over the past 20 years. This paper is unique in that it brings together practitioners who are actually responsible for training forensic interviewers and conducting forensic interviews from all around the world.


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This paper is a selected review of research on issues surrounding the investigation of intra-familial child sexual abuse for children aged eight and above, in the criminal justice system. Particular attention is paid to features of the investigative interview in relation to the child's level of understanding, ability to report and likely emotional response when the proceedings take place. Best practice by police and social care agencies involves establishing valid and reliable information from children while attending to their developmental level and emotional state. The review aims to distil principles optimising this process from both the investigative judicial perspective and the child's focus, as well as from the inter-agency perspective and information sharing. Recommendations are made for improving the interview process based on research and methods from a range of disciplines and to optimise information recording in a format easily shared between agencies. Updated and ongoing training procedures are key to successful practice with training shared across police and social work agencies. The focus of this review is informed by preliminary findings from pilot research in progress on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Child Abuse Investigation Command.


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Hyper-spectral data allows the construction of more robust statistical models to sample the material properties than the standard tri-chromatic color representation. However, because of the large dimensionality and complexity of the hyper-spectral data, the extraction of robust features (image descriptors) is not a trivial issue. Thus, to facilitate efficient feature extraction, decorrelation techniques are commonly applied to reduce the dimensionality of the hyper-spectral data with the aim of generating compact and highly discriminative image descriptors. Current methodologies for data decorrelation such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), wavelet decomposition (WD), or band selection methods require complex and subjective training procedures and in addition the compressed spectral information is not directly related to the physical (spectral) characteristics associated with the analyzed materials. The major objective of this article is to introduce and evaluate a new data decorrelation methodology using an approach that closely emulates the human vision. The proposed data decorrelation scheme has been employed to optimally minimize the amount of redundant information contained in the highly correlated hyper-spectral bands and has been comprehensively evaluated in the context of non-ferrous material classification


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Recent advances in psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia have targeted social cognitive deficits. A critical literature review and effect-size (ES) analysis was conducted to investigate the efficacy of comprehensive programs of social cognitive training in schizophrenia. Results revealed 16 controlled studies consisting of seven models of comprehensive treatment with only three of these treatment models investigated in more than one study. The effects of social cognitive training were reported in 11/15 studies that included facial affect recognition skills (ES=.84) and 10/13 studies that included theory-of-mind (ES=.70) as outcomes. Less than half (4/9) of studies that measured attributional style as an outcome reported effects of treatment, but effect sizes across studies were significant (ESs=.30-.52). The effect sizes for symptoms were modest, but, with the exception of positive symptoms, significant (ESs=.32-.40). The majority of trials were randomized (13/16), selected active control conditions (11/16) and included at least 30 participants (12/16). Concerns for this area of research include the absence of blinded outcome raters in more than 50% of trials and low rates of utilization of procedures for maintaining treatment fidelity. These findings provide preliminary support for the broader use of comprehensive social cognitive training procedures as a psychosocial intervention for schizophrenia.


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Twenty-eight grade four students were ca.tegorized as either high or low anxious subjects as per Gillis' Child Anxiety Scale (a self-report general measure). In determining impulsivity in their response tendencies, via Kagan's Ma.tching Familiar Figures Test, a significant difference between the two groups was not found to exist. Training procedures (verbal labelling plus rehearsal strategies) were introduced in modification of their learning behaviour on a visual sequential memory task. Significantly more reflective memory recall behaviour was noted by both groups as a result. Furthermore, transfer of the reflective quality of this learning strategy produced significantly less impulsive response behaviour for high and low anxious subjects with respect to response latency and for low anxious subjects with respect to response accuracy.


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The applications of Automatic Vowel Recognition (AVR), which is a sub-part of fundamental importance in most of the speech processing systems, vary from automatic interpretation of spoken language to biometrics. State-of-the-art systems for AVR are based on traditional machine learning models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs), however, such classifiers can not deal with efficiency and effectiveness at the same time, existing a gap to be explored when real-time processing is required. In this work, we present an algorithm for AVR based on the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF), which is an emergent pattern recognition technique recently introduced in literature. Adopting a supervised training procedure and using speech tags from two public datasets, we observed that OPF has outperformed ANNs, SVMs, plus other classifiers, in terms of training time and accuracy. ©2010 IEEE.


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Análise de relações ordinais nos quais o responder estaria sob controle de propriedades relacionais do tipo primeiro, segundo, terceiro e assim por diante, a partir do paradigma de equivalência, constitui uma importante forma de compreender o comportamento verbal (sintaxe). Cinco estudos buscaram avaliar a emergência de novas sentenças com três ou quatro palavras (artigos, substantivos, adjetivos ou verbos e advérbios), com base nas posições ocupadas pelas mesmas em cada sentença ensinada independentemente. Participaram do Estudo 1 cinco crianças da pré-escola. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a procedimentos de ensino com três palavras através de emparelhamento de acordo com o modelo, testes de equivalência, treino por encadeamento de respostas, testes de produção de seqüências, conectividade e testes de leitura com compreensão. No Estudo 2, outras cinco crianças do ensino fundamental foram expostas aos mesmos procedimentos de ensino e testes, com quatro palavras. No Estudo 3, quatro crianças eram submetidas ao procedimento por encadeamento, testes de produção de seqüências, conectividade e de leitura com compreensão com quatro palavras. No Estudo 4 outras quatro crianças com história de fracasso escolar foram submetidas ao mesmo procedimento de ensino e testes dos Estudos 1 e 2, com quatro palavras. No Estudo 5 três outras crianças também com história de fracasso escolar foram submetidas ao mesmo procedimento adotado no Estudo 3 com quatro palavras. Os participantes não tinham leitura fluente de frases, mas liam palavras isoladamente. As sessões experimentais ocorreram numa sala da escola freqüentada pelas crianças. Um microcomputador forneceu suporte ao estudo e um software específico exerceu o controle e registro dos dados comportamentais. Utilizaram-se três conjuntos de estímulos: A (desenhos), B (palavras maiúsculas) e C (palavras minúsculas), para ensinar as relações condicionais AB e AC e testes BC/CB. No treino por encadeamento eram usadas três sentenças diferentes. Na primeira tentativa, a palavra UM, por exemplo, era apresentada na área de escolha. Um toque sobre a palavra produzia como conseqüência seu deslocamento para a área de construção na parte superior da tela, uma animação gráfica era apresentada acompanhada de um som muito bem, legal, certo. Em seguida, duas palavras eram apresentadas 10 simultaneamente na tela e o participante deveria tocar em uma delas e depois, na outra. Caso as palavras fossem ordenadas corretamente, a mesma conseqüência anterior era apresentada, e a mesma configuração de palavras era reapresentada em posições diferentes na área de escolha. Caso a resposta fosse diferente da programada pela experimentadora, produzia um escurecimento na tela por 3s e uma nova configuração de palavras era apresentada, lado a lado na área de escolha. Após o ensino da linha de base, testes de produção de seqüências e de conectividade eram aplicados para verificar a emergência de seis novas sentenças (exceto Estudo 1), a partir da recombinação das palavras ensinadas anteriormente. Finalmente, um teste de compreensão de leitura com novas frases era apresentado aos participantes. Por exemplo, na presença de uma figura, três sentenças diferentes em letras maiúsculas eram apresentadas e o participante deveria selecionar qual a sentença correta. Em todos os estudos, os participantes alcançaram o critério de acerto, três vezes consecutivas, sem erro, embora alguns tenham precisado de re-exposições. No Estudo 1 e 2 todos os participantes responderam consistentemente aos testes e leram as novas sentenças fluentemente e com compreensão. No Estudo 3, um participante construiu as seis novas sentenças prontamente. Nenhum participante leu com compreensão aos testes finais de leitura. No Estudo 4, três participantes construíram duas novas sentenças prontamente e um participante não respondeu aos testes de conectividade. Dois participantes responderam aos testes de leitura com compreensão. No Estudo 5 dois participantes construíram quatro novas sentenças prontamente. Nos Estudos 3 e 5 os participantes não responderam aos testes de nomeação oral. Estes resultados demonstraram a emergência de novas sentenças, sem qualquer treino adicional, a partir do ensino com três sentenças independentes. Os resultados dos testes de leitura com compreensão mostraram uma coerência com o paradigma de equivalência. Conclui-se que os estímulos utilizados eram funcionalmente equivalentes e exerceram ainda funções ordinais pela posição que cada um ocupou nas sentenças.


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Aproximando, metaforicamente, os termos "laboratório" e "escola", o presente trabalho apresenta um programa de pesquisa experimental que visa desenvolver procedimentos para a construção de repertório simbólico em macacos-prego (Cebus apella). A metáfora "laboratório-escola" justifica-se pela semelhança dos procedimentos de treino de discriminações ou relações com programas de ensino de tarefas gradualmente mais complexas. O desafio tem sido o de manter o comportamento dos "aprendizes" sob controle das propriedades da tarefa programadas pelo experimentador. Os procedimentos são permanentemente avaliados em função da efetividade para produzir a planejada formação de relações não diretamente treinadas entre estímulos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a aquisição do conceito de identidade e indicam a possibilidade de ensino de repertórios mais complexos, que são pré-requisitos para o comportamento simbólico e o possível aproveitamento de tecnologia para ensino desse tipo de repertório a pessoas com dificuldades no desenvolvimento de funcionamento simbólico convencional.


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Background Medicines reconciliation-identifying and maintaining an accurate list of a patient's current medications-should be undertaken at all transitions of care and available to all patients. Objective A self-completion web survey was conducted for chief pharmacists (or equivalent) to evaluate medicines reconciliation levels in secondary care mental health organisations. Setting The survey was sent to secondary care mental health organisations in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Method The survey was launched via Bristol Online Surveys. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data was collected through respondents free-text answers to specific questions. Main outcomes measure Investigate how medicines reconciliation is delivered, incorporate a clear description of the role of pharmacy staff and identify areas of concern. Results Forty-two (52 % response rate) surveys were completed. Thirty-seven (88.1 %) organisations have a formal policy for medicines reconciliation with defined steps. Results show that the pharmacy team (pharmacists and pharmacy technicians) are the main professionals involved in medicines reconciliation with a high rate of doctors also involved. Training procedures frequently include an induction by pharmacy for doctors whilst the pharmacy team are generally trained by another member of pharmacy. Mental health organisations estimate that nearly 80 % of medicines reconciliation is carried out within 24 h of admission. A full medicines reconciliation is not carried out on patient transfer between mental health wards; instead quicker and less exhaustive variations are implemented. 71.4 % of organisations estimate that pharmacy staff conduct daily medicine reconciliations for acute admission wards (Monday to Friday). However, only 38 % of organisations self-report to pharmacy reconciling patients' medication for other teams that admit from primary care. Conclusion Most mental health organisations appear to be complying with NICE guidance on medicines reconciliation for their acute admission wards. However, medicines reconciliation is conducted less frequently on other units that admit from primary care and rarely completed on transfer when it significantly differs to that on admission. Formal training and competency assessments on medicines reconciliation should be considered as current training varies and adherence to best practice is questionable.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Departamento de Processos Psicológicos Básicos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Comportamento, 2016.