936 resultados para Tracto vocal


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O entendimento da produção da fala tem sido ampla mente procurado, recorrendo à imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM), mas não é totalmente conhecido, particularmente no que diz respeito aos sons do Português Europeu (PE). O principal objectivo deste estudo foi a caracterização das vogais do PE. Com base na IRM recolheram-se conjuntos de imagens bidimensionais, em cinco posições articulatórias distintas, durante a produção sustentada do som. Após extracção de contornos do tracto vocal procedeu-se à reconstrução tridimensional, constatando-se que a IRM fornece in formação morfológica útil e com considerável precisão acerca da posição e forma dos diferentes articuladores da fala.


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Se evaluó la función laríngea de oboístas, saxofonistas y trompetistas antes e inmediatamente después de la ejecución del instrumento. La evaluación consistió en examen ORL, acústico y electroglotográfico de laringe. Los resultados mostraron que son los oboístas los que afectan más su laringe y su tracto vocal por acción del uso del instrumento. Desarrollan, en general cuadros de esfuerzo a nivel del tracto vocal e inestabilidad a nivel de cuerdas vocales. Los saxofonistas evidencian una mejoría de la voz como resultado de la acción de descenso laríngeo en el momento de la ejecución del instrumento. Los trompetistas evidencian una recomposición vocal luego de la ejecución del instrumento debido a la calidad de columna de aire que forman, que produce también descenso laríngeo. A partir de los hallazgos encontrados se presentan ejercicios de calentamiento y enfriamiento laríngeo con la finalidad de ser incorporados a la ejecución de los instrumentos de viento.


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Durante el proceso de producción de voz, los factores anatómicos, fisiológicos o psicosociales del individuo modifican los órganos resonadores, imprimiendo en la voz características particulares. Los sistemas ASR tratan de encontrar los matices característicos de una voz y asociarlos a un individuo o grupo. La edad y sexo de un hablante son factores intrínsecos que están presentes en la voz. Este trabajo intenta diferenciar esas características, aislarlas y usarlas para detectar el género y la edad de un hablante. Para dicho fin, se ha realizado el estudio y análisis de las características basadas en el pulso glótico y el tracto vocal, evitando usar técnicas clásicas (como pitch y sus derivados) debido a las restricciones propias de dichas técnicas. Los resultados finales de nuestro estudio alcanzan casi un 100% en reconocimiento de género mientras en la tarea de reconocimiento de edad el reconocimiento se encuentra alrededor del 80%. Parece ser que la voz queda afectada por el género del hablante y las hormonas, aunque no se aprecie en la audición. ABSTRACT Particular elements of the voice are printed during the speech production process and are related to anatomical and physiological factors of the phonatory system or psychosocial factors acquired by the speaker. ASR systems attempt to find those peculiar nuances of a voice and associate them to an individual or a group. Age and gender are inherent factors to the speaker which may be represented in voice. This work attempts to differentiate those characteristics, isolate them and use them to detect speaker’s gender and age. Features based on glottal pulse and vocal tract are studied and analyzed in order to achieve good results in both tasks. Classical methodologies (such as pitch and derivates) are avoided since the requirements of those techniques may be too restrictive. The final scores achieve almost 100% in gender recognition whereas in age recognition those scores are around 80%. Factors related to the gender and hormones seem to affect the voice although they are not audible.


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La cuestión principal abordada en esta tesis doctoral es la mejora de los sistemas biométricos de reconocimiento de personas a partir de la voz, proponiendo el uso de una nueva parametrización, que hemos denominado parametrización biométrica extendida dependiente de género (GDEBP en sus siglas en inglés). No se propone una ruptura completa respecto a los parámetros clásicos sino una nueva forma de utilizarlos y complementarlos. En concreto, proponemos el uso de parámetros diferentes dependiendo del género del locutor, ya que como es bien sabido, la voz masculina y femenina presentan características diferentes que deberán modelarse, por tanto, de diferente manera. Además complementamos los parámetros clásicos utilizados (MFFC extraídos de la señal de voz), con un nuevo conjunto de parámetros extraídos a partir de la deconstrucción de la señal de voz en sus componentes de fuente glótica (más relacionada con el proceso y órganos de fonación y por tanto con características físicas del locutor) y de tracto vocal (más relacionada con la articulación acústica y por tanto con el mensaje emitido). Para verificar la validez de esta propuesta se plantean diversos escenarios, utilizando diferentes bases de datos, para validar que la GDEBP permite generar una descripción más precisa de los locutores que los parámetros MFCC clásicos independientes del género. En concreto se plantean diferentes escenarios de identificación sobre texto restringido y texto independiente utilizando las bases de datos de HESPERIA y ALBAYZIN. El trabajo también se completa con la participación en dos competiciones internacionales de reconocimiento de locutor, NIST SRE (2010 y 2012) y MOBIO 2013. En el primer caso debido a la naturaleza de las bases de datos utilizadas se obtuvieron resultados cercanos al estado del arte, mientras que en el segundo de los casos el sistema presentado obtuvo la mejor tasa de reconocimiento para locutores femeninos. A pesar de que el objetivo principal de esta tesis no es el estudio de sistemas de clasificación, sí ha sido necesario analizar el rendimiento de diferentes sistemas de clasificación, para ver el rendimiento de la parametrización propuesta. En concreto, se ha abordado el uso de sistemas de reconocimiento basados en el paradigma GMM-UBM, supervectores e i-vectors. Los resultados que se presentan confirman que la utilización de características que permitan describir los locutores de manera más precisa es en cierto modo más importante que la elección del sistema de clasificación utilizado por el sistema. En este sentido la parametrización propuesta supone un paso adelante en la mejora de los sistemas de reconocimiento biométrico de personas por la voz, ya que incluso con sistemas de clasificación relativamente simples se consiguen tasas de reconocimiento realmente competitivas. ABSTRACT The main question addressed in this thesis is the improvement of automatic speaker recognition systems, by the introduction of a new front-end module that we have called Gender Dependent Extended Biometric Parameterisation (GDEBP). This front-end do not constitute a complete break with respect to classical parameterisation techniques used in speaker recognition but a new way to obtain these parameters while introducing some complementary ones. Specifically, we propose a gender-dependent parameterisation, since as it is well known male and female voices have different characteristic, and therefore the use of different parameters to model these distinguishing characteristics should provide a better characterisation of speakers. Additionally, we propose the introduction of a new set of biometric parameters extracted from the components which result from the deconstruction of the voice into its glottal source estimate (close related to the phonation process and the involved organs, and therefore the physical characteristics of the speaker) and vocal tract estimate (close related to acoustic articulation and therefore to the spoken message). These biometric parameters constitute a complement to the classical MFCC extracted from the power spectral density of speech as a whole. In order to check the validity of this proposal we establish different practical scenarios, using different databases, so we can conclude that a GDEBP generates a more accurate description of speakers than classical approaches based on gender-independent MFCC. Specifically, we propose scenarios based on text-constrain and text-independent test using HESPERIA and ALBAYZIN databases. This work is also completed with the participation in two international speaker recognition evaluations: NIST SRE (2010 and 2012) and MOBIO 2013, with diverse results. In the first case, due to the nature of the NIST databases, we obtain results closed to state-of-the-art although confirming our hypothesis, whereas in the MOBIO SRE we obtain the best simple system performance for female speakers. Although the study of classification systems is beyond the scope of this thesis, we found it necessary to analise the performance of different classification systems, in order to verify the effect of them on the propose parameterisation. In particular, we have addressed the use of speaker recognition systems based on the GMM-UBM paradigm, supervectors and i-vectors. The presented results confirm that the selection of a set of parameters that allows for a more accurate description of the speakers is as important as the selection of the classification method used by the biometric system. In this sense, the proposed parameterisation constitutes a step forward in improving speaker recognition systems, since even when using relatively simple classification systems, really competitive recognition rates are achieved.


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Las patologías de la voz se han transformado en los últimos tiempos en una problemática social con cierto calado. La contaminación de las ciudades, hábitos como el de fumar, el uso de aparatos de aire acondicionado, etcétera, contribuyen a ello. Esto alcanza más relevancia en profesionales que utilizan su voz de manera frecuente, como, por ejemplo, locutores, cantantes, profesores o teleoperadores. Por todo ello resultan de especial interés las técnicas de ayuda al diagnóstico que son capaces de extraer conclusiones clínicas a partir de una muestra de la voz grabada con un micrófono, frente a otras invasivas que implican la exploración utilizando laringoscopios, fibroscopios o videoendoscopios, técnicas en cualquier caso mucho más molestas para los pacientes al exigir la introducción parcial del instrumental citado por la garganta, en actuaciones consideradas de tipo quirúrgico. Dentro de aquellas técnicas se ha avanzado mucho en un período de tiempo relativamente corto. En lo que se refiere al diagnóstico de patologías, hemos pasado en los últimos quince años de trabajar principalmente con parámetros extraídos de la señal de voz –tanto en el dominio del tiempo como en el de la frecuencia– y con escalas elaboradas con valoraciones subjetivas realizadas por expertos a hacerlo también con parámetros procedentes de estimaciones de la fuente glótica. La importancia de utilizar la fuente glótica reside, a grandes rasgos, en que se trata de una señal vinculada directamente al estado de la estructura laríngea del locutor y también en que está generalmente menos influida por el tracto vocal que la señal de voz. Es conocido que el tracto vocal guarda más relación con el mensaje hablado, y su presencia dificulta el proceso de detección de patología vocal. Estas estimaciones de la fuente glótica han sido obtenidas a través de técnicas de filtrado inverso desarrolladas por nuestro grupo de investigación. Hemos conseguido, además, profundizar en la naturaleza de la señal glótica: somos capaces de descomponerla y relacionarla con parámetros biomecánicos de los propios pliegues vocales, obteniendo estimaciones de elementos como la masa, la pérdida de energía o la elasticidad del cuerpo y de la cubierta del pliegue, entre otros. De las componentes de la fuente glótica surgen también los denominados parámetros biométricos, relacionados con la forma de la señal, que constituyen por sí mismos una firma biométrica del individuo. También trabajaremos con parámetros temporales, relacionados con las diferentes etapas que se observan dentro de la señal glótica durante un ciclo de fonación. Por último, consideraremos parámetros clásicos de perturbación y energía de la señal. En definitiva, contamos ahora con una considerable cantidad de parámetros glóticos que conforman una base estadística multidimensional, destinada a ser capaz de discriminar personas con voces patológicas o disfónicas de aquellas que no presentan patología en la voz o con voces sanas o normofónicas. Esta tesis doctoral se ocupa de varias cuestiones: en primer lugar, es necesario analizar cuidadosamente estos nuevos parámetros, por lo que ofreceremos una completa descripción estadística de los mismos. También estudiaremos cuestiones como la distribución de los parámetros atendiendo a criterios como el de normalidad estadística de los mismos, ocupándonos especialmente de la diferencia entre las distribuciones que presentan sujetos sanos y sujetos con patología vocal. Para todo ello emplearemos diferentes técnicas estadísticas: generación de elementos y diagramas descriptivos, pruebas de normalidad y diversos contrastes de hipótesis, tanto paramétricos como no paramétricos, que considerarán la diferencia entre los grupos de personas sanas y los grupos de personas con alguna patología relacionada con la voz. Además, nos interesa encontrar relaciones estadísticas entre los parámetros, de cara a eliminar posibles redundancias presentes en el modelo, a reducir la dimensionalidad del problema y a establecer un criterio de importancia relativa en los parámetros en cuanto a su capacidad discriminante para el criterio patológico/sano. Para ello se aplicarán técnicas estadísticas como la Correlación Lineal Bivariada y el Análisis Factorial basado en Componentes Principales. Por último, utilizaremos la conocida técnica de clasificación Análisis Discriminante, aplicada a diferentes combinaciones de parámetros y de factores, para determinar cuáles de ellas son las que ofrecen tasas de acierto más prometedoras. Para llevar a cabo la experimentación se ha utilizado una base de datos equilibrada y robusta formada por doscientos sujetos, cien de ellos pertenecientes al género femenino y los restantes cien al género masculino, con una proporción también equilibrada entre los sujetos que presentan patología vocal y aquellos que no la presentan. Una de las aplicaciones informáticas diseñada para llevar a cabo la recogida de muestras también es presentada en esta tesis. Los distintos estudios estadísticos realizados nos permitirán identificar aquellos parámetros que tienen una mayor contribución a la hora de detectar la presencia de patología vocal. Alguno de los estudios, además, nos permitirá presentar una ordenación de los parámetros en base a su importancia para realizar la detección. Por otra parte, también concluiremos que en ocasiones es conveniente realizar una reducción de la dimensionalidad de los parámetros para mejorar las tasas de detección. Por fin, las propias tasas de detección constituyen quizá la conclusión más importante del trabajo. Todos los análisis presentes en el trabajo serán realizados para cada uno de los dos géneros, de acuerdo con diversos estudios previos que demuestran que los géneros masculino y femenino deben tratarse de forma independiente debido a las diferencias orgánicas observadas entre ambos. Sin embargo, en lo referente a la detección de patología vocal contemplaremos también la posibilidad de trabajar con la base de datos unificada, comprobando que las tasas de acierto son también elevadas. Abstract Voice pathologies have become recently in a social problem that has reached a certain concern. Pollution in cities, smoking habits, air conditioning, etc. contributes to it. This problem is more relevant for professionals who use their voice frequently: speakers, singers, teachers, actors, telemarketers, etc. Therefore techniques that are capable of drawing conclusions from a sample of the recorded voice are of particular interest for the diagnosis as opposed to other invasive ones, involving exploration by laryngoscopes, fiber scopes or video endoscopes, which are techniques much less comfortable for patients. Voice quality analysis has come a long way in a relatively short period of time. In regard to the diagnosis of diseases, we have gone in the last fifteen years from working primarily with parameters extracted from the voice signal (both in time and frequency domains) and with scales drawn from subjective assessments by experts to produce more accurate evaluations with estimates derived from the glottal source. The importance of using the glottal source resides broadly in that this signal is linked to the state of the speaker's laryngeal structure. Unlike the voice signal (phonated speech) the glottal source, if conveniently reconstructed using adaptive lattices, may be less influenced by the vocal tract. As it is well known the vocal tract is related to the articulation of the spoken message and its influence complicates the process of voice pathology detection, unlike when using the reconstructed glottal source, where vocal tract influence has been almost completely removed. The estimates of the glottal source have been obtained through inverse filtering techniques developed by our research group. We have also deepened into the nature of the glottal signal, dissecting it and relating it to the biomechanical parameters of the vocal folds, obtaining several estimates of items such as mass, loss or elasticity of cover and body of the vocal fold, among others. From the components of the glottal source also arise the so-called biometric parameters, related to the shape of the signal, which are themselves a biometric signature of the individual. We will also work with temporal parameters related to the different stages that are observed in the glottal signal during a cycle of phonation. Finally, we will take into consideration classical perturbation and energy parameters. In short, we have now a considerable amount of glottal parameters in a multidimensional statistical basis, designed to be able to discriminate people with pathologic or dysphonic voices from those who do not show pathology. This thesis addresses several issues: first, a careful analysis of these new parameters is required, so we will offer a complete statistical description of them. We will also discuss issues such as distribution of the parameters, considering criteria such as their statistical normality. We will take special care in the analysis of the difference between distributions from healthy subjects and the distributions from pathological subjects. To reach these goals we will use different statistical techniques such as: generation of descriptive items and diagramas, tests for normality and hypothesis testing, both parametric and nonparametric. These latter techniques consider the difference between the groups of healthy subjects and groups of people with an illness related to voice. In addition, we are interested in finding statistical relationships between parameters. There are various reasons behind that: eliminate possible redundancies in the model, reduce the dimensionality of the problem and establish a criterion of relative importance in the parameters. The latter reason will be done in terms of discriminatory power for the criterion pathological/healthy. To this end, statistical techniques such as Bivariate Linear Correlation and Factor Analysis based on Principal Components will be applied. Finally, we will use the well-known technique of Discriminant Analysis classification applied to different combinations of parameters and factors to determine which of these combinations offers more promising success rates. To perform the experiments we have used a balanced and robust database, consisting of two hundred speakers, one hundred of them males and one hundred females. We have also used a well-balanced proportion where subjects with vocal pathology as well as subjects who don´t have a vocal pathology are equally represented. A computer application designed to carry out the collection of samples is also presented in this thesis. The different statistical analyses performed will allow us to determine which parameters contribute in a more decisive way in the detection of vocal pathology. Therefore, some of the analyses will even allow us to present a ranking of the parameters based on their importance for the detection of vocal pathology. On the other hand, we will also conclude that it is sometimes desirable to perform a dimensionality reduction in order to improve the detection rates. Finally, detection rates themselves are perhaps the most important conclusion of the work. All the analyses presented in this work have been performed for each of the two genders in agreement with previous studies showing that male and female genders should be treated independently, due to the observed functional differences between them. However, with regard to the detection of vocal pathology we will consider the possibility of working with the unified database, ensuring that the success rates obtained are also high.


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La producción de la voz humana se lleva a cabo en el tracto vocal. Los sintetizadores consiguen emular a las distintas partes del tracto vocal, y gracias a ellos se pueden modificar características propias del hablante. Una de estas modificaciones consiste variar el tono de un locutor inicial, mezclando parámetros de éste con los de un locutor deseado. En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un modelo propuesto para este cambio de identidad. Partiendo de las señales de voz originales se han extraído parámetros para crear una base de datos para cada locutor. Las voces se sintetizarán mezclando estas bases de datos y otros parámetros correspondientes a distintos locutores dando como resultado una señal de voz con características de dos locutores diferentes. Finalmente se realizarán pruebas auditivas para comprobar la identidad del locutor de la voz sintetizada. ABSTRACT. Human voice production is carried out in the vocal tract. Each part of the vocal tract is emulated in synthesizers, and for that, speaker features can be modified. One of these modifications is to change the initial speaker tone, mixing parameters of this speaker with the parameters of a desired speaker. In this project it has been developed a proposed model for this identity change. Starting from the originals voice signals its parameters have been extracted to built a database for each speaker. Voices will be synthesized mixing these databases with parameters of the others speakers giving as result a voice signal with features of two different speakers. Finally, hearing tests will be made to check the speaker identity of the synthesized voice.


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Minor structural alterations of the vocal fold cover are frequent causes of voice abnormalities. They may be difficult to diagnose, and are expressed in different manners. Cases of intracordal cysts, sulcus vocalis, mucosal bridge, and laryngeal micro-diaphragm form the group of minor structural alterations of the vocal fold cover investigated in the present study. The etiopathogenesis and epidemiology of these alterations are poorly known. To evaluate the existence and anatomical characterization of minor structural alterations in the vocal folds of newborns. 56 larynxes excised from neonates of both genders were studied. They were examined fresh, or defrosted after conservation via freezing, under a microscope at magnifications of 25× and 40×. The vocal folds were inspected and palpated by two examiners, with the aim of finding minor structural alterations similar to those described classically, and other undetermined minor structural alterations. Larynges presenting abnormalities were submitted to histological examination. Six cases of abnormalities were found in different larynges: one (1.79%) compatible with a sulcus vocalis and five (8.93%) compatible with a laryngeal micro-diaphragm. No cases of cysts or mucosal bridges were found. The observed abnormalities had characteristics similar to those described in other age groups. Abnormalities similar to sulcus vocalis or micro-diaphragm may be present at birth.


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Measures of vocal intensity, frequency and harshness were compared for 19 hearing-impaired and 21 normal-hearing people over 60 years of age. Significantly greater comfortable intensity levels were found in the hearing-impaired group, but the other measures of frequency and harshness were not significantly different. A large proportion of the subjects in both groups reported a history of gastro-oesophageal reflux (GER), a condition associated with vocal fold pathology and hoarseness. Comparison of the GER and non-GER subjects on the measures of vocal function showed that the female GER speaker exhibited lower frequency on the vowel /u/ than the non-GER subjects. Clinicians need to be aware of the effect of highly prevalent disorders such as hearing impairment and GER on the voices of elderly speakers.


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Objectives: Perifascial areolar tissue (PAT) consists of loose areolar tissue with viscoelastic properties that are similar to those found in tissues in the superficial layer of the vocal fold. The aim of this study was to quantify the inflammatory process and the collagen content of the graft, as well as that of the host tissue, after placement of a strip of PAT into the rabbit vocal fold. Methods: Surgeries were performed on 30 rabbits. The grafts were implanted in pockets that were surgically created in the right vocal fold. The left vocal fold (control group) was subjected only to surgical manipulation. The animals were divided into 3 groups for evaluations at 15 days, 3 months, and 6 months, and their larynx tissues were subsequently reviewed by histology. Results: The grafts were characterized by disorganized and thick collagen bundles and were identified in all study groups. The collagen density stayed constant over time. There was an acute inflammatory response induced by the graft at 15 clays that did not exist in the specimens taken at 3 and 6 months. Deposition of collagen fibers in the lamina propria was observed starting at 15 days after the operation and was more intense in the experimental vocal fold than in the control vocal fold. Conclusions: Our findings indicated that PAT has a low tendency for promoting an inflammatory response. However, there was a loss of the original architecture of the graft tissue and a greater deposition of collagen in the implanted vocal folds than in the control group.


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The present study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a specific program regarding the occurrence of vocal attrition symptoms in telemarketers. A total of 71 subjects participated in this study: 28 completed the Vocal Symptoms questionnaire to test its reliability, and 43 were randomly assigned to two groups: an 8-week vocal training group (n = 14) and a no-training control group (n = 29), to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program with this tool. The voice training group also filled in the posttraining questionnaire `Benefits Obtained with Voice Training` (BVT). The vocal training program was not considered effective with regard to the occurrence of vocal symptoms. However, due to a probable increase in symptoms in untrained telemarketers, it can work as a protective factor. According to BVT answers, the vocal training contributed to an improvement in vocal use as a communication tool for telemarketers. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Objective: To analyze the distributions of collagen type I, collagen type III, and versican in the lamina propria of the human vocal fold. Design: Cross-sectional analysis of cadaveric vocal folds of adult human larynges. Setting: Academic tertiary referral center. Subjects: Larynges harvested at autopsy from 10 adult men and 10 adult women. Main Outcome Measures: Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using antihuman monoclonal antibodies to analyze the expression of collagen type I, collagen type III, and versican. Results: Collagen type I density was lower in the intermediate layer compared with the superficial and deep layers of vocal folds. Collagen type III density was lower in the intermediate layer compared with the deep layer. Versican density was lower in the superficial layer compared with the intermediate and deep layers. Versican density was lower in the lamina propria of women compared with men; this difference was noted in the superficial layer only. There was a positive correlation between collagen type III and versican densities within the lamina propria. Conclusion: Collagen type I, collagen type III, and versican are distributed differently within the lamina propria layers of the adult vocal folds.


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Objectives: To analyze the presence and distribution of collagen fibers and versican in human vocal fold lamina propria of fetal larynges. Study Design: Cross sectional analysis of cadaveric vocal folds of human fetuses. Methods: Seven fetal larynges obtained from 28- to 36-week-old fetuses were analyzed with the Picrosirius-polarization method, immunohistochemistry, and image analysis. Results: Collagen fibers within the lamina propria exhibited a monolaminar distribution pattern and spatial arrangement in ""wicker basket."" Versican distribution was larger in the superficial and intermediate layers when compared to the deep layer. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that collagen and versican distribution and arrangement within the lamina propria in the developing fetus are important for vocalization at birth.


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Objectives: Injectable corticosteroids have been used in phonosurgery to prevent scarring of the vocal fold because of their effects of wound healing, and to ensure better voice quality. We histologically evaluated the effects of dexamethasone sodium phosphate infiltration on acute vocal fold wound healing in rabbits 3 and 7 days after surgically induced injury by quantification of the inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition. Methods: A standardized surgical incision was made in the vocal folds of 12 rabbits, and 0.1 mL dexamethasone sodium phosphate (4 mg/mL) was injected into the left vocal fold. The right vocal fold was not injected and served as the control. The larynges were collected 3 and 7 days after surgery. For histologic analysis, the vocal folds were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for quantification of the inflammatory response and with picrosirius red for qunatification of collagen depostion. Results: There was no quantitative difference in the inflammatory response between vocal folds injected with the corticosteroid and control vocal folds. However, the rate of collage deposition was significantly lower in the corticosteroid-treated group at 3 and 7 days after injury (p = 0.002). Conclusions: The present results suggest that dexamethasone reduces collagen depostion during acute vocal fold wound healing.


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Although it is currently believed that the vocal ligament of humans undergoes considerable development postnatally, there is no consensus as to the age at which it first emerges. In the newborn infant, the lamina propria has been described as containing a sparse collection of relatively unorganized fibres. In this study we obtained larynges from autopsy of human fetuses aged 7-9 months and used light and electron microscopy to study the collagenous and elastic system fibres in the lamina propria of the vocal fold. Collagen fibres were viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method and elastic system fibres were stained using Weigert`s resorcin-fuchsin after oxidation with oxone. The histochemical and electron microscopic observations were consistent, showing collagen populations with an asymmetric distribution across different compartments of the lamina propria. In the central region, the collagen appeared as thin, weakly birefringent, greenish fibres when viewed using the Picrosirius polarization method, whereas the superficial and deep regions contained thick collagen fibres that displayed a strong red or yellow birefringence. These findings suggest that the thin fibres in the central region consist mainly of type III collagen, whereas type I collagen predominates in the superficial and deep regions, as has been reported in studies of adult vocal folds. Similarly, elastic system fibres showed a differential distribution throughout the lamina propria. Their distribution pattern was complementary to that of collagen fibres, with a much greater density of elastic fibres apparent in the central region than in the superficial and deep regions. This distribution of collagen and elastic fibres in the fetal vocal fold mirrors that classically described for the adult vocal ligament, suggesting that a vocal ligament has already begun to develop by the time of birth. The apparently high level of organization of connective tissue components in the newborn is in contrast to current hypotheses that argue that the mechanical stimuli of phonation are essential to the determination of the layered structure of the lamina propria and suggests that genetic factors may play a more significant role in the development of the vocal ligament than previously believed.