998 resultados para Tension-free vaginal tape
Este artigo pretende fazer uma revisão de uma das últimas e inovadoras alternativas cirúrgicas viáveis para a cura da incontinência urinária de esforço feminina, com um sucesso superior a 86%. É uma cirurgia mini invasiva e que induz um suporte da uretra média livre de tensão, muito eficaz. Tem vantagens, poucas complicações, curto tempo operatório e benefícios para a doente no pós-operatório imediato e tardio.
INTRODUCTION: We set out to determine if insertion of a retropubic tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) sling at the time of pelvic organ prolapse surgery improves continence outcomes in women with pre-operative occult stress incontinence (OSI) or asymptomatic urodynamic stress incontinence (USI). METHODS: We conducted a randomised controlled study of prolapse surgery with or without a TVT midurethral sling. The pre- and post-operative assessment at 6 months included history, physical examination and urodynamic testing. Quality of life (QOL) and treatment success was assessed with the UDI-6 SF, IIQ-7 SF and a numerical success score. The primary outcome was symptomatic stress urinary incontinence (SUI) requiring continence surgery (TVT) at 6 months. Long-term follow-up continued to a minimum of 24 months. Secondary outcomes were quality of life parameters. RESULTS: Eighty women received prolapse surgery alone (n = 43) or prolapse surgery with concurrent TVT (n = 37). Six months following prolapse surgery 3 out of 43 (7 %) patients in the no TVT group requested sling surgery compared with 0 out of 37 (0 %) in the TVT group (ARR 7 % [95 %CI: 3 to 19 %], p = 0.11). After 24 months there was one further participant in the no TVT group who received a TVT for treatment of SUI compared with none in the TVT group (4 out of 43, 9.3 % versus 0 out of 37; ARR 9.3 % [95 %CI: -1 to 22 %], p = 0.06). Both groups showed improvement in QOL difference scores for within-group analysis, without difference between groups. CONCLUSION: These results support a policy that routine insertion of a sling in women with OSI at the time of prolapse repair is questionable and should be subject to shared decision-making between clinician and patient.
Purpose: Evaluate the impact autologous fascial sling (AFS) and tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedures on quality-of-life in incontinent women. Materials and Methods: Forty-one women were randomly distributed into two groups. Group G1 (n = 21), underwent AFS and group G2 (n = 20) TVT implant. The clinical follow up was performed at 1, 6, 12 and 36 months. Results: TVT operative time was significantly shorter than AFS. Cure rates were 71% at 1 month, 57% at 6 and 12 months in G1. In G2, cure rates were 75% at 1 month, 70% at 6 months and 65% at 12 months; there was no significant difference between groups. As regards the satisfaction rate, there was no statistical difference between groups. Analysis of quality of life at 36 months revealed that there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: Similar results between AFS and TVT, except for operative time were shorter in TVT.
OBJECTIVE: To report our experience with the successful removal of visible tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) by standard transurethral electroresection, as intravesical tape erosion after TVT is a rare complication, and removal can be challenging, with few cases reported. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five patients presenting with TVT erosion into the bladder were treated at our institutions from December 2004 to July 2007; all had standard transurethral electroresection. Their records were reviewed retrospectively to retrieve data on presenting symptoms, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures and outcomes. RESULTS: The median (range) interval between the TVT procedure and the onset of symptoms was 17 (1-32) months. The predominant symptoms were painful micturition, recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI), urgency and urge incontinence. There were no complications during surgery. The storage symptoms and UTI resolved completely after removing the eroded mesh in all but one patient. Cystoscopy at 1 month after surgery showed complete healing of the bladder mucosa. CONCLUSION: Although TVT erosion into the bladder is rare, persistent symptoms, particularly recurrent UTIs, must raise some suspicion for this condition. Standard transurethral electroresection seems to be a safe, simple, minimally invasive and successful treatment option for TVT removal.
A Incontinência Urinária de Esforço (IUE) é uma causa comum de incontinência na mulher, demonstrável em 40-60% das doentes estudadas. Existem diferentes tipos de intervenções cirúrgicas, quer por via vaginal, quer por via abdominal, para o tratamento da Incontinência Urinária de Esforço. Desde Outubro de 1999, temos vindo a utilizar o TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) em doentes seleccionadas. Pretendemos analisar os resultados imediatos da urodinâmica das doentes submetidas a esta intervenção cirúrgica até Abril de 2000. Diagnosticou-se IUE em 25 doentes do sexo feminino, que foram reobservadas após, pelo menos 2 meses de pós-operatório. Expressaram a sua satisfação subjectiva com os resultados obtidos e foram realizados exames físico e urodinâmico (urofluxometria, cistometria e perfil de pressão uretral). Os resultados foram comparados aos pré-operatórios e apresentados para debate e conclusões.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a importância da ultra-sonografia transvulvar na avaliação das diferenças anatômicas induzidas pelas cirurgias de sling de fáscia lata e tension-free vaginal tape. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quarenta mulheres com incontinência urinária de esforço, com idades entre 30 e 60 anos, foram tratadas por sling de fáscia lata (20 pacientes) ou tension-free vaginal tape (20 pacientes). A ultra-sonografia transvulvar da junção uretrovesical e da uretra proximal foi a principal ferramenta de investigação pré- e pós-operatória. Os parâmetros estudados foram: distância vertical e distância horizontal da junção uretrovesical, distância pubouretral e comprimento da uretra proximal. RESULTADOS: A distância vertical da junção uretrovesical não variou significativamente após a sling de fáscia lata (p > 0,10). A distância pubouretral e a uretra proximal tornaram-se menores (p < 0,003) e a distância horizontal da junção uretrovesical tornou-se menor só no repouso (p = 0,03) após a sling de fáscia lata. A tension-free vaginal tape diminuiu o deslocamento vertical da junção uretrovesical (p = 0,0005) e o comprimento da uretra proximal (p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: A ultra-sonografia transvulvar foi fundamental para documentar que as cirurgias de sling de fáscia lata e tension-free vaginal tape alongam a uretra proximal, sendo a sling de fáscia lata de forma mais eficaz. A sling de fáscia lata enfoca a diminuição da distância pubouretral e a tension-free vaginal tape, o deslocamento vertical da junção uretrovesical.
OBJETIVO: comparar as cirurgias de sling de aponeurose e TVT (do inglês tension-free vaginal tape) para correção da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) quanto às taxas de cura subjetiva e objetiva, à mobilidade do colo vesical ao ultra-som, à variação do teste do absorvente, às alterações urodinâmicas e à incidência de complicações. MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas 80 pacientes com IUE. Destas, 61 foram operadas pela técnica de TVT e 19 por sling de aponeurose do reto abdominal. As médias de idade, índice de massa corpórea e paridade foram 50,1 anos, 29,7 kg/m² e 4,5 partos (mediana=3) para as pacientes com sling de aponeurose e de 51,7 anos, 28,1 kg/m² e 4,1 partos (mediana=3) para aquelas com TVT. Todas se submeteram a anamnese, exame físico, ultra-sonografia do colo vesical, teste do absorvente e estudo urodinâmico no pré-operatório e após, pelo menos, seis meses depois da cirurgia. Após 15 ou 19 meses e depois de cerca de quatro a cinco anos, foram novamente entrevistadas quanto aos resultados da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: quanto à avaliação subjetiva, após seis meses, julgaram-se curadas 96,7% das mulheres com TVT e 89,5% das com sling. Porém, após 15 a 19 meses, o Grupo TVT manteve a mesma taxa de cura subjetiva, enquanto que no Grupo Sling houve redução para 77,8%. Houve diminuição significativa da mobilidade do colo vesical, similar em ambos os grupos, e melhora no teste do absorvente. No final do estudo urodinâmico, foram classificadas como cura objetiva 93,4% das mulheres do Grupo TVT e 78,9% daquelas do Grupo Sling. O tempo médio de sondagem vesical foi maior no Grupo Sling. Observou-se retenção urinária em 42,1% dos casos de sling e em 9,8% de TVT. As taxas de cura tardia foram 90% para TVT e 55,6% para sling. CONCLUSÕES: a cirurgia de TVT propiciou melhor taxa de cura subjetiva após 15 ou 19 meses, porém, a taxa de cura objetiva foi igual em ambas as técnicas neste tempo. Entre as complicações detectadas, a retenção urinária no pós-operatório foi superior no Grupo Sling.
Objetivo: Evaluar prospectivamente el grado de disfunción sexual en pacientes con incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo antes y después de la cinta suburetral libre de tensión mediante el cuestionario PISQ-12 validado en español. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional longitudinal de antes y después. Se seleccionaron 60 mujeres sexualmente activas con algún grado de disfunción sexual, entre abril del 2014 hasta marzo del 2015, diagnosticadas con incontinencia urinaria, programadas para colocación de cinta suburetral transobturadora en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi. La mayoría de las pacientes presentaron algún grado de prolapso genital y requirieron corrección quirúrgica asociada a la cinta. Todas las pacientes respondieron el cuestionario PISQ-12 antes y 6 meses después del procedimiento. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 48 ± 4.58 años. El grado de prolapso con mayor frecuencia fue el estadío II del POP-Q 55% (n=33). El 96.7% (n=50) de las pacientes requirieron además de la colocación de la cinta suburetral corrección quirúrgica del prolapso genital. En la evaluación preoperatoria la disfunción sexual se distribuyó así: Severa: 70%, Moderada 18.3% y Leve 11.7%, después de 6 meses postoperatorios se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa del cambio en el grado de disfunción sexual así: Moderada 41.5% y Leve 58.2% donde ninguna paciente quedó clasificada con disfunción severa. Discusión y Conclusión: Las pacientes que presentaron disfunción sexual severa obtuvieron mayor cambio en el grado de disfunción, luego de la colocación de la cinta suburetral.
Purpose: To present our series of patients who underwent laparoscopic correction of iatrogenic lesions and a review of the literature.Patients and Methods: We evaluated 23 patients who underwent laparoscopic correction of iatrogenic lesions. Thirteen patients had open surgery, 6 had an endoscopic procedure, and 4 had a laparoscopic approach as the first surgical procedure. Vesicovaginal fistulas (VVF) developed in seven patients after open abdominal hysterectomies, and 1 patient presented with a VVF after ureterolithotripsy. A urethral cutaneous fistula developed in one patient after a laparoscopic resection of endometriosis nodules, and 1 patient presented with a ureterovaginal fistula after a perineoplasty. Three patients presented with encrusted ureteral stents after ureterolithotripsy. Ureteral stenosis developed in seven patients: three after open abdominal surgery, three after ureteroscopy, and one after pyeloplasty. One patient had a ureteral injury during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy, and two patients had bowel injuries after a tension-free vaginal tape procedure and a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy.Results: All patients underwent laparoscopic correction of the iatrogenic injuries. One patient had an early recurrence of a VVF, and one patient had a recurrence of a ureteral stenosis. There was one conversion to open surgery because of technical difficulties and one major bleeding event that necessitated blood transfusion. A lower limb compartmental syndrome developed in one patient.Conclusion: Despite the small number of patients and different types of surgeries performed, laparoscopic management of iatrogenic lesions seems to be feasible and safe in experienced hands. Its precise role in the management of this stressful condition still needs to be determined.
INTRODUCTION: Impact on sexual function has received little attention in the medical literature for a long time. Because of the site of insertion of permanent tension free vaginal tape (TVT) the G spot might be affected or the tape might interfere with arousal and sensory stimulation. Recent studies have reported varying degrees of sexual impairment after TVT insertion ranging from 0% to 15% including dyspareunia. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual function before and after suburethral sling removal due to postoperative female de novo dyspareunia. As a secondary outcome, general patients' satisfaction with their overall continence situation was assessed. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between December 2005 and December 2007, we included 18 female patients who complained of de novo dyspareunia after suburethral sling insertion for urinary stress incontinence. All patients filled in an FSFI questionnaire prior to sling removal and at 3 months postoperatively. Additionally, all women were asked to estimate their general satisfaction regarding their continence situation using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) from 0 to 10, with 0 being the least satisfying situation and 10 being the most satisfying situation. All patients underwent gynaecological examination including ICS-pelvic organ prolapse staging (ICS-POP score). RESULTS: Of the 18 slings, ten were transobturator tapes (6 x TVT-O, 2 x Monarch, 2 x unknown) and eight were retropubic tapes (7 x TVT, 1 x SPARC). Desire, arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, and pain improved statistically significant. Orgasm scores were low with median scoring of 1.5 scores before and 1.0 scores after sling removal, and they did not change significantly after sling removal. The satisfaction rate deteriorated from a median of 7 (95% confidence interval [CI] 6.3-7.7) to a median of 4 (95% CI 3.7-5.1; p=0.99) but not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual function in patients with de novo dyspareunia is likely to improve after sling removal but not in all domains. Bladder function may deteriorate.
We report a serious bleeding complication due to injury of the corona mortis following insertion of a transvaginal tape, TVT-Secur™ (Ethicon Women's Health, Sommerville, NJ, USA).
El prolapso del piso pélvico es una entidad frecuente, especialmente en pacientes postmenopáusicas y en su gran mayoría requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. En este estudio comparamos la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias tempranas entre la colporrafia anterior con técnica clásica (TC) versus la colporrafia anterior con técnica de sitio especifico (CSE). Se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, retrospectivo, de dos cohortes de pacientes que requirieron colporrafia anterior entre agosto de 2009 hasta junio de 2012. Las características de cada grupo fueron homogéneas y comparables. El desenlace de mayor frecuencia fue dehiscencia de la línea de sutura, sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las dos técnicas. La aparición de reprolapso temprano y el diagnóstico de abscesos o hematomas presentaron frecuencias que carecen de diferencia significativa. No hubo complicaciones tempranas graves tales como sangrado intraoperatoria mayor o lesiones vesicouretrales. Los resultados sugieren que las dos técnicas tienen una incidencia baja de complicaciones postoperatorias tempranas y por lo tanto parecen ser seguros dentro del manejo quirúrgico del prolapso del componente anterior del piso pélvico.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work describes a methodology to simulate free surface incompressible multiphase flows. This novel methodology allows the simulation of multiphase flows with an arbitrary number of phases, each of them having different densities and viscosities. Surface and interfacial tension effects are also included. The numerical technique is based on the GENSMAC front-tracking method. The velocity field is computed using a finite-difference discretization of a modification of the NavierStokes equations. These equations together with the continuity equation are solved for the two-dimensional multiphase flows, with different densities and viscosities in the different phases. The governing equations are solved on a regular Eulerian grid, and a Lagrangian mesh is employed to track free surfaces and interfaces. The method is validated by comparing numerical with analytic results for a number of simple problems; it was also employed to simulate complex problems for which no analytic solutions are available. The method presented in this paper has been shown to be robust and computationally efficient. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.