967 resultados para Teenage sexuality


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This thesis demonstrates that mUSIC stars who attain cultural icon status heavily contribute to the fashion styles of the time. Where as style and music have always had a connection, icons such as Britney Spears are now dictating popular style so much so that music artists are becoming full-fledged fashion designers. While much analysis is devoted to Britney Spears, her largest contributions do not lie in the rise of teenage sexuality, but in establishing music artists as vehicles of consumption. The artists' signature has now become a brand and ~ term "signabrand" has been created to define such a trend. To understand such a shift, a review of past literature devoted to fashion and music, largely consisting of subculture theory is examined, followed by a combination of content analysis, political economy, fashion and postmodem theory to address how music stars attain icon status and guide style.


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Recent research shows that young people list media entertainment as one of the sources where they find information about what they really want to know about sex and what is not taught through the school curriculum – namely, relationships and eroticism. This paper addresses the potential role that may be played by small independent alternative feature films such as 52 Tuesdays in the sexual education of young people. While 52 Tuesdays’ purpose was never explicitly pedagogic, the subject matter – family relationships, sexual experimentation, sexual identity and agency, and transgender experience – situates it firmly within the concerns of contemporary young people.


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A abertura política do Brasil à democracia promoveu uma série de mudanças legislativas e de organização do Estado. Na área da infância e adolescência, após a promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), foram criados conselhos de nível federal, estadual e municipal, com o objetivo de promover e defender os direitos dessa população específica. Também foram formados os Conselhos Tutelares compostos por membros da sociedade civil, diretamente eleitos pela população, com a função de informar e promover esses direitos localmente. Utilizando a metodologia qualitativa-quantitativa do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, a pesquisa analisou a percepção e opinião dos conselheiros tutelares a respeito de situações que envolvem a prática sexual voluntária heterossexual e homossexual de adolescentes da faixa etária de 12 a 17 anos. Os dados foram colhidos com o uso de questionários semiestruturados para autopreenchimento, apresentados em visita técnica aos membros dos 44 Conselhos Tutelares do município de São Paulo. Além do perfil social e familiar, foram coletadas opiniões dos conselheiros quanto à autonomia dos adolescentes e suas noções de desrespeito legal, além de sugestões de orientação de condutas frente a três casos hipotéticos de prática sexual realizada por adolescentes. Responderam à pesquisa 80 (36,4 por cento ) conselheiros de um total de 220, de 29 (65,9 por cento ) dos 44 Conselhos Tutelares da cidade. Observou-se que apresentaram tendência a reproduzir os modelos tradicionais negativos da sociedade brasileira no julgamento da prática sexual de adolescentes, avaliando sua ocorrência pela ótica moral e de opinião de familiares e outros adultos. Mais da metade não associa tais práticas a impactos específicos sobre a saúde e os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos dos adolescentes, nem realiza encaminhamentos para sua promoção. Adotam noções desiguais de gênero do senso comum, que remetem à preocupação com a imagem e impactos da publicização da sexualidade de meninas, não fazendo o mesmo para adolescentes meninos e veem as práticas homoafetivas sob a ótica da violência e sedução, associando-as à necessidade de orientação psicológica e problemas de saúde mental. Considera-se que conselheiros tutelares estão pouco preparados para lidar com a sexualidade de adolescentes e normalmente treinados para avaliá-la tal qual a violência sexual que acomete crianças. Como possuem status local de legitimidade, são procurados e tem poder de averiguação e encaminhamento público de ocorrências, terminando por, muitas vezes, desrespeitar os direitos humanos de adolescentes quanto à expressão e vivência da sexualidade e da prática sexual saudável. Considera-se fundamental discutir o papel dos Conselhos Tutelares frente aos direitos de adolescentes, de forma que ao contrário do proposto na democratização do país, não se configurem como mais um instrumentos de exercício de poder para perpetuar desigualdades sociais. Na área da sexualidade, a defesa dos direitos de adolescentes passa pelo respeito a sua sexualidade, acesso à informação, à garantia de serviços públicos que efetivamente os atendam para proporcionar exames, contracepção, prevenção de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, etc., com respeito a sua cidadania, especificidades, necessidades, autonomia e dignidade pessoal, promovendo-os e defendendo-os frente a famílias, comunidade, a toda a sociedade e ao próprio poder público.


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This paper examines the paradoxical and ubiquitous nature of Butler’s heterosexual matrix, and opens it up to an alternative Deleuzian analysis. Drawing on stories and art works produced in a collective biography workshop on girls and sexuality this paper extends previous work on the subversion of the heterosexual matrix undertaken by Renold and Ringrose (2008). The paper moves, as they do, from a molar to a molecular analysis, but extends that work by re-thinking the girl/subject in terms of Deleuze and Guattari’s endlessly transforming multiplicities where “the self is only a threshold, a door, a becoming between two multiplicities” (Deleuze and Guattari, 1987: 249)


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This article analyzes a series of stories and artworks that were produced in a collective biography workshop. It explores Judith Butler’s concept of the heterosexual matrix combined with a Deleuzian theoretical framework. The article begins with an overview of Butler’s concept of the heterosexual matrix and her theorizations on how it might be disrupted. It then suggests how a Deleuzian framework offers other tools for analyzing these ruptures at the micro level of girls’ everyday interactions.


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Feminist research on girlhood has drawn extensively on Butler's conceptual work in order to theorise the normative forces of heterosexuality in the everyday construction of gender. This chapter explores girlhood by drawing on memories and artwork generated in a collective biography workshop held in Australian on the topic of girlhood and sexuality. We are interested in thinking through Butler's notion of the heterosexual matrix. Following Renold and Ringrose (2008) we do so with the help of Deleuze and Guattari, who invite us to think about difference as differenciation or continuous becoming, where difference is an evolutionary multiplicity.


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Teenage pregnancy is typically presented as a problem to be solved, if not as an epidemic in need of urgent intervention. This paper reports on Australian research that examined the phenomenon of teenage motherhood from the perspective of the young women themselves. The theoretical frame of narrative was adopted in order to understand both the way in which the young mothers were making sense of their own lives, and the way in which they interpreted the canonical narrative of teenage motherhood. Interviews with 20 young mothers demonstrated both their awareness of the canonical narrative, in which they are judged and condemned, and their contrasting autobiographical narratives, in which they are represented as good mothers who are capable of learning the skills of motherhood. Although the women refused to emphasise the disadvantages of teenage motherhood, they acknowledged difficulties. Throughout their autobiographical accounts, a 'consoling plot' was evident. Young women may be supported in their endeavour to emplot their lives to their own benefit by family narratives of teenage motherhood.


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This article presents qualitative research data about the sexuality of men and teenage boys with moderate to profound intellectual disability. Research findings pointed to a conditional construct of sexuality based within a biopsychosocial framework. The notion Conditionally Sexual represents the perceived limitations, within a rights-based discourse, of these men and teenage boys’ sexuality. The limitations to person-centred service delivery from a policy vacuum in the area of sexuality and intellectual disability represents a major challenge for paid staff. We suggest that a move toward better understanding how to support such a conditional sexual construct will assist the development of a healthy masculine sexuality for men and boys with intellectual disability.


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Advances in digital photography and distribution technologies enable many people to produce and distribute images of their sex acts. When teenagers do this, the photos and videos they create can be legally classified as child pornography since the law makes no exception for youth who create sexually explicit images of themselves. The dominant discussions about teenage girls producing sexually explicit media (including sexting) are profoundly unproductive: (1) they blame teenage girls for creating private images that another person later maliciously distributed and (2) they fail to respect—or even discuss—teenagers’ rights to freedom of expression. Cell phones and the internet make producing and distributing images extremely easy, which provide widely accessible venues for both consensual sexual expression between partners and for sexual harassment. Dominant understandings view sexting as a troubling teenage trend created through the combination of camera phones and adolescent hormones and impulsivity, but this view often conflates consensual sexting between partners with the malicious distribution of a person’s private image as essentially equivalent behaviors. In this project, I ask: What is the role of assumptions about teen girls’ sexual agency in these problematic understandings of sexting that blame victims and deny teenagers’ rights? In contrast to the popular media panic about online predators and the familiar accusation that youth are wasting their leisure time by using digital media, some people champion the internet as a democratic space that offers young people the opportunity to explore identities and develop social and communication skills. Yet, when teen girls’ sexuality enters this conversation, all this debate and discussion narrows to a problematic consensus. The optimists about adolescents and technology fall silent, and the argument that media production is inherently empowering for girls does not seem to apply to a girl who produces a sexually explicit image of herself. Instead, feminist, popular, and legal commentaries assert that she is necessarily a victim: of a “sexualized” mass media, pressure from her male peers, digital technology, her brain structures or hormones, or her own low self-esteem and misplaced desire for attention. Why and how are teenage girls’ sexual choices produced as evidence of their failure or success in achieving Western liberal ideals of self-esteem, resistance, and agency? Since mass media and policy reactions to sexting have so far been overwhelmingly sexist and counter-productive, it is crucial to interrogate the concepts and assumptions that characterize mainstream understandings of sexting. I argue that the common sense that is co-produced by law and mass media underlies the problematic legal and policy responses to sexting. Analyzing a range of nonfiction texts including newspaper articles, talk shows, press releases, public service announcements, websites, legislative debates, and legal documents, I investigate gendered, racialized, age-based, and technologically determinist common sense assumptions about teenage girls’ sexual agency. I examine the consensus and continuities that exist between news, nonfiction mass media, policy, institutions, and law, and describe the limits of their debates. I find that this early 21st century post-feminist girl-power moment not only demands that girls live up to gendered sexual ideals but also insists that actively choosing to follow these norms is the only way to exercise sexual agency. This is the first study to date examining the relationship of conventional wisdom about digital media and teenage girls’ sexuality to both policy and mass media.


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Heteronormative discourses provide the most common lens through which sexuality is understood within university curricula. This means that sexuality is discussed in terms of categories of identity, with heterosexuality accorded primacy while all 'others' are indeed 'othered'. This article draws on research carried out by the authors in a core first year university ethics class, in which a fictional text was introduced with the intention of unpacking these discourses. An ethnographic study was undertaken where both students and teachers engaged in discussions over, and personal written reflections on, the textual content. In reporting the results of that study this article uses a post-structural framework to identify how classroom and textual discourses might be used to break down socially constructed categories of sexuality and students' conceptualisations of non-heterosexual behaviour. It was found that engaging in discussion in the context of the fictional text allowed some students to begin to recognise their own heteronormative views and engage in an informed critique of them.


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This paper reads a range of nineteenth-century texts for children that retell either Shakespeare's The Tempest or mermaid narratives, considering the models of feminine subjectivity and sexuality that they construct. It then moves on to two key contemporary texts — Disney's film adaptation of The Little Mermaid (Clements and Musker 1989) and Penni Russon's Undine (2004) — that combine the Shakespearean heroine with the mermaid, and reads them against the nineteenth-century models. Ultimately, the essay determines that, while these texts seem to perform a progressive appropriation of the two traditions, they actually combine the most conservative aspects of both The Tempest and mermaid stories to produce authoritative (and dangerously persuasive) ideals of passive feminine sexuality that confine girls within patriarchally-dictated familial positions. The new figure for adolescent female subjectivity, the mermaid-Miranda, becomes in turn a model of identification and aspiration for the implied juvenile consumer.


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Background: The attitudes of support staff and others in the community towards the sexuality of individuals with an intellectual disability (ID) have the potential to influence opportunities for normalised life experiences in the area of sexuality. ----- Method: A sample of 169 disability support staff and 50 employees from leisure and services industries completed the Attitudes to Sexuality Questionnaires (Individuals with an Intellectual Disability [ASQ–ID], and Individuals from the General Population [ASQ–GP]). ----- Results: Support staff and leisure workers reported generally positive attitudes towards the sexuality of individuals with an ID, but men were seen as having less self-control than women. Support staff were more cautious in their views about parenting, and both groups considered a lower level of sexual freedom to be desirable for women with an ID compared to women who are developing typically. Conclusions Attitudes of both groups are generally quite positive in relation to ID and sexuality.


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The social construction of sexuality over the past one hundred and fifty years has created a dichotomy between heterosexual and non-heterosexual identities that essentially positions the former as “normal” and the latter as deviant. Even Kinsey’s and others’ work on the continuum of sexualities did little to alter the predominantly heterosexist perception of the non-heterosexual as “other” (Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin 2007; Esterberg 2006; Franceour and Noonan 2007). Some political action and academic work is beginning to challenge such perceptions. Even some avenues of social interaction, such as the recent proliferation of online communities, may also challenge such views, or at least contribute to their being rethought in some ways. This chapter explores a specific kind of online community devoted to fan fiction, specifically homoerotic – or what is known colloquially as “slash” – fan fiction. Fan fiction is fiction, published on the internet, and written by fans of well-known books and television shows, using the characters to create new and varied plots. “Slash” refers to the pairing of two of the male characters in a romantic relationship, and the term comes from the punctuation mark dividing the named pair as, for example, Spock/Kirk from the Star Trek television series. Although there are some slash fan-fiction stories devoted to female-female relationships – called “femmeslash” – the term “slash” generally refers to male-male relationships, and will be utilized throughout this chapter, given that the research discussed focuses on communities centered around one such male pairing.


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This article examines the representation of Indigenous sexuality on Australian television drama since the 1970s, suggesting the political importance of such representations. In 1976 Justine Saunders became the first regular Indigenous character on an Australian television drama series, as the hairdresser Rhonda Jackson in Number 96. She was presented as sexually attractive, but this was expressed through a rape scene after a party. Twenty five years later, Deborah Mailman starred in The Secret Life of Us, as Kelly, who is also presented as sexually attractive. But her character can be seen in many romantic relationships. The article explores changing representations that moved us from Number 96 to The Secret Life of Us, via The Flying Doctors and Heartland. It suggests that in representations of intimate and loving relationships on screen it has only recently become possible to see hopeful models for interaction between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.