984 resultados para Tectònica de plaques
We present a new hypothesis that relates global plate tectonics to the formation of marginal basins, island arcs, spreading ridges and arc-shaped mountain belts around the North Pacific Ocean. According to our model, the ellipsoidal-shaped Paleogene basins of the South China Sea, Parece-Vela Basin, Shikoku Basin, Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk in addition to those of the North American Cordillera can be attributed to the change in plate convergence direction at 42 Ma between the Indoaustralian and Eurasian plates. The new direction of convergence was parallel to the eastern continental margin of Asia and resulted in widespread extension perpendicular to this margin and to the western margin of North America. Both margins form part of a circle parallel to the Indoaustralian-Eurasian direction of convergence.
In the Catalonian Coastal Ranges, Paleozoic sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks crop out in severa1 areas, intruded by late tectonic Hercynian granitoids and separated by Mesozoic and Tertiary cover sediments. Large structures are often difficult to recognize, although a general east-west trend can be observed on the geological map. Deformation was accompanied by the development of cleavages and regional metamorphism. Green-schist facies rocks are prominent throughout the Ranges, while amphibolite facies are restricted to small areas. In low-grade areas, the main deformation phase generated south-facing folds with an axial plane cleavage (slaty cleavage in metapelitic rocks). The intersection lineation (Ss/Sl) and the axes of minor folds trend cast-west, as do all mapable structures. Late deformations generated coarse crenulations, small chevrons and kink-bands, all intersecting the slaty cleavage at high angles. In medium- to high-grade areas no major folds have been observed. In these areas, the main foliation is a schistosity and is often folded, giving centimetric to decimetric, nearly isoclinal intrafolial folds. In schists, these folds aremuchmore common than inother lithologies, and can be associated with a crenulation cleavage. All these planar structures in high-grade rocks are roughly parallel. The late Hercynian deformational events, which gave rise to the crenulations and small chevrons, also produced large (often kilometric) open folds which fold the slaty cleavage and schistosity. As aconsequence, alternating belts with opposite dip (north and south) of the main foliation were formed. With respect to the Hercynian orogenic belt, the Paleozoic outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges are located within the northern branch of the Ibero-Armorican arc, and have a relatively frontal position within the belt. The Carboniferous of the Priorat-Prades area, together with other outcrops in the Castellón Province, the Montalbán massif (Iberian Chain) and the Cantabrian zone (specially the Pisuerga-Carrión Province) probably form part of a wide area of foreland Carboniferous deposition placed at the core of the arc.
La campaña oceanográfica franco-japonesa Yokosuka 90, llevada a cabo del 10 de Enero al 6 de Febrero de 1991, tuvo por objeto el estudio geológico y geofísico del segmento de segundo orden o ramal de dirección N160 de la dorsal de la Cuenca Nor-Fidjiana (Pacífico sudoeste). Este ramal es especialmente interesante, no sólo por estar situado en una cuenca de tras-arco, sino también en el marco de las hipótesis que intentan establecer las relaciones entre tasas de expansión y morfoestructura en las dorsales oceánicas. Así, en el ramal estudiado coinciden una tasa de expansión intermedia (5 cm/a) y una morfología típica de dorsal lenta. Dicho ramal, segmentado y constituido por una sucesión de crestas y de grabens desplazados lateralmente, se sitúa entre dos puntos mples, uno de tipo dorsal-dorsal-zona de fractura (RRF), al sur, y otro, de tipo dorsal-dorsal-dorsal (RRR), al norte. El ramal N160 de la Cuenca Nor-Fidjiana es, por otra parte, extremadamente joven ya que de acuerdo con las anomalías magnéticas se habna formado durante un episodio volcano-tectónico iniciado hace menos de 1 Ma.
La Dorsal Sur de Scotia (DSS) constituye une frontera de placas transformante con sentido senestral, que limita las placas de Scotia, al norte, y Antártica, al sur. Durante la campaña de geología y geofísica marinas 'Scotia 92', realizada en Febrero de 1992 a bordo del BIO Hespérides, se ha estudiado su extremo occidental y sectores próximos a la Cuenca de Bransfield, entre el margen nor-occidental de la Península Antártica y las islas Shetland del Sur, Elefante y Orcadas del Sur. Al norte y sur de la DSS se desarrollan las cuencas de Scotia y de Powell, respectivamente. Los datos de sísmica de multicanal, magnetismo y gravimetna obtenidos muestran caracteristicas diferenciales entre ambas cuencas. La morfoestructura de la DSS, formada por dos crestas paralelas separadas por una profunda depresión axial, ha sido recubierta mediante perfilaje de multihaz con el sistema SIMRAD EM-12 en una área de 50 x 100 km. La batimetría resultante ha permitido reconocer en detalle las caracteristicas de una depresión de más de 5.300 m de profundidad y de 10 a 30 km de anchura, bautizada como Fosa Hespérides. En ella se aprecia la existencia de dos famílias de lineaciones, la primera de dirección E-W y paralela al límite de placas, y la segunda de dirección NW-SE. La primera acomodaría el movimiento cizallante regional mientras que la segunda estaría asociada con una componente extensional probablemente relacionada con la dirección de la Cuenca de Bransfield. La forma romboédrica de la fosa está determinada por la interacción de ambas famílias de lineaciones. Teniendo en cuenta que el límite de placas transcurre entre las dos crestas, interpretamos la Fosa Hespérides como una cuenca de pull-apart desarrollada como consecuencia del movimiento de cizalla a lo largo de la DSS.
We present an overview of the knowledge of the structure and the seismic behavior of the Alhama de Murcia Fault (AMF). We utilize a fault traces map created from a LIDAR DEM combined with the geodynamic setting, the analysis of the morphology, the distribution of seismicity, the geological information from E 1:50000 geological maps and the available paleoseismic data to describe the recent activity of the AMF. We discuss the importance of uncertainties regarding the structure and kinematics of the AMF applied to the interpretation and spatial correlation of the paleoseismic data. In particular, we discuss the nature of the faults dipping to the SE (antithetic to the main faults of the AMF) in several segments that have been studied in the previous paleoseismic works. A special chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the tectonic source of the Lorca 2011 earthquake that took place in between two large segments of the fault.
The Pyrenean mountain range is a slowly deforming belt with continuous and moderate seismic activity. To quantify its deformation field, we present the velocity field estimated from a GPS survey of the Pyrenees spanning 18 yr. The PotSis and ResPyr networks, including a total of 85 GPS sites, were installed and first measured in 1992 and 1995 1997, respectively, and remeasured in 2008 and 2010. We obtain a deformation field with velocities less than 1 mm yr−1 across the range. The estimated velocities for individual stations do not differ significantly from zero with 95 per cent confidence. Even so, we estimate a maximum extensional horizontal strain rate of 2.0 ± 1.7 nanostrain per year in a N S direction in the western part of the range. We do not interpret the vertical displacements due to their large uncertainties. In order to compare the horizontal strain rates with the seismic activity, we analyse a set of 194 focal mechanisms using three methods: (i) the 'r' factor relating their P and T axes, (ii) the stress tensors obtained by fault slip inversion and (iii) the strain-rate tensors. Stress and strain-rate tensors are estimated for: (i) the whole data set, (ii) the eastern and western parts of the range separately, and (iii) eight zones, which are defined based on the seismicity and the tectonic patterns of the Pyrenees. Each of these analyses reveals a lateral variation of the deformation style from compression and extension in the east to extension and strike-slip in the west of the range. Although the horizontal components of the strain-rate tensors estimated from the seismic data are slightly smaller in magnitude than those computed from the GPS velocity field, they are consistent within the 2σ uncertainties. Furthermore, the orientations of their principal axes agree with the mapped active faults.
Background: Many questions remain unanswered about premature atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Besides inflammation, some studies have suggested the role of autoantibodies on its pathogenesis. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of antibodies against phospholipids, beta2-glycoproteinl (beta2-gpl), lipoprotein lipase, and heat shock proteins (Hsp) in RA patients and to evaluate their possible association with subclinical carotid atherosclerosis. Methods: Seventy-one RA patients and 53 age- and sex-matched controls were selected to perform anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) (IgG and IgM), anti-beta2-gpl (IgG, IgM, and IgA), anti-lipoprotein lipase (anti-LPL), anti-Hsp 60, and anti-Hsp 65 by ELISA tests. Intima-medial thickness (IMT) of common carotid and presence of plaques were assessed by high-resolution B-mode ultrasonography. Exclusion criteria were smoking, diabetes, and arterial hypertension. Lipoproteins, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and fibrinogen levels, as well as health assessment questionnaire (HAQ) and disease activity score (DAS) 28 were also evaluated. Results: Age (48.93 +/- 12.31 vs. 45.37 +/- 9.37 years; p = 0.20) and body mass index (BMI) (p = 0.69) were similar in RA and controls, as well as female gender (p = 0.56). The mean IMT was similar between RA and controls (0. 721 +/- 0.16 vs. 0.667 +/- 0.14 turn, p = 0.07) but the frequency of plaques was higher in RA (14.1% vs. 1.9%; p = 0.02). In RA patients, IMT measurements did not differ according to the presence or absence of these antibodies: IgG aCL (0.62 +/- 0.64 vs. 0.72 +/- 0.17 mm, p = 0.24), IgM aCL (0.65 +/- 0.79 vs. 0.73 +/- 0.17 mm, p = 0.33), anti-Hsp 60 (0.78 +/- 0.20 vs. 0.71 +/- 0.16 mm, p = 0.27), anti-Hsp 65 (0.73 +/- 0.16 vs. 0.72 +/- 0.17 mm, p = 0.77), IgG anti-beta2-gpl (0.73 +/- 0.16 vs. 0.71 +/- 0.17 mm, p = 0.72), and anti-CCP (0.71 +/- 0.16 vs. 0.76 +/- 0.20 mm, p = 0.36). In addition, IMT did not correlate with antibodies titers: IgG aCL (r = -0.09, p = 0.47), IgM aCL (r = - 0.15, p = 0.21), anti-Hsp 60 (r = 0.10, p = 0.42), anti-Hsp 65 (r = 0.05, p = 0.69), IgG anti-beta2-gpl (r = - 0.07, p = 0.57), IgM anti-beta2-gpl (r = - 0.05, p = 0.69), IgA anti-beta2-gpl (r = 0.03, p = 0.79), and anti-CCP (r = - 0.07, p = 0.57). RA patients with plaques had a significantly higher age compared to those without plaques (p = 0.001), as well as higher mean IMT (p < 0.001), total cholesterol (p = 0.001), and LDL (p = 0.003). Conclusions: In RA a clear association between all autoantibodies studied herein and increased IMT or presence of plaques was not observed. The great prevalence of carotid atherosclerosis in RA was related to age, total and LDL cholesterol, as identified in normal population. (c) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Can eccentric arterial plaques alone cause flow stagnation points and favour thrombus incorporation?
We have used an experimental model of aorta stenosis, with a Plexiglas plug, simulating a stable atheromatous plaque that promotes local turbulence and thrombosis. With animal survival of more than 24 h, we followed the partial fibrinolysis of the thrombus as well as its posterior organization and incorporation to the arterial wall as a neointima for up to 30 days. The mushroom plug form permitted the development of recirculation and stasis areas around it, favouring this evolution. Despite noted limitations, this study demonstrates that thrombus incorporation can contribute to plaque extension, as it can promote recirculation and stasis areas.
The formation of amyloid structures is a neuropathological feature that characterizes several neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s disease. Up to now, the definitive diagnosis of these diseases can only be accomplished by immunostaining of post mortem brain tissues with dyes such Thioflavin T and congo red. Aiming at early in vivo diagnosis of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), several amyloid-avid radioprobes have been developed for b-amyloid imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). The aim of this paper is to present a perspective of the available amyloid imaging agents, special those that have been selected for clinical trials and are at the different stages of the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) approval.
A evolução da Bacia Lusitaniana, localizada na margem ocidental ibérica, está intimamente associada às primeiras fases de abertura do Atlântico Norte. Perdurou desde o Triásico superior até o Cretácico inferior, mais exactamente até o topo do Aptiano inferior, e desenvolveu-se condicionada por estruturas herdadas do soco varisco. É discutido o papel desempenhado pelas falhas que constituem os seus limites, no que respeita a evolução geométrica e cinemática e a organização dos corpos sedimentares. O mesmo é efectuado relativamente a importantes falhas transversais à bacia. É proposto modelo de evolução da bacia ao longo de quatro episódios de rifting que mostram: i) períodos de simetria (organização em horsts e grabens) e assimetria (organização em half graben) na sua evolução geométrica; ii) diacronismo na fracturação; iii) rotação da direcção de extensão principal; iv) enraizamento no soco varisco das principais falhas da bacia (estilo predominantemente thick skinned). A análise e comparação regional, nomeadamente com a bacia do Algarve, de intervalos temporais representados por importantes hiatos à escala da bacia, próximos da renovação dos episódios de rifting, permitiram concluir sobre a ocorrência de inversões tectónicas precoces (Caloviano-Oxfordiano e Titoniano-Berriasiano). A última, no entanto, teve evolução subsequente diferente da primeira: não se verifica renovação da subsidência, que se discute, e relaciona-se com evento magmático. Embora a Bacia Lusitaniana se encontre numa margem de rift que se considera como não-vulcânica, os três ciclosmagmáticos definidos por vários autores, em especial o segundo (apr. 130 a 110 M.a. ?), desempenhou papel fundamental na mobilização dos evaporitos do Hetangiano, que resultou no intervalo principal de diapirismo na Bacia Lusitaniana. É discutida a forma e o momento em que a bacia aborta definitivamente (Aptiano inferior). São estabelecidas comparações com outras bacias da margem ocidental ibérica e da Terra Nova e proposto modelo de oceanização deste troço do Atlântico Norte, em dois momentos, separados por intervalo de cerca de 10 M.a. e em áreas distintas, separadas pela falha da Nazaré. Esta síntese foi elaborada com base: - na informação dada por um conjunto de trabalhos já publicados (1990-2000), - nos trabalhos de campo efectuados nos últimos anos e cujos resultados não foram ainda publicados, - na reunião de informação proveniente da reinterpretação de elementos de cartografia geológica e de geofísica (sísmica e sondagens) e de outros de bibliografia geral sobre o Mesozóico da margem ocidental ibérica.
The evolution of the Lusitanian Basin, localized on the western Iberian margin, is closely associated with the first opening phases of the North Atlantic. It persisted from the Late Triassic to the Early Cretaceous, more precisely until the end of the Early Aptian, and its evolution was conditioned by inherited structures from the variscan basement. The part played by the faults that establish its boundaries, as regards the geometric and kinematic evolution and the organization of the sedimentary bodies, is discussed here, as well as with respect to important faults transversal to the Basin. A basin evolution model is proposed consisting of four rifting episodes which show: i) periods of symmetrical (horst and graben organization) and asymmetrical (half graben organization) geometric evolution; ii) diachronous fracturing; iii) rotation of the main extensional direction; iv) rooting in the variscan basement of the main faults of the basin (predominantly thick skinned style). The analysis and regional comparison, particularly with the Algarve Basin, of the time intervals represented by important basin scale hiatuses near to the renovation of the rifting episodes, have led to assume the occurrence of early tectonic inversions (Callovian–Oxfordian and Tithonian–Berriasian). The latter, however, had a subsequent evolution distinct from the first: there is no subsidence renovation, which is discussed here, and it is related to a magmatic event. Although the Lusitanian Basin is located on a rift margin which is considered non-volcanic, the three magmatic cycles as defined by many authors, particularly the second (approx. 130 to 110 My ?), performed a fundamental part in the mobilization of the Hettangian evaporites, resulting in the main diapiric events of the Lusitanian Basin. The manner and time in which the basin definitely ends its evolution (Early Aptian) is discussed here. Comparisons are established with other west Iberian margin basins and with Newfoundland basins. A model of oceanization of this area of the North Atlantic is also presented, consisting of two events separated by approximately 10 My, and of distinct areas separated by the Nazaré fault. The elaboration of this synthesis was based on: - information contained in previously published papers (1990 – 2000); - field-work carried out over the last years, the results of which have not yet been published; - information gathered from the reinterpretation of geological mapping and geophysical (seismic and well logs) elements, and from generic literature concerning the Mesozoic of the west iberian margin.
A Bacia Lusitaniana é uma bacia sedimentar que se desenvolveu na Margem Ocidental Ibérica (MOI) durante parte do Mesozóico, e a sua dinâmica enquadra-se no contexto da fragmentação da Pangeia, mais especificamente da abertura do Atlântico Norte. Caracteriza-se como uma bacia distensiva, pertencente a uma margem continental do tipo atlântico de rift não vulcânica. Ocupa mais de 20 000 km2 na parte central da MOI, alongando-se por cerca de 200 km segundo direcção aproximada NNW-SSE e por mais de 100 km na direcção perpendicular; cerca de 2/3 aflora na área continental emersa e a restante área, encontra-se imersa, na plataforma continental. Trata-se da única bacia das margens do Atlântico Norte com extensa exposição superficial, pelo que tem atraído nas últimas décadas um número considerável de geólogos, especialistas de variados domínios, para a realização de trabalhos de investigação integrados em equipas nacionais e internacionais, muitos delas ligadas à indústria do petróleo. Ao longo das várias décadas de prospecção foram efectuadas cerca de 50 sondagens profundas e mais de 37 000 km de perfis sísmicos de reflexão 2D. A evolução tectónica da Bacia Lusitaniana foi condicionada por falhas que se formaram durante o episódio de gracturação tardi-varisca aproximadamente entre os 300 e os 280 M.a. Este episódio tardi-orogénico resulta de imposição de regime de cisalhamento direito à micro-placa ibérica nos seus paleolimites E-W setentrional e meridional, dos quais resultariam as falhas de desligamento esquerdo de direcção aproximada NNE-SSW a NE-SW. Outras falhas orogénicas variscas de orientação N-S (falha de Porto-Tomar) e NW-SE foram também importantes na estruturação da Bacia Lusitaniana, como adiante ficará patente. Esta é a herança tectónica da Bacia que levou, durante o estiramento crostal mesozóico, à formação do conjunto de bacias marginais na MOI. A evolução tectónica da Bacia Lusitaniana está condicionada pela distensão mesozóica relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Norte, na proximidade do Atlântico Central, domínios oceânicos distintos separados pela Zona de Falha de Açores-Gibraltar (ZFAG). Esta constitui limite transformante entre placas, que numa fase inicial do ciclo alpino, ou seja da rotura da Pangea, separou dois grandes continentes, a Laurásia a Norte e a Gondwana a Sul. A Ibéria localiza-se, assim, durante o Mesozóico, numa posição de charneira, cuja actividade está também relacionada com a evolução dos limites de placa: i) a sul, entre África e a Eurásia, limite transcorrente ao longo da Zona de Falha de Açores Gibraltar e ii) a Oeste, entre a Ibéria e a Terra Nova limite divergente associado à evolução do Atlântico. Nas fases iniciais de desenvolvimento do proto-Atlântico norte, desde o Triásico, a Ibéria encontra-se solidária ao continente norte-americano, mas por estiramento litosférico progressivo, acabará por ocorrer rotura crostal e consequente oceanização no final do Cretácico Inf. Este conjunto de interações será assim responsável por uma evolução também complexa da Margem Ocidental da Ibéria, onde se encontra a Bacia Lusitaniana, bacia intracratónica, interna, separada de uma zona externa por um relevo estrutural, o horst da Berlenga. Desta forma, alguns processos complexos, uns exógenos, outros de clara influência endógena, vão ficando registados na Bacia. Referimo-nos a episódios de inversão tectónica precoce, a um magmatismo muito ténue - para todos os efeitos podendo-se considerar como uma margem continental de rift, não vulcânica - e a diapirismo que se encontra registado na sua área geográfica.
The study of the tectonic strutures affecting the mesozoic and cenozoic deposits of Algarve's basin allows us to recognize the following phases of the Alpine orogeny: Jurassic (Upper Triassic at least)-Lower Cretaceous N-S distension; N-S compression during the setting-up of the Monchique syenite dome at the uppermost Cretaceous; Paleogene compression (?) (only locally? - at the Albufeira salt dome); Lower Miocene N-S distension; Upper Burdigalian to Lower Langhian N-S and E-W distension; N-S or NNW-SSE compression after the Middle Miocene; E-W compression after the Upper Tortonian; N-S compression during the Quaternary. NE-SW fractures affecting the Paleozoic basement are related with the first distension phases. The mesozoic N-S distension are the main cause of the two E-W flexures so far recognized. A tectonic inversion event did occur after the setting up of the Monchique syenite. If, the Lower Cretaceous Lower Miocene Albufeira's unconformity, is a local effect of halokinesis then, the true tectonic inversion of the Algarve basin, did occur in the Middle Miocene. These events correlate well with those knewn at Southern Spain and Morocco.
One of the most common characteristics of Portuguese littoral is the existence of a planed surface (the so-called "littoral platform"), situated at different altitudes and bordered from the inland by a straight relief, strongly contrasting with that planed surface. This one is generally covered with several outcrops of the so-called Plio-Pleistocene deposits. Till the eighties this platform has been interpreted as stable staircase of old marine levels, registering in a passive way the eustatic variations. The rigid step bordering it easterly should be a fossil cliff. However, our study has proved that many of these deposits have a continental origin. These continental deposits have fluvial or alluvial fan facies and they are lying above 40 meters. Marine deposits seem to be quite rare and they only occupy a small western area, beneath the altitude of 40 meters and developing into three different marine levels. There is a rigid step between the two kinds of deposits. We think that the clear geometric separation between these deposits together with this rigid step, indicates a tectonic origin. It seems that the sea must have touched only the western part of this surface, when neotectonic movements lowered it down. There are more evidences for neotectonic movements: a) there are faults (mainly inverse faults) affecting the higher deposits of this littoral platform; b) the same marine level seems to appear at different altitudes, developing an irregular pattern with a general trend dipping from the North to the South.