58 resultados para TNE
Le concept de romanisation ne revêt d'utilité que s'il peut être qualifié, et donc analysé en différents « niveaux », afin de comparer les rythmes et les formes du phénomène dans les régions de l'Empire. Avant même de chercher à tenir un discours global sur la romanisation, il faut donc en étudier les multiples aspects de manière spécifique. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit cette thèse de doctorat dont le but est de quantifier et de qualifier l'acculturation des céramiques fines en Gaule interne (200 BC - 50 AD). Fondée sur un corpus de quelques 130 ensembles, provenant de 21 sites urbains localisés entre le centre ouest de la France, l'Auvergne, le Plateau suisse et le Luxembourg, cette étude se caractérise par la mise en place de nouvelles approches méthodologiques, s'appuyant sur le calcul d'un « indice de romanisation » (quantifiant la romanisation d'un ensemble sur une échelle de 1 à 100) et sur l'analyse des modalités du phénomène. L'examen diachronique et cartographique des résultats obtenus montrant de fortes disparités dans les processus d'acculturation des céramiques fines, des niveaux de romanisation ont pu être définis, dont le principal intérêt est d'ouvrir la comparaison avec les autres aspects de l'acculturation des Gaules (instrumentum culinaire, technique de construction, romanisation de l'anthroponymie...). The concept of Romanisation can only be considered useful if it can be qualified and analysed at different levels in order to compare the acculturation rates, frequency and form of the phenomenon among the regions in the Empire. But before an overview of Romanisation can be considered, its multiple aspects must be examined in a specific manner. Among the French speaking areas, it is only recently that research concerning Gaulish and Roman periods has risked expanding the scope to a supra regional scale. Against this background, the purpose of my doctoral thesis is to examine the qualitative and quantitative aspects of acculturation among Gaulish fine wares (200 BCE - 50 CE). Based on a corpus of 130 assemblages from 21 urban sites from the western centre of France, Auvergne, the Swiss plateau and Luxembourg, the study is characterised by new methodological techniques relying on the calculation of a 'Romanisation index' (quantifying the level of Romanisation of an assemblage on a scale of 1 to 100) and the analysis of the methods of the phenomenon. The diachronic and cartographic examination of the results obtained showed large disparities in the acculturation processes concerning fine wares. The level of Romanisation could be defined, thus allowing a comparison with other aspects of the acculturation process among other aspects of Gaulish culture such as tools, cuisine, construction techniques and Romanisation of anthroponyms.
El armamento de tipo La Tène se ha venido relacionando habitualmente con la Segunda Edad del Hierro europea, y en general con un territorio dominado por poblaciones de etnia celta. Sin embargo, en la actualidad su alcance llega a un territorio más amplio, que en particular afecta a buena parte de la Europa occidental. En este trabajo se analizan y estudian las armas de influencia La Tène en la Península Ibérica a partir de la información directa del material arqueológico. Además de un catálogo exhaustivo de estas armas para el territorio, se realizan una serie de propuestas tipológicas y se procede al estudio de los conjuntos de armas (panoplias) y a procurar resolver las cuestiones de la llegada de estos influjos, de las vías de propagación de las armas, de sus características y peculiaridades morfológicas y tecnológicas y, finalmente, de su evolución a lo largo de más de cuatro siglos de historia.
Although the period of the historic “Celtic migrations” is archaeologically extensively studied, the long-lasting question whether mass migration or increased individual mobility caused the expansion of the La Tène culture throughout continental Europe persist. Strontium (Sr) and in part oxygen (O) isotope analysis of human remains from the early La Tène cemeteries of Nebringen (Germany), Münsingen-Rain (Switzerland), Monte Bibele (Italy) and the Czech cemeteries of Radovesice I, Radovesice II and Kutná Hora was, therefore, carried out to investigate the importance of residential changes during this time period. These isotope analyses showed that most analysed individuals either came from the area they were buried in or from the surrounding area of the cemetery. An exception was formed by the Czech cemeteries, where almost a quarter of the studied individuals appeared non-local. Together with Nebringen, these cemeteries also had the most varied Sr isotope ratios, which suggest highly mobile communities in which individuals regularly changed their residency. The isotopic ratios of the cemeteries of Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele appeared far less varied. In part, these differences might be explained by the community structures of these cemeteries. Morphological kinship analysis in Münsingen-Rain demonstrated biological relatedness among most of the analysed individuals. These related individuals also shared similar isotope signatures, which suggest an origin from the surrounding Aar Valley. In the vicinity of the cemetery of Monte Bibele, an associated settlement site was discovered. The deceased presumably not only shared this settlement, but also cultivated the same land plots. Dispersed settlement structures were suggested for Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora, as these agriculturally favourable landscapes were densely populated during prehistoric times. Connected to these community structures are the prevailing geological conditions in these areas. Both Münsingen-Rain and Monte Bibele are located in a region where homogeneous geological conditions prevail, whereas the landscapes of Nebringen, Radovesice and Kutná Hora are characterised by complex heterogeneous geological conditions. As the majority of individuals in Nebringen and the Czech cemeteries correspond to the expected isotope values for the studied areas, regularly changing land plots might have contributed to the observed variation. Although mass migration as depicted by the historical sources was not observed individual mobility of a small part of these studied communities certainly played a role. Males appeared, thereby, to have slightly more often a non-local birthplace or moved during childhood. Male mobility was, however, not always associated with burial as a warrior. Females, on the other hand, originated more often from the region. Patrilocal residential patterns, with the exception of the Czech cemeteries, were nevertheless not observed. Objects and ideas also seem to have been exchanged freely, as there are no indications that individuals with particular grave goods came from specific areas. It rather appears that the individuals buried with them were either local or had different places of origin. This can be explained by the fact that the exact origin of grave goods is difficult to establish and the occurrence of similar 87Sr/86Sr values in different areas. This study provided important new insights on the period of the “Celtic migrations” and the way of life of these prehistoric people.
Le mobilier mis au jour à l'emplacement des ponts de la Tène: offrandes, trophées, objets funéraires
[Georg Philipp Telemann]