988 resultados para Sulphur


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a flavor-containing dentifrice on the formation of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs) in morning bad breath. A two-step, blinded, crossover, randomized study was carried out in 50 dental students with a healthy periodontium divided into two experimental groups: flavor-containing dentifrice (test) and non-flavor-containing dentifrice (control). The volunteers received the designated dentifrice and a new toothbrush for a 3 X/day brushing regimen for 2 periods of 30 days. A seven-day washout interval was used between the periods. The assessed parameters were: plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), organoleptic breath scores (ORG), VSC levels (as measured by a portable sulphide monitor) before (H1) and after (H2) cleaning of the tongue, tongue coating (TC) wet weight and BANA test from TC samples. The intra-group analysis showed a decrease in ORG, from 3 to 2, after 30 days for the test group (p < 0.05). The inter-group analysis showed lower values in ORG, H1 and H2 for the test group (p < 0.05). There was no difference between the amount of TC between groups and the presence of flavor also did not interfere in the BANA results between groups (p > 0.05). These findings suggest that a flavor-containing dentifrice seems to prevent VSCs formation in morning bad breath regardless of the amount of TC in periodontally healthy subjects.


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The effects of combined nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation on the dynamics of leaf and tiller appearance in Marandu palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) and its impact on dry matter production were evaluated in a greenhouse study. Grass seedlings were grown in pots filled with a soil classified as an Entisol and were harvested after 43 days, a further 35 days and finally after 48 more days. Five rates of N (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/dm(3)) and 5 rates of S (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/dm(3)) were tested in an incomplete factorial design with 4 replications. Leaf and tiller development were monitored every 3 days by counting the appearance of recently expanded leaves and new basal tillers. The phyllochron and thermal time between appearance of tillers decreased as N and S fertiliser levels increased to about 300 and 25 mg/dm(3), respectively, then tended to increase. In contrast, leaf and tiller appearance rates increased with the supply of these nutrients to similar levels, then tended to decline. Leaf and tiller production and dry matter yields were affected by both N and S levels, with the role of S increasing as the growth phases increased.


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Focusing on the therapeutic and cosmetic potentials of the thermal water, several processes were developed to achieve a raw material known as fango which presents in its constitution water, clay and organic soil. This research work aimed at characterizing turf, sulphur mud and fango from Araxa, MG, Brazil, through physical, physicochemical, inorganic and organic assessments for cosmetic and topical product proposes. The characterization permitted the determination of relevant parameters to suggest the efficacy (presence, of ions) and safety (absence of toxic metals) of those raw materials for cosmetic and pharmaceutical utilization.


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Mineralogical, hydrochemical and S isotope data were used to constrain hydrogeochemical processes that produce acid mine drainage from sulfidic waste at the historic Mount Morgan Au–Cu mine, and the factors controlling the concentration of SO4 and environmentally hazardous metals in the nearby Dee River in Queensland, Australia. Some highly contaminated acid waters, with metal contents up to hundreds of orders of magnitude greater than the Australia–New Zealand environmental standards, by-pass the water management system at the site and drain into the adjacent Dee River. Mine drainage precipitates at Mt. Morgan were classified into 4 major groups and were identified as hydrous sulfates and hydroxides of Fe and Al with various contents of other metals. These minerals contain adsorbed or mineralogically bound metals that are released into the water system after rainfall events. Sulfate in open pit water and collection sumps generally has a narrow range of S isotope compositions (δ34S = 1.8–3.7‰) that is comparable to the orebody sulfides and makes S isotopes useful for tracing SO4 back to its source. The higher δ34S values for No. 2 Mill Diesel sump may be attributed to a difference in the source. Dissolved SO4 in the river above the mine influence and 20 km downstream show distinctive heavier isotope compositions (δ34S = 5.4–6.8‰). The Dee River downstream of the mine is enriched in 34S (δ34S = 2.8–5.4‰) compared with mine drainage possibly as a result of bacterial SO4 reduction in the weir pools, and in the water bodies within the river channel. The SO4 and metals attenuate downstream by a combination of dilution with the receiving waters, SO4 reduction, and the precipitation of Fe and Al sulfates and hydroxides. It is suggested here that in subtropical Queensland, with distinct wet and dry seasons, temporary reducing environments in the river play an important role in S isotope systematics


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The prevalence of neoplasia in birds is generally low; however, in some species of companion and aviary birds, the incidence is high and neoplasia is a common cause of death. Surgical excision or limb amputation has been performed as the therapeutic plan. Chemotherapy in the treatment of avian neoplasia is largely empirical and poorly documented. For example, cisplatin has been used intralesionally in macaws (Ara species) with limited clinical success. Eight sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), under general isoflurane anesthesia, were infused intravenously with cisplatin at 6.4 or 1.0 mg/kg over 1 hour and hydrated with lactated Ringer's solution for 1 hour before and 2 hours after cisplatin infusion. Birds were euthanatized 96 hours after infusion, except for 2 birds given the low cisplatin dose, which were euthanatized on day 35 after dosing. All birds tolerated the study procedure while under anesthesia. Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate did not change significantly. In the low-dose group, the mean cloacal temperature decreased significantly during the infusion period (P < .001) and then rose progressively to preinfusion values by 24 hours. Also in this group, the mean body weight tended to increase during the infusion period before significantly decreasing (P < .05) by 5% at 96 hours after dosing. At 24 hours after dosing, all birds were bright and eating. However, intermittent regurgitation and fecal changes (moist, dark green feces and yellow urates) occurred in 3 of 8 birds, especially those given the high dose. By 72 hours after dosing, droppings in the low-dose group were normal in appearance. One bird in the high-dose group died by 94 hours after dosing. Myelosuppression was not observed in any bird and at necropsy, no evidence of cisplatin toxicity was found except in 1 bird given the high cisplatin dose. On histology, this bird showed nephrotoxicity, and its serum uric acid levels and mean estimated white blood cell count increased significantly by 24 hours after dosing. This paper reports for the first time the effect of systemic cisplatin administration in birds and provides veterinarians data for formulating efficacious and safe protocols for platinum-containing compounds when treating neoplasia in parrots and other companion birds.


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Experimental studies have been undertaken, involving in situ observations of the interaction between cover gas mixtures and molten magnesium. It has been shown that, in the presence of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), the contact angle between solid MgO and molten magnesium is reduced, resulting in the wetting of MgO by magnesium metal. In contrast, it was observed that the absence of SF6 results in a large contact angle, poor wetting of the MgO by magnesium metal and a non-adherent surface film. It is proposed that the formation of an adherent, protective surface film under a cover gas mixture containing SF6 is due to capillary forces acting within the film.


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In this work we employed a hybrid method, combining RF-magnetron sputtering with evaporation, for the deposition of tailor made metallic precursors, with varying number of Zn/Sn/Cu (ZTC) periods and compared two approaches to sulphurization. Two series of samples with 1×, 2× and 4× ZTC periods have been prepared. One series of precursors was sulphurized in a tubular furnace directly exposed to a sulphur vapour and N2+5% H2 flux at a pressure of 5.0×10+4 Pa. A second series of identical precursors was sulphurized in the same furnace but inside a graphite box where sulphur pellets have been evaporated again in the presence of N2+5% H2 and at the same pressure as for the sulphur flux experiments. The morphological and chemical analyses revealed a small grain structure but good average composition for all three films sulphurized in the graphite box. As for the three films sulphurized in sulphur flux grain growth was seen with the increase of the number of ZTC periods whilst, in terms of composition, they were slightly Zn poor. The films' crystal structure showed that Cu2ZnSnS4 is the dominant phase. However, in the case of the sulphur flux films SnS2 was also detected. Photoluminescence spectroscopy studies showed an asymmetric broad band emission whichoccurs in the range of 1–1.5 eV. Clearly the radiative recombination efficiency is higher in the series of samples sulphurized in sulphur flux. We have found that sulphurization in sulphur flux leads to better film morphology than when the process is carried out in a graphite box in similar thermodynamic conditions. Solar cells have been prepared and characterized showing a correlation between improved film morphology and cell performance. The best cells achieved an efficiency of 2.4%.


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The most important processes for the creation of S12+ to S14+ ions excited states from the ground configurations of S9+ to S14+ ions in an electron cyclotron resonance ion source, leading to the emission of K X-ray lines, are studied. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, including double KL and triple KLL ionization, transition probabilities and energies for the deexcitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. With reasonable assumptions about the electron energy distribution, a theoretical K$\alpha$ X-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data.


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The interaction of ionising radiation with living tissues may direct or indirectly generate several secondary species with relevant genotoxic potential. Due to recent findings that electrons with energies below the ionisation threshold can effectively damage DNA, radiation-induced damage to biological systems has increasingly come under scrutiny. The exact physico-chemical processes that occur in the first stages of electron induced damage remain to be explained. However, it is also known that free electrons have a short lifetime in the physiological medium. Hence, electron transfer processes studies represent an alternative approach through which the role of "bound" electrons as a source of damage to biological tissues can be further explored. The thesis work consists of studying dissociative electron attachment (DEA) and electron transfer to taurine and thiaproline. DEA measurements were executed in Siedlce University with Prof. Janina Kopyra under COST action MP1002 (Nanoscale insights in ion beam cancer therapy). The electron transfer experiments were conducted in a crossed atom(potassium)-molecule beam arrangement. In these studies the anionic fragmentation patterns were obtained. The results of both mechanisms are shown to be significantly different, unveiling that the damaging potential of secondary electrons can be underestimated. In addition, sulphur atoms appear to strongly influence the dissociation process, demonstrating that certain reactions can be controlled by substitution of sulphur at specific molecular sites.


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Rosickyite, the natural monoclinic gamma -form of sulphur, exists in only a few localities around the globe. In the old asphalt mine at La Presta, Neuchatel. Switzerland, rosickyite occurs locally as small, but very well formed crystals suitable for crystallographic studies. It grows as an alteration product of pyrite-rich asphalt. Rosickyite from La Presta mine is pure molecular sulphur, as revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The X-ray powder diffraction data of La Presta rosickyite does not match the one previously published for this species. Therefore, a single crystal study was undertaken and a new indexed X-ray powder diffraction diagram for natural rosickyite is proposed.


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In a greenhouse pot experiment with kohlrabi, variety Luna, we explored the joint effect of N (0.6 g N per pot = 6 kg of soil) and S in the soil (25-35-45 mg kg-1 of S) on yields, on N, S and NO3- content in tubers and leaves, and on alterations in the amino acids concentration in the tubers. S fertilisation had no effect on tuber yields. The ranges of N content in tubers and leaves were narrow (between 1.42-1.48 % N and 1.21-1.35 % N, respectively) and the effect of S fertilisation was insignificant. S concentration in the tubers ranged between 0.59 and 0.64 % S. S fertilisation had a more pronounced effect on the S concentration in leaf tissues where it increased from 0.50 to 0.58 or to 0.76 % S under the applied dose. The NO3- content was higher in tubers than in leaves. Increasing the S level in the soil significantly reduced NO3- concentrations in the tubers by 42.2-53.6 % and in the leaves by 8.8-21.7 %. Increasing the S content in the soil reduced the concentration of cysteine + methionine by 16-28 %. The values of valine, tyrosine, aspartic acid and serine were constant. In the S0, S1, and S2 treatments the levels of threonine, isoleucine, leucine, arginine, the sum of essential amino acids and alanine decreased from 37 to 9 %. The histidine concentration increased with increasing S fertilisation. S fertilisation of kohlrabi can be recommended to stabilize the yield and reduce the undesirable NO3- contained in the parts used for consumption.


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Among the production factors, adequate fertilization is an important tool to raise the productivity of pastoral systems and consequently increase the share of Brazil in the supply chain of primary agricultural products at the global level. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interaction of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization in BRACHIARIA DECUMBENS: Stapf. The experiment in pots with Dystrophic Oxisol was evaluated in a completely randomized design with four replications in a 5 x 3 factorial arrangement, involving five N doses (0, 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg dm-3) in the form of ammonium nitrate and three S doses (0, 20 and 80 mg dm-3) in the form of calcium sulfate, with a total of 15 treatments. In the treatments with low S dose, calcium was provided as calcium chloride, to ensure a homogeneous Ca supply in all treatments. The results showed that the tiller production and dry weight of green leaves and of stems + sheaths and total dry weight were favored by the combination of N and S fertilizer, while the proportion of dry leaves was reduced. Nitrogen fertilization raised the N contents in green leaves and stems + sheaths and reduced K contents in fresh and dry leaves. The response to S rates in the N content of green leaves was quadratic.


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ABSTRACT High contents of plant-available selenium in the soil in the form of selenate, resulting from natural or anthropogenic action, jeopardizes agricultural areas and requires research for solutions to establish or re-establish agricultural or livestock operation, avoiding the risk of poisoning of plants, animals and humans. The purpose was to evaluate sulfur sources in the form of sulfate, e.g., ammonium sulfate, calcium sulfate, ferric sulfate, in the remediation of tropical soils anthropogenically contaminated with Se under the tropical forage grass Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf cv. Marandu. More clayey soils are less able to supply plants with Se, which influences the effects of S sources, but it was found that high soil Se concentrations negatively affected forage biomass production, regardless of the soil. Of the tested S sources, the highly soluble ammonium sulfate and ferric sulfate reduced plant Se uptake and raised the available sulfur content in the soil.


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A number of bacterial species, mostly proteobacteria, possess monothiol glutaredoxins homologous to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial protein Grx5, which is involved in iron–sulphur cluster synthesis. Phylogenetic profiling is used to predict that bacterial monothiol glutaredoxins also participate in the iron–sulphur cluster (ISC) assembly machinery, because their phylogenetic profiles are similar to the profiles of the bacterial homologues of yeast ISC proteins. High evolutionary cooccurrence is observed between the Grx5 homologues and the homologues of the Yah1 ferredoxin, the scaffold proteins Isa1 and Isa2, the frataxin protein Yfh1 and the Nfu1 protein. This suggests that a specific functional interaction exists between these ISC machinery proteins. Physical interaction analyses using low-definition protein docking predict the formation of strong and specific complexes between Grx5 and several components of the yeast ISC machinery. Two-hybrid analysis has confirmed the in vivo interaction between Grx5 and Isa1. Sequence comparison techniques and cladistics indicate that the other two monothiol glutaredoxins of S. cerevisiae, Grx3 and Grx4, have evolved from the fusion of a thioredoxin gene with a monothiol glutaredoxin gene early in the eukaryotic lineage, leading to differential functional specialization. While bacteria do not contain these chimaeric glutaredoxins, in many eukaryotic species Grx5 and Grx3/4-type monothiol glutaredoxins coexist in the cell.