998 resultados para Subjectivation means


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar o processo de composição dos modos de subjetivação que se dá através dos encontros dos corpos e a participação do sujeito nesse processo a partir de um dispositivo conceitual chamado caosmofagia. A hipótese central é a de que os modos de subjetivação são produzidos a partir das relações de poder que se dão nos encontros dos corpos inseridos no caos do cosmos. Um modo de subjetivação se distingue de uma subjetividade uma vez que não cessa de ser transformado pelos encontros que tem. Pois um modo é um instante provisório em meio ao fluxo do devir. Um modo de subjetivação é uma conexão permanente com forças externas e internas, que faz da sua existência um campo de batalha entre as forças que operam no mundo. Esse processo de composição, uma vez que envolve uma arte da devoração do outro, no sentido de uma técnica que permite preparar-se para os encontros, recebe o nome de caosmofagia. Cada corpo é um composto de forças. As forças fazem parte de um mundo caótico porque se movem em velocidades infinitas constituindo a impossibilidade de algo permanecer o mesmo. No entanto, tais forças têm suas velocidades reduzidas e assumem formas físicas, que são estados provisórios ou modos que estão em contato permanente com o caos, já que não cessam de encontrar outros corpos com forças diferenciadas e que alteram os modos que encontram podendo até decompô-los. Há, pois, no encontro dos corpos uma mistura que implica em um jogo de forças em que um corpo devora e absorve as forças de outro corpo. Esse processo de devoração se diz do mundo em seu devir. Ou seja, o devir do mundo é um processo de composição e decomposição dos corpos, indicando um estado de mudança permanente. Desse postulado cosmológico, resulta a compreensão dos modos de subjetivação como um processo de composição infinito em que o sujeito participa dele de forma significativa, mas não como um elemento determinante. O próprio sujeito é um composto de forças capaz de interferir no seu modo de ser, cuidando de si e se preparando para os encontros, mas que também está sujeito às forças que vêm de fora e que são imprevisíveis. Desse modo, nos deparamos com uma condição existencial que envolve o devir cosmológico, a história e a necessidade de um cuidado para se situar nessa condição, o que implica em uma ética da prudência. A caosmofagia consiste em pensar os encontros e a possibilidade de ensaiá-los na perspectiva de uma ética. Ensaiar a si mesmo, seus afetos, suas potências e seus encontros tendo em vista um modo de subjetivação que seja um movimento de superação do que se é para ser um outro mais livre e alegre.


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Le but du présent mémoire est de démontrer que la discontinuité opérée en fin de carrière dans la philosophie de Michel Foucault repose sur l’avènement d’une impasse du sujet assujetti, qui mènera l’auteur à la proposition d’une libération éthique basée sur les pratiques de subjectivation et l’esthétique de l’existence. Cette proposition permet à Foucault d’établir la base d’une éthique minimale du sujet, à partir du principe de subjectivation, dans une perspective de liberté. Après avoir ancré et expliqué l’impasse subjective dans l’œuvre de Michel Foucault, il sera montré comment celui-ci parvient à réhabiliter le sujet dans sa pensée et à constituer une éthique minimale autour de pratiques et d’exercices de liberté. Le mémoire se conclura sur les enjeux, la réception et les critiques du projet foucaldien. Mots-clés : Michel Foucault, Éthique, Esthétique de l’existence, Sujet, Souci de soi, Culture de soi, Subjectivation, Assujettissement, Liberté, Gouvernement de soi.


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This paper is part one of a three part study into the collective regulation processes of players in massive multiplayer online games (MMOG). Traditionally game playing has not been classed as problematic, however with introduction of new media technologies and new ways to play games, certain contexts have become obscure, namely the localised order of ‘playing online’ or how players manage and maintain order between each other as opposed to ‘following the rules’. Principally this paper will examine concepts of ‘virtual community’. These will be illustrated as particularly unhelpful when considering how people conduct themselves in these spaces. Thus, ‘virtual community’ will be seen as critical in implicating various online behaviours as superior to other online behaviours causing obscurity and blurring actions. This obscurity is grounded by strong associations in the virtual community as logic of practise in and of itself; behaviours that fall outside this category become common sense and as such are made invisible for investigation. This paper will draw upon the theories of Basil Bernstein and Pierre Bourdieu to produce a distinction between online behaviours and ultimately make them visible for further investigation. In doing so this paper seeks to form a basis for future research where interaction in these spaces can be identified as belonging to a certain framework to inform the design of online games and applications more effectively.


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ABSTRACT: Neuropathy is a cause of significant disability in patients with Fabry disease, yet its diagnosis is difficult. In this study we compared the novel noninvasive techniques of corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) to quantify small-fiber pathology, and non-contact corneal esthesiometry (NCCA) to quantify loss of corneal sensation, with established tests of neuropathy in patients with Fabry disease. Ten heterozygous females with Fabry disease not on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT), 6 heterozygous females, 6 hemizygous males on ERT, and 14 age-matched, healthy volunteers underwent detailed quantification of neuropathic symptoms, neurological deficits, neurophysiology, quantitative sensory testing (QST), NCCA, and CCM. All patients with Fabry disease had significant neuropathic symptoms and an elevated Mainz score. Peroneal nerve amplitude was reduced in all patients and vibration perception threshold was elevated in both male and female patients on ERT. Cold sensation (CS) threshold was significantly reduced in both male and female patients on ERT (P < 0.02), but warm sensation (WS)and heat-induced pain (HIP) were only significantly increased in males onERT (P<0.01). However, corneal sensation assessed withNCCAwas significantly reduced in female (P < 0.02) and male (P < 0.04) patients on ERT compared with control subjects. According to CCM, corneal nerve fiber and branch density was significantly reduced in female (P < 0.03) and male (P < 0.02) patients on ERT compared with control subjects. Furthermore, the severity of neuropathic symptoms and the neurological component of the Mainz Severity Score Index correlated significantly with QSTand CCM. This study shows that CCM and NCCA provide a novel means to detect early nerve fiber damage and dysfunction, respectively, in patients with Fabry disease.


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The importance of student engagement to higher education quality, making deep learning outcomes possible for students, and achieving student retention, is increasingly being understood. The issue of student engagement in the first year of tertiary study is of particular significance. This paper takes the position that the first year curriculum, and the pedagogical principles that inform its design, are critical influencers of student engagement in the first year learning environment. We use an analysis of case studies prepared for Kift’s ALTC Senior Fellowship to demonstrate ways in which student engagement in the first year of tertiary study can be successfully supported through intentional curriculum design that motivates students to learn, provides a positive learning climate, and encourages students to be active in their learning.


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Business Process Management (BPM) in recent years has become a highest priority area for most organizations. Since this concept is multidisciplinary, success in this endeavour requires considering different factors. A number of studies have been conducted to identify these factors; however, most are limited to the introduction of high-level factors or to the identification of the means of success within only a specific context. This paper presents a holistic framework of success factors as well as the associated means for achieving success. This framework introduces nine factors, namely culture, leadership, communication, Information Technology, strategic alignment, people, project management, performance measurement and methodology. Each of these factors are characterized further by defining some sub-constructs and under each sub construct the means for achieving success are also introduced. This framework including means for achieving success can be useful for BPM project stakeholders in adequately planning the initiative and checking the progress during the implementation.


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An alternative approach to port decoupling and matching of arrays with tightly coupled elements is proposed. The method is based on the inherent decoupling effect obtained by feeding the orthogonal eigenmodes of the array. For this purpose, a modal feed network is connected to the array. The decoupled external ports of the feed network may then be matched independently by using conventional matching circuits. Such a system may be used in digital beam forming applications with good signal-to-noise performance. The theory is applicable to arrays with an arbitrary number of elements, but implementation is only practical for smaller arrays. The principle is illustrated by means of two examples.


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Residential aged care in Australia does not have a system of quality assessment related to clinical outcomes, creating a significant gap in quality monitoring. Clinical outcomes represent the results of all inputs into care, thus providing an indication of the success of those inputs. To fill this gap, an assessment tool based on resident outcomes (the ResCareQA) was developed and evaluated in collaboration with residential care providers. A useful output of the ResCareQA is a profile of resident clinical status, and this paper will use such outputs to present a snapshot of nine residential facilities. Such comprehensive data has not yet been available within Australia, so this will provide an important insight. ResCareQA data was collected from all residents (N=498) of nine aged care facilities from two major aged care providers. For each facility, numerator–denominator data were calculated to assess the degree of potential clinical problems. Results varied across clinical areas and across facilities, and rank-ordered facility results for selected clinical areas are reviewed and discussed. Use of the ResCareQA to generate clinical outcome data provides a concrete means of monitoring care quality within residential facilities; regular use of the ResCareQA could thus contribute to improved care outcomes within residential aged care.


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Cyber bullying – or bullying through the use of technology – is a growing phenomenon which is currently most commonly experienced by young people and the consequences manifested in schools. Cyber bullying shares many of the same attributes as face-to-face bullying such as a power imbalance and a sense of helplessness on the part of the target. Not surprisingly, targets of face-to-face bullying are increasingly turning to the law, and it is likely that targets of cyber bullying may also do so in an appropriate case. This article examines the various criminal, civil and vilification laws that may apply to cases of cyber bullying and assesses the likely effectiveness of these laws as a means of redressing that power imbalance between perpetrator and target.


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Patients with idiopathic small fibre neuropathy (ISFN) have been shown to have significant intraepidermal nerve fibre loss and an increased prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). It has been suggested that the dysglycemia of IGT and additional metabolic risk factors may contribute to small nerve fibre damage in these patients. Twenty-five patients with ISFN and 12 aged-matched control subjects underwent a detailed evaluation of neuropathic symptoms, neurological deficits (Neuropathy deficit score (NDS); Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS); Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) and Corneal Confocal Microscopy (CCM)) to quantify small nerve fibre pathology. Eight (32%) patients had IGT. Whilst all patients with ISFN had significant neuropathic symptoms, NDS, NCS and QST except for warm thresholds were normal. Corneal sensitivity was reduced and CCM demonstrated a significant reduction in corneal nerve fibre density (NFD) (Pb0.0001), nerve branch density (NBD) (Pb0.0001), nerve fibre length (NFL) (Pb0.0001) and an increase in nerve fibre tortuosity (NFT) (Pb0.0001). However these parameters did not differ between ISFN patients with and without IGT, nor did they correlate with BMI, lipids and blood pressure. Corneal confocal microscopy provides a sensitive non-invasive means to detect small nerve fibre damage in patients with ISFN and metabolic abnormalities do not relate to nerve damage.


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Public relations educators need new solutions to prepare students to become tomorrow's practitioner today. Managers and employers in the new creative workforce (McWilliam, 2008) expect graduates to be problem solvers, critical and creative thinkers, reflective, and self reliant (Barrie, 2008; David, 2004). Enabling students to develop these attributes requires a collaborative and creative approach to pedagogy (Jeffrey & Craft, 2001, 2004). A model for the next generation of public relations education was developed to integrate industry partnerships as a way to bridge pedagogy and professional practice. The model suggests (a) that industry partnerships be embedded in learning activities, (b) that assessment items be considered on a continuum and delivered incrementally across a course of study, and (c) that connections between classroom and workplace activities are clearly signposted for students.