999 resultados para Stokes parameters


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Aims: In this paper we aim to investigate the evolution of plasmaproperties and Stokes parameters in photospheric magnetic bright pointsusing 3D magneto-hydrodynamical simulations and radiative diagnostics ofsolar granulation.

Methods: Simulated time-dependent radiationparameters and plasma properties were investigated throughout theevolution of a bright point. Synthetic Stokes profiles for the FeI630.25 nm line were calculated, which also allowed the evolution of theStokes-I line strength and Stokes-V area and amplitude asymmetries to beinvestigated.

Results: Our results are consistent withtheoretical predictions and published observations describing convectivecollapse, and confirm this as the bright point formation process.Through degradation of the simulated data to match the spatialresolution of SOT, we show that high spatial resolution is crucial forthe detection of changing spectro-polarimetric signatures throughout amagnetic bright point's lifetime. We also show that the signaturedownflow associated with the convective collapse process tends towardszero as the radiation intensity in the bright point peaks, because ofthe magnetic forces present restricting the flow of material in the fluxtube.


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In this second part of our comparative study inspecting the (dis)similarities between “Stokes” and “Jones,” we present simulation results yielded by two independent Monte Carlo programs: (i) one developed in Bern with the Jones formalism and (ii) the other implemented in Ulm with the Stokes notation. The simulated polarimetric experiments involve suspensions of polystyrene spheres with varying size. Reflection and refraction at the sample/air interfaces are also considered. Both programs yield identical results when propagating pure polarization states, yet, with unpolarized illumination, second order statistical differences appear, thereby highlighting the pre-averaged nature of the Stokes parameters. This study serves as a validation for both programs and clarifies the misleading belief according to which “Jones cannot treat depolarizing effects.”


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The present work deals with the problem of the interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with a statistical distribution of nonmagnetic dielectric particles immersed in an infinite homogeneous isotropic, non-magnetic medium. The wavelength of the incident radiation can be less, equal or greater than the linear dimension of a particle. The distance between any two particles is several wavelengths. A single particle in the absence of the others is assumed to scatter like a Rayleigh-Gans particle, i.e. interaction between the volume elements (self-interaction) is neglected. The interaction of the particles is taken into account (multiple scattering) and conditions are set up for the case of a lossless medium which guarantee that the multiple scattering contribution is more important than the self-interaction one. These conditions relate the wavelength λ and the linear dimensions of a particle a and of the region occupied by the particles D. It is found that for constant λ/a, D is proportional to λ and that |Δχ|, where Δχ is the difference in the dielectric susceptibilities between particle and medium, has to lie within a certain range.

The total scattering field is obtained as a series the several terms of which represent the corresponding multiple scattering orders. The first term is a single scattering term. The ensemble average of the total scattering intensity is then obtained as a series which does not involve terms due to products between terms of different orders. Thus the waves corresponding to different orders are independent and their Stokes parameters add.

The second and third order intensity terms are explicitly computed. The method used suggests a general approach for computing any order. It is found that in general the first order scattering intensity pattern (or phase function) peaks in the forward direction Θ = 0. The second order tends to smooth out the pattern giving a maximum in the Θ = π/2 direction and minima in the Θ = 0 , Θ = π directions. This ceases to be true if ka (where k = 2π/λ) becomes large (> 20). For large ka the forward direction is further enhanced. Similar features are expected from the higher orders even though the critical value of ka may increase with the order.

The first order polarization of the scattered wave is determined. The ensemble average of the Stokes parameters of the scattered wave is explicitly computed for the second order. A similar method can be applied for any order. It is found that the polarization of the scattered wave depends on the polarization of the incident wave. If the latter is elliptically polarized then the first order scattered wave is elliptically polarized, but in the Θ = π/2 direction is linearly polarized. If the incident wave is circularly polarized the first order scattered wave is elliptically polarized except for the directions Θ = π/2 (linearly polarized) and Θ = 0, π (circularly polarized). The handedness of the Θ = 0 wave is the same as that of the incident whereas the handedness of the Θ = π wave is opposite. If the incident wave is linearly polarized the first order scattered wave is also linearly polarized. The second order makes the total scattered wave to be elliptically polarized for any Θ no matter what the incident wave is. However, the handedness of the total scattered wave is not altered by the second order. Higher orders have similar effects as the second order.

If the medium is lossy the general approach employed for the lossless case is still valid. Only the algebra increases in complexity. It is found that the results of the lossless case are insensitive in the first order of kimD where kim = imaginary part of the wave vector k and D a linear characteristic dimension of the region occupied by the particles. Thus moderately extended regions and small losses make (kimD)2 ≪ 1 and the lossy character of the medium does not alter the results of the lossless case. In general the presence of the losses tends to reduce the forward scattering.


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The results of a study to characterise the polarisation properties of the photon beam emerging from beamline 5D, mounted on a bending magnet source at the Synchrotron Radiation Source, Daresbury Laboratory, are presented. The expectation values for the Stokes parameters corresponding to the light transmitted by the beamline have been calculated by combining ray-tracing and optical methods. The polarisation of the light at the source is modified both by the beamline geometry and by the reflections at the optical components. Although it is often assumed that the polarising properties of grazing incidence optics are negligible, this assumption leads to rather inaccurate results in the VUV region. A study of the reflectivity shows that even at incidence angles (theta(i) = 80-85degrees) which are far from the Brewster angle (theta(B) similar to 45degrees for VUV and soft X-ray radiation) the residual changes in the amplitudes of the reflected light can result in non-negligible polarisation effects. Furthermore, reflection at grazing incidence gives rise to a substantial change in the phase, and this has the effect of rotating the elliptically polarised state. Theoretical Stokes parameters have been compared with full polarisation measurements obtained using a reflection polarimeter in the energy range 20-40 eV. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to protect critical military and commercial space assets, the United States Space Surveillance Network must have the ability to positively identify and characterize all space objects. Unfortunately, positive identification and characterization of space objects is a manual and labor intensive process today since even large telescopes cannot provide resolved images of most space objects. Since resolved images of geosynchronous satellites are not technically feasible with current technology, another method of distinguishing space objects was explored that exploits the polarization signature from unresolved images. The objective of this study was to collect and analyze visible-spectrum polarization data from unresolved images of geosynchronous satellites taken over various solar phase angles. Different collection geometries were used to evaluate the polarization contribution of solar arrays, thermal control materials, antennas, and the satellite bus as the solar phase angle changed. Since materials on space objects age due to the space environment, it was postulated that their polarization signature may change enough to allow discrimination of identical satellites launched at different times. The instrumentation used in this experiment was a United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) Department of Physics system that consists of a 20-inch Ritchey-Chrétien telescope and a dual focal plane optical train fed with a polarizing beam splitter. A rigorous calibration of the system was performed that included corrections for pixel bias, dark current, and response. Additionally, the two channel polarimeter was calibrated by experimentally determining the Mueller matrix for the system and relating image intensity at the two cameras to Stokes parameters S0 and S1. After the system calibration, polarization data was collected during three nights on eight geosynchronous satellites built by various manufacturers and launched several years apart. Three pairs of the eight satellites were identical buses to determine if identical buses could be correctly differentiated. When Stokes parameters were plotted against time and solar phase angle, the data indicates that there were distinguishing features in S0 (total intensity) and S1 (linear polarization) that may lead to positive identification or classification of each satellite.


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We present a new method of laser frequency locking in which the feedback signal is directly proportional to the detuning from an atomic transition, even at detunings many times the natural linewidth of the transition. Our method is a form of sub-Doppler polarization spectroscopy, based on measuring two Stokes parameters (I-2 and I-3) of light transmitted through a vapor cell. It extends the linear capture range of the lock loop by as much as an order of magnitude and provides frequency discrimination equivalent to or better than those of other commonly used locking techniques. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America


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Statistical mechanics of two coupled vector fields is studied in the tight-binding model that describes propagation of polarized light in discrete waveguides in the presence of the four-wave mixing. The energy and power conservation laws enable the formulation of the equilibrium properties of the polarization state in terms of the Gibbs measure with positive temperature. The transition line T=∞ is established beyond which the discrete vector solitons are created. Also in the limit of the large nonlinearity an analytical expression for the distribution of Stokes parameters is obtained, which is found to be dependent only on the statistical properties of the initial polarization state and not on the strength of nonlinearity. The evolution of the system to the final equilibrium state is shown to pass through the intermediate stage when the energy exchange between the waveguides is still negligible. The distribution of the Stokes parameters in this regime has a complex multimodal structure strongly dependent on the nonlinear coupling coefficients and the initial conditions.


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A novel hybrid data-driven approach is developed for forecasting power system parameters with the goal of increasing the efficiency of short-term forecasting studies for non-stationary time-series. The proposed approach is based on mode decomposition and a feature analysis of initial retrospective data using the Hilbert-Huang transform and machine learning algorithms. The random forests and gradient boosting trees learning techniques were examined. The decision tree techniques were used to rank the importance of variables employed in the forecasting models. The Mean Decrease Gini index is employed as an impurity function. The resulting hybrid forecasting models employ the radial basis function neural network and support vector regression. A part from introduction and references the paper is organized as follows. The second section presents the background and the review of several approaches for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. In the third section a hybrid machine learningbased algorithm using Hilbert-Huang transform is developed for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. Fourth section describes the decision tree learning algorithms used for the issue of variables importance. Finally in section six the experimental results in the following electric power problems are presented: active power flow forecasting, electricity price forecasting and for the wind speed and direction forecasting.


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We report on new simultaneous phase-resolved spectroscopic and polarimetric observations of the polar (AM Herculis star) V834 Cen during a high state of accretion. Strong emission lines and high levels of variable circular and linear polarization are observed over the orbital period. The polarization data are modelled using the Stokes imaging technique of Potter et al. The spectroscopic emission lines are investigated using the Doppler tomography technique of Marsh and Horne and the Roche tomography technique of Dhillon and Watson. Up to now, all three techniques have been used separately to investigate the geometry and accretion dynamics in cataclysmic variables. For the first time, we apply all three techniques to simultaneous data for a single system. This allows us to compare and test each of the techniques against each other and hence to derive a better understanding of the geometry, dynamics and system parameters of V834 Cen.