680 resultados para Steel strip cleaning
Setup time reduction facilitate the flexibility needed for just-in-time production. An integrated steel mill with meltshop, continuous caster and hot rolling mill is often operated as decoupled processes. Setup time reduction provides the flexibility needed to reduce buffering, shorten lead times and create an integrated process flow. The interdependency of setup times, process flexibility and integration were analysed through system dynamics simulation. The results showed significant reductions of energy consumption and tied capital. It was concluded that setup time reduction in the hot strip mill can aid process integration and hence improve production economy while reducing environmental impact.
Työn tavoitteena oli sinkityslinjan pesuosan toiminnan optimointi. Teoriakatsauksen ja haastattelututkimusten avulla työssä selvitettiin, mitkä tekijät pesuosalla tai teräsnauhan pesua edeltävissä prosessivaiheissa vaikuttavat pesutehoon alentavasti. Pesuosan ajoparametrien muutoskokeiden avulla määritettiin kunkin pesuparametrin suhteellinen vaikutus pesutulokseen sekä pesuosan optimaaliset ajoparametrit. Vaikutuksia arvioitiin pinnanpuhtauden ja pesuvesien laboratorioanalyysien sekä prosessidatan avulla. Jätevesianalyysien ja prosessidatan avulla arvioitiin lisäksi pesuosan muutosten vaikutusta pesusta syntyviä jätevesiä käsittelevän jätevesilaitoksen toimintaan. Laitetestauksen avulla työssä kartoitettiin, mikä menetelmä pinnanpuhtauden määrittämiseen soveltuu pesuosalle parhaiten. Kustannusarvioinnilla selvitettiin, millä toimin pesuosan toimintavarmuutta on edullisinta ylläpitää. Työn tulosten pohjalta lämpötilalla todettiin olevan pesutuloksen kannalta merkittävin vaikutus. Sen sijaan kemikaaliannostelun merkitys oli vähäinen. Vesien säännöllisen uudistamisen todettiin olevan olennainen pesuvesien ylläpitokeino nykyisessä pesutilanteessa. Se todettiin lisäksi ennakoivana toimenpiteenä kannattavammaksi kuin pesuosan täystyhjäykset ongelmatilanteissa. Teippitestein määritettävälle pinnanpuhtaudelle katsottiin sopivaksi vaihteluväliksi 40–75 %. Työssä todettiin, että pesua edeltävän kylmävalssin valssiöljyn vaihto sekä valssilla tuotetun teräsnauhan pinnanpuhtaus vaikuttavat merkittävästi pesuosan toimintakykyyn ja pesuosan pyörittämisestä aiheutuviin kustannuksiin. Toimenpiteet pesuosalla vaikuttavat lisäksi jätevesilaitoksen käsittelyvaatimuksiin, joskin myös tasaavat sen toimintaa. Työssä ehdotettiin ratkaisukeinoja pesuosan toimintavarmuuden varmistamiseksi jatkossa, sekä tarjottiin työkaluja, joiden avulla tulevissa investointipäätöksissä voidaan ottaa huomioon myös pesuosan toiminnan edellytykset.
Tin electrocoated steel strip, also referred to as Flandres foil, is largely used for manufacturing food containers. Tinplates must have good corrosion resistance, workability, weldability, as well as a bright appearance. The woodgrain defect, a not yet fully understood defect that occurs on tinplates and accounts for their high scrap rate, consists of alternate bands of bright/dull reflectivity and resembles longitudinally cut wood. Observations of the woodgrain defect by scanning electron microscopy showed that the molten tin spreads irregularly during both the melting and solidification stages. X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the metallic tin tended to crystallize in the (200) direction for coupons with and without the woodgrain defect. Nevertheless, the preferential orientation degree decreased for coupons with the woodgrain defect. The rocking curves, also known as omega-scan, showed that the tin grains were uniformly aligned parallel to the strip surface for coupons with no defects, whereas for tinplates with woodgrain, the tin grains were not uniformly oriented, probably due to the misalignment of the grains in relation to the surface. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This is a study of heat transfer in a lift-off furnace which is employed in the batch annealing of a stack of coils of steel strip. The objective of the project is to investigate the various factors which govern the furnace design and the heat transfer resistances, so as to reduce the time of the annealing cycle, and hence minimize the operating costs. The work involved mathematical modelling of patterns of gas flow and modes of heat transfer. These models are: Heat conduction and its conjectures in the steel coils;Convective heat transfer in the plates separating the coils in the stack and in other parts of the furnace; and Radiative and convective heat transfer in the furnace by using the long furnace model. An important part of the project is the development of numerical methods and computations to solve the transient models. A limited number of temperature measurements was available from experiments on a test coil in an industrial furnace. The mathematical model agreed well with these data. The model has been used to show the following characteristics of annealing furnaces, and to suggest further developments which would lead to significant savings: - The location of the limiting temperature in a coil is nearer to the hollow core than to the outer periphery. - Thermal expansion of the steel tends to open the coils, reduces their thermal conductivity in the radial direction, and hence prolongs the annealing cycle. Increasing the tension in the coils and/or heating from the core would overcome this heat transfer resistance. - The shape and dimensions of the convective channels in the plates have significant effect on heat convection in the stack. An optimal design of a channel is shown to be of a width-to-height ratio equal to 9. - Increasing the cooling rate, by using a fluidized bed instead of the normal shell and tube exchanger, would shorten the cooling time by about 15%, but increase the temperature differential in the stack. - For a specific charge weight, a stack of different-sized coils will have a shorter annealing cycle than one of equally-sized coils, provided that production constraints allow the stacking order to be optimal. - Recycle of hot flue gases to the firing zone of the furnace would produce a. decrease in the thermal efficiency up to 30% but decreases the heating time by about 26%.
The thesis presents an account of an attempt to utilize expert systems within the domain of production planning and control. The use of expert systems was proposed due to the problematical nature of a particular function within British Steel Strip Products' Operations Department: the function of Order Allocation, allocating customer orders to a production week and site. Approaches to tackling problems within production planning and control are reviewed, as are the general capabilities of expert systems. The conclusions drawn are that the domain of production planning and control contains both `soft' and `hard' problems, and that while expert systems appear to be a useful technology for this domain, this usefulness has by no means yet been demonstrated. Also, it is argued that the main stream methodology for developing expert systems is unsuited for the domain. A problem-driven approach is developed and used to tackle the Order Allocation function. The resulting system, UAAMS, contained two expert components. One of these, the scheduling procedure was not fully implemented due to inadequate software. The second expert component, the product routing procedure, was untroubled by such difficulties, though it was unusable on its own; thus a second system was developed. This system, MICRO-X10, duplicated the function of X10, a complex database query routine used daily by Order Allocation. A prototype version of MICRO-X10 proved too slow to be useful but allowed implementation and maintenance issues to be analysed. In conclusion, the usefulness of the problem-driven approach to expert systems development within production planning and control is demonstrated but restrictions imposed by current expert system software are highlighted in that the abilities of such software to cope with `hard' scheduling constructs and also the slow processing speeds of such software can restrict the current usefulness of expert systems within production planning and control.
The first objective of this research was to develop closed-form and numerical probabilistic methods of analysis that can be applied to otherwise conventional methods of unreinforced and geosynthetic reinforced slopes and walls. These probabilistic methods explicitly include random variability of soil and reinforcement, spatial variability of the soil, and cross-correlation between soil input parameters on probability of failure. The quantitative impact of simultaneously considering the influence of random and/or spatial variability in soil properties in combination with cross-correlation in soil properties is investigated for the first time in the research literature. Depending on the magnitude of these statistical descriptors, margins of safety based on conventional notions of safety may be very different from margins of safety expressed in terms of probability of failure (or reliability index). The thesis work also shows that intuitive notions of margin of safety using conventional factor of safety and probability of failure can be brought into alignment when cross-correlation between soil properties is considered in a rigorous manner. The second objective of this thesis work was to develop a general closed-form solution to compute the true probability of failure (or reliability index) of a simple linear limit state function with one load term and one resistance term expressed first in general probabilistic terms and then migrated to a LRFD format for the purpose of LRFD calibration. The formulation considers contributions to probability of failure due to model type, uncertainty in bias values, bias dependencies, uncertainty in estimates of nominal values for correlated and uncorrelated load and resistance terms, and average margin of safety expressed as the operational factor of safety (OFS). Bias is defined as the ratio of measured to predicted value. Parametric analyses were carried out to show that ignoring possible correlations between random variables can lead to conservative (safe) values of resistance factor in some cases and in other cases to non-conservative (unsafe) values. Example LRFD calibrations were carried out using different load and resistance models for the pullout internal stability limit state of steel strip and geosynthetic reinforced soil walls together with matching bias data reported in the literature.
In the industry of steelmaking, the process of galvanizing is a treatment which is applied to protect the steel from corrosion. The air knife effect (AKE) occurs when nozzles emit a steam of air on the surfaces of a steel strip to remove excess zinc from it. In our work we formalized the problem to control the AKE and we implemented, with the R&D dept.of MarcegagliaSPA, a DL model able to drive the AKE. We call it controller. It takes as input the tuple (pres and dist) to drive the mechanical nozzles towards the (c). According to the requirements we designed the structure of the network. We collected and explored the data set of the historical data of the smart factory. Finally, we designed the loss function as sum of three components: the minimization between the coating addressed by the network and the target value we want to reach; and two weighted minimization components for both pressure and distance. In our solution we construct a second module, named coating net, to predict the coating of zinc
The surface failure characteristics of different work roll materials, i.e. High Speed Steel, High Chromium Iron and Indefinite Chill Iron, used in the finishing stands of a hot strip mill have been investigated using stereo microscopy, 3D optical profilometry, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results show that the surface failure mechanisms of work rolls for hot rolling are very complex, involving plastic deformation, abrasive wear, adhesive wear, mechanical and thermal induced cracking, material transfer and oxidation. Despite the differences in chemical composition and microstructure, the tribological response of the different work roll materials was found to be strongly dependent on the material microstructure and especially the presence and distribution of microstructural constituents, such as the different carbide phases and graphite (in the case of Indefinite Chill Iron). Cracking and chipping of the work roll surfaces, both having a negative impact on work roll wear, are strongly influenced by the presence of carbides, carbide networks and graphite in the work roll surface. Consequently, the amount of carbide forming elements as well as the manufacturing process must be controlled in order to obtain an optimised microstructure and a predictable wear rate.
Aim the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound in cleaning the surface of stainless steel and Ni-Ti endodontic instruments.Methodology Twenty nickel-titanium instruments (10 Quantec files and 10 Nitiflex) and 20 stainless steel K-files (10 Maillefer-Dentsply and 10 Moyco Union Broach) were removed from their original packages and evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. Scores were given for the presence of residues on the surface or the instruments. The instruments were then cleaned in an ultrasonic bath containing only distilled water or detergent solution for 15 min, and re-evaluated, using scanning electron microscopy.Results Before cleaning, a greater amount of metallic debris was observed on the nickel-titanium Quantec instruments (P < 0.05), when compared to those made of stainless steel. Statistical analysis showed that the use of ultrasound was effective for cleaning the instruments, regardless of the irrigating solution or the instruments type (P < 0.05).Conclusions the use of ultrasound proved to be an efficient method for the removal of metallic particles from the surface of stainless steel and Ni-Ti endodontic instruments.
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