1000 resultados para Status mutacional
As neoplasias mieloproliferativas (NMPs) BCR-ABL1 negativas compreendem a mielofibrose primária (PMF), trombocitemia essencial (TE) e a policitemia vera (PV). A patogênese e progressão dessas NMPs não estão completamente elucidadas. As metaloproteinases de matriz (MMPs) degradam a matriz extracelular, ativando citocinas e fatores de crescimento que, por sua vez, participam da tumorigênese e angiogênese. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação da expressão gênica das MMPs, TIMPs, HIF1-α e SPARC com os marcadores angiogênicos bFGF e VEGFA em pacientes com MF e TE, considerando o status mutacional; bem como avaliar a regulação desses genes em camundongos submetidos à hipóxia, e em modelos HIF1-α(-/-) e VHL(-/-). Foram incluídos 21 pacientes com MF, 21 com MF pós-TE, 6 com MF pós-PV, 23 com TE e 78 indivíduos controle. As análises realizadas foram: dosagem sérica e expressão de RNAm de MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1, TIMP2 e SPARC, hemograma, determinação da proteína C reativa ultrassensível, determinação das concentrações de VEGFA e bFGF e avaliação das mutações nos genes JAK2, cMPL e CALR. A avaliação da densidade microvascular da medula óssea foi feita em 30 dos pacientes incluídos. Os pacientes com MFP, MFPTE e TE apresentaram maior expressão de MMP2, SPARC, TIMP1, TIMP2 e bFGF quando comparados aos seus controles (P<0,05), enquanto MMP9 foi mais expressa nos pacientes com MFPTE e TE (P= 0,011 e P=0,047, respectivamente). Os pacientes com TE apresentaram maior expressão de HIF1-α e VEGFA em relação ao grupo controle (P<0,05). Pacientes com MF JAK2V617F positivos apresentaram maiores concentrações de MMP9, TIMP2, bFGF e VEGFA quando comparados aos pacientes portadores de mutações na CALR (P<0,05). Os pacientes com TE JAK2V617F positivos apresentaram maiores concentrações de MMP2 e TIMP2 (P=0,049 e P=0,020, respectivamente). As concentrações das proteínas estudadas não apresentaram correlação com a carga alélica de JAK2V617F e nem com a densidade microvascular da medula óssea. Células de medula óssea de camundongos submetidos à hipóxia apresentaram maior expressão de MMP2 e TIMP1 comparados aos camundongos em normóxia. Camundongos VHL(-/-) apresentaram aumento na expressão dos genes MMP2, MMP9, TIMP1, TIMP2 e VEGFA. Diferentemente, embriões HIF1-α(-/-) não foram considerados um bom modelo para este estudo devido ao envolvimento das MMPs na embriogênese/organogênese. Frente aos resultados encontrados, pode-se sugerir que a maior expressão de MMP2, SPARC e de bFGF estão associadas às NMPs. A mutação JAK2V617F foi associada a maiores concentrações de MMPs, TIMP2 VEGFA e bFGF. HIF1-α foi mais expresso na PV e na TE, sugerindo uma possível regulação da expressão das MMPs e TIMPs nessas doenças.
O Carcinoma de Pulmão de Células Não Pequenas (NSCLC) é uma doença freqüentemente letal e altamente resistente à terapia oncológica convencional, como por exemplo, o tratamento quimioterápico com cisplatina e paclitaxel. A superexpressão de Ciclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) é constantemente observada em pacientes com NSCLC, estando associada ao prognóstico ruim destes pacientes. Acredita-se que a alta expressão de COX-2 produz efeitos anti-apoptóticos, porém pouco é conhecido sobre os mecanismos de regulação desta enzima. Muitos sinais capazes de ativar COX-2 também induzem a proteína supressora de tumor p53, conhecida pelo seu papel fundamental no controle da proliferação celular e apoptose. Dados recentes indicam que a proteína p53 é um importante regulador da expressão de COX-2. O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar os efeitos da quimioterapia na expressão da enzima COX-2 em linhagens celulares com diferente status do gene TP53, e ainda, correlacionar a expressão de COX-2 e o status mutacional de TP53, com as características clínico-patológicas de pacientes com NSCLC. Como ferramentas experimentais foram usadas técnicas de biologia celular e molecular como interferência de RNA, PCR em tempo real, análise mutacional e imuno-histoquímica. Com os resultados obtidos, observamos que as linhagens celulares de câncer de pulmão que apresentam p53 na sua forma selvagem, quando expostas ao tratamento com cisplatina, apresentaram indução da expressão de COX-2 (RNAm e proteína), em adição ao aumento da síntese de Prostaglandina E2 (PGE2). Em contrapartida, a expressão de COX-2 não foi alterada após o tratamento com cisplatina nas linhagens celulares que apresentavam mutação no gene TP53. Ao avaliar o tratamento com paclitaxel, foi observado um aumento da expressão de COX-2 nas linhagens A549 e H460 (linhagens celulares do tipo selvagem para p53), entretanto não foi observada alteração nos níveis de PGE2. Em adição, o tratamento com paclitaxel induziu um aumento da expressão de COX-2 na linhagem com deleção em TP53, ACC LC-319. Em seguida, após silenciamento de p53 na linhagem celular A549, por interferência de RNA, a cisplatina passou a não ser mais capaz de induzir o aumento da expressão de COX-2. No tratamento com paclitaxel, o silenciamento de TP53 não mudou a expressão de COX-2, indicando assim um efeito independente de p53. Dessa maneira, sugerimos que a indução de COX-2, por cisplatina, em linhagens celulares NSCLC é dependente de p53. Na análise dos pacientes NSCLC, os resultados demonstram que 54% dos pacientes apresentam expressão positiva de COX-2. Mutações em TP53 foram observadas em 57% dos pacientes, incluindo 56% de fumantes correntes e 37% de ex-fumantes. Uma associação entre a expressão de COX-2 e o status selvagem de TP53 foi observada, entre os pacientes que apresentaram expressão positiva de COX-2, 80% apresentaram TP53 selvagem. Um número maior de pacientes é necessário para aumentar o poder estatístico e confirmar as tendências observadas nesse estudo
O câncer de esôfago é uma malignidade altamente freqüente e letal. Uma característica específica das áreas de alta incidência de câncer de esôfago é a grande proporção de duplas mutações no gene TP53, sendo, ao menos uma delas, uma transição G para A em sítios CpG. Essas transições resultam de malpareamentos GT causados pela desaminação espontânea da 5-metilcitosina em ilhotas CpG. A enzima de reparo de DNA Timina-DNA Glicosilase (TDG) é responsável pelo primeiro passo na remoção da timina de malpareamentos GT em CpG. A alta proporção de mutações em sítios CpG em câncer de esôfago das áreas de alta incidência sugere que a via de reparo de DNA iniciada pela TDG pode estar prejudicada. A presença de duplas mutações, sendo ao menos uma delas em CpG, levantou a hipótese de que a primeira mutação no TP53 reduz a atividade da via de reparo iniciada pela TDG, que acarretaria a segunda mutação em sítios CpG. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar o efeito da p53 sobre a expressão e atividade da TDG. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a expressão de TDG é regulada transcricionalmente pela p53 numa gama de linhagens celulares e é induzida pelo dano ao DNA, de forma p53-dependente. Além disto, os resultados apontam um possível papel da proteína p53 ativa na migração nuclear e atividade da TDG. Estes resultados ainda nos levam à conclusão de que o silenciamento de TDG aumenta a sensibilidade à morte celular induzida por MMS quando a p53 é encontrada na forma selvagem, mas não quando esta proteína é mutada, e de que o status mutacional de TP53 parece afetar a expressão de TDG em CEE primários. Juntos esses resultados sugerem que a p53 regula o reparo de DNA mediado pela TDG e que a inativação de p53 em células tumorais pode contribuir para a aquisição de um mutator phenotype.
Integrating Enterprise Systems solutions in the curriculum of not only universities but all types of institutes of higher learning has been a major challenge for nearly ten years. Enterprise Systems education is surprisingly well documented in a number of papers on Information Systems education. However, most publications in this area report on the individual experiences of an institution or an academic. This paper focuses on the most popular Enterprise System - SAP - and summarizes the outcomes of a global survey on the status quo of SAP-related education. Based on feedback of 305 lecturers and more than 700 students, it reports on the main factors of Enterprise Systems education including, critical success factors, alternative hosting models, and students’ perceptions. The results show among others an overall increasing interest in advanced SAP solutions and international collaboration, and a high satisfaction with the concept of using Application Hosting Centers.
Despite greater use of temporary employment contracts, little is known about how employees react to job length uncertainty. Individual careers within the safety of one or two primary organisations are no longer the norm. This study investigates the effects of job insecurity and employment status (temporary/permanent) on work outcomes. Three hundred and ninety-one employees (122 temporary and 269 permanent) in low to medium level non-academic positions from two Australian universities completed a survey. The results show that a belief that comparable employment is easily available did not alleviate the negative effects of job insecurity. Work attitudes for temporaries and permanents though were differentially influenced by employee perceptions of their own employability.
This study assesses the Vitamin D status of 126 healthy free-living adults aged 18–87 years, in southeast Queensland, Australia (27°S) at the end of the 2006 winter. Participants provided blood samples for analysis of 25(OH)D (the measure of an individual’s Vitamin D status), PTH, Calcium, Phosphate, and Albumin, completed a questionnaire on sun-protective/sun-exposure behaviours, and were assessed for phenotypic characteristics such as skin/hair/eye colour and BMI. We found that 10.2% of the participants had serum 25(OH)D levels below 25 nmol/l (considered deficient) and a further 32.3% had levels between 25 nmol/l and 50 nmol/l (considered insufficient). Our results show that low levels of 25(OH)D can occur in a substantial proportion of the population at the end of winter, even in a sunny climate. 25(OH)D levels were higher amongst those who spent more time in the sun and lower among obese participants (BMI > 30) than those who were not obese (BMI < 30). 25(OH)D levels were also lower in participants who had black hair, dark/olive skin, or brown eyes, when compared with participants who had brown or fair hair, fair skin, or blue/green eyes. No associations were found between 25(OH)D status and age, gender, smoking status, or the use of sunscreen.
Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are now seen as a contemporary health problem in Australia with possible widespread health effects not limited to bone health1. Despite this, the Vitamin D status (measured as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)) of ambulatory adults has been overlooked in this country. Serum 25(OH)D status is especially important among this group as studies have shown a link between Vitamin D and fall risk in older adults2. Limited data also exists on the contributions of sun exposure via ultraviolet radiation and dietary intake to serum 25(OH)D status in this population. The aims of this project were to assess the serum 25(OH)D status of a group of older ambulatory adults in South East Queensland, to assess the association between their serum 25(OH)D status and functional measures as possible indicators of fall risk, obtain data on the sources of Vitamin D in this population and assess whether this intake was related to serum 25(OH)D status and describe sun protection and exposure behaviors in this group and investigate whether a relationship existed between these and serum 25(OH)D status. The collection of this data assists in addressing key gaps identified in the literature with regard to this population group and their Vitamin D status in Australia. A representative convenience sample of participants (N=47) over 55 years of age was recruited for this cross-sectional, exploratory study which was undertaken in December 2007 in south-east Queensland (Brisbane and Sunshine coast). Participants were required to complete a sun exposure questionnaire in addition to a Calcium and Vitamin D food frequency questionnaire. Timed up and go and handgrip dynamometry tests were used to examine functional capacity. Serum 25(OH)D status and blood measures of Calcium, Phosphorus and Albumin were determined through blood tests. The Mean and Median serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) for all participants in this study was 85.8nmol/L (Standard Deviation 29.7nmol/L) and 81.0nmol/L (Range 22-158nmol/L), respectively. Analysis at the bivariate level revealed a statistically significant relationship between serum 25(OH)D status and location, with participants living on the Sunshine Coast having a mean serum 25(OH)D status 21.3nmol/L higher than participants living in Brisbane (p=0.014). While at the descriptive level there was an apparent trend towards higher outdoor exposure and increasing levels of serum 25(OH)D, no statistically significant associations between the sun measures of outdoor exposure, sun protection behaviors and phenotypic characteristics and serum 25(OH)D status were observed. Intake of both Calcium and Vitamin D was low in this sample with sixty-eight (68%) of participants not meeting the Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for Calcium (Median=771.0mg; Range=218.0-2616.0mg), while eighty-seven (87%) did not meet the Adequate Intake for Vitamin D (Median=4.46ug; Range=0.13-30.0ug). This raises the question of how realistic meeting the new Adequate Intakes for Vitamin D is, when there is such a low level of Vitamin D fortification in this country. However, participants meeting the Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D were observed to have a significantly higher serum 25(OH)D status compared to those not meeting the AI for Vitamin D (p=0.036), showing that meeting the AI for Vitamin D may play a significant role in determining Vitamin D status in this population. By stratifying our data by categories of outdoor exposure time, a trend was observed between increased importance of Vitamin D dietary intake as a possible determinant of serum 25(OH)D status in participants with lower outdoor exposures. While a trend towards higher Timed Up and Go scores in participants with higher 25(OH) D status was seen, this was only significant for females (p=0.014). Handgrip strength showed statistically significant association with serum 25(OH)D status. The high serum 25(OH)D status in our sample almost certainly explains the limited relationship between functional measures and serum 25(OH)D. However, the observation of an association between slower Time Up and Go speeds, and lower serum 25(OH)D levels, even with a small sample size, is significant as slower Timed Up and Go speeds have been associated with increased fall risk in older adults3. Multivariable regression analysis revealed Location as the only significant determinant of serum 25(OH)D status at p=0.014, with trends (p=>0.1) for higher serum 25(OH)D being shown for participants that met the AI for Vitamin D and rated themselves as having a higher health status. The results of this exploratory study show that 93.6% of participants had adequate 25(OH)D status-possibly due to measurement being taken in the summer season and the convenience nature of the sample. However, many participants do not meet their dietary Calcium and Vitamin D requirements, which may indicate inadequate intake of these nutrients in older Australians and a higher risk of osteoporosis. The relationship between serum 25(OH)D and functional measures in this population also requires further study, especially in older adults displaying Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency.
In 2004, with the increasing overloading restriction requirements of society in Anhui, a provincial comprehensive overloading transportation survey has been developed to take evaluations on overloading actuality and enforcement efficiency with the support of the World Bank. A total of six site surveys were conducted at Hefei, Fuyang, Luan, Wuhu, Huainan and Huangshan Areas with four main contents respectively: traffic volume, axle load, freight information and registration information. Via statistical analysis on the survey data, conclusions were gained that: vehicle overloading are very universal and serious problems at arterial highways in Anhui now. The traffic loads have far exceeded the designed endure capacity of highways and have caused prevalent premature pavement damage, especially for rigid pavement. The overloading trucks are unimpeded engaged in highway freight transportation actually due to the disordered overloading enforcement strategies and the deficient inspecting technologies.
This study aimed to identify: i) the prevalence of malnutrition according to the scored Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA); ii) utilization of available nutrition resources; iii) patient nutrition information needs; and iv) external sources of nutrition information. An observational, cross-sectional study was undertaken at an Australian public hospital on 191 patients receiving oncology services. According to PG-SGA, 49% of patients were malnourished and 46% required improved symptom management and/or nutrition intervention. Commonly reported nutrition-impact symptoms included: peculiar tastes (31%), no appetite (24%) and nausea (24%). External sources of nutrition information were accessed by 37%, with popular choices being media/internet (n=19) and family/friends (n=13). In a sub-sample (n=65), 32 patients were aware of the available nutrition resources, 23 thought the information sufficient and 19 patients had actually read them. Additional information on supplements and modifying side effects was requested by 26 patients. Malnutrition is common in oncology patients receiving treatment at an Australian public hospital and almost half require improved symptom management and/or nutrition intervention. Patients who read the available nutrition information found it useful, however awareness of these nutrition resources and the provision of information on supplementation and managing symptoms requires attention.
A five-section questionnaire was mailed to all 234 authorised Australian nurse practitioners in late 2007. An 85% response rate was achieved (202 responses). Respondents had a mean age of 47.0 years and 84.2% were women. Only 145 nurse practitioners (72% of respondents) reported being employed in Australia at the time of the census. Emergency nurse practitioners were the most commonly employed nationally (26.9%). Nearly one third of employed nurse practitioners reported that they were still awaiting approval to prescribe medications despite this being a core legislated skill. Over 70% stated that lack of Medicare provider numbers and lack of authority to prescribe through the Pharmaceut ical Benef its Scheme was extremely limiting to their practice. These findings are consistent with the international literature describing establishment of reformative
This study investigated the effects of visual status, driver age and the presence of secondary distracter tasks on driving performance. Twenty young (M = 26.8 years) and 19 old (M = 70.2 years) participants drove around a closed-road circuit under three visual (normal, simulated cataracts, blur) and three distracter conditions (none, visual, auditory). Simulated visual impairment, increased driver age and the presence of a distracter task detrimentally affected all measures of driving performance except gap judgments and lane keeping. Significant interaction effects were evident between visual status, age and distracters; simulated cataracts had the most negative impact on performance in the presence of visual distracters and a more negative impact for older drivers. The implications of these findings for driving behaviour and acquisition of driving-related information for people with common visual impairments are discussed