221 resultados para Spme


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A sensitive, selective, and reproducible in-tube solid-phase microextraction and liquid chromatographic (in-tube SPME/LC-UV) method for simultaneous determination of mirrazapine, citalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, fluoxetine, and sertraline in human plasma was developed, validated and further applied to the analysis of plasma samples from elderly patients undergoing therapy with antidepressants. Important factors in the optimization of in-tube SPME efficiency are discussed, including the sample draw/eject volume, draw/eject cycle number, draw/eject flow-rate, sample pH, and influence of plasma proteins. The quantification limits of the in-tube SPME/LC method varied between 20 and 50 ng/mL, with a coefficient of variation lower than 10%. The response of the in-tube SPME/LC method for most of the drugs was linear over a dynamic range from 50 to 500 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients higher than 0.9985. The in-tube SPME/LC can be successfully used to analyze plasma samples from ageing patients undergoing therapy with nontricyclic antidepressants. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method for the determination of some pesticide residues in must and wine samples was developed using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography – electron capture detection (GC/ECD). The procedure only needs dilution as sample pre-treatment and is therefore simple, fast and solvent-free. Eight fungicides (vinclozolin, procymidone, iprodione, penconazole, fenarimol, folpet, nuarimol and hexaconazole), one insecticide (chlorpyriphos) and two acaricides (bromopropylate and tetradifon) can be quantified. Good linearity was observed for all the compounds in the range 5–100 µg/L. The reproducibility of the measurements was found acceptable (with RSD’s below 20%). Detection limits of 11 µg/L, on average, are sufficiently below the proposed maximum residue limits (MRL’s) for these compounds in wine. The analytical method was applied to the determination of these compounds in Portuguese must and wine samples from the Demarcated Region of Alentejo, where any residues could be detected.


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The antioxidant profiles of 39 water samples (29 flavored waters based on 10 natural waters) and 6 flavors used in their formulation (furnished by producers) were determined. Total phenol and flavonoid contents, reducing power, and DPPH radical scavenging activity were the optical techniques implemented and included in the referred profile. Flavor extracts were analyzed by HS-SPME/GC-MS to obtain the qualitative and quantitative profiles of the volatile fraction of essential oils. Results pointed out a higher reducing power (0.14 11.8 mg of gallic acid/L) and radical scavenging activity (0.29 211.5 mg Trolox/L) of flavored waters compared with the corresponding natural ones, an interesting fact concerning human health. Bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, were present in all samples (0.5 359 mg of gallic acid/L), whereas flavonoids were not present either in flavored waters or in flavors. The major components of flavor extracts were monoterpenes, such as citral, R-limonene, carveol, and R-terpineol.


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A procedure for the determination of seven indicator PCBs in soils and sediments using microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) prior to GC-MS/MS is described. Optimization of the HS-SPME was carried out for the most important parameters such as extraction time, sample volume and temperature. The adopted methodology has reduced consumption of organic solvents and analysis runtime. Under the optimized conditions, the method detection limit ranged from 0.6 to 1 ng/g when 5 g of sample was extracted, the precision on real samples ranged from 4 to 21% and the recovery from 69 to 104%. The proposed method, which included the analysis of a certified reference material in its validation procedure, can be extended to several other PCBs and used in the monitoring of soil or sediments for the presence of PCBs.


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Trihalomethanes (THMs) are widely referred and studied as disinfection by-products (DBPs). The THMs that are most commonly detected are chloroform (TCM), bromodichloromethane (BDCM), chlorodibromomethane (CDBM), and bromoform (TBM). Several studies regarding the determination of THMs in swimming pool water and air samples have been published. This paper reviews the most recent work in this field, with a special focus on water and air sampling, sample preparation and analytical determination methods. An experimental study has been developed in order to optimize the headspace solid-phasemicroextraction (HS-SPME) conditions of TCM, BDCM, CDBM and TBM from water samples using a 23 factorial design. An extraction temperature of 45 °C, for 25min, and a desorption time of 5 min were found to be the best conditions. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD). The method was successfully applied to a set of 27 swimming pool water samples collected in the Oporto area (Portugal). TCM was the only THM detected with levels between 4.5 and 406.5 μg L−1. Four of the samples exceeded the guideline value for total THMs in swimming pool water (100 μgL−1) indicated by the Portuguese Health Authority.


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El concepto de calidad ha evolucionado en los últimos años adquiriendo un extraordinario protagonismo. Un alimento puede ser descripto mediante una serie de parámetros o variables que se transforman en atributos de calidad por la percepción y preferencias de un usuario. Los valores que deben alcanzar los atributos para que la adecuación sea positiva, son las especificaciones de calidad. Entre los atributos de calidad de un alimento se encuentra la organoléptica o sensorial, que puede ser definida, medida y ponderada, estableciéndose niveles de confianza para el cumplimiento de las especificaciones de calidad acordadas. Los componentes químicos volátiles del alimento, estimulan las terminales sensitivas de boca y nariz, afectando a los atributos olor, aroma, fragancia, gusto y flavor. Por lo tanto, identificar dichos componentes y determinar su proporción en el producto es de vital importancia para establecer correlaciones con las respuestas sensoriales. En el presente proyecto se desarrollarán metodologías analíticas basadas en Microextracción en Fase Sólida del Espacio de Cabeza seguida de Cromatografía Gaseosa (HS-SPME/GC) y en aceptabilidad sensorial para su aplicación en la caracterización de plantas aromáticas y productos alimenticios, con la finalidad de identificar los compuestos volátiles responsables de la aceptación o rechazo de los productos investigados, de evaluar el efecto del almacenamiento sobre las características de los mismos, y establecer similitudes y diferencias entre los perfiles químicos de diferentes productos del mismo tipo. Además, se realizarán protocolos de control de calidad para las muestras estudiadas.


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A headspace solid-phase microextraction procedure (HS-SPME) was developed for the profiling of traces present in 3,4-methylenedioxymethylampethamine (MDMA). Traces were first extracted using HS-SPME and then analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The HS-SPME conditions were optimized using varying conditions. Optimal results were obtained when 40 mg of crushed MDMA sample was heated at 80 °C for 15 min, followed by extraction at 80 °C for 15 min with a polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene coated fibre. A total of 31 compounds were identified as traces related to MDMA synthesis, namely precursors, intermediates or by-products. In addition some fatty acids used as tabletting materials and caffeine used as adulterant, were also detected. The use of a restricted set of 10 target compounds was also proposed for developing a screening tool for clustering samples having close profile. 114 seizures were analyzed using an SPME auto-sampler (MultiPurpose Samples MPS2), purchased from Gerstel GMBH & Co. (Germany), and coupled to GC-MS. The data was handled using various pre-treatment methods, followed by the study of similarities between sample pairs based on the Pearson correlation. The results show that HS-SPME, coupled with the suitable statistical method is a powerful tool for distinguishing specimens coming from the same seizure and specimens coming from different seizures. This information can be used by law enforcement personnel to visualize the ecstasy distribution network as well as the clandestine tablet manufacturing.


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The technique of solid phase microextraction (SPME) was used for the extraction of halogenated contaminants of water samples from three cities of the State of São Paulo and the extracts were submitted to gas chromatographic analysis with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). In the samples of water collected at the city of São Paulo the detected level of trihalomethanes (THM) expressed as the sum of chloroform, dibromochloromethane and dichlorobromomethane, were higher than the permissible limit established by the Brazilian regulation. In the samples collected at the two other cities the level of any of the three THM remained below the sensitivity of the ECD.


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The pyrethroids bifenthrin, permethrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE) and solid phase microextraction (SPME). The analysis were performed on a gas chromatograph with electron capture detection (GC-ECD). Octadecil Silano-C18, Florisil and Silica stationary phases were studied for SPE. Better results were obtained for Florisil which gave recoveries from 80% to 108%. Pyrethroids extraction by SPME showed a linear response and a detection limit of 10 pg ml-1. Although the data showed that the two extraction methods were able to isolate the pesticide residues from water samples, the best results were obtained by using SPME which is more sensitive, faster, cheeper, being a more useful technique for the analysis of pyrethroids in drinking water.


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In this study a new approach, solid phase micro extraction (SPME), is used in the evaluation of the infinite dilution activity coefficient of the solute in a given solvent. It is the purpose of the current work to demonstrate a different approach to obtain the data needed for studying the solution thermodynamics of binary liquid mixtures as well as for designing multi-component separations. The solutes investigated at the temperature 298.15 K were toluene, ethyl benzene and xylene in the solvent methanol.


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Evaluation of the pollution by the herbicides alachlor, propanil and atrazine in water samples from four rivers in the cities of Turvo and Meleiro, south of Santa Catarina State, was made using the SPME-GC-ECD method. The proposed method was optimized and validated. The correlation coefficients were higher than 0.997 and linear ranges of the analytical curves were 0.1-4; 0.1-2.5 and 0.1-5 µg L-1 for atrazine, alachlor and propanil, respectively. The herbicides were quantified by GC-ECD and identified by GC-MS. Both of the selected rivers presented contamination by at least one of the studied herbicides.


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In this work a new method (SPME-GC/FID) was developed to analyze the activity of binary liquid mixtures. The purpose is to demonstrate that SPME is capable to be used to determinate activity coefficients at infinite dilution knowing the fiber properties, with a lower cost than the conventional methods encountered in literature such as GLC. The activity coefficients at infinite dilution in furfural for n-hexane, n-heptane and cyclohexane at 298.15 K was determined using SPME and deviations of literature data was about 7%.


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This paper reports on the identification of volatile and semi-volatile compounds and a comparison of the chromatographic profiles obtained by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction/Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry detection (HS-SPME-GC-MS) of dried leaves of Mikania glomerata Sprengel (Asteraceae), also known as 'guaco.' Three different types of commercial SPME fibers were tested: polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) and polyacrylate (PA). Fifty-nine compounds were fully identified by HS-SPME-HRGC-MS, including coumarin, a marker for the quality control of guaco-based phytomedicines; most of the other identified compounds were mono- and sesquiterpenes. PA fibers performed better in the analysis of coumarin, while PDMS-DVB proved to be the best choice for a general and non-selective analysis of volatile and semi-volatile guaco-based compounds. The SPME method is faster and requires a smaller sample than conventional hydrodistillation of essential oils, providing a general overview of the volatile and semi-volatile compounds of M. glomerata.


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Chlorophenols have been classified as possible carcinogens for humans. Chlorophenols have been used as pesticides and wood preservatives. In Finland, during 1930 – 1980s, saw mills used KY-5 wood preservative that contained 2,4,6-TCP, 2,3,4,6-TeCP and PCP. Especially in Finland chlorophenols have entered the environment by leaking from contaminated grounds of old saw mills. Although chlorophenol concentrations found in environment do not cause acute concern, long term exposure can increase the risk of cancer. SPME is relatively cheap and simple sampling method, in which the sample extraction and concentration are performed in a single step. Solvents are not required in SPME. IMS is based on the detection of sample ion drift times. Based on the drift times, reduced mobilities are calculated, which are comparable despite the measurement conditions. SPME-IMS coupling has not been used earlier in the determination of chlorophenols from water samples. The scope of this work was to study, if SPME-IMS system is suitable for detecting chloro-phenols from water samples. The aim was to determine the most optimal extraction condi-tions, which were then applied to real water samples. Following detection limits were deter-mined: 2,4,6-TCP: 0.33 mg/l; 2,3,4,6-TeCP: 0.63 mg/l and PCP: 1.63 mg/l. Detection limits were high compared to the highest possible chlorophenol concentration that is allowed in Finnish drinking water, 10 μg/l. Detected concentrations from water sample differed from verified concentrations in the case of 2,3,4,6-TeCP by 4.6 % and in the case of 2,4,6-TCP by 48.4 %. Based on the results it can be said that SPME-IMS setup is suitable for preliminary analysis of mg/l chlorophenol concentrations from water samples.


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The aim of the present study was the assessment of volatile organic compounds produced by Sporidiobolus salmonicolor (CBS 2636) using methyl and ethyl ricinoleate, ricinoleic acid and castor oil as precursors. The analysis of the volatile organic compounds was carried out using Head Space Solid Phase Micro-Extraction (HS - SPME). Factorial experimental design was used for investigating extraction conditions, verifying stirring rate (0-400 rpm), temperature (25-60 ºC), extraction time (10-30 minutes), and sample volume (2-3 mL). The identification of volatile organic compounds was carried out by Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrum Detector (GC/MSD). The conditions that resulted in maximum extraction were: 60 ºC, 10 minutes extraction, no stirring, sample volume of 2.0 mL, and addition of saturated KCl (1:10 v/v). In the bio-production of volatile organic compounds the effect of stirring rate (120-200 rpm), temperature (23-33 ºC), pH (4.0-8.0), precursor concentration (0.02-0.1%), mannitol (0-6%), and asparagine concentration (0-0.2%) was investigated. The bio-production at 28 ºC, 160 rpm, pH 6,0 and with the addition of 0.02% ricinoleic acid to the medium yielded the highest production of VOCs, identified as 1,4-butanediol, 1,2,2-trimethylciclopropilamine, beta-ionone; 2,3-butanodione, pentanal, tetradecane, 2-isononenal, 4-octen-3-one, propanoic acid, and octadecane.