998 resultados para Spindle-Tuber Disease


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The spindle-tuber disease is one of the most prevalent potato diseases occurring in all parts of Nebraska. It has been found in all varieties tested. It does much damage to the potato crop, in that it reduces the yield and injures the market quality of the potatoes. This 1925 publication discusses the spindler-tuber disease also known as "running-out" or degeneracy of seed potatoes; the distribution of the disease; effect upon yield and quality; symptoms of the different potato varieties; transmission of the disease and experiments; rate of increase of the disease; dry land versus irrigation in western Nebraska; straw mulching versus cultivation in eastern Nebraska; planting times; harvesting; and control.


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In 2011, an outbreak of the quarantine-regulated pathogen Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) occurred in a commercial glasshouse-grown tomato crop in Queensland, Australia. Phylogenetic studies showed that the genotype of this isolate grouped in a cluster of PSTVd genotypes from tomato and Physalis peruviana, and exhibited an interesting mutation (U257→A) that has previously been linked to lethal symptom expression in tomato. Transmission studies showed that the viroid could be mechanically transmitted from crushed fruit sap, but not from undamaged fruits. A low rate of asymptomatic infection was determined for plants in the affected glasshouse, demonstrating the efficacy of using symptoms to detect PSTVd infections in tomato. No PSTVd infections were detected in solanaceous weeds located outside of the infected glasshouse, excluding them from playing a role in the viroid epidemiology. Monitoring and subsequent testing of new tomato crops grown in the facility demonstrated successful eradication of the pathogen. A trace-back analysis linked the outbreak of PSTVd to an infected imported tomato seed-lot, indicating that PSTVd is transmitted internationally through contaminated seed


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A hammerhead ribozyme [R(-)] targeting the minus strand RNA of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and a mutated nonfunctional ribozyme [mR(-)] were designed, cloned, and transcribed. As predicted, both monomer and dimer transcripts of the active R(-) ribozyme gene could cleave the PSTVd minus strand dimer RNA into three fragments of 77, 338, and 359 bases in vitro at 25 and 50°C. The tandem dimer genes of R(-) and mR(-) were subcloned separately into the plant expression vector pROK2. Transgenic potato plants (cultivar Desirée) were generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Twenty-three of 34 independent transgenic plant lines expressing the active ribozyme R(-) resulted in having high levels of resistance to PSTVd, being free of PSTVd accumulation after challenge inoculation with PSTVd, but the remaining lines showed weaker levels of resistance to PSTVd with low levels of PSTVd accumulation. In contrast, 59 of 60 independent transgenic lines expressing the mutated ribozyme mR(-) were susceptible to PSTVd inoculation and had levels of PSTVd accumulation similar to that of the control plants transformed with the empty vector. The resistance against PSTVd replication was stably inherited to the vegetative progenies.


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The replication of many viral and subviral pathogens as well as the amplification of certain cellular genes proceeds via a rolling circle mechanism. For potato spindle tuber (PSTVd) and related viroids, the possible role of a circular (−)strand RNA as a template for synthesis of (+)strand progeny is unclear. Infected plants appear to contain only multimeric linear (−)strand RNAs, and attempts to initiate infection with multimeric (−)PSTVd RNAs generally have failed. To examine critically the infectivity of monomeric (−)strand viroid RNAs, we have developed a ribozyme-based expression system for the production of precisely full length (−)strand RNAs whose termini are capable of undergoing facile circularization in vitro. Mechanical inoculation of tomato seedlings with electrophoretically purified (−)PSTVd RNA led to a small fraction of plants becoming infected whereas parallel assays with an analogous tomato planta macho viroid (−)RNA resulted in a much larger fraction of infected plants. Ribozyme-mediated production of (−)PSTVd RNA in transgenic plants led to the appearance of monomeric circular (−)PSTVd RNA and large amounts of (+)PSTVd progeny. No monomeric circular (−)PSTVd RNA could be detected in naturally infected plants by using either ribonuclease protection or electrophoresis under partially denaturing conditions. Although not a component of the normal replicative pathway, precisely full length (−)PSTVd RNA appears to contain all of the structural and regulatory elements necessary for initiation of viroid replication.


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The potato spindle tuber disease was first observed early in the 20th century in the northeastern United States and shown, in 1971, to be incited by a viroid, potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). No wild-plant PSTVd reservoirs have been identified; thus, the initial source of PSTVd infecting potatoes has remained a mystery. Several variants of a novel viroid, designated Mexican papita viroid (MPVd), have now been isolated from Solanum cardiophyllum Lindl. (papita güera, cimantli) plants growing wild in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes. MPVd's nucleotide sequence is most closely related to those of the tomato planta macho viroid (TPMVd) and PSTVd. From TPMVd, MPVd may be distinguished on the basis of biological properties, such as replication and symptom formation in certain differential hosts. Phylogenetic and ecological data indicate that MPVd and certain viroids now affecting crop plants, such as TPMVd, PSTVd, and possibly others, have a common ancestor. We hypothesize that commercial potatoes grown in the United States have become viroid-infected by chance transfer of MPVd or a similar viroid from endemically infected wild solanaceous plants imported from Mexico as germplasm, conceivably from plants known to have been introduced from Mexico to the United States late in the 19th century in efforts to identify genetic resistance to the potato late blight fungus, Phytophthora infestans.


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Viroids and most viral satellites have small, noncoding, and highly structured RNA genomes. How they cause disease symptoms without encoding proteins and why they have characteristic secondary structures are two longstanding questions. Recent studies have shown that both viroids and satellites are capable of inducing RNA silencing, suggesting a possible role of this mechanism in the pathology and evolution of these subviral RNAs. Here we show that preventing RNA silencing in tobacco, using a silencing suppressor, greatly reduces the symptoms caused by the Y satellite of cucumber mosaic virus. Furthermore, tomato plants expressing hairpin RNA, derived from potato spindle tuber viroid, developed symptoms similar to those of potato spindle tuber viroid infection. These results provide evidence suggesting that viroids and satellites cause disease symptoms by directing RNA silencing against physiologically important host genes. We also show that viroid and satellite RNAs are significantly resistant to RNA silencing-mediated degradation, suggesting that RNA silencing is an important selection pressure shaping the evolution of the secondary structures of these pathogens.


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was found by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to be not fully systemic in naturally infected kava (Piper methysticum) plants in Fiji. Twenty-six of 48 samples (54%) from various tissues of three recently infected plants were CMV-positive compared with 7/51 samples (14%) from three long-term infections (plants affected by dieback for more than 1 year). The virus was also found to have a limited ability to move into newly formed stems. CMV was detected in only 2/23 samples taken from re-growth stems arising from known CMV infected/dieback affected plants. Mechanical inoculation experiments conducted in Fiji indicate that the known kava intercrop plants banana (Musa spp.), pineapple (Ananas comosus), peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and the common weed Mikania micrantha are potential hosts for a dieback-causing strain of CMV It was not possible to transmit the virus mechanically to the common kava intercrop plants taro (Colocasia esculenta), Xanthosoma sp., sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yam (Dioscorea alata), papaya (Carica papaya) or the weed Momordica charantia. Implications of the results of this research on a possible integrated disease management strategy are discussed.


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Develops and extends DEEDI and partner technologies, improves yields and quality by removing virus diseases and some pests. Objectives: 1.Develop and test sweet potato pest and disease control strategies 2.Increase dissemination and adoption of pathogen tested and Integrated Pest Management strategy for pest and disease control.


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Seventy-six human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage were randomized to treatment groups receiving intranasal mupirocin or placebo twice daily for 5 days. Nasal cultures for S. aureus were obtained at 1, 2, 6, and 10 weeks after therapy. At 1 week, 88% of mupirocin-treated patients had negative nasal cultures compared with 8% in placebo patients (P<.001). The percentage of mupirocin-treated patients with persistently negative nasal cultures decreased over time (63%, 45%, and 29% at 2, 6, and 10 weeks, respectively) but remained significantly greater than the placebo group (3% at 2, 6, and 10 weeks). In mupirocin-treated patients, most (16/19) instances of nasal recolonization were with pretreatment strains (determined by means of by pulsed field gel electrophoresis); mupirocin resistance was not observed. Five days of treatment with mupirocin eliminated S. aureus nasal carriage in HIV-infected patients for several weeks; however, since the effect waned over time, intermittent dosing regimens should be considered for long-term eradication.


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Lessons learned from studies of experimental meningitis and brain abscess in animal models of infection represent major, highly significant contributions to our understanding of the pathogenesis and antimicrobial chemotherapy of these infections. For example, studies of experimental meningitis in rabbits demonstrated that the subarachnoid space is deficient in local host defenses, a finding that explains why only bactericidal antibiotic regimens are effective in treating this disease; studies of the efficacy of corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy for meningitis yielded data indicating that both beneficial and detrimental effects on the host are imparted by these compounds. These and a number of other key investigations of experimental meningitis and brain abscess, the results of these investigations, and the clinical significance of these results are presented in this article.


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A 20-year old Swiss Warmblood mare was referred to the Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine with a history of poor performance, coughing and ataxia and hindlimb weakness which progressed to recumbency. Lung auscultation revealed pronounced wheezing, blood work showed signs of chronic inflammation and increased bone turnover and thoracic ultrasound indicated patchy pulmonary consolidation. Cerebrospinal fluid revealed only mild, unspecific changes allowing exclusion of meningoencephalomyelitis and clinically relevant bleeding. Despite medical treatment and support in a sling the mare did not improve and was euthanized. Necropsy revealed a poorly demarcated, non-encapsulated and invasively growing mass dorsally in the musculature at the level of the forth cervical vertebra (C4) infiltrating the vertebral body and the spinal canal at the level of C1–C2. Multiple nodular, firm masses were present in all lobes of the lung and appeared to be mainly located in vessels. Histologically the masses were composed of spindle cells with marked anisocytosis, anisocaryosis, a high mitotic activity and showed invasive growth. These neoplastic cells stained positive for CD31, an endothelial cell marker, which confirmed diagnosis of a hemangiosarcoma. Definite ante mortem diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma, which is rare in horses, is challenging. Besides the vertebral localization, disseminated, locally invasive and cutaneous forms of hemangiosarcoma exist and can be either acquired or congenital. Prognosis for equine hemangiosarcoma and response to treatment are usually poor and progression of clinical signs is rapid. Vertebral hemangiosarcoma is an uncommon cause of spinal ataxia in horses.


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Streptococcus pneumoniaebacteria can be characterized into over 90 serotypes according to the composition of their polysaccharide capsules. Some serotypes are common in nasopharyngeal carriage whereas others are associated with invasive disease, but when carriage serotypes do invade disease is often particularly severe. It is unknown whether disease severity is due directly to the capsule type or to other virulence factors. Here, we used a clinical pneumococcal isolate and its capsule-switch mutants to determine the effect of capsule, in isolation from the genetic background, on severity of meningitis in an infant rat model. We found that possession of a capsule was essential for causing meningitis. Serotype 6B caused significantly more mortality than 7F and this correlated with increased capsule thickness in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), a stronger inflammatory cytokine response in the CSF and ultimately more cortical brain damage. We conclude that capsule type has a direct effect on meningitis severity. This is an important consideration in the current era of vaccination targeting a subset of capsule types that causes serotype replacement.