936 resultados para Soja - Cultivo - Piracicaba(SP)


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O Brasil é o segundo produtor mundial de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] e o sétimo de óleo vegetal. A produção brasileira desta oleaginosa alcançou 61 milhões de toneladas na safra 2007/08 e projeta-se, para 2020, produção de 105 milhões de toneladas. O consumo de biodiesel em 2008 representou um milhão de toneladas e a demanda por este biocombustível deverá atingir 3,1 milhões de toneladas em 2020. Para atender esta demanda haverá ampliação da área plantada principalmente na região Centro-Oeste, mas também exigirá esforços no aumento de produtividade. Visando melhor conhecimento das inferências das variáveis climáticas temperatura e radiação global sobre o desenvolvimento da soja e sua produtividade de grãos e óleo, foi proposto um modelo estocástico com distribuição normal truncada para os dados de temperatura máxima, mínima e média. Também foi incluído neste modelo distribuição triangular assimétrica para determinação da produtividade de óleo mais provável. Foram estipuladas oito datas de semeadura para a localidade de Piracicaba/SP onde está localizada a estação meteorológica da ESALQ/USP, fornecedora dos dados climáticos utilizados neste estudo. Conclui-se que: (i) ao longo das datas de semeadura houve redução do ciclo com o aumento da temperatura média; (ii) a redução do ciclo da cultura de soja interferiu nas produtividades de grãos e de óleo; (iii) a radiação global média nos trinta dias após a antese refletiram-se na partição de fotoassimilados e na produtividade de grãos e óleo; (iv) os modelos estocásticos podem ser utilizados para a previsão das produtividades de soja e óleo.


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Sugar cane production is of the utmost importance to the economy of the entire Brazil, due to its multiple utility, being used as the raw material for the manufacture of various items, particularly, sugar and alcohol. In areas of sugarcane monoculture, the appropriate management of soils and water is essential, not only for the maintenance of the quality of the environment, but also for the quality of life of the population. Among the main impacts generated by the cultivation of sugar cane, stands out the withdrawal of the riparian forest, which is essential to the balance and maintenance of the ecosystem. Before that, the present work aimed at mapping the environmentally vulnerable areas in the basin of a tributary of the Corumbataí river, located in the district Santa Olímpia, in the city of Piracicaba-SP. For the purpose, techniques were used in Geoprocessing, aiming to produce thematic maps of Slope, for the Use and Occupation of Land, of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), Soil and Geological of the basin of interest. From these mappings, the analysis was performed multi-criteria, which resulted in the Map of Environmental Vulnerability. This mapping environmental assessment of the study area, indicating proposals of practices for the management and conservation of soil and water resources, for the purpose of improving the environmental quality of the analyzed area. In this way, the research of this nature, may help in the decision-making on the part of the governmental bodies as well as civil society


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A busca por novas fontes de energia é consequência do aumento da demanda de energia consumida no mundo. Com a instabilidade política dos países detentores das maiores reservas de combustíveis fósseis e a eminência do esgotamento dos recursos naturais surge a preocupação de produzir uma energia mais limpa, desta forma, surgem os estudos com a biomassa, no caso, a cana de açúcar. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo entender as relações do cultivo cana e da produção de etanol, caracterizando seus impactos socioambientais. Além disso, procura demonstrar a manifestação de um dos efeitos negativos gerados na fase agrícola. A prática da queima da cana é muito antiga, porém ainda muito utilizada. Esta gera efeitos diretos na saúde do trabalhador e da população, neste sentido, procuramos saber se a população está ciente desta prática e das suas implicações. Portanto, esta pesquisa justifica-se para colaborar com os estudos ligados a produção de energias mais limpas, para alcançar o desenvolvimento sustentável


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Este estudo analisa os fatores, as tendências e as fundamentações jurídico-ideológicas que permeiam as decisões judiciais em Ações Civis Públicas, impetradas pelo Ministério Público do Estado de São Paulo (MPSP) e Federal (MPF), requerendo a proibição imediata da queima da palha de cana-de-açúcar, na região de Piracicaba/SP. Para isso, foram levantadas, junto aos órgãos jurisdicionais da cidade de Piracicaba, as Ações Civis Públicas impetradas em face de grandes usinas e agropecuárias dedicadas ao cultivo e industrialização da cana-de-açúcar, requerendo a proibição da queima da palha na lavoura desde o advento da Lei nº 7.347 de 1985 até 2014, ano em que finalizou-se a pesquisa empírica desta dissertação. Nesses padrões, a pesquisa arrojou a existência de quatro processos, dos quais foram extraídas para análise a totalidade de vinte-e-um (21) manifestações judiciais. O marco teórico-metodológico empregado foi a abordagem marxista da filosofia da linguagem, perspectiva capaz de proporcionar uma fecunda imersão não só no que se diz, mas nas condições de produção desse dizer, valorizando a função socioideológica da palavra, permitindo vislumbrar a visão social de mundo de quem a emprega ou do grupo social ao qual o autor pode ou não pertencer (VOLOCHINOV,1929; GOLDMANN, 1979). Conclui-se que, nos pleitos judiciais pela proibição imediata da queima da cana-de-açúcar em Piracicaba/SP, o Poder Judiciário se mostra majoritariamente conservador, arguindo e decidindo pela continuidade da prática em evidente defesa do setor sucroalcooleiro. No entanto, se reconhece a importância do tímido mas importante viés progressista por parte do judiciário, uma vez que somente nas contradições presentes nas diferentes práxis jurídicas pode avançar-se no processo permanente de construção de um direito comprometido com a obtenção de igualdade e justiça social.


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Estudo nas empresas exportadoras de Piracicaaba-SP, verificando a ocorrência de solicitações de comprovação de conformidade a normas de segurança e saúd no trabalho e a padrões trabalhistas como pré-requisito para a exportação dos produtos; a obtençaõ de vantagens comerciais decorrentes de conformidade com normas de segurança e saúde no trabalho; a conformidade destas empresas em relação a itens selecionados da legislação nacional e perfil destas empresas de acordo com os parâmetros escolhidos


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As criteria in photointerpretation slope features, tonality, texture, structure, vegetation density and gullies were utilized. The origin of the surficial formations is related to the weathering, erosion and deposition processes and little diagenesis.-after English summary


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The results indicated potassium as the most important for the discrimination between groups of samples, followed by magnesium, calcium and sodium. As the area has been under intense sugar cane industrialisation, the soil and the river waters of the region receive a high content of vinasse rich in potassium. -from English summary


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Study model: observacional, retrospective. Objective: to determine the frequence of the ametropic errors and other ocular problems in children with 2 to 8 year-old at Piracicaba - SP. Patients and Method: During the school year of 2000, 1001 children enrolled at the public schools of Piracicaba - SP, age ranged from 2 to 8 years old, were referred to complete ophthalmological exam. Visual acuity was previously determined using Snellen chart, applied by school teachers. Those children presenting visual acuity equal or less than 0.8, visual complaints or visual disorders were selected to appointment. Results: 51 children (5.09%) did not attended to examination. 950 children were submitted to complete ophthalmological exam. Ametropic errors were found 70.84% of the children. The most prevalent refractive errors were Hypermetropic Astigmatism (49.62%) and Hypermetropia (32,98%). Anisometropia was found in 1.78% children. Other ocular disabilities accounted for 10.21% of the examined children, such as strabismus (3.36%), eyelid changes, allergic conjunctivitis, congenital dacryostenosis, optic atrophy, corioretinitis and congenital glaucoma. Conclusion: The frequence of ocular problems observed let us to conclude the screening programs are valid surveys on decreasing rates of preventable blindness in our country.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the damage potential of Dasineura sp. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in the pepper cultivars and show its occurrence in Piracicaba, SP. This experiment was carried out from July to November 1998. The occurrence and damages pest in the fruits were determined by weekly evaluations of pepper hybrids, 'Magali R.' larvals were collected from floral buttons and adults were collected from the incubation of buttons in humidity chamber. Healthy and infested fruits were evaluated for damages caused by pest insects. The results indicated that the damages can reach 100% in some periods of evaluation and that the production losses are significantly high with no application of insecticides. The taxonomy study was performed at National Museum of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The insect species classification will be the object of study since there is a possibility of observing a specie not described yet.


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This paper presents the results from lineal trend surface analysis technique application. The purpose was to detect positive and negative anomalies in the rain measure distribution obtained by the meteorological radar Doppler, band S, located in Bauru, during the period of 21 of October/2004 to 29 of April/2005 in the areas of Assis and Piracicaba. Using three Z-R radar relations for rain quantification was chosen the specific equation Z = 32R1,65, as the best one. The results showed that the applied methodology was able to indicate the space distribution of the rain accumulated, identifying and locating the regions where there was rainy excess and rainy lack during each analyzed period. Such results indicate areas with larger pluvial impact and consequently more favorable for environmental damages.


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Although the management of the coffee crop is well established in Brazil, there is still room for its improvement in relation natural resources available in each region, aiming the increase in productivity. Here are presented results regarding the fate of the fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a coffee plantation related to the prevailing soil water conditions. Soil water balances are discussed, which allowed evaluation of the root distribution, determinations of the crop coefficient and of the soil water conditions during the development of the crop. Approximately, 60% of the root system was distributed in the 0-0.3 m soil layer and the average crop coefficient was 1.1 for 3 to 5 year old plants. Using an N label, the 15N, it was possible to study the distribution of N in the plant and in the soil and establishes general N balances, which also include losses like leaching and volatilization. After two years of ammonium sulfate application, at rates of 280 (1st year) and 350 (2nd year) kg.ha-1 of N, in four equal application performed during the period of positive growth rate, the recuperation of fertilizer N were 19.1% by the aerial plant part and 9.4% by the roots, 12.6% remained in the soil and 11.2% in the litter; 0.9% was lost by volatilization and 2.3% by leaching; 26.3% was exported through harvesting and 18.2% remained in non evaluated compartments. From the applied 630 kg.ha -1 of N during the two years, 180 kg.ha -1 of N were found in the plant (shoot and root), which corresponds to 28.6%; 150 kg.ha -1 of N remained available for the next years(soil and litter), and only 20 kg.ha -1 of N were effectively lost (volatilization and leaching).


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The Permian-Carboniferous Itararé Group is one complexe lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, southeastern Brazil, typically marked by discontinuity of its lithofacies. Under the exploratory point of view, the unit represents one of the most significant intervals of the basin, since several occurrences of mineral and energetic resources are associated to it, as groundwater, petroleum and coal. The prospection and exploitation of these resources depend on a good understanding of the stratigraphic architecture and the paleogeography. There are many contributions on the specialized literature which deal with this subject, although the regions of Limeira and Piracicaba (superior portion of the unit) still lack new investigations, which may contribute to the understanding of its lithofacies and related sedimentary processes. It was analyzed the sedimentary sets pilling up, followed by stratigraphic correlations between the two regions. Moreover, from sedimentary structures, it was made paleocurrent measurement with the purpose of obtaining indicative patterns of the sedimentary polarity, contributing for the comprehension of the paleogeography. Recent studies in the Domo de Pitanga region (between Rio Claro and Piracicaba cities) and in the Corumbataí river drainage basin, were taken also as basis for possible correlations. It was obtained a frame of the lithofacies arrangement, their vertical and lateral relations, as well as their depositional polarities.