981 resultados para Socio-spatial segregation. Periphery. Violence
The neighborhood of Nossa Senhora da Apresentação emerged in the 1970s, with its origins linked to housing policies carried out during the Brazilian Military Regime (1964-1985) by the Company Housing (COHAB) subordinated to the National Housing Bank (BNH). In this sense, the neighborhood is considered a periphery, located in the northern part of the city. With a large territory and population, it is considered the largest neighborhood in the state capital Natal - and its metropolitan area. The neighborhood also represents an urban space that presents social, economic and structural contrasts among them violence. The neighborhood is the leader in homicide rates in the capital. Therefore, the following study, based on empirical analysis of three distinct spaces within the neighborhood, aims to analyze how social actors perceive their own neighborhood and, specifically, segregation and violence. As this work shows, these two instances of urban life are not separated in the discourse of the residents. The main contribution of this work is the analysis of the impact of those views on the construction of social stigmas, reproduced within the neighborhood, on the fragmentation of the social and spatial fabric, and on the formation of poor and elitist spaces within the neighborhood, confirming the hypothesis that we are facing a New Urban Periphery
"Conhecer o Mar dos Açores III - Fórum científico de apoio à decisão". Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional João José da Graça, Horta, Faial, Açores, 19-20 de setembro de 2013.
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos
Pimelodella taenioptera Miranda Ribeiro, 1914 and Imparfinis schubarti (Gomes, 1956) are two of the most common fish species in Bodoquena Plateau streams, Paraguay basin. These species have benthic habits and subaquatical observations suggested that they present differentiation in their preference for mesohabitat types. Pimelodella taenioptera shows preference for slow waters, such as pools, while I. schubarti is associated to riffles. In this study we investigated if the known patterns of mesohabitat use of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti can be predict by their ecomorphological and trophic traits. We described the dietary habits and ecomorphological attributes of P. taenioptera and I. schubarti individuals, captured in the Parque Nacional da Serra da Bodoquena (PNSB), Mato Grosso do Sul state, central Brazil. Pimelodella taenioptera presented a more generalist diet, consuming a total of 23 different food items. Imparfinis schubarti have a diet based exclusively on aquatic insects. The ecomorphological analysis revealed that the species differed in relation to five morphological traits associated to habitat use (p <0.01). The results of this study reveal a clear functional dissimilarity between P. taenioptera and I. shubarti. The observed trophic and ecomorphological patterns are congruent with the known habitat use for these species and probably reflect the spatial and temporal variability on conditions and resources present in riffles and pools. Therefore, as expected, the morphological and feeding attributes represent predictive information related to mesohabitat use.
One way of exploring the power of sound in the experience and constitution of space is through the phenomenon of personal listening devices (PLDs) in public environments. In this thesis, I draw from in-depth interviews with eleven Brock University students in S1. Catharines, Ontario, to show how PLDs (such as MP3 players like the iPod) are used to create personalized soundscapes and mediate their public transit journeys. I discuss how my interview participants experience the space-time of public transit, and show how PLDs are used to mediate these experiences in acoustic and non-acoustic ways. PLD use demonstrates that acoustic and environmental experiences are co-constitutive, which highlights a kinaesthetic quality of the transit-space. My empirical findings show that PLDs transform space, particularly by overlapping public and private appropriations of the bus. I use these empirical findings to discuss the PLD phenomenon in the theoretical context of spatiality, and more specifically, acoustic space. J develop the ontological notion of acoustic space, stating that space shares many of the properties of sound, and argue that sound is a rich epistemological tool for understanding and explaining our everyday experiences.
Anlass der Untersuchung sind Verstärkungen von strukturwandel- und globalisierungsbedingten Wandlungen unter Schrumpfungs- und Stagnationsbedingungen. Denn Stagnations- und Schrumpfungstendenzen in einer Region sind selektiv, sie begünstigen über verschiedene Mechanismen Polarisierungen und Marginalisierungen: Die allgemeine Entspannung am Wohnungsmarkt hat erhöhte Mobilität und damit sozialräumliche Segregierungen und Polarisierungen der Wohnungsversorgung zur Folge. Leerstände und ausbleibende Investitionen begünstigen Polarisierungen von baulich-räumlichen Qualitäten. Diese beiden Entwicklungen überlagern sich im Stadtraum und verstärken sich gegenseitig. Dabei verbessert sich die Wohnungsversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum, so die Ausgangshypothesen. Die Untersuchung fragt nach den Wirkungen des Nebeneinanders von Wachstums-, Stagnations- und Schrumpfungserscheinungen auf unterschiedlichen Maßstabsebenen, dem Zusammenspiel von sozialstrukturellen und qualitativen Veränderungen der baulich-räumlichen Gegebenheiten in den Quartieren sowie in innerstädtischer Differenzierung. Dabei interessieren besonders die Einflüsse eines regional entspannten Wohnungsmarktes und dessen Folgen für die Verwertungsstrategien im Wohnungsbestand auf Segregationsprozesse und die Wohnungsversorgung. Als Fallbeispiel der Untersuchung dient die Stadt Kassel. Der sozialräumliche Fokus liegt auf drei Typen benachteiligter Quartiere: Neben den in der aktuellen Diskussion zumeist betrachteten gründerzeitlichen Arbeiterquartieren und den Großsiedlungen der 1960/70er Jahre wurden auch die peripheren Geschosswohnungsbausiedlungen der 1950er/60er Jahre in die Untersuchung einbezogen, um den unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen und Wirkungen in den Quartierstypen auf die Spur zu kommen und damit letztlich Grundlagen für stadtentwicklungspolitische Strategien zu erarbeiten. Die kleinräumigen Analysen von sozialräumlicher und baulich-räumlicher Struktur sowie zur Wohnungsversorgung deckten Parallelen und gegenläufige Entwicklungen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Quartierstypen auf; es ergaben sich verschiedene Anhaltspunkte zur Erhärtung der Ausgangsthesen. So wurde z.B. deutlich, dass sich unter den Marktbedingungen stagnierender Städte die Wohnflächenversorgung in den benachteiligten Quartieren kaum verbessert. Hierin zeigt sich ein entscheidender Unterschied zu stark schrumpfenden Städten, in denen sich die Versorgungslage (fast) durchgängig verbessert. Wohnungsmarktbarrieren wirken offensichtlich unter Stagnationsbedingungen für bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen weiter. Da sich ihre Wirkung aber für weitere Kreise der Bevölkerung abschwächt, verschärfen sich sozialräumliche Konzentrationen. Vor allem aber wurden Überlagerung und gegenseitige Verstärkung dieser sozialräumlichen mit baulich-räumlichen Polarisierungen deutlich, die vor allem aus stadträumlich konzentrierten Investitionen in den Gebäude- und Wohnungsbestand resultieren. Letztlich zeigt sich damit, dass regulierende Eingriffe nicht nur im Rahmen des Umbaus und der Erneuerung der Quartiere erforderlich sind, sondern insbesondere auch in den Wohnungsmarkt und dies auch bei entspannter regionaler Marktlage. Andernfalls ist weder eine angemessene Wohnungsversorgung aller Bevölkerungsgruppen noch der Zusammenhalt der Stadt(Gesellschaft) zu gewährleisten. Dabei ist die Stadtpolitik permanent mit der Gleichzeitigkeit von (wirtschaftlicher) Standortpolitik und sozialer Stadtentwicklung konfrontiert, die sie im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gegeneinander und miteinander abwägen muss.
El presente trabajo es una reflexión alrededor de la evolución del espacio urbano de la Ciudad de Bogotá con el fin de evidenciar la incidencia que tienen para el hábitat y la calidad de vida, algunos factores de segregación socio espacial que aparentemente han incidido en la movilidad y la cohesión social. Igualmente, analizar las políticas públicas que se han llevado a cabo con el propósito de disminuir tal segregación. Se busca con ello, contribuir con las bases para la construcción de alternativas que permitan disminuir los factores que promueven la segregación en el territorio.
Includes bibliography
O presente estudo tem como objeto a análise da produção do espaço no interior da cidade capitalista, ratificado historicamente por meio da lógica de desigualdade social que perversamente estabelece a disparidade existente na distribuição de serviços públicos e habitações, através do acesso desigual à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos, estabelecendo um quadro tenso e contraditório de segregação socioespacial vivenciado por uma grande massa de trabalhadores. Tendo como objetivo apreender o processo de reprodução social dos trabalhadores residentes no Conjunto Parque Modelo II, bairro Curuçambá, no município de Ananindeua a partir das condições de acesso à moradia, infraestrutura e serviços coletivos que definem o processo de segregação socioespacial naquela área. Neste sentido, para que se alcançasse o objetivo proposto pelo trabalho, inicialmente foi desenvolvida pesquisa bibliográfica que subsidiasse a reconstrução sócio - histórica do espaço urbano no município de Ananindeua e no bairro Curuçambá, e posteriormente foi realizada pesquisa de campo estruturada por meio de formulários aplicados junto a uma amostra de 64 (sessenta e quatro) famílias residentes no Conjunto, buscando-se o levantamento de dados que possibilitasse a posterior interpretação das informações obtidas. Com base nos dados, informações e nas análises realizadas, constatou-se que o Conjunto Parque Modelo II em sua gênese e desenvolvimento acompanha a expansão do núcleo urbano central de Ananindeua, sendo constituído em sua maioria por uma população migrante que busca moradia na área visando melhores condições de vida e sobrevivência, por não possuir condições materiais (renda e trabalho) para se instalar ou se manter no centro ou em áreas próximas, e por isso se reproduzem a partir da convivência cotidiana com a violência, ausência de infraestrutura, serviços e equipamentos urbanos precários e da consequente não satisfação de necessidades básicas que revelam a essência do quadro socioeconômico de segregação socioespacial.
This work consists of making an intervention project in the urban periphery to ease the socio-spatial segregation and modify an area by the guidelines that were established in the Final Work Undergraduate II, thus a continuation of the entire study ever conducted on the Jardim Kantian Itapeva-SP. The study site is an example of socio-spatial segregation, due to lack of government interventions before the actions of real estate agents. Forcing a portion of the lower income population to occupy the same space with the existence of possible spaces to be occupied near the downtown area. The intervention connects the new with the existing, creating a unique space, which the new does not exclude the other portion of the population, but complements, thus contributing to improving the urban environment and, consequently, of people's lives
Farm animals may serve as models for evaluating social networks in a controlled environment. We used an automated system to track, at fine temporal and spatial resolution (once per minute, +/- 50 cm) every individual in six herds of dairy cows (Bos taurus). We then analysed the data using social network analyses. Relationships were based on non-random attachment and avoidance relationships in respect to synchronous use and distances observed in three different functional areas (activity, feeding and lying). We found that neither synchrony nor distance between cows was strongly predictable among the three functional areas. The emerging social networks were tightly knit for attachment relationships and less dense for avoidance relationships. These networks loosened up from the feeding and lying area to the activity area, and were less dense for relationships based on synchronicity than on median distance with respect to node degree, relative size of the largest cluster, density and diameter of the network. In addition, synchronicity was higher in dyads of dairy cows that had grown up together and shared their last dry period. This last effect disappeared with increasing herd size. Dairy herds can be characterized by one strongly clustered network including most of the herd members with many non-random attachment and avoidance relationships. Closely synchronous dyads were composed of cows with more intense previous contact. The automatic tracking of a large number of individuals proved promising in acquiring the data necessary for tackling social network analyses.
Proteolysis of short N alpha-protected peptide substrates bound to polyoxyethylene-polystyrene beads releases selectively free amino sites in the enzyme-accessible "surface" area. The substantial majority of functional sites in the "interior" of the polymeric support are not reached by the enzyme and remain uncleaved (protected). Subsequent synthesis with two classes of orthogonal protecting groups-N alpha-tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc) and N alpha-9-fluorenylmethyloxy-carbonyl (Fmoc)-allows generation of two structures on the same bead. The surface structure is available for receptor interactions, whereas the corresponding interior structure is used for coding. Coding structures are usually readily sequenceable peptides. This "shaving" methodology was illustrated by the preparation of a peptide-encoded model peptide combinatorial library containing 1.0 x 10(5) members at approximately 6-fold degeneracy. From this single library, good ligands were selected for three different receptors: anti-beta-endorphin anti-body, streptavidin, and thrombin, and the binding structures were deduced correctly by sequencing the coding peptides present on the same beads.