998 resultados para Sir Mark Oliphant


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 The doctoral work is divided into two parts: an exegesis dealing analytically with the idea of writing nonfiction works about scientists and a creative nonfiction work on the Australian scientist Sir Mark Oliphant encompassing also the practice of science, its culture, its politics and its intellectual arguments.


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Australian physicist Mark Oliphant came to hold two oppositional views, both pro and anti nuclear weapons research. This, together with the dimensions of his ‘larger than life’ personality, impacted on his scientific reputation in the fall-out of Australia’s ‘McCarthyism’. Despite his bullying the Americans into funding the A-Bomb project, the atomic juggernaut unleashed on the world caused Oliphant to rethink his role as a scientist. Oliphant clashed with American hegemony and the Menzies Government’s duplication of the ‘Reds under the Bed’ paranoia in Australia in the 1950s. His outspokenness on the danger of nuclear proliferation found him out of step with the changed political climate of the Cold War. Drawing on neglected archival material and using a Brechtian theatrical mode, my play Ion Man’s Adventures in Atomic Wonderland investigates the tragic dimensions of a man who never fully understood, as Thomas Kuhn explained (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions), that scientific research is determined as much by politics and ideology as by the desire to understand the world.


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Vol. II has introduction by Stéphen Pichon and a character sketch of the late Sir Mark Sykes.

Motion for a Resolution tabled by Abens, Adam, Agnelli, Albers, von Alemann, Arfe', Arndt, Balfe, Balfour, Bangemann, Barbagli, Barbarella, Barbi, Battersby, Berkhouwer, Berlinguer, Bethell, Bettiza, Bonaccini, Bonino, Bournias, Brandt, Brookes, Calvez, Cardia, Carettoni-Romagnoli, Cariglia, Carossino, Cassanmagnago Cerretti, Sir F. Catherwood, Cecovini, Ceravolo, Cinciari Rodano, Colla, Collins, Craxi, Curry, Dalziel, Damseaux, Dankert, De Clercq, De Gucht, Dekker, Del Duca, Delmotte, De Pasquale, Diana, Dido', Dimopoulos, Eisma, Enright, Fanti, Faure Edgar, Fellermaier, Fergusson, Ferri, Focke, Forster, Franghos, Friedrich Bruno, Gabert, Gaiotti de Biase, Gallagher, Galuzzi, Gatto, Gautier, Gendebien, Geurtsen, Giavazzi, Glinne, de Goede, Gouthier, Haagerup, Hansch, Hamilius, Herklotz, van den Heuvel, Hoff, Hooper, Hopper, Ippolito, Irmer, Jackson Christopher, Jackson Robert, Johnson, Jurgens, Katsafados, Kellet-Bowman Edward, Klinkenborg, Krouwel-Vlam, Kuhn, Lange, Leonardi, Lezzi, Lima, Linde, Linkohr, Lizin, Louwes, Macario, Mc Cartin, Macciocchi, Maher, Marshall, Mart, van Minnen, Modiano, Muntingh, Nicolson, Nielsen Tove, Nord, Normanton, O'Connell, O'Hagan, Orlandi, Pajetta, Pannella, Papapietro, Patterson, Pelikan, Pesmazoglou, Peters, Pfennig, Pininfarina, Prag, Provan, Pruvot, Puletti, Purvis, Radoux, Rieger, Ripa de Meana, Roberts, Ruffolo, Salisch, Sassano, Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Schieler, Schinzel, Schmid, Schon Karl, Schon Konrad, Schwencke, Scrivener, Seefeld, Seeler, Segre, Seibel-Emmerling, Seligman, Sherlock, Sieglerschmidt, Simpson, Spaak, Spencer, Spinelli, Squarcialupi, Taylor John David, Taylor John Mark, Travaglini, Tuckman, Turner, Vandemeulebroucke, Vandewiele, Van Miert, Vanneck, Veronesi, Vetter, Viehoff, Visentini, Vitale, Voyadzis, von der Vring, Visas, Sir Fred Warner, Weber, Welsh, Wettig, Wieczorek-Zeul, Zagari on the setting up of an ad hoc committee to draw up proposals concerning the progress and development of the Community. Working Documents 1980-1981, Document 1-889/80/rev., 6 June 1981


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Christian Cardell Corbet, a descendant of Guernsey, Channel Islands, was born in 1966 at Pickering Beach on Lake Ontario. He developed his talents as a landscape artist and at the young age of 14 he began his informal education in commercial signage from his paternal grandfather. He studied at the University of Guelph and McMaster University Anatomy Laboratory. Corbet traveled to England where he began to experiment more in abstraction and non-objective work. In 1995, he presented a portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at Clarence House. This brought his career to an international level. He also creates two-dimensional works and has received acclaim for his bronze art medallions. He has gained international recognition as a Forensic Artist working as Artist in Residence for the University of Western Ontario. He does facial reconstructions for special assignments. These original drawings relate to a sculpted medallion of Brock which was authorized by Sir Geoffrey Rowland, Bailiff, Guernsey, Channel Islands and Minister of Education of the States of Guernsey. This is the first time in known recorded history that a forensic analysis and sculpture has been created to accurately depict the facial likeness of Sir Isaac Brock. This project has been established to mark the 2012 anniversary of the death of Brock.


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Resumen: Descripción: retrato de tres cuartos de figura de frente, mirando ligeramente hacia la izquierda. Con la mano derecha nos muestra una pequeña bola


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Resumen: Descripción: retrato de Lady Sara de cuerpo entero y perfil, ofreciendo un anillo en un pebetero; al lado, de rodillas una sirvienta le vierte agua de una jarra


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Resumen: Descripción: retrato de niña de cuerpo entero y de frente en un bosque. Con la mano derecha atusa la cabeza de un perro y con la izqda. se recoge el faldón del vestido


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