1000 resultados para Silver Nanorods


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In this work, we have prepared Ag-nanorods using biscationic gemini surfactant micelles as the media by a seed-mediated wet synthesis method. Towards this end, we first synthesized Ag-nanoseeds of diameter similar to 7 nm stabilized by trisodium citrate (as the capping agent). Then these Ag-nanoseeds were used to synthesize Ag-nanorods of different aspect ratios. With decreasing Ag-nanoseed concentration, the aspect ratios of the Ag-nanorods stabilized by these gemini surfactants increased gradually. Various Ag-nanoseeds and Ag-nanospecies were characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy (to know the surface plasmon bands), transmission electron microscopy (to find out their particle sizes and distribution), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. When we used micelles derived from gemini surfactants of shorter spacer-(CH(2))(n)-(n = 2 or 4) to stabilize the Ag-nanorods, the lambda(max) of the longitudinal band shifted more towards the blue region compared to that of the gemini surfactant micelles with a longer spacer-(CH(2))(n)-(n = 5, 12) at a given amount of the Ag-nanoseed solution. So, the growth of Ag-nanorods in the gemini micellar solutions depends on the spacer-chain length of gemini surfactants employed.


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In this paper, we for the first time report a polyol method for large-scale synthesis of rectangular silver nanorods in the presence of directing agent and seeds. This method has some clear advantages including simplicity, high quality, and ease of scaleup. Silver nanowires or silver nanorods with a submicrometer diameter could also be facilely prepared when the reaction parameters are slightly changed. Furthermore, a liquid-liquid assembly strategy has been employed to construct uniform rectangular silver nanorod arrays on a solid substrate which could be used as surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates with high SERS activity, stability, and reproducibility. It is found that the SERS spectra obtained from the probe molecules with the different concentrations show different SERS intensifies. As the concentration of 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) or rhodamine 6G (R6G) increases, the SERS intensities progressively increase. The enhancement factor for 4-ATP and R6G should be as large as 5.06 x 10(4) or much larger than the value of 5.06 x 10(8), respectively.


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Silver nanorods have been grown by electrodeposition into thin film porous alumina templates (AAO). Optical transmission measurements using p-polarized incident white light shows clear plasmon resonance extinction peaks. We successfully model the dependence on angle in incidence of extinction peak height and position using a multiple-multipoles (MMP) approach with the different spectral features being clearly associated with the effective electric field distribution and coupling between individual nanorods.


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Plasmonen sind die kollektive resonante Anregung von Leitungselektronen. Vom Licht angeregternPlasmonen in subwellenlängen-grossen Nanopartikeln heissen Partikelplasmonen und sind vielversprechende Kandidaten für zukünftige Mikrosensoren wegen der starken Abhängigkeit der Resonanz an extern steuerbaren Parametern, wie die optischen Eigenschaften des umgebenden Mediums und die elektrische Ladung der Nanopartikel. Die extrem hohe Streue_zienz von Partikelplasmonen erlaubt eine einfache Beobachtung einzelner Nanopartikel in einem Mikroskop.rnDie Anforderung, schnell eine statistisch relevante Anzahl von Datenpunkten sammeln zu können,rnund die wachsende Bedeutung von plasmonischen (vor allem Gold-) Nanopartikeln für Anwendungenrnin der Medizin, hat nach der Entwicklung von automatisierten Mikroskopen gedrängt, die im bis dahin nur teilweise abgedeckten spektralen Fenster der biologischen Gewebe (biologisches Fenster) von 650 bis 900nm messen können. Ich stelle in dieser Arbeit das Plasmoscope vor, das genau unter Beobachtung der genannten Anforderungen entworfen wurde, in dem (1) ein einstellbarer Spalt in die Eingangsö_nung des Spektrometers, die mit der Bildebene des Mikroskops zusammenfällt, gesetzt wurde, und (2) einem Piezo Scantisch, der es ermöglicht, die Probe durch diesen schmalen Spalt abzurastern. Diese Verwirklichung vermeidet optische Elemente, die im nahen Infra-Rot absorbieren.rnMit dem Plasmoscope untersuche ich die plasmonische Sensitivität von Gold- und Silbernanostrnäbchen, d.h. die Plasmon-Resonanzverschiebung in Abhängigkeit mit der Änderung des umgebendenrnMediums. Die Sensitivität ist das Mass dafür, wie gut die Nanopartikeln Materialänderungenrnin ihrer Umgebung detektieren können, und damit ist es immens wichtig zu wissen, welche Parameterrndie Sensitivität beein_ussen. Ich zeige hier, dass Silbernanostäbchen eine höhere Sensitivität alsrnGoldnanostäbchen innerhalb des biologischen Fensters besitzen, und darüberhinaus, dass die Sensitivität mit der Dicke der Stäbchen wächst. Ich stelle eine theoretische Diskussion der Sensitivitätrnvor, indenti_ziere die Materialparameter, die die Sensitivität bein_ussen und leite die entsprechendenrnFormeln her. In einer weiteren Annäherung präsentiere ich experimentelle Daten, die die theoretische Erkenntnis unterstützen, dass für Sensitivitätsmessschemata, die auch die Linienbreite mitberücksichtigen, Goldnanostäbchen mit einem Aspektverhältnis von 3 bis 4 das optimalste Ergebnis liefern. Verlässliche Sensoren müssen eine robuste Wiederholbarkeit aufweisen, die ich mit Gold- und Silbernanostäbchen untersuche.rnDie Plasmonen-resonanzwellenlänge hängt von folgenden intrinsischen Materialparametern ab:rnElektrondichte, Hintergrundpolarisierbarkeit und Relaxationszeit. Basierend auf meinen experimentellen Ergebnissen zeige ich, dass Nanostäbchen aus Kupfer-Gold-Legierung im Vergleich zu ähnlich geformten Goldnanostäbchen eine rotverschobene Resonanz haben, und in welcher Weiserndie Linienbreite mit der stochimetrischen Zusammensetzung der legierten Nanopartikeln variiert.rnDie Abhängigkeit der Linienbreite von der Materialzusammensetzung wird auch anhand von silberbeschichteten und unbeschichteten Goldnanostäbchen untersucht.rnHalbleiternanopartikeln sind Kandidaten für e_ziente photovoltaische Einrichtungen. Die Energieumwandlung erfordert eine Ladungstrennung, die mit dem Plasmoscope experimentell vermessen wird, in dem ich die lichtinduzierte Wachstumsdynamik von Goldsphären auf Halbleiternanost äbchen in einer Goldionenlösung durch die Messung der gestreuten Intensität verfolge.rn


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Plasmons in metal nanoparticles respond to changes in their local environment by a spectral shift in resonance. Here, the potential of plasmonic metal nanoparticles for label-free detection and observation of biological systems is presented. Comparing the material silver and gold concerning plasmonic sensitivity, silver nanoparticles exhibit a higher sensitivity but their chemical instability under light exposure limits general usage. A new approach combining results from optical dark-field microscopy and transmission electron microscopy allows localization and quantification of gold nanoparticles internalized into living cells. Nanorods exposing a negatively charged biocompatible polymer seem to be promising candidates to sense membrane fluctuations of adherent cells. Many small nanoparticles being specific sensing elements can build up a sensor for parallel analyte detection without need of labeling, which is easy to fabricate, re-usable, and has sensitivity down to nanomolar concentrations. Besides analyte detection, binding kinetics of various partner proteins interacting with one protein of interest are accessible in parallel. Gold nanoparticles are able to sense local oscillations in the surface density of proteins on a lipid bilayer, which could not be resolved so far. Studies on the fluorescently labeled system and the unlabeled system identify an influence of the label on the kinetics.


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Silver nanowires in large quantities can be obtained through a simple method in the absence of a surfactant or polymer and without addition of external seeding nanocrystallites. A plausible mechanism was proposed to elucidate the formation mechanism of silver nanowires based on TEM studies.


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An effective and facile method for fabrication of large area of aggregated gold nanorods (AuNRs) film was proposed by self-assembly of AuNRs at a toluene/water interface for the first time. It was found that large area of aggregated AuNRs film could be formed at the interface of toluene and water due to the interfacial tension between the two phases. The obtained large area of aggregated AuNRs film exhibits strong surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity with 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) and 2-aminothiophenol (2-ATP) as the probe molecules based on the strong electromagnetic coupling effect between the very adjacent AuNRs.


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We describe an aggregation-based growth mechanism for formation of silver nanowires at room temperature. It is found that the pH of solution and the concentration of L-cysteine capping molecules have an important effect on the formation and growth of nanowires. Characterization by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and UV-vis spectroscopy recorded as time clearly shows that the silver nanowires are grown at the expense of nanoparticles.


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In this paper, we report a facile method for the fabrication of type-I collagen-silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) multilayered films by utilizing type-I collagen as a medium. These samples were characterized by UV-vis spectra photometer, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform IR spectrum. Experimental results show that collagen molecules serve as effective templates to assemble Ag NPs into multilayer films. These samples exhibit high surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) enhancement abilities.


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Catalytic degradation of organic dye molecules has attracted extensive attention due to their high toxicity to water resources. In this paper, we propose a novel method for the fabrication of uniform silver-coated ZnO nanowire arrays. The degradation of typical dye molecule rhodamine 6G (R6G), as an example, is investigated in the presence of the as-prepared silver-coated ZnO nanowire arrays. The experimental results show that such composite nanostructures exhibit high catalytic activity, and the reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics. Furthermore, these nanowire arrays are desirable SERS substrates for monitoring the catalytic degradation of dye molecules. Compared with traditional UV-visible spectroscopy, SERS technology can reflect more truly the catalytic degradation process occurring on the surface of the catalysts.


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The controlled synthesis of bifunctional Au@Pt hybrid nanorods has been realized through a simple wet chemical approach. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and UV-vis-near infrared spectroscopy (UV-vis-NIR) were employed to characterize the obtained hybrid nanorods. TEM results indicate that the thickness of Pt nanoislands on the surfaces of gold nanorods can be easily tunable via controlling the molar ratio of An nanorods to the H2PtCl6. These Au@Pt hybrid nanorods have dual functions, which can be used not only for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), but also to exhibit good catalytic activity for 02 reduction. It is expected that these hybrid nanorods can be used as new functional building blocks to assemble novel three-dimensional (31)) complex multicomponent nanostructures, which are believed to be useful for electrochemical nanodevices.


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Novel silver-gold bimetallic nanostructures were prepared by seeding with silver nanoplates in the absence of any surfactants. During the synthesis process, it was found that the frameworks of silver nanoplates were normally kept though the basal plane of silver nanoplates became rugged. The real morphology of these nanostructures depended on the molar ratio of gold ions to the seed particles. When the molar ratio of gold ions to silver atoms increased from 0.5 to 4, porous or branched silver-gold bimetallic nanostructures could be made. The growth mechanism was qualitatively discussed based on template-engaged replacement reactions and seed-mediated deposition reactions. Due to the unusual structures, they exhibited interesting optical properties. Moreover, they were shown to be an active substrate for surface-enhanced Raman scattering measurements.


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A simple method has been developed to assemble gold nanoparticles to generate 1D assemblies by the assistance of silver ions. The lengths of nanoparticle chains can be controlled by adjusting the content of silver ions in the system. The assembly procedure of gold nanoparticles chains requires no template. The gold nanoparticle chains were characterized using TEM and XPS techniques.


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Four different sizes of citrate-protected silver nanoplates with the corresponding in-plane dipole resonance band at 530, 619, 778, and 858 nm, respectively, are synthesized for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) study. Their aggregation behaviors are monitored by use of UV-vis spectroscopy. During the aggregation process, a marked red shift of the in-plane dipole resonance of silver nanoplates is observed, whereas other resonance modes of them only have small alterations in the site or intensity. Aggregated silver nanoplates can serve as active SERS substrates with an enhancement factor of about 4.5 x 10(5) using 2-aminothiophenol as a probing molecule. The SERS performance of silver nanoplates is even superior to the commonly used Lee-Meisel silver colloid, making them very attractive for SERS applications.