168 resultados para Shipbuilding.
The aim of the present work is to investigate innovative processes within a geographical cluster, and thus contribute to the debate on the effects of industrial clusters on innovation capacity. In particular, we would like to ascertain whether the advantages of industrial districts in promoting innovation, as already revealed by literature (diffusion of knowledge, social capital and trust, efficient networking), are also keys to success in the Tuscan shipbuilding industry of pleasure and sporting boats. First, we verify the existence of clusters of shipbuilding in Tuscany, using a specific methodology. Next, in the identified clusters, we analyse three innovative networks financed in a policy to support innovation, and examine whether the typical features of a cluster for promoting innovation are at work, using a questionnaire administered to 71 actors. Finally, we develop a performance analysis of the cluster firms and ascertain whether their different behaviours also lead to different performances. The analysis results show that our case records effects of industrial clustering on innovation capacity, such as the important role given to trust and social capital, the significant worth put in interfirm relations and in each partner’s specific competencies, or even the distinctive performance of firms belonging to a cluster.
Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää minkälaisen verkoston Aker Yards Oy, kokonaistoimittajat ja kokonaistoimittajien alihankkijat muodostavat. Lisäksi arvioidaan verkostoriskit, joita Aker Yards Oy kohtaa toimiessaan verkostossa. Tutkimus suoritettiin tekemällä kysely verkostossa oleville kokonaistoimittajille sekä haastattelemalla kuutta henkilöä Aker Yards Oy:stä. Suhteita ja verkostoa analysoitiin tutkimalla verkoston yksittäisiä toimijoita sekä näiden välisiä suhteita. Riskejä analysoitiin tarkastelemalla niiden tunnistettuja syitä. Työn tuloksena on verkostokuva, joka piirrettiin kyselytulosten perusteella. Suhteiden ja verkoston analyysillä päädyttiin tehtäviin, joita Aker Yards Oy:n johdon tulisi toteuttaa, jotta verkostosta ja yksittäisistä toimittajista saataisiin irti mahdollisimman paljon. Lisäksi suhteita ja verkostoa käsiteltiin niiden tuloksellisen johtamisen näkökulmasta. Riskianalyysista saatiin tuloksena uhkaavimpien riskien arviointi.
The Arctic region becoming very active area of the industrial developments since it may contain approximately 15-25% of the hydrocarbon and other valuable natural resources which are in great demand nowadays. Harsh operation conditions make the Arctic region difficult to access due to low temperatures which can drop below -50 °C in winter and various additional loads. As a result, newer and modified metallic materials are implemented which can cause certain problems in welding them properly. Steel is still the most widely used material in the Arctic regions due to high mechanical properties, cheapness and manufacturability. Moreover, with recent steel manufacturing development it is possible to make up to 1100 MPa yield strength microalloyed high strength steel which can be operated at temperatures -60 °C possessing reasonable weldability, ductility and suitable impact toughness which is the most crucial property for the Arctic usability. For many years, the arc welding was the most dominant joining method of the metallic materials. Recently, other joining methods are successfully implemented into welding manufacturing due to growing industrial demands and one of them is the laser-arc hybrid welding. The laser-arc hybrid welding successfully combines the advantages and eliminates the disadvantages of the both joining methods therefore produce less distortions, reduce the need of edge preparation, generates narrower heat-affected zone, and increase welding speed or productivity significantly. Moreover, due to easy implementation of the filler wire, accordingly the mechanical properties of the joints can be manipulated in order to produce suitable quality. Moreover, with laser-arc hybrid welding it is possible to achieve matching weld metal compared to the base material even with the low alloying welding wires without excessive softening of the HAZ in the high strength steels. As a result, the laser-arc welding methods can be the most desired and dominating welding technology nowadays, and which is already operating in automotive and shipbuilding industries with a great success. However, in the future it can be extended to offshore, pipe-laying, and heavy equipment industries for arctic environment. CO2 and Nd:YAG laser sources in combination with gas metal arc source have been used widely in the past two decades. Recently, the fiber laser sources offered high power outputs with excellent beam quality, very high electrical efficiency, low maintenance expenses, and higher mobility due to fiber optics. As a result, fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers even more extended advantages and applications. However, the information about fiber or disk laser-arc hybrid welding is very limited. The objectives of the Master’s thesis are concentrated on the study of fiber laser-MAG hybrid welding parameters in order to understand resulting mechanical properties and quality of the welds. In this work only ferrous materials are reviewed. The qualitative methodological approach has been used to achieve the objectives. This study demonstrates that laser-arc hybrid welding is suitable for welding of many types, thicknesses and strength of steels with acceptable mechanical properties along very high productivity. New developments of the fiber laser-arc hybrid process offers extended capabilities over CO2 laser combined with the arc. This work can be used as guideline in hybrid welding technology with comprehensive study the effect of welding parameter on joint quality.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli hitsata tandem MAG –laitteistolla 25 mm paksua Ruukin E500 TMCP terästä. Työssä oli tarkoituksena vähentää railotilavuutta mahdollisimman paljon sekä suorittaa testihitsaukset 0.8 kJ/mm sekä 2.5 kJ/mm lämmöntuonneilla. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin Tandem MAG-hitsaukseen, sen tuottavuuteen ja laatukysymyksiin liittyviä asioita sekä siinä perehdyttiin suurlujuusteräksien käyttöön hitsauksessa sekä laivanrakennuksessa. Kokeellisessa osuudessa perehdyttiin hitsauksessa huomattuihin etuihin, ongelmiin sekä ongelmien ratkaisumahdollisuuksiin. Hitsausliitoksen mekaaniset ominaisuudet tutkittiin rikkomattomin sekä rikkovin menetelmin. Alustavat hitsausohjeet luotiin kummallekin lämmöntuonnille. Testaukset aloitettiin 30 º railokulmalla pienentäen kulmaa mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Testauksissa ei saatu hitsattua onnistuneesti alle 30 º railokulmalla. Hitsaustestien aikana huomattiin magneettisen puhalluksen vaikutus hitsaustapahtumaan. Kaasunvirtausnopeuden tuli olla tietyn suuruinen jotta palkokerrokset onnistuivat ilman huokoisuusongelmaa. Pienemmällä lämmöntuonnilla hitsattaessa kaasunvirtausnopeudet olivat tärkeämpiä hitsatessa ylempiä palkokerroksia. Kääntämällä hitsauspoltinta sivuttaissuunnassa 7-10 astetta auttoi ehkäisemään reunahaavan syntymistä. Rikkovista menetelmistä testitulokset olivat hyväksyttyjä kaikkien muiden paitsi päittäishitsin sivutaivutuskokeen osalta.
This thesis is part of the Arctic Materials Technologies Development –project. The research of the thesis was done in cooperation with Arctech Helsinki Shipyard, Lappeenranta University of Technology and Kemppi Oy. Focus of the thesis was to study narrow gap flux-cored arc welding of two high strength steels with three different groove angles of 20°, 10° and 5°. Welding of the 25 mm thick E500 TMCP and 10 mm thick EH36 steels was mechanized and Kemppi WisePenetration and WiseFusion processes were tested with E500 TMCP steel. EH36 steel test pieces were welded without Wise processes. Shielding gases chosen were carbon dioxide and a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. Welds were tested with non-destructive and destructive testing methods. Radiographic, visual, magnetic particle and liquid penetrant testing proved that welds were free from imperfections. After non-destructive testing, welds were tested with various destructive testing methods. Impact strength, bending, tensile strength and hardess tests proved that mechanized welding and Wise processes produced quality welds with narrower gap. More inconsistent results were achieved with test pieces welded without Wise processes. Impact test results of E500 TMCP exceeded the 50 J limit on weld, set by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. EH36 impact test results were much closer to the limiting values of 34 J on weld and 47 on HAZ. Hardness values of all test specimens were below the limiting values. Bend testing and tensile testing results fulfilled the the Register requirements. No cracking or failing occurred on bend test specimens and tensile test results exceeded the Register limits of 610 MPa for E500 TMCP and 490 MPa for EH36.
This issue of the Bulletin provides a brief overview of the maritime transport industry in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a focus on the behaviour of freight rates and the costs associated with chartering and shipbuilding, all of which increased sharply in 2003. Three separate markets will be analysed: 1) the containerized general cargo market; 2) the dry bulk cargo market and 3) the liquid bulk (crude oil and oil products) market. This study has incorporated contributions made by professional experts in the field and institutions associated with ports and maritime transport in the region, received subsequent to the study prepared and disseminated in January 2004.
Acourse focused on the acquisition of integration competencies in ship production engineering, organized in collaboration with selected industry partners, is presented in this paper. The first part of the course is dedicated to Project Management: the students acquire skills in defining, using MS-PROJECT, the work breakdown structure (WBS), and the organization breakdown structure (OBS) in Engineering projects, through a series of examples of increasing complexity with the final one being the construction planning of a vessel. The second part of the course is dedicated to the use of a database manager, MS-ACCESS, in managing production related information.Aseries of increasing complexity examples is treated, the final one being the management of the piping database of a real vessel. This database consists of several thousand pipes, for which a production timing frame is defined connecting this part of the course with the first one. Finally, the third part of the course is devoted to working withFORAN,an Engineering Production application developed bySENERand widely used in the shipbuilding industry. With this application, the structural elements where all the outfittings will be located are defined through cooperative work by the students, working simultaneously in the same 3D model. In this paper, specific details about the learning process are given. Surveys have been posed to the students in order to get feedback from their experience as well as to assess their satisfaction with the learning process, compared to more traditional ones. Results from these surveys are discussed in the paper.