990 resultados para Shahji, Raja of Satara.
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In this study the population structure and connectivity of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Raja clavata (L., 1758) were investigated by analyzing the genetic variation of six population samples (N = 144) at seven nuclear microsatellite loci. The genetic dataset was generated by selecting population samples available in the tissue databases of the GenoDREAM laboratory (University of Bologna) and of the Department of Life Sciences and Environment (University of Cagliari), all collected during past scientific surveys (MEDITS, GRUND) from different geographical locations in the Mediterranean basin and North-east Atlantic sea, as North Sea, Sardinian coasts, Tuscany coasts and Cyprus Island. This thesis deals with to estimate the genetic diversity and differentiation among 6 geographical samples, in particular, to assess the presence of any barrier (geographic, hydrogeological or biological) to gene flow evaluating both the genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, observed and expected heterozygosity, Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium analysis) and population differentiation (Fst estimates, population structure analysis). In addition to molecular analysis, quantitative representation and statistical analysis of morphological individuals shape are performed using geometric morphometrics methods and statistical tests. Geometric coordinates call landmarks are fixed in 158 individuals belonging to two population samples of Raja clavata and in population samples of closely related species, Raja straeleni (cryptic sibling) and Raja asterias, to assess significant morphological differences at multiple taxonomic levels. The results obtained from the analysis of the microsatellite dataset suggested a geographic and genetic separation between populations from Central-Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that there was no separation between geographic samples from North Atlantic Ocean and central-Western Mediterranean, grouping them to a panmictic population. The Landmark-based geometric morphometry method results showed significant differences of body shape able to discriminate taxa at tested levels (from species to populations).
This study focused on the role of oceanographic discontinuities and the presence of transitional areas in shaping the population structure and the phylogeography of the Raja miraletus species complex, coupled with the test of the effective occurrence of past speciation events. The comparisons between the Atlantic African and the North-Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean geographic populations were unravelled using both Cytochrome Oxidase I and eight microsatellite loci. This approach guaranteed a robust dataset for the identification of a speciation event between the Atlantic African clade, corresponding to the ex Raja ocellifera nominal species, and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean R. miraletus clade. As a matter of fact, the origin of the Atlantic Africa and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean deep split dated about 11.74MYA and was likely due to the synergic influence currents and two upwelling areas crossing the Western African Waters. Within the Mediterranean Sea, particular attention was also paid to the transitional area represented by Adventura and Maltese Bank, that might have contributed in sustaining the connectivity of the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean geographical populations. Furthermore, the geology of the easternmost part of Sicily and the geo-morphological depression of the Calabrian Arc could have driven the differentiation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Although bathymetric and oceanographic discontinuity could represent barriers to dispersal and migration between Eastern and Western Mediterranean samples, a clear and complete genetic separation among them was not detected. Results produced by this work identified a speciation event defining Raja ocellifera and R. miraletus as two different species, and describing the R. miraletus species complex as the most ancient cryptic speciation event in the family Rajidae, representing another example of how strictly connected the environment, the behavioural habits and the evolutionary and ecologic drivers are.
Aspects of the population dynamics of the undulate ray, Raja undulata (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae), one of the more abundant elasmobranch fish captured along the Portuguese south coast (Algarve), were studied for the first time. Some traditional elasmobranch vertebral enhancing techniques were compared and the most precise for this species determined to be the cedar wood oil immersion and the alizarin red S stain. The sample consisted of 14 age-classes, with age-classes 3 to 8 being the most represented. Evidence of an annual deposition pattern of a pair of bands (one opaque and one translucent) was found by marginal increment analyses. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated and no differences found between males and females (all data: L-inf=110.22 cm, K=0.11 y(-1) and t(0)=-1.58 y).
The maturity of the undulate ray, Raja undulata, one of the most important by-catch elasmobranch species captured in south Portugal, was studied for the first time. Females ranged in total length (TL) from 19.4 to 88.2 cm and males from 23.0 to 83.2 cm. The gonadosomatic index for females was higher during the winter, meaning that this species reproduces during this season. Females matured at significantly larger sizes and older ages than males, with 50% of the females mature at 76.2 cm TL at an age of 8.98 years while 50% maturity for males was achieved at 73.6 cm TL and 7.66 years. Females were mature at 86.3% of the maximum observed size and 69.1% of the maximum observed age while males matured at 88.5% of the maximum observed size and 63.8% of the maximum observed age, making this a very late maturing species, with important consequences in terms of fisheries management and conservation. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article evaluates social implications of the ""SIGA"" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of Sao Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.
This article evaluates social implications of the "SIGA" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of São Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'15), 9-11 Feb 2015, Porto-Portugal.
Otodistomum cestoides (van Beneden, 1871) (Azygiidae: Digenea) is reported for the first time from Psammobatis scobina and Raja flavirostris. The skates were caught off the coast of San Antonio, Chile.
New records for nematode species recovered from elasmobranch fishes in Brazil are established and new systematical arrangements proposed. Parascarophis sphyrnae Campana-Rouget, 1955 from the spiral valve of Sphyrna zygaena is referred for the first time in South America as a new host record. Procamallanus (S.) pereirai Annereaux, 1946, from the spiral valve of Raja castelnaui is reported parasitizing an elasmobranch host. Nematode larvae of the genera Anisakis, Contracaecum, Pseudoterranova and Raphidascaris are listed from the stomach and spiral valves of several hosts. Anisakidae larvae previously referred in Brazil in the genus Phocanema should be reallocated in Pseudoterranova. Nematodes of the genera Anisakis, Contracaecum, Pseudoterranova and Raphidascaris are reported for the first time parasitizing elasmobranchs in Brazil.
Intracellular signaling in insect olfactory receptor neurons remains unclear, with both metabotropic and ionotropic components being discussed. Here, we investigated the role of heterotrimeric Go and Gi proteins using a combined behavioral, in vivo and in vitro approach. Specifically, we show that inhibiting Go in sensory neurons by pertussis toxin leads to behavioral deficits. We heterologously expressed the olfactory receptor dOr22a in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293T). Stimulation with an odor led to calcium influx, which was amplified via calcium release from intracellular stores. Subsequent experiments indicated that the signaling was mediated by the Gβγ subunits of the heterotrimeric Go/i proteins. Finally, using in vivo calcium imaging, we show that Go and Gi contribute to odor responses both for the fast (phasic) as for the slow (tonic) response component. We propose a transduction cascade model involving several parallel processes, in which the metabotropic component is activated by Go and Gi , and uses Gβγ.