809 resultados para Sexual infidelity


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Evolutionary theory based research shows that women and men can differ in their responses to sexual and emotional infidelity. However, research has not examined the question of whether men and women react similarly or differently to a partner’s engagement in different types of sexual infidelity. The present re-search sought to answer this question. Based on the aforementioned prior research, and short term mating desires, sex differences in reactions to different types of sexual infidelity were not expected. Both women and men were expected to report higher levels of upset when a partner engaged in sexual intercourse rather than when a partner engaged in oral sex, heavy petting, or kissing with another person. The results were consistent with the hypothesis. Both men and women were most upset by a partner’s engagement in sexual intercourse with another person. These findings are discussed in terms of prior research.


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Evolutionary theory based research shows that women and men can differ in their responses to sexual and emotional infidelity. However, research has not examined the question of whether men and women react similarly or differently to a partner’s engagement in different types of sexual infidelity. The present research sought to answer this question. Based on the aforementioned prior research, and short term mating desires, sex differences in reactions to different types of sexual infidelity were not expected. Both women and men were expected to report higher levels of upset when a partner engaged in sexual intercourse rather than when a partner engaged in oral sex, heavy petting, or kissing with another person. The results were consistent with the hypothesis. Both men and women were most upset by a partner’s engagement in sexual intercourse with another person. These findings are discussed in terms of prior research.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia


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RESUMO: O presente estudo tem como objectivo avaliar a relação, por género, entre a infidelidade, o ciúme e a satisfação sexual. Para tal foi utilizada uma amostra de 186 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, que preencheram um protocolo que incluía como medidas de avaliação um questionário de dados demográficos,um de envolvimentos românticos e sexuais, um de reacções emocionais à infidelidade do parceiro, o Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989), o Big Five Inventory (Benet-Martinez & Oliver, 1998) e o Index Sexual Satisfaction (Hudson, Harrison & Crosscup, 1981). Foram encontradas diferenças entre géneros face à infidelidade, sendo que os homens consideram pior uma infidelidade sexual e as mulheres uma infidelidade emocional. A insatisfação sexual associou-se positivamente ao ciúme, em ambos os sexos, contudo, nas mulheres associou-se positivamente a duas dimensões do ciúme enquanto nos homens apenas se associou a uma. O ciúme associou-se de forma positiva com alguns sentimentos como traição, engano, ódio, rejeição ou desilusão, face à infidelidade, em ambos os sexos, o que parece indicar que ambos os sexos reagem aos dois tipos de infidelidade, contudo diferenciam-se na experiência dos sentimentos a ela associados. ABSTRACT: This study aims to assess the relationship, by gender, between infidelity, jealousy and sexual satisfaction. To this end it was used a sample of 186 individuals of both sexes, who completed a protocol that included evaluating measures such as one questionnaire assessing demographic data, one of sexual and romantic entanglements, and another one of emotional reactions to infidelity of the partner, Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (Pfeiffer & Wong,1989), the Big Five Inventory (Benet-Martinez & Oliver, 1998) and Sexual Satisfaction Index (Hudson, Harrison & Crosscup, 1981). Gender differences were found in relation to infidelity, while men consider worse sexual infidelity, women consider it emotional infidelity. Sexual dissatisfaction was positively associated with jealousy in both sexes, however, in women it was positively associated with the two dimensions of jealousy while in men it was associated with only one. Jealousy was associated positively with some feelings of betrayal, deceit, hate, rejection or disappointment towards infidelity for both sexes, suggesting that both sexes respond to the two types of infidelity, however they differ when experiencing feelings associated with it.


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Prior research examining relationship repair after infidelity scenarios tends to focus primarily on heterosexual relationships, and often does not take into consideration the nuance between emotional and sexual infidelity, which, according to evolutionary psychology theories, tends to be salient to individuals based on their reproductive challenges. This research intended to rectify that dearth, hypothesizing that non-heterosexual participants would be more likely to repair a relationship where a partner has committed sexual infidelity than they would be to repair a relationship where a partner has committed an emotional infidelity. As well, based on prior research, there were expectations for sex differences in the likelihood of repairing a relationship after infidelity by a partner for participants in committed relationships, with female participants likely to repair emotional infidelity and male participants likely to repair sexual infidelity. In a survey of volunteers online, likelihood of repair for relationships after sexual or emotional infidelity was related to the sexual orientation of participants. Homosexual/other individuals were equally likely to repair their relationship after an emotional or sexual infidelity was committed by a partner and were more likely to repair a relationship after a partner committed a sexual infidelity than heterosexual individuals were. A qualitative question component obtained more information about the participants¿ logic behind their reconciliation choices, and these results along with the quantitative results are discussed and interpreted using themes from earlier research.


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This series of studies is the first to use conjoint analysis to examine how individuals make trade-offs during mate selection when provided information about a partner's history of sexual infidelity. Across three studies, participants ranked profiles of potential mates, with each profile varying across five attributes: financial stability, physical attractiveness, sexual fidelity, emotional investment, and similarity. They also rated each attribute separately for importance in an ideal mate. Overall, we found that for a long-term mate, participants prioritized a potential partner's history of sexual fidelity over other attributes when profiles were ranked conjointly. For a short-term mate, sexual fidelity, physical attractiveness, and financial stability were equally important, and each was more important than emotional investment and similarity. These patterns contrast with participants' self-reported importance ratings of each individual attribute. Our results are interpreted within the context of previous literature examining how making trade-offs affect mate selection.


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RESUMO:O presente estudo tem como objectivo a compreensão do ciúme como fenómeno e sua génese, e verificar como cada um dos sexos se expressa na vivência do ciúme e a consequente relevância para cada um deles. Foi utilizada uma amostra de 210 jovens adultos de ambos os sexos, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 e os 35 anos, que preencheram um protocolo de investigação que incluía um questionário de dados demográficos e historial dos relacionamentos amorosos e sexuais, um de reacções emocionais à infidelidade do parceiro, a Chornic Jealousy Scale (White, 1981), a Multidimensional Jealousu Scale (Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989), Reactive and Suspicious Jealousy Scale (Rydell & Bringle, 2003). Foram encontradas diferenças entre géneros no que respeita às reacções emocionais face a uma potencial infidelidade, sendo que os homens consideraram pior uma infidelidade sexual e as mulheres uma infidelidade emocional. Foram ainda encontradas diferenças entre os sexos na forma como vivenciavam o ciúme, sendo que as mulheres revelaram ser mais ciumentas em todas as escalas de ciúme, com a excepção do ciúme reactivo, onde comparativamente aos homens se verificou inferior. ABSTRACT: The goal of the present study is to understand jealousy as a phenomenon and its origins, and verify how each gender expresses it and the consequent relevance to both of them. For this purpose, we considered a sample of 210 young adults of both sexes, aged between 17 and 35 years, who completed a research protocol which included a questionnaire of demographic data and a report of love and sexual relationships, a scale of emotional reactions to partners infidelity; the Jealousy Chronic Scale (White, 1981), the Multidimensional Scale Jealousy (Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989), Reactive and Suspicious Jealousy Scale (Rydell & Bringle, 2003). Gender differences were found in what concerns emotional reaction to a potential infidelity: men considered sexual infidelity as being the worst, whereas women pointed out emotional infidelity. Differences were also found in the way they experienced jealousy: women proved to be more jealous on all scales, with the exception of reactive jealousy.


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Selon certains modèles évolutionnistes, les femmes seraient davantage affectées par l’infidélité émotionnelle de leur partenaire masculin que par son infidélité sexuelle. Les mécanismes psychologiques responsables auraient évolué pendant notre passé de chasseur-cueilleur de façon à assurer à la femme un accès exclusif aux ressources économiques provenant du partenaire. Or la situation économique des femmes d’aujourd’hui a considérablement changé depuis cette époque, plusieurs d’entre-elles étant indépendantes financièrement. Dans la présente recherche, nous testons l’hypothèse que les femmes qui sont indépendantes financièrement sont moins intensément, ou moins rapidement, jalouses que les femmes qui dépendent financièrement de leur partenaire. Nous cherchons aussi à savoir si le nombre d’enfants, ou certains traits de personnalité ont une influence sur la jalousie. L’échantillon était constitué d’une soixantaine de femmes et les données proviennent de questionnaires et de mises en situation fictives. Nos résultats ne supportent pas l’hypothèse principale, les divers sous-groupes de femmes étant jalouses à la même intensité. Nous considérons divers facteurs pouvant expliquer l’absence de différences, par exemple, la possibilité que certains aspects de la relation de couple puissent cacher l’effet de la situation économique des femmes. D’autres résultats montrent une différence significative dans l’intensité de la jalousie selon l’identité de la personne en relation avec le partenaire (ancienne versus nouvelle amie). Ces résultats sont aussi évalués dans une perspective évolutionniste.


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O amor desperta nas pessoas lembranças. sentimentos e emoções prazerosas. associadas a histórias romanescas que. dificilmente. referem os conflitos que permeiam as relações amorosas. Cotidianamente, o amor é vivido e narrado não apenas a partir do belo mas. sobretudo. em função dos conflitos que produzem desarmonia O amor vivido em conjugalidade é regido pela monogamia. cultivada a partir do desejado ideal de fidelidade enquanto opção. Entretanto. muitas pessoas estabelecem relações afetivo e/ou sexual fora do vínculo conjugal, despertado por insatisfação afetiva e/ou sexual: pela falta de carinho, amor e/ou atenção ou. quem sabe por impulsos. desejos. prazer. paixão, vingança e/ou competição. comportamentos socialmente não desejáveis. Tentou-se desvendar como as relações de infidelidade são vivenciadas cotidianamente por oito mulheres e cinco homens, em Belém Pará , que se dispuseram a compartilhar histórias e segredos com a pesquisadora sobre o assunto. Como há uma circularidade de idéias, os informantes permitem. a pesquisadora. a partir de suas narrativas, encontrar diversas visões e inúmeras justificativas dadas à prática da infidelidade afetiva e/ou sexual: assim como nuanças diferenciadas que informam as representações femininas e masculinas sobre infidelidade, possibilitando ler os limites que estruturam as relações de conjugalidade. pois a infidelidade pensada como elemento desestruturador, é. em geral, escamoteada e serve de estratégia ao jogo amoroso garantindo. algumas vezes, quando não descoberta, a manutenção dos laços estabelecidos entre os casais.


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Using a multi-perspective vignette design, we explored predictors of young peoples' (N = 119) propensity to engage in unfaithful activities while dating. Demographic measures, a datding investment model, and measures of functional and dysfunctional impulsivity were used to predict inclination to engage in each of two extradyadic activities (kissing and sexual activity). The results of moderated multiple regression analyses revealed that a respondent's number of sexual partners, level of dysfunctional impulsivity, satisfaction with current relationship, and quality of relationship alternatives significantly predicted inclination to engage in both of the extradyadic activities. Consistent with previous findings, gender only showed significant predictive value in relation to extradyadic sex inclination. Moreover, the association between sex, love, and marriage interacted with gender in the prediction of both extradyadic activities and interacted with commitment in the prediction of extradyadic sex inclination. Suggestions for future research in this area are offered in light of these new findings.


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To detect the presence of male DNA in vaginal samples collected from survivors of sexual violence and stored on filter paper. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate 10 vaginal samples spotted on sterile filter paper: 6 collected at random in April 2009 and 4 in October 2010. Time between sexual assault and sample collection was 4-48hours. After drying at room temperature, the samples were placed in a sterile envelope and stored for 2-3years until processing. DNA extraction was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction for human β-globin, and the presence of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was quantified. The presence of the Y chromosome was detected using primers for sequences in the TSPY (Y7/Y8 and DYS14) and SRY genes. β-Globin was detected in all 10 samples, while 2 samples were positive for PSA. Half of the samples amplified the Y7/Y8 and DYS14 sequences of the TSPY gene and 30% amplified the SRY gene sequence of the Y chromosome. Four male samples and 1 female sample served as controls. Filter-paper spots stored for periods of up to 3years proved adequate for preserving genetic material from vaginal samples collected following sexual violence.


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Sexual dysfunction (SD) affects up to 80% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) play an important role in the sexual function of these patients. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the impact of a rehabilitation program to treat lower urinary tract symptoms on SD of women with MS. Thirty MS women were randomly allocated to one of three groups: pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) with electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback and sham neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) (Group I), PFMT with EMG biofeedback and intravaginal NMES (Group II), and PFMT with EMG biofeedback and transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (TTNS) (Group III). Assessments, before and after the treatment, included: PFM function, PFM tone, flexibility of the vaginal opening and ability to relax the PFMs, and the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. After treatment, all groups showed improvements in all domains of the PERFECT scheme. PFM tone and flexibility of the vaginal opening was lower after the intervention only for Group II. All groups improved in arousal, lubrication, satisfaction and total score domains of the FSFI questionnaire. This study indicates that PFMT alone or in combination with intravaginal NMES or TTNS contributes to the improvement of SD.


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To assess sexual function (SF) and quality of life (QOL) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess 56 women with PCOS and 102 control women with regular menstrual cycles. To assess SF and QOL in Brazilian women with PCOS with Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the WHOQOL-bref questionnaires. Women with PCOS had a worse evaluation to arousal, lubrication, satisfaction, pain and total FSFI, and there was no difference in sexual desire and orgasm. Besides, they had a worse evaluation concerning health status than controls. The body mass index was inversely correlated to the QOL, especially to the physical, psychological, environment aspects and self-assessment of QOL, but it did not show correlation to the SF. Women with PCOS had a worse sexual function and self-assessment of health condition in comparison to controls. The body weight as isolated symptom was correlated to the worsening in quality of life, but not with the worsening of sexual function.


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Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) often manifest complaints involving different aspects of sexual function (SF), regardless of using hormone therapy. SF involves a complex interaction between physical, psychological, and sociocultural aspects. There are doubts about the impact of different complaints on the global context of SF of women with POF. To evaluate the percentage of influence of each of the sexuality domains on the SF in women with POF. Cross-sectional study with 80 women with POF, matched by age to 80 women with normal gonadal function. We evaluated SF through the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), a comparison between the POF and control groups using the Mann-Whitney test. Component exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the proportional influence of each domain on the composition of the overall SF for women in the POF group. SF was evaluated using FSFI. Exploratory Factor Analysis for components was used to evaluate the role of each domain on the SF of women with POF. The FSFI score was significantly worse for women with POF, with a decrease in arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and dyspareunia. Exploratory factor analysis of SF showed that the domain with greater influence in the SF was arousal, followed by desire, together accounting for 41% of the FSFI. The domains with less influence were dyspareunia and lubrication, which together accounted for 25% of the FSFI. Women with POF have impaired SF, determined mainly by changes in arousal and desire. Aspects related to lubrication and dyspareunia complaints have lower determination coefficient in SF. These results are important in adapting the approach of sexual disorders in this group of women. Benetti-Pinto CL, Soares PM, Giraldo HPD, and Yela DA. Role of the different sexuality domains on the sexual function of women with premature ovarian failure. J Sex Med 2015;12:685-689.