930 resultados para Senior citizen


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The paper investigates the ageing situation in India and the development of the government initiatives for the welfare of senior citizens. It also presents the initial results of a survey that the author conducted in 2011 in North Delhi. The main features related to ageing in India are 'feminisation', 'rurality' and 'poverty'. The survey in North Delhi reveals the differences between the male and the female senior citizens, and the vulnerability of the latter, in particular. The social security coverage such as pensions and health insurance was found quite limited among the respondents.


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Inscription: Verso: Carmel, New York.


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This article presents findings from a qualitative study of social
dancing for successful aging amongst senior citizens in three locales:
in Blackpool (GB), around Belfast (NI), and in Sacramento (US). Social
dancers are found to navigate an intense space in society, one of
wellbeing accompanied by a beneficial sense of youthfulness. Besides
such renewal and self-actualisation, findings also attest to the perceived
social, psychological and health benefits of social dancing amongst senior
citizens. They also articulate three different social dancing practices:
social dance as tea dance (Sacramento), social dance as practice dance
(Blackpool), social dance as motility (Belfast and environs).


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This investigation explores labeling processes underlying age segmentation cue effects on discount usage intentions. Depth interviews regarding participants' experiences using senior-citizen-type discounts reveal three levels of responsiveness to consumer offerings promoted with age segmentation cues: rejecting senior citizen discounts to avoid self-devaluation, rejecting senior citizen discounts to avoid stigmatization, and assigning positive meanings to the status that promotes senior citizen discount usage. An experimental investigation, undertaken to assess the sequential ordering of these levels of responsiveness, reveals that self-devaluation and perceived stigma mediate age segmentation cue effects on discount usage intention only for younger-aged elderly. Results lend support for a stage model of consumers' progression through phases of responsiveness to "senior citizen" labeling.


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A presente investigação é uma revisão integrativa cujo objetivo foi buscar na literatura e avaliar a percepção dos profissionais quanto ao atendimento dispensado ao idoso pelas equipes da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Para a seleção dos trabalhos, utilizaram-se duas bases de dados, Medline e Lilacs, compondo a amostra que se constitui de dez publicações. Após a análise dos trabalhos incluídos na revisão, os resultados evidenciaram que os profissionais da ESF reconheceram a falta de preparo da equipe em relação à pessoa idosa, enfatizaram a dificuldade da estrutura organizacional e política da ESF no que se refere à velhice e admitiram a falta de integralização do cuidado das equipes à assistência ao idoso.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The ‘Estatuto do Idoso’ (senior citizen statute), Brazilian federal law promulgated in 2003, defines senior citizen as the person with 60 years old, or more. Revered as a landmark recognition of the senior´s rights, it guarantees, among others, the right of education. According to the statutory provisions, the education is personal right of the elderly person and must be assured with absolute priority by the State, the family, the society, as well by entities. However, in practice, just few senior citizens enjoy the right of education, since this policy has not been developed with focus in the old age, since educational practices are aimed, in most cases, to the younger age groups. Nevertheless, some initiatives seek to invest in the education for the elderly, like happens with the University of the Third Age (U3A). Although this kind of initiatives have been reason of celebration such projects should be enforced and consolidated as an object of better political investment to enlarge the access to the education right to the senior citizens in general. Due to the visibility achieved by the senior population, a possible way to the establishment of services in the area of education, would be the formation of partnerships between educational institutions that understand old age as a potential expansion of cultural goods and production of knowledge.


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The active presence of the old ones in the society brings up discussions about the political and social participation in the advanced ages of the life. The senior citizen, like an actor of great relevance in the present time, shows their potential as scriptwriter and protagonist of their own history. However, many spaces constituted vertically, turned for this aim become artificial, abolishing, many times, the spontaneity and potential of these actors. Anyway, the important thing is to open spaces for the different expressions of social participation and that they find their legitimacy and place in the set of the protagonism that attaches life and sense to the world.


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En este texto se intenta problematizar la temática del juego en la vejez. Para ello la autora recurre a la descripción de una experiencia realizada en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el contexto de la Formación Docente y que tiene como actores a personas adultas mayores y a estudiantes del cuarto año de estudios del Profesorado en Educación Física provincial. Se tiene en cuenta como marco teórico el material bibliográfico aportado por el Seminario Teoría de los Juegos cursado por la autora en su trayecto para lograr el postítulo de Magíster en Educación Corporal y se entrecruzan con otros estudios pertinentes a la temática gerontológica. Asimismo, los datos obtenidos por medio de la realización de entrevistas en un trabajo de campo allí descripto son los insumos necesarios para analizar, por un lado, tanto las conceptualizaciones que se tiene sobre la vejez y el envejecimiento como las ideas y preconceptos acerca del juego en los adultos mayores. Por otro lado, los juegos de hoy y ayer y la multiplicidad de sentidos que estos adquieren en la vejez, a partir de las voces de los propios protagonistas de la experiencia


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En este texto se intenta problematizar la temática del juego en la vejez. Para ello la autora recurre a la descripción de una experiencia realizada en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el contexto de la Formación Docente y que tiene como actores a personas adultas mayores y a estudiantes del cuarto año de estudios del Profesorado en Educación Física provincial. Se tiene en cuenta como marco teórico el material bibliográfico aportado por el Seminario Teoría de los Juegos cursado por la autora en su trayecto para lograr el postítulo de Magíster en Educación Corporal y se entrecruzan con otros estudios pertinentes a la temática gerontológica. Asimismo, los datos obtenidos por medio de la realización de entrevistas en un trabajo de campo allí descripto son los insumos necesarios para analizar, por un lado, tanto las conceptualizaciones que se tiene sobre la vejez y el envejecimiento como las ideas y preconceptos acerca del juego en los adultos mayores. Por otro lado, los juegos de hoy y ayer y la multiplicidad de sentidos que estos adquieren en la vejez, a partir de las voces de los propios protagonistas de la experiencia


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En este texto se intenta problematizar la temática del juego en la vejez. Para ello la autora recurre a la descripción de una experiencia realizada en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el contexto de la Formación Docente y que tiene como actores a personas adultas mayores y a estudiantes del cuarto año de estudios del Profesorado en Educación Física provincial. Se tiene en cuenta como marco teórico el material bibliográfico aportado por el Seminario Teoría de los Juegos cursado por la autora en su trayecto para lograr el postítulo de Magíster en Educación Corporal y se entrecruzan con otros estudios pertinentes a la temática gerontológica. Asimismo, los datos obtenidos por medio de la realización de entrevistas en un trabajo de campo allí descripto son los insumos necesarios para analizar, por un lado, tanto las conceptualizaciones que se tiene sobre la vejez y el envejecimiento como las ideas y preconceptos acerca del juego en los adultos mayores. Por otro lado, los juegos de hoy y ayer y la multiplicidad de sentidos que estos adquieren en la vejez, a partir de las voces de los propios protagonistas de la experiencia


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A perspetiva participativa tem ganho destaque na área do envelhecimento, impulsionada em parte pela divulgação da noção de envelhecimento ativo. Tal ênfase não foi contudo acompanhado por equivalente aprofundamento do conceito e das práticas, assistindo-se à perda de especificidade do termo, em particular na aceção de envolvimento cívico e político dos cidadãos idosos. Como se pode afinal definir participação cidadã sénior? Que tipo de atividades inclui? E o que se está concretamente a fazer em Portugal neste âmbito? Estas são questões a que o artigo procura responder, com base num estudo exploratório de levantamento de iniciativas locais de “participação sénior”.


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Evidence regarding the association of the built environment with physical activity is influencing policy recommendations that advocate changing the built environment to increase population-level physical activity. However, to date there has been no rigorous appraisal of the quality of the evidence on the effects of changing the built environment. The aim of this review was to conduct a thorough quantitative appraisal of the risk of bias present in those natural experiments with the strongest experimental designs for assessing the causal effects of the built environment on physical activity.

Eligible studies had to evaluate the effects of changing the built environment on physical activity, include at least one measurement before and one measurement of physical activity after changes in the environment, and have at least one intervention site and non-intervention comparison site. Given the large number of systematic reviews in this area, studies were identified from three exemplar systematic reviews; these were published in the past five years and were selected to provide a range of different built environment interventions. The risk of bias in these studies was analysed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool: for Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions (ACROBAT-NRSI).

Twelve eligible natural experiments were identified. Risk of bias assessments were conducted for each physical activity outcome from all studies, resulting in a total of fifteen outcomes being analysed. Intervention sites included parks, urban greenways/trails, bicycle lanes, paths, vacant lots, and a senior citizen's centre. All outcomes had an overall critical (n = 12) or serious (n = 3) risk of bias. Domains with the highest risk of bias were confounding (due to inadequate control sites and poor control of confounding variables), measurement of outcomes, and selection of the reported result.

The present review focused on the strongest natural experiments conducted to date. Given this, the failure of existing studies to adequately control for potential sources of bias highlights the need for more rigorous research to underpin policy recommendations for changing the built environment to increase physical activity. Suggestions are proposed for how future natural experiments in this area can be improved.