992 resultados para Selective Reduction


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Background: Chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) is an inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy with a worse prognosis than other cardiomyopathies. CCC occurs in 30 % of individuals infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, endemic in Latin America. Heart failure is associated with impaired energy metabolism, which may be correlated to contractile dysfunction. We thus analyzed the myocardial gene and protein expression, as well as activity, of key mitochondrial enzymes related to ATP production, in myocardial samples of end-stage CCC, idiopathic dilated (IDC) and ischemic (IC) cardiomyopathies. Methodology/Principal Findings: Myocardium homogenates from CCC (N = 5), IC (N = 5) and IDC (N = 5) patients, as well as from heart donors (N = 5) were analyzed for protein and mRNA expression of mitochondrial creatine kinase (CKMit) and muscular creatine kinase (CKM) and ATP synthase subunits aplha and beta by immunoblotting and by real-time RT-PCR. Total myocardial CK activity was also assessed. Protein levels of CKM and CK activity were reduced in all three cardiomyopathy groups. However, total CK activity, as well as ATP synthase alpha chain protein levels, were significantly lower in CCC samples than IC and IDC samples. CCC myocardium displayed selective reduction of protein levels and activity of enzymes crucial for maintaining cytoplasmic ATP levels. Conclusions/Significance: The selective impairment of the CK system may be associated to the loss of inotropic reserve observed in CCC. Reduction of ATP synthase alpha levels is consistent with a decrease in myocardial ATP generation through oxidative phosphorylation. Together, these results suggest that the energetic deficit is more intense in the myocardium of CCC patients than in the other tested dilated cardiomyopathies.


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Recent reports indicate that several descriptors of pain sensations in the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) are difficult to classify within MPQ sensory subcategories because of incomprehension, underuse, or ambiguity of usage. Adopting the same methodology of recent studies, the present investigation focused on the affective and evaluative subcategories of the MPQ. A decision rule revealed that only 6 of 18 words met criteria for the affective category and 5 of 11 words met criteria for the evaluative category, thus warranting a reduced list of words in these categories. This reduction, however, led to negligible loss of information transmitted. Despite notable changes in classification, the intensity ratings of the retained words correlated very highly with those originally reported for the MPQ. In conclusion, although the intensity ratings of MPQ affective and evaluative descriptors need no revision, selective reduction and reorganization of these descriptors can enhance the efficiency of this approach to pain assessment. [copy ] 2001 by the American Pain Society


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The gene encoding tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) is an immediate response gene, downstream from CREB-1 and other constitutively expressed transcription factors, which is induced in the hippocampus during the late phase of long-term potentiation (L-LTP). Mice in which the t-PA gene has been ablated (t-PA-/-) showed no gross anatomical, electrophysiological, sensory, or motor abnormalities but manifest a selective reduction in L-LTP in hippocampal slices in both the Schaffer collateral-CA1 and mossy fiber-CA3 pathways. t-PA-/- mice also exhibit reduced potentiation by cAMP analogs and D1/D5 agonists. By contrast, hippocampal-dependent learning and memory were not affected in these mice, whereas performance was impaired on two-way active avoidance, a striatum-dependent task. These results provide genetic evidence that t-PA is a downstream effector gene important for L-LTP and show that modest impairment of L-LTP in CA1 and CA3 does not result in hippocampus-dependent behavioral phenotypes.


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The alkyl chain of anatoxin-a(s) (cyclic guanidines), which can be used as an intermediate in the total synthesis of anatoxin-a(s), was synthesized in both racemic and enantiomerically pure forms. These enantiomerically pure cyclic compounds can be used as chiral inductors in some reactions. The two racemic routes disclosed herein have the advantages of high overall yield and mild reaction conditions. Both routes proceed through an intermediate 2,3-diaminoacid - an important synthetic scaffold - with good yields. Furthermore, the N,N-dimethyl-2(tosylimino)imidazolidine-4-carboxamide might be obtained from 2-(tosylimino)imidazolidine-4-carboxylic acid followed by selective reduction of the carbonyl functionality. All synthesized compounds were analyzed by mass spectrometry and (1)H NMR and (13)C NMR spectroscopy.


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The aim of this study was the design of a set of benzofuroxan derivatives as antimicrobial agents exploring the physicochemical properties of the related substituents. Topliss` decision tree approach was applied to select the substituent groups. Hierarchical cluster analysis was also performed to emphasize natural clusters and patterns. The compounds were obtained using two synthetic approaches for reducing the synthetic steps as well as improving the yield. The minimal inhibitory concentration method was employed to evaluate the activity against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. The most active compound was 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)[N`-(benzofuroxan-5-yl) methylene] benzhydrazide (MIC range 12.7-11.4 mu g/mL), pointing out that the antimicrobial activity was indeed influenced by the hydrophobic and electron-withdrawing property of the substituent groups 3-CF(3) and 4-NO(2), respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Although T cells have been implicated in the pathogenesis and are considered to be central both in progression and control of the chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases, the precise contribution of T cells to the regulation of tissue destruction has not been fully elucidated. Current dogma suggests that immunity to infection is controlled by distinct T helper 1 (Th1) and T helper 2 (Th2) subsets of T cells classified on the basis of their cytokine profile. Further, a subset of T cells with immunosuppressive function and cytokine profile distinct from Th1 or Th2 has been described and designated as regulatory T cells. Although these regulatory T cells have been considered to maintain self-tolerance resulting in the suppression of auto-immune responses, recent data suggest that these cells may also play a role in preventing infection-induced immunopathology. In this review, the role of functional and regulatory T cells in chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases will be summarized. This should not only provide an insight into the relationship between the immune response to periodontopathic bacteria and disease but should also highlight areas of development for potentially new therapeutic modalities.


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OBJECTIVE: To weight the rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-mediated activation of the retinal ganglion cells, which drive the pupil light reflex by varying the light stimulus wavelength, intensity, and duration. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three subjects with normal eyes and 3 patients with neuroretinal visual loss. METHODS: A novel stimulus paradigm was developed using either a long wavelength (red) or short wavelength (blue) light given as a continuous Ganzfeld stimulus with stepwise increases over a 2 log-unit range. The pupillary movement before, during, and after the light stimulus was recorded in real time with an infrared illuminated video camera. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percent pupil contraction of the transient and sustained pupil response to a low- (1 cd/m(2)), medium- (10 cd/m(2)), and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red- and blue-light stimulus was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. From the 43 normal eyes, median and 25th, 75th, 5th, and 95th percentile values were obtained for each stimulus condition. RESULTS: In normal eyes at lower intensities, blue light evoked much greater pupil responses compared with red light when matched for photopic luminance. The transient pupil contraction was generally greater than the sustained contraction, and this disparity was greatest at the lowest light intensity and least apparent with bright (100 cd/m(2)) blue light. A patient with primarily rod dysfunction (nonrecordable scotopic electroretinogram) showed significantly reduced pupil responses to blue light at lower intensities. A patient with achromatopsia and an almost normal visual field showed selective reduction of the pupil response to red-light stimulation. A patient with ganglion cell dysfunction owing to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated global loss of pupil responses to red and blue light in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses that differ as a function of light intensity and wavelength support the hypothesis that selected stimulus conditions can produce pupil responses that reflect phototransduction primarily mediated by rods, cones, or melanopsin. Use of chromatic pupil responses may be a novel way to diagnose and monitor diseases affecting either the outer or inner retina.


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Low-threshold (T-type) Ca(2+) channels encoded by the Ca(V)3 genes endow neurons with oscillatory properties that underlie slow waves characteristic of the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep EEG. Three Ca(V)3 channel subtypes are expressed in the thalamocortical (TC) system, but their respective roles for the sleep EEG are unclear. Ca(V)3.3 protein is expressed abundantly in the nucleus reticularis thalami (nRt), an essential oscillatory burst generator. We report the characterization of a transgenic Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mouse line and demonstrate that Ca(V)3.3 channels are indispensable for nRt function and for sleep spindles, a hallmark of natural sleep. The absence of Ca(V)3.3 channels prevented oscillatory bursting in the low-frequency (4-10 Hz) range in nRt cells but spared tonic discharge. In contrast, adjacent TC neurons expressing Ca(V)3.1 channels retained low-threshold bursts. Nevertheless, the generation of synchronized thalamic network oscillations underlying sleep-spindle waves was weakened markedly because of the reduced inhibition of TC neurons via nRt cells. T currents in Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mice were <30% compared with those in WT mice, and the remaining current, carried by Ca(V)3.2 channels, generated dendritic [Ca(2+)](i) signals insufficient to provoke oscillatory bursting that arises from interplay with Ca(2+)-dependent small conductance-type 2 K(+) channels. Finally, naturally sleeping Ca(V)3.3(-/-) mice showed a selective reduction in the power density of the σ frequency band (10-12 Hz) at transitions from NREM to REM sleep, with other EEG waves remaining unaltered. Together, these data identify a central role for Ca(V)3.3 channels in the rhythmogenic properties of the sleep-spindle generator and provide a molecular target to elucidate the roles of sleep spindles for brain function and development.


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Résumé : La sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose circulant dans le sang est la fonction principale de la cellule β. La perte de cette fonction est une des caractéristiques du diabète de type 2. L'exocytose est une fonction cellulaire indispensable au renouvellement des composants lipidiques et protéiques de la membrane cellulaire, à la communication entre les cellules et au maintien d'un environnement adéquat. On peut distinguer deux types d'exocytose : l'exocytose constitutive et l'exocytose régulée. Cette dernière est déclenchée par des stimuli externes. L'exocytose régulée est contrôlée au niveau de la fusion des vésicules de sécrétion avec la membrane plasmique. Certains composants moléculaires impliqués dans ce processus font partie de la famille des GTPases Rab. Les deux membres de cette famille impliqués sont Rab3 et Rab27. Nous avons étudié le rôle de la GTPase Rab27 dans les cellules INS-1E, une lignée cellulaire pancréatique β qui sécrète de l'insuline de façon régulée. Nous avons trouvé que la diminution d'expression de la protéine en utilisant le technique de « RNA interference » diminue la sécrétion stimulée, mais que la distribution des granules n'est nullement affectées par ce changement d'activité intrinsèque. Un des effecteurs identifiés de cette GTPase est Slac2c/MyRIP. Cette protéine possède plusieurs domaines fonctionnels dont un qui lui permet de se lier à l'actine, constituant du cytosquelette cellulaire. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que Rab27 et MyRIP font partie d'un complexe permettant l'interaction de la granule de sécrétion avec le cytosquelette d'actine corticale et participent à la régulation des dernières étapes de l'exocytose d'insuline. Ensuite, nous avons étudié les phosphoinositides (PI). Les phosphoinositides sont d'importantes molécules impliquées dans le régulation du trafic vésiculaire. Nous avons trouvé que le phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) et le phosphatidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) augmentent la sécrétion sous l'action de 10µM de Ca2+ dans les cellules INS-1E perméabilisées avec la streptolysine-O. En plus, nous avons démontré que l'exocytose est diminuée dans les cellules intactes exprimant une protéine qui séquestre le PI(4,5)P2. Une diminution similaire est observée en diminuant l'expression de deux enzymes impliquées dans la production du PI(4,5)P2, la PI4Kinase β type III et la PIP5Kinase γ type I. Pour clarifier le mécanisme d'action des PI, nous avons investigué l'implication de trois cibles potentielles des PI, la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Pour ce faire, nous avons réduit le niveau d'expression endogène de ces protéines, ce qui inhibe la libération d'hormones provoquée par le glucose. Tout ceci indique donc que la production du PI(4,5)P2 est nécessaire pour le contrôle de la sécrétion et suggère qu'une partie de l'effet du PI sur la sécrétion pourrait être exercé par l'activation de la PLD1, CAPS1 et Mint1. Abstract Insulin release from pancreatic β-cells plays an essential role in the achievement of blood glucose homeostasis and defects in the regulation of this process lead to profound metabolic disorders and hyperglycaemia (eg. type 2 diabetes). Almost every cell in our organism releases proteins and other biological compounds using a fundamental cellular process known as constitutive exocytosis. In exocrine and endocrine glands, the cells are endowed with an additional and more refined release mechanism directly tuned by extracellular signals. This process, referred to as regulated exocytosis, ensures the timely delivery of molecules such as peptide hormones and digestive enzymes to match the moment¬-to-moment requirements of the organism. Some of the molecular components involved in this process have been identified, including Rab3 and Rab27, two GTPases that regulate the final steps of secretion in many cells. We investigated the involvement of Rab27 GTPase in the secretory process of the insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E. We found that selective reduction of Rab27 expression by RNA interference did not alter granule distribution but impaired exocytosis triggered by insulin secretagogues. Screening for potential effectors revealed that Slac2c/MyRIP is associated with granules and attenuation of Slac2c expression severely impaired hormone release. This protein contains several functional domains, including, a binding domain for the cellular cytoskeleton constituent actin. Taken together our data suggest the Rab27 and MyRIP are part of a complex mediating the interaction of secretory granules with cortical cytoskeleton and participate to the regulation of the final steps in insulin exoctytosis. In the second part of the thesis, we studied phosphoinositides (PI). Phosphoinositides are important molecules involved in the regulation of vesicular trafficking. We found that phosphatidylinosito1-4-phosphate (PI4P) and phosphatidylinosito1-4,5-biphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) increase the secretory response triggered by 10µM Ca2+ in streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting INS-1E cells. In addition, nutrient-induced exocytosis was diminished in intact cells expressing constructs that sequester PI(4,5)P2. A similar decrease was observed after silencing of two enzymes involved in PI(4,5)P2 production, type III PI4Kinase β and type I PIP5Kinase γ, by RNA interference. To clarify the mechanism of action of PI, we investigated the involvement in the regulation of exocytosis of three potential PI targets, PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1. Transfection of cells with silencers capable of reducing the endogenous levels of these proteins inhibited hormone release elicited by glucose. Our data indicate that the production PI(4,5)P2 is necessary for proper control of p-cell secretion and suggest that at least part of the effects of PI on insulin exocytosis could be exerted through the activation of PLD1, CAPS1 and Mint1.


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Background There is no evidence to date on whether transcriptional regulators are able to shift the balance between mitochondrial fusion and fission events through selective control of gene expression. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we demonstrate that reduced mitochondrial size observed in knock-out mice for the transcriptional regulator PGC-1β is associated with a selective reduction in Mitofusin 2 (Mfn2) expression, a mitochondrial fusion protein. This decrease in Mfn2 is specific since expression of the remaining components of mitochondrial fusion and fission machinery were not affected. Furthermore, PGC-1β increases mitochondrial fusion and elongates mitochondrial tubules. This PGC-1β-induced elongation specifically requires Mfn2 as this process is absent in Mfn2-ablated cells. Finally, we show that PGC-1β increases Mfn2 promoter activity and transcription by coactivating the nuclear receptor Estrogen Related Receptor α (ERRα). Conclusions/Significance Taken together, our data reveal a novel mechanism by which mammalian cells control mitochondrial fusion. In addition, we describe a novel role of PGC-1β in mitochondrial physiology, namely the control of mitochondrial fusion mainly through Mfn2.


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In the selective reduction procedure proposed by Magos SnCl2 was used as reductant for inorganic mercury while total mercury was determined after reduction with a mixture of SnCl2 and CdCl2. The difference between total mercury and inorganic mercury determines the content of organic mercury. The procedure of the present work differs of Magos in that the mercury vapour is carried to the absorption cell after magnetic stirring of the solution in the reaction flask; in the Magos procedure, mercury vapour is carried by bubbling the gas in to the solution. In contrast to the Magos procedure this slight modification overcame the necessity of at calibration by analyte addition, saving time and gainning accuracy.


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Contaminant gases in the atmosphere constitute an important problem to be solved in the world. The NOx gases produced as a consequence of engine high temperatures are deleterious to environment and human health, as they promote acid rain and can act in the same way as freons in the destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere. In this review, three way and selective reduction catalysts for decomposition of these contaminant gases are described. Details about conditions and problems, such as catalyst poisoning, and the search for new catalysts are shown.


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In this work, we report a new method for obtaining racemic β-hydroxyesters by reduction of β-ketoesters. The use of glycerol as a reactional medium in selective reduction of β-ketoesters into the corresponding alcohols was shown to be a viable and more efficient alternative compared with the conventional methodology, taking into account green chemistry prerogatives.


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Both primary and secondary amines react with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene to give derivatives of 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzene. These compounds are important intermediates for the synthesis of a diverse range of products. The methodology reported in the present study involves either the room temperature reaction or heating at 70 °C in ethanol in the presence of triethylamine. This transformation occurs via a nucleophilic substitution reaction. The 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzene derivatives were obtained in greater than 90% purified yield. The selective reduction of dinitro compounds is an important synthetic strategy for the synthesis of intermediates for dyes, pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The use of SnCl2 as a suspension in EtOAc is a promising method for the regio- and chemo-selective reduction of 1-alkylamino-2,4-dinitrobenzenes to 1-alkylamino-2-amino-4-nitrobenzenes. These products are useful intermediates in organic synthesis.


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The present thesis describes syntheses, structural studies, and catalytic reactivity of new non-classical silane complexes of ruthenium and iron. The ruthenium complexes CpRu(PPri3)CI(T]2-HSiR3) (1) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were prepared by reactions of the new unsaturated complex CpRu(PPri3)CI with silanes. According to NMR studies and X-ray analyses, the complexes la-c exhibit unusual simultaneous Si··· H and Si··· CI-Ru interactions. The complex CpRu(PPri3)CI was also used for the preparation of the first examples of late transition metal agostic silylamido complexes CpRu(PPri3)(N(T]2-HSiMe2)R) (2) (R= Ar or But), which were characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The iron complexes CpFe(PMePri2)H2(SiR3) (3) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were synthesized by the reaction of the new borohydride iron complex CpFe(PMePri2)(B~) with silanes in the presence NEt3. The complexes 3 exhibit unprecedented two simultaneous and equivalent Si··· H interactions, which was confirmed by X-ray analyses and DFT calculations. A series of cationic ruthenium complexes [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(112-HSiR'3)]BAF (PR3 = PPri 3 (4), PPh3 (5); SiR'3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiClMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» was obtained by substitution of one of the labile acetonitrile ligands in [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CNh]BAF with sHanes. Analogous complexes [TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(T]2 -HSiR' 3)]BAF (5) were obtained by the reaction of TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)CI with LiBAF in the presence of silanes. The complexes 4-5 were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, and the observed coupling constants J(Si-H) allowed us to estimate the extent of Si-H bond activation in these compounds. The catalytic activity in hydrosilylation reactions of all of the above complexes was examined. The most promising results were achieved with the cationic ruthenium precatalyst [CpRu(PPri3)(CH3CN)2t (6). Complex 6 shows good to excellent catalytic activity in the hydrosilylation of carbonyls, dehydrogenative coupling of silanes with alcohols, amines, acids, and reduction of acid chlorides. We also discovered very selective reduction of nitriles and pyridines into the corresponding N-silyl imines and l,4-dihydropyridines, respectively, at room temperature with the possibility of catalyst recycling. These chemoselective catalytic methods have no analogues in the literature. The reactions were proposed to proceed via an ionic mechanism with intermediate formation of the silane a-complexes 4.