992 resultados para Schedule Growing Skills II


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No âmbito do ramo de aprofundamento de competências profissionais, inserido no Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, surge a possibilidade de elaborar o presente relatório com base no estágio curricular realizado no Hospital Beatriz Ângelo e no Agrupamento Vertical Almeida Garrett. Este estágio incidiu na área da psicomotricidade e da intervenção precoce e possibilitou desenvolver um trabalho com crianças e respetivas famílias. As atividades de estágio foram desenvolvidas com 11 crianças entre os 18 meses e os 10 anos de idade que apresentavam diversas problemáticas e que, por influência da sua condição ou do meio envolvente, as suas aprendizagens e comportamento encontram-se comprometidos. Todavia, foram escolhidos dois casos para uma análise mais detalhada das suas características, desenvolvimento global e contexto, seguindo de uma sequência lógica de processos da prática psicomotora - observação, avaliação, elaboração de planos de intervenção/sessão e intervenção.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of the standard (Class II) Balters bionator in growing patients with Class II malocclusion with mandibular retrusion by using morphometrics (thin-plate spline [TPS] analysis). Materials and Methods: Thirty-one Class II patients (17 male and 14 female) were treated with the Balters bionator (bionator group). Mean age at the start of treatment (T0) was 10.3 years, while it was 13 years at the end of treatment (T1). Mean treatment time was 2 years and 2 months. The control group consisted of 22 subjects (14 male and 8 female) with untreated Class II malocclusion. Mean age at T0 was 10.2 years, while it was 12.2 years at T1. The observation period lasted 2 years on average. TPS analysis evaluated statistical (permutation tests) differences in the craniofacial shape and size between the bionator and control groups. Results: Through TPS analysis (deformation grids) the bionator group showed significant shape changes in the mandible that could be described as a mandibular forward and downward displacement. The control group showed no statistically significant differences in the correction of Class II malocclusion. Conclusions: Bionator appliance is able to induce significant mandibular shape changes that lead to the correction of Class II dentoskeletal disharmony. © 2013 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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Dissertação apresentada na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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Na esteira dos estudos sobre a relação creche-família e sobre o modelo Touchpoints, surgiu o interesse de elaborar uma investigação-ação, na qual se pretende implementar práticas reflexivas Touchpoints e avaliar o seu impacto na satisfação dos pais, das educadoras de infância, no desenvolvimento infantil, na qualidade do contexto educativo, nas rotinas da família e no desenvolvimento das crianças. Para o efeito e assumindo um duplo papel enquanto educadoras de infância e investigadoras, foram convidados a participar neste estudo 22 pais de 23 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 33 meses, que frequentam as salas de creche onde exercemos a nossa atividade profissional, em duas instituições distintas. Esta investigação assentou em quatro fases de trabalho, de forma a cumprir os objetivos propostos: 1ª) a recolha de dados, antes da formação em Touchpoints, recorrendo aos seguintes instrumentos e observações: Escala de Desenvolvimento Infantil Growing Skills II, observação da interação pais-criança com a escala Care-Index, avaliação da satisfação dos pais e das educadoras com a Parent Caregiver Relationship Scale (PCRS), avaliação do contexto educativo com a ITERS-R, e os Mapas de Rotinas Semanais da família; 2ª) formação Touchpoints com uma equipa interdisciplinar; 3ª) Práticas reflexivas Touchpoints – as educadoras como agentes de mudança refletem sobre as suas práticas com guiões prévios e coaching (supervisão com formadores que visitaram a creche, a equipa educativa e a sala da educadora); 4ª) repetição da recolha de dados no final do projeto. O estudo indicou que o desenvolvimento infantil, as relações pais-filhos, as rotinas familiares, a satisfação pais-educadoras e educadoras-pais, assim como a própria prática das educadoras, mudaram após o treino com as práticas reflexivas em Touchpoints. Embora estes resultados não possam ser generalizados e o controlo das variáveis seja afetada por uma metodologia de investigação-ação (portanto, não possamos inferir que todos estes ganhos se devem às praticas reflexivas Touchpoints), os principais resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem-nos repensar formas de relacionamento entre a creche e a família e sobre o impacto que a prática reflexiva dos educadores de infância pode ter na qualidade destas relações. Julgamos que a presente investigação suscita questões sobre a relação educadores-pais e sobre o contributo das práticas reflexivas em Touchpoints nas práticas de creche.


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Os AA avaliaram dois grupos de crianças oriundas de diferentes estratos socio-familiares, procurando variantes do normal, que confirmem a importância do jardim de infância como factor atenuante de ambiente familiar menos estimulante. Material Métodos: Foram seleccionados aleatoriamente pelo Serviço Social do Hospital, dois jardins de infância, em Lisboa. A avaliação incidiu num grupo de crianças dos dois aos quatro anos, sem patologia. Na caracterização social e familiar foi utilizada a escala de Graffar. A avaliação de desenvolvimento psicomotor foi efectuada por observado único; o teste utilizado foi o "Schedule of Growing Skills in Practice" e a análise estatística foi efectuada pelo teste The Student (significância p=<0,05). Resultados: A população estudad foi constituída por 34 crianças, 14 das quais frequentava Jardim de Infância particular (JIP) e as restantes 20, Insitutição Particular de Solidariedade Social (IPSS), com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 4 anos. Na subescala da Locomoção, a pontuação obtida foi de 12,8 e 12,9 respectivamente no IPSS e JIP (=0,824) e na Manipulação foi de 19,3 (IPSS) e 20,7 (JIP) (p=0,006). Os resultados obtidos na área da Visão foram de 16,1 e 17,3 respectivamente na IPSS e JIP (p=0,005). A avaliação da Audição/Linguagem revelou resultados de 13,1 (IPSS) e 15,5 (JIP) (p=0,002) e na subescala da Fala/Linguagem, foram obtidos resultados de 14,5 (IPSS)e 17,3 (JIP) (p=0,008). As áreas de interacção social e autonomia, revelaram ambas pontuações de 18,3 (IPSS) e 19,8 (JIP), (respectivamente p=0,001 e p=0,017). Conclusões: Na avaliação efectuada, não encontrámos diferenças estatísticamente significativas nas subescalas de Locomoção e da Manipulação. Nas áreas da Autonomia, Audição/Linguagem e Fala/linguagem, os resultados foram estatísticamente superioes no grupo de crianças que frequentavam o JIP (oriundas de classes socio-familiares mais favorecidas e de famílias menos numerosas), comparativamente às que frequentavam a IPSS.


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Research literature and clinical experience shows that panic patients are often able to identify stressors that preceded the onset of their first attacks. In this study we investigated the relation between life events, coping skills, and panic disorder. METHODS: Forty-tree panic patients were compared with 29 control subjects regarding the occurrence and the impact of stressful life events in a 1-year period preceding the onset of panic attacks using the Social Readjustment Rating Scale and London Life Event and Difficulty Schedule. Coping skills were measured using the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. RESULTS: No differences were observed between panic patients and controls regarding the number of reported stressful life events in the previous year. Panic patients compared to controls reported loss of social support as the most meaningful class of events significantly more often. In response to stressful situations, panic patients more often used coping skills judged as ineffective. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that the type of life event and the coping skills used in response to them, more than the occurrence of stressful events itself, may be associated with the onset of panic disorder.


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During the past four decades both between and within group wage inequality increased significantly in the US. I provide a microfounded justification for this pattern, by introducing private employer learning in a model of signaling with credit constraints. In particular, I show that when financial constraints relax, talented individuals can acquire education and leave the uneducated pool, this decreases unskilled inexperienced wages and boosts wage inequality. This explanation is consistent with US data from 1970 to 1997, indicating that the rise of the skill and the experience premium coincides with a fall in unskilled-inexperienced wages, while at the same time skilled or experienced wages do not change much. The model accounts for: (i) the increase in the skill premium despite the growing supply of skills; (ii) the understudied aspect of rising inequality related to the increase in the experience premium; (iii) the sharp growth of the skill premium for inexperienced workers and its moderate expansion for the experienced ones; (iv) the puzzling coexistence of increasing experience premium within the group of unskilled workers and its stable pattern among the skilled ones. The results hold under various robustness checks and provide some interesting policy implications about the potential conflict between inequality of opportunity and substantial economic inequality, as well as the role of minimum wage policy in determining the equilibrium wage inequality.


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OBJETIVO: o presente estudo cefalométrico longitudinal investigou as alterações espontâneas ocorridas em crianças com má oclusão Classe II, divisão 1, Padrão II. MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas 40 crianças, 20 meninos e 20 meninas, distribuídas na faixa etária compreendida entre 6 e 14 anos de idade. Para avaliar o comportamento das bases apicais, dos incisivos e do tecido mole, as seguintes grandezas cefalométricas foram mensuradas: SN.Ba, SNA, SNB, SND, SN.Pog, ANB, NAP, SN.PP, SN.GoGn, SN.Gn, Ar.Go.Gn, 1.PP, 1.NA, 1.SN, IMPA e ANL. As seguintes grandezas alcançaram significância estatística com o crescimento: SNB, SND,SN.Pog,ANB,NAP,SN.GoGn,SN.Gn,Ar.Go.Gn e IMPA. RESULTADOS: os resultados demonstraram que as principais alterações quantitativas registradas estavam relacionadas com o crescimento mandibular,independentemente do gênero. A mandíbula deslocou-se para frente, com tendência de rotação no sentido anti-horário e com conseqüente redução nos ângulos de convexidade facial. No entanto, as oscilações quantitativas nas grandezas cefalométricas não foram suficientes para mudar a morfologia dentofacial ao longo do período de acompanhamento. CONCLUSÃO: conclui-se, portanto, que a morfologia facial é definida precocemente e é mantida, configurando o determinismo genético na determinação do arcabouço esquelético.


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Objective: To systematically review the scientific evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of high-pull headgear in growing Class II subjects. Methods: A literature survey was performed by electronic database search. The survey covered the period from January 1966 to December 2008 and used Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). Articles were initially selected based on their titles and abstracts; the full articles were then retrieved. The inclusion criteria included growing subjects between 8 to 15 years of age, Class II malocclusion treatment with high-pull headgear, and a control group with Class II malocclusion. References from selected articles were hand-searched for additional publications. Selected studies were evaluated methodologically. Results: Four articles were selected; none were randomized controlled trials. All of the articles clearly formulated their objectives and used appropriate measures. The studies showed that high-pull headgear treatment improves skeletal and dental relationship, distal displacement of the maxilla, vertical eruption control and upper molars distalization. One of the studies showed a slight clockwise rotation of the palatal plane; the others showed no significant treatment effect. The mandible was not affected by the treatment. Conclusion: While there is still a lack of strong evidence demonstrating the effects of high-pull headgear with a splint, other studies indicate that the AP relations improve due to distalization of the maxilla and upper molars, with little or no treatment effects in the mandible. Greater attention to the design should be given to improve the quality of such trials. © 2013 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Cloughmills Incredible Edibles Project aims to reconnect people with each other, their community and the natural world by developing a sustainable, fair and healthy food system in Cloughmills. They aim to teach people where food comes from, appreciate seasonal diversity and environmental impacts of food, be confident in cooking and celebrate the role of food in our lives. They will improve diet related health, reduce impacts of food poverty, make their community more resilient, increase choices available to and skills within their community, maximise the impacts of every pound spent locally and develop a shared food vision.   Food growing skills, communal and domestic using containers and permaculture/organic techniques; Foodscape the community – grow food in public spaces; Recruit ‘Fruit and Veg’ champions to support growing at home; ‘Share the Surplus’ – encourage and connect people with surplus produce to share. Cookery classes for all ages; Shared learning events on food skills & techniques; ‘Bake Your Lawn’ in schools – growing, harvesting, milling and baking breads; Develop mushroom growing project as a social enterprise for young people; Teaching lost skills related to food; Host pizza & movie nights where all ages make their own pizzas; promote a lovefoodhatewaste campaign with community and businesses. Totally Local campaign promoting local/seasonal produce; mystery market stall every month showcasing local produce, cooking tips; facilitate development of more food businesses; establish food hub. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Antrim Partner Agencies safefood


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The complete genome of an Erwinia amylovora bacteriophage, vB_EamM_Ea35-70 (Ea35-70), is 271,084 bp, encodes 318 putative proteins, and contains one tRNA. Comparative analysis with other Myoviridae genomes suggests that Ea35-70 is related to the Phikzlikevirus genus within the family Myoviridae, since 26% of Ea35-70 proteins share homology to proteins in Pseudomonas phage φKZ.


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Prolonged infusions have been shown to be safer and potentially more effective than bolus regimens of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). However, infusional 5-FU requires central venous access and costly infusion pumps. Oral fluoropyrimidines enable longer exposures to 5-FU with increased convenience. Tegafur - uracil (UFT) with leucovorin (LV) given thrice daily has improved safety plus comparable survival and response rates to bolus 5-FU/LV. We conducted a phase II clinical study in 98 patients with mCRC to evaluate if UFT with LV given twice daily provided comparable time to progression ( TTP), efficacy and tolerability to that reported for thrice daily in two phase III clinical studies. Secondary objectives included overall response rate ( ORR) and overall survival ( OS). Median TTP was 3.8 months, when compared with 3.5 months for thrice daily. The ORR ( 11%) and median OS ( 12.8 months) with twice daily administration were similar to that of thrice daily administration ( 12% and 12.4 months). The incidence of grade 3/4 treatment-related diarrhoea was 30% on the twice daily and 21% on the thrice daily schedule. These results suggest that twice daily administration has similar efficacy and tolerability to thrice daily administration and is an acceptable alternative for patients who would benefit from UFT with LV therapy.


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This study reports preliminary results of virus neutralizing antibody (VNA) titers obtained on different days in the course of human anti-rabies immunization with the 2-1-1 schedule (one dose is given in the right arm and one dose in the left arm at day 0, and one dose is apllied on days 7 and 21), recommended by WHO for post-exposure treatment with cell culture vaccines. A variant schedule (double dose on day zero and another on day 14) was also tested, both employing suckling mouse brain vaccine. A complete seroconversion rate was obtained after only 3 vaccine doses, and almost all patients (11 of 12) presented titers higher than 1.0 IU/ml. Both neutralizing response and seroconversion rates were lower in the group receiving only 3 doses, regardless of the sample collecting day. Although our results are lower than those found with cell culture vaccines, the geometry mean of VNA is fully satisfactory, overcoming the lower limit recommended by WHO of 0.5 IU/ml. The 2-1-1 schedule could be an alternative one for pre exposure immunization, shorter than the classical 3+1 regimen (one dose on days 0, 2, 4 and 30) with only three visits to the doctor, instead of four.