817 resultados para Safe sex in AIDS prevention
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Los datos existentes sobre el progresivo incremento de la infección con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) entre los adictos a las drogas por via parenteral (ADVP) y sus parejas e hijos, plantean la necesidad urgente de elaborar programas preventivos con el mayor grado de eficacia posible. En el presente trabajo nos proponemos tres objetivos: 1) Poner de manifiesto algunas insuficiencias observadas en los modelos deprevención que se aplican al caso del SIDA. 2) Conferir un énfasis especial a la influencia sobre los comportamientos preventivos frente al SIDA, de ciertos factores que, en general, no se tienen 10 bastante en cuenta en los modelos actuales como son: la magnitud del reforzamiento contingente a un determinado comportamiento y la demora con la que éste se recibe. 3) Exponer los resultados de una investigación realizada con drogadictos por via parenteral (Planes, 1991), cuyos objetivos eran conocer las relaciones existentes entre la magnitud y la demora del reforzamiento contingente a los comportamientos sexuales preventivos y la frecuencia de dichos comportamientos
Se examinan los comportamientos anticonceptivos de 225 jóvenes universitarios (22'7% hombres y 77'3% mujeres) con el objetivo de conocer su eficacia para evitar embarazos no deseados, SIDA y otras enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS). Se recogió información sobre los diferentes métodos anticonceptivos empleados por los sujetos con su última pareja, sin establecer ningún límite temporal. La mitad de los estudiantes no habían tenido nunca relaciones sexuales completas. La mitad de las conductas heterosexuales de los jóvenes sexualmente activos fueron adecuadas para protegerse frente al SIDA, otras ETS y embarazos no deseados (usar siempre preservativo); un tercio de las conductas únicamente eran útiles para evitar embarazos (píldora anticonceptiva) y las restantes (usar ocasionalmente el preservativo o el coitus interruptus ) les pusieron en riesgo frente a los tres problemas. Además, conforme se eleva la edad o el número de parejas de los estudiantes, es más frecuente el uso de píldoras anticonceptivas y menos probable el empleo de preservativo. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudiantes sexualmente activos están más interesados en la prevención de los embarazos no deseados que en evitar infectarse con el SIDA u otras ETS, por lo que seria conveniente promocionar entre ellos el uso del preservativo como método anticonceptivo, destacando sus ventajas frente a la píldora
Se aplica el Sistema LISREL, para el análisis de un modelo de comportamiento sexual de prevención del contagio con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en una muestra de 63 adictos a las drogas por vía parental (ADVP) en tratamiento. Se incluyen en el modelo variables que habitualmente son evaluadas y registradas en los centros de rehabilitación y cuya influencia ha sido demostrada en estudios anteriores. En líneas generales, los resultados corroboran los datos aportados por otros autores respecto a que los hombres y los sujetos VIH+ son, en general, más preventivos en sus relaciones sexuales
This paper examines the concept of ‘culture’ and its relationship to HIV prevention. Culture is here seen as the interaction between human beings and the various ‘cultural tools’ they appropriate when taking action. Among these tools are ways of speaking which encode certain meanings, ideologies and social practices. When individuals take action with regard to AIDS, what they do is mediated through voices which they borrow strategically from their environ- ment. The textual tools that are available and the ways individuals adapt and combine them work to either limit or amplify their participation in HIV prevention. What are traditionally seen as ‘cultures’ or ‘sub-cultures’, or worse, ‘risk groups’, are, in this perspective, viewed as ‘communities of practice’, groups of individuals who share particular cultural tools and ways of using them. This conceptual framework is applied to recent discourses of homosexuality and AIDS prevention in China. An instance of ‘of� cial’ discourse in the form of an AIDS education pamphlet for ‘gays’ is analysed for the voices it contains and how these voices are strategically marshalled by the authors and mixed with other voices in ways which amplify participation in AIDS prevention for some and limit it for others. This ‘offical’ discourse is then compared to the discourse of homosexually active Chinese men recently interviewed in Beijing and Fuzhou to examine which of these of� cial voices and other voices they appropriate, and how they adapt these voices in responding to HIV.
Since the emergence of the AIDS pandemic in sub-Saharan Africa, male mobility has been highlighted as one of the reasons for the spread of the disease with men employing the services of commercial sex workers while away from home. However, sex workers' mobility and the implications of this for their access to prevention services, has largely been ignored. This paper, based on multi-method qualitative research with 60 young sex workers in two Ethiopian towns, reveals that sex workers are highly mobile, moving in order to attract a wider or different client base, for adventure and to conceal illnesses which might be associated with AIDS. In addition, sex workers are affected by restrictions on their movements, with girls working in bars and red-light areas having little free time to access projects. This paper advocates that policy approaches need to take account of this mobility in three ways: first, by exploring ways for girls to access information and maintain contact with support structures while moving between places of work; second, by building the capacity of sex workers to take greater control over decision-making in their day-to-day lives and third, by developing outreach strategies for taking services into bars and red-light areas.
This paper describes a capacity building process undertaken within the HIV/AIDS prevention project of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the Solomon Islands. ADRA HIV/AIDS has recently reoriented its project structure, moving beyond its awareness raising approach to incorporate health promotion frameworks, theories, strategies and assumptions. These have been used to inform project practice in project planning, delivery and evaluation. This paper shares what has worked and not worked in the capacity building process, including a project evaluation of the initial HIV/AIDS awareness raising project and the application of a number of capacity building strategies, including utilising a volunteer Australian Youth Ambassador for Development (AYAD) funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). Existing and new projects are outlined. The underlying theme is that any capacity building exercise must include structural support (e.g. management, national frameworks) to ensure the incorporation of new initiatives and approaches. With time this enables ownership by counterparts and external partnerships to develop. The presence of an AYAD volunteer has been an effective strategy to achieve this. Reflections from the evaluators, the AYAD volunteer and the HIV/AIDS team are included.
The purpose of this formative study was to determine and prioritize the HIV-prevention needs of Latino young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Chihuahua (Mexico), Texas, and California, based on YMSM and service provider perceptions of the factors affecting the assimilation and implementation of HIV-preventive behaviors. These factors included: perceived social support, identification of the modes of HIV transmission, perceived risk of HIV, perceived norms and attitudes of peers.^ The study, drawn from a secondary data set, was a convenience sample of providers (n=8) and clients (n=15). Participants completed face-to face interviews and a survey instrument. Interviews were analyzed to identify common themes and congruence among client groups, and among clients and providers. Providers’ understanding of theoretical constructs of interventions was also assessed. Survey data were analyzed to determine variable frequencies and their congruence to the qualitative analysis. ^ The results revealed several differences and many commonalities in the assimilation of protective messages. Client and provider perceptions were congruent across all domains. Providers demonstrated intuitive command of theoretical concepts but inconsistently verbalized their application. Both clients and providers recognized Latinos possessed high HIV-knowledge levels, despite inconsistent protective behaviors. Clients and providers consistently identified important reasons leading to inconsistent protective behaviors, such as: lack of access to targeted information and condoms, self-esteem, sexual identification, situational factors, decreased perceived HIV-risk, and concerns about homophobia, stigma, and rejection. Other factors included: poverty, failure to reach disenfranchised populations, and lack of role models/positive parental figures. The principal conclusion of the study was that there is a need for further study to understand the interrelationship between larger socioeconomic issues and consistent protective behaviors.^
"Report No. 91-146-141."
Despite rising levels of safe-sex knowledge in Australia, sexually transmitted infection notifications continue to increase. A culture-centred approach suggests it is useful in attempting to reach a target population first to understand their perspective on the issues. Twenty focus groups were conducted with 89 young people between the ages of 14 and 16 years. Key findings suggest that scientific information does not articulate closely with everyday practice, that young people get the message that sex is bad and they should not be preparing for it and that it is not appropriate to talk about sex. Understanding how young people think about these issues is particularly important because the focus groups also found that young people disengage from sources of information that do not match their own experiences.
Discontinuation of maintenance therapy against toxoplasma encephalitis (TE) for individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) who are receiving successful anti-retroviral therapy is considered safe. Nevertheless, there are few published studies concerning this issue. Within the setting of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, this report describes a prospective study of discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE in patients with a sustained increase of CD4 counts to > 200 cells/microL and 14% of total lymphocytes, and no active lesions on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition to clinical evaluation, cerebral MRI was performed at baseline, and 1 and 6 months following discontinuation. Twenty-six AIDS patients with a history of TE agreed to participate, but three patients (11%) could not be enrolled because they still showed enhancing cerebral lesions without a clinical correlate. One patient refused MRI after 6 months while clinically asymptomatic. Among the remaining 22 patients who discontinued maintenance therapy, one relapsed after 3 months. During a total follow-up of 58 patient-years, there was no TE relapse among the patients who had remained clinically and radiologically free of relapse during the study. Thus, discontinuation of maintenance therapy against TE was generally safe, but may fail in a minority of patients. Patients who remain clinically and radiologically free of relapse at 6 months after discontinuation are unlikely to experience a relapse of TE.