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The self-consistency of a thermodynamical theory for hadronic systems based on the non-extensive statistics is investigated. We show that it is possible to obtain a self-consistent theory according to the asymptotic bootstrap principle if the mass spectrum and the energy density increase q-exponentially. A direct consequence is the existence of a limiting effective temperature for the hadronic system. We show that this result is in agreement with experiments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Cluster Variation Method (CVM), introduced over 50 years ago by Prof. Dr. Ryoichi Kikuchi, is applied to the thermodynamic modeling of the BCC Cr-Fe system in the irregular tetrahedron approximation, using experimental thermochemical data as initial input for accessing the model parameters. The results are checked against independent data on the low-temperature miscibility gap, using increasingly accurate thermodynamic models, first by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of iron and then also by the inclusion of the magnetic degrees of freedom of chromium. It is shown that a reasonably accurate description of the phase diagram at the iron-rich side (i.e. the miscibility gap borders and the Curie line) is obtained, but only at expense of the agreement with the above mentioned thermochemical data. Reasons for these inconsistencies are discussed, especially with regard to the need of introducing vibrational degrees of freedom in the CVM model. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A cikk a páros összehasonlításokon alapuló pontozási eljárásokat tárgyalja axiomatikus megközelítésben. A szakirodalomban számos értékelő függvényt javasoltak erre a célra, néhány karakterizációs eredmény is ismert. Ennek ellenére a megfelelő módszer kiválasztása nem egy-szerű feladat, a különböző tulajdonságok bevezetése elsősorban ebben nyújthat segítséget. Itt az összehasonlított objektumok teljesítményén érvényesülő monotonitást tárgyaljuk az önkonzisztencia és önkonzisztens monotonitás axiómákból kiindulva. Bemutatásra kerülnek lehetséges gyengítéseik és kiterjesztéseik, illetve egy, az irreleváns összehasonlításoktól való függetlenséggel kapcsolatos lehetetlenségi tétel is. A tulajdonságok teljesülését három eljárásra, a klasszikus pontszám eljárásra, az ezt továbbfejlesztő általánosított sorösszegre és a legkisebb négyzetek módszerére vizsgáljuk meg, melyek mindegyike egy lineáris egyenletrendszer megoldásaként számítható. A kapott eredmények új szempontokkal gazdagítják a pontozási eljárás megválasztásának kérdését. _____ The paper provides an axiomatic analysis of some scoring procedures based on paired comparisons. Several methods have been proposed for these generalized tournaments, some of them have been also characterized by a set of properties. The choice of an appropriate method is supported by a discussion of their theoretical properties. In the paper we focus on the connections of self-consistency and self-consistent-monotonicity, two axioms based on the comparisons of object's performance. The contradiction of self-consistency and independence of irrel-evant matches is revealed, as well as some possible reductions and extensions of these properties. Their satisfiability is examined through three scoring procedures, the score, generalised row sum and least squares methods, each of them is calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations. Our results contribute to the problem of finding a proper paired comparison based scoring method.


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The present study investigated how social-cognitive development relates to children’s lie-telling and the effectiveness of a novel honesty promoting technique (i.e., self-awareness). Sixty-four children were asked not to peek at a toy in the experimenter’s absence and were later asked about whether they had peeked as a measure of their honesty. Half of the children were questioned in the self-awareness condition and half in the control condition. Additionally, children completed a battery of cognitive and social-cognitive tests to assess executive functioning and theory-of-mind understanding. While first-order theory-of-mind understanding, inhibitory control, and visuospatial working memory did not significantly relate to children’s lie-telling, measures of inhibitory control in conjunction with working memory and complex working memory were significantly related to children’s lie-telling. Finally, the novel honesty promoting technique was effective: children in the self-aware condition lied significantly less often than children in the control condition.


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Neste estudo foram consideradas as teorias da atribuição de causalidade e da dissonância cognitiva, tendo como referência a necessidade psíquica de auto-consistência. O exame dos principais aspectos teóricos e empíricos destas duas teorias permitiu a conclusão de que as mesmas podem ser consideradas como mutuamente compatíveis e complementares. Foi realizado um experimento no qual os sujeitos, previamente diferenciados em instáveis e estáveis emocionalmente, foram submetidos a uma condição experimental fortemente dissonante, em relação ao auto-conceito (resolução de sete itens de um teste de inteligência, sendo cinco dos mesmos insolúveis). Foi realizada uma tarefa introdutória, da mesma natureza que a experimental, porém com itens solúveis, de mediana dificuldade. Foram medidos o número de acertos esperados e estimados (antes e após cada tarefa) além de se oferecer, a cada sujeito, a escolha, em uma listagem atribuicional, do motivo que, segundo ele, concorreu para o resultado por ele estimado, após a tarefa experimental. Os resultados indicaram que não houve diferença significativa entre as médias dos resultados estimados, dos dois grupos, após a tarefa experimental. As atribuições de causalidade dos dois grupos foram significativamente distintas, inclinando-se os estáveis para a internaIidade e os instáveis para a externalidade. Foram constatados, entretanto, diferenças bastante significativas entre as médias dos resultados esperados, antes das tarefas introdutória e experimental (média dos instáveis menor que a dos estáveis). Estes resultados foram interpretados como indicando uma intensa e precoce vivência dissonante, ao nível das expectativas dos resultados, por parte dos instáveis. A redução da dissonância ocorreu, preponderantemente, através da subestimação do número de acertos esperados nas duas tarefas propostas. A conclusão mais abrangente, deste estudo, colocou em relevo a grande importância das significações pessoais sobre os estímulos percebidos para a eliciação de respostas. Foram sugeridos novos estudos para melhor compreensão do assunto.


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The Schwinger-Dyson equations for the nucleon and meson propagators are solved self-consistently in an approximation that goes beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation. The traditional approach consists in solving the nucleon Schwinger-Dyson equation with bare meson propagators and bare meson-nucleon vertices; the corrections to the meson propagators are calculated using the bare nucleon propagator and bare nucleon-meson vertices. It is known that such an approximation scheme produces the appearance of ghost poles in the propagators. In this paper the coupled system of Schwinger-Dyson equations for the nucleon and the meson propagators are solved self-consistently including vertex corrections. The interplay of self-consistency and vertex corrections on the ghosts problem is investigated. It is found that the self-consistency does not affect significantly the spectral properties of the propagators. In particular, it does not affect the appearance of the ghost poles in the propagators.


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We consider nonparametric missing data models for which the censoring mechanism satisfies coarsening at random and which allow complete observations on the variable X of interest. W show that beyond some empirical process conditions the only essential condition for efficiency of an NPMLE of the distribution of X is that the regions associated with incomplete observations on X contain enough complete observations. This is heuristically explained by describing the EM-algorithm. We provide identifiably of the self-consistency equation and efficiency of the NPMLE in order to make this statement rigorous. The usual kind of differentiability conditions in the proof are avoided by using an identity which holds for the NPMLE of linear parameters in convex models. We provide a bivariate censoring application in which the condition and hence the NPMLE fails, but where other estimators, not based on the NPMLE principle, are highly inefficient. It is shown how to slightly reduce the data so that the conditions hold for the reduced data. The conditions are verified for the univariate censoring, double censored, and Ibragimov-Has'minski models.


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Introduction According to Lent and Lopez’ (2002) tripartite view of efficacy beliefs, members of a team form beliefs about the efficacy of their team partners. This other-efficacy belief can influence individual performance as shown by Dunlop, Beatty, and Beauchamp (2011) in their experimental study using manipulated performance feedback to alter other-efficacy beliefs. Participants holding favorable other-efficacy beliefs outperformed those with lower other--‐efficacy beliefs. Antecedents of such other-efficacy beliefs are amongst others perceptions regarding motivation and psychological factors of the partner (Jackson, Knapp, & Beauchamp, 2008). Overt self-talk could be interpreted as the manifestation of such motivational or psychological factors. In line with this assumption, in an experimental study using dubbed videos of the same segment of a tennis match, Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius, and Petitpas (2006) found that players were perceived more favorably (e.g., more concentrated, and of higher ability levels) when shown with dubbed positive self-talk as compared to dubbed negative or no dubbed self--‐talk. Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the possible effects of a confederate’s overt self-talk on participants’ other-efficacy beliefs and performance in a team setting. Method In a laboratory experiment (between-subjects, pre-post-test design, matched by pretest performance) 89 undergraduate students (female = 35, M = 20.81 years, SD = 2.34) participated in a golf putting task together with a confederate (same gender groups). Depending on the experimental condition (positive, negative, or no self-talk), the confederate commented his or her putts according to a self-talk script. Bogus performance feedback assured that the performance of the confederate was held constant. Performance was measured as the distance to the center of the target, other-efficacy by a questionnaire. Results The data collection has just finished and the results of repeated measures analyses of variance will be presented and discussed at the congress. We expect to find higher other-efficacy beliefs and better individual performance in the positive self-talk condition. References Dunlop, W.L., Beatty, D.J., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2011). Examining the influence of other-efficacy and self-efficacy on personal performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33, 586-593. Jackson, B., Knapp, P., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2008). Origins and consequences of tripartite efficacy beliefs within elite athlete dyads. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, 512-540. Lent, R.W., & Lopez, F.G. (2002). Cognitive ties that bind: A tripartite view of efficacy beliefs in growth--‐promoting relationships. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 256-286. Van Raalte, J.L., Brewer, B.W, Cornelius, A.E., & Petitpas, A.J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.


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This article reviews empirical research on the role of follower self-conception in leader-ship effectiveness. and specifies an agenda for future research in this area. The review shows that several aspects of follower self-conception (i.e., self-construal, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-consistency) may be affected by leadership. and may mediate the effects of leadership on follower behavior. There also is consistent evidence that follower self-construal moderates the impact of leadership on follower attitudes and behavior. Two key themes for future research are defined. First, future research should focus on the development of theory about the role of relational self-construal in the leadership process. Second, it seems particularly valuable to develop theory about the interplay of different aspects of follower self-conception in leadership effectiveness. including the interactive effects of these aspects of self Working backwards from these theoretical models of follower self-conception, specific leader behavior relevant to these aspects of self should then be identified. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present studies I investigated whether college students’ perceptions of effort source influenced their perceptions of the relation between levels of their own effort and ability in mathematics. In Study 1 (N = 210), I found using hypothetical vignettes that perceptions of task-elicited effort (i.e., effort that arises due to the subjective difficulty or ease of the task) led to perceptions of an inverse relation between one’s effort and ability, and perceptions of self-initiated effort (i.e., effort that arises due to one’s own motivation or lack of motivation) led to perceptions of a positive relation between one’s effort and ability, consistent with my hypotheses and prior research. In Study 2 (N = 160), participants completed an academic task and I used open-ended questions to manipulate their perceptions of effort source. I found that participants in the task-elicited condition endorsed no overall relation between effort and ability, and participants in the self-initiated condition endorsed an overall inverse relation, which is inconsistent with my hypotheses and prior research. Possible explanations for the findings, as well as broader theoretical and educational implications are discussed.


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The quasiharmonic approximation (QHA), in its simplest form also called the statically constrained (SC) QHA, has been shown to be a straightforward method to compute thermoelastic properties of crystals. Recently we showed that for noncubic solids SC-QHA calculations develop deviatoric thermal stresses at high temperatures. Relaxation of these stresses leads to a series of corrections to the free energy that may be taken to any desired order, up to self-consistency. Here we show how to correct the elastic constants obtained using the SC-QHA. We exemplify the procedure by correcting to first order the elastic constants of MgSiO(3) perovskite and MgSiO(3) postperovskite, the major phases of the Earth's lower mantle. We show that this first-order correction is quite satisfactory for obtaining the aggregated elastic averages of these minerals and their velocities in the lower mantle. This type of correction is also shown to be applicable to experimental measurements of elastic constants in situations where deviatoric stresses can develop, such as in diamond-anvil cells.


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Introduction: Changes in gait cadence caused by challenging situations in daily life might induce higher demand for strength and propulsion in diabetic neuropathic (DN) subjects. Methods: Forty-six subjects (healthy and DN) walked at two cadences (self-selected and 25% higher). Kinematic and electromyographic data were obtained from lower limbs and compared across the gait cycle. Results: DN subjects showed a delayed peak in plantarflexor activity along the whole cycle (irrespective of cadence) compared with healthy subjects. However, during the imposed cadence, DN individuals showed reduced ankle range of motion along the entire cycle compared with the self-selected condition and healthy individuals walking at both cadences (P = 0.002). Conclusions: These findings suggest that when diabetic individuals face a new challenging situation that induces a higher demand for muscle strength and propulsion, the necessary range of motion and neuromuscular control around distal joints are insufficient. Muscle Nerve 44: 258-268, 2011


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We present the case of a 62-year-old woman with abdominal segmental paresis consequent to radiculopathy caused by zoster, which was confirmed by electroneuromyography. The paresis resolved completely within three months. Recognition of this complication caused by zoster, which is easily misdiagnosed as abdominal herniation, is important for diagnosing this self-limited condition and avoiding unnecessary procedures.


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Generalized multiresolution analyses are increasing sequences of subspaces of a Hilbert space H that fail to be multiresolution analyses in the sense of wavelet theory because the core subspace does not have an orthonormal basis generated by a fixed scaling function. Previous authors have studied a multiplicity function m which, loosely speaking, measures the failure of the GMRA to be an MRA. When the Hilbert space H is L2(Rn), the possible multiplicity functions have been characterized by Baggett and Merrill. Here we start with a function m satisfying a consistency condition which is known to be necessary, and build a GMRA in an abstract Hilbert space with multiplicity function m.


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As part of a project to use the long-lived (T(1/2)=1200a) (166m)Ho as reference source in its reference ionisation chamber, IRA standardised a commercially acquired solution of this nuclide using the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence and 4pigamma (NaI) methods. The (166m)Ho solution supplied by Isotope Product Laboratories was measured to have about 5% Europium impurities (3% (154)Eu, 0.94% (152)Eu and 0.9% (155)Eu). Holmium had therefore to be separated from europium, and this was carried out by means of ion-exchange chromatography. The holmium fractions were collected without europium contamination: 162h long HPGe gamma measurements indicated no europium impurity (detection limits of 0.01% for (152)Eu and (154)Eu, and 0.03% for (155)Eu). The primary measurement of the purified (166m)Ho solution with the 4pi (PC) beta-gamma coincidence technique was carried out at three gamma energy settings: a window around the 184.4keV peak and gamma thresholds at 121.8 and 637.3keV. The results show very good self-consistency, and the activity concentration of the solution was evaluated to be 45.640+/-0.098kBq/g (0.21% with k=1). The activity concentration of this solution was also measured by integral counting with a well-type 5''x5'' NaI(Tl) detector and efficiencies computed by Monte Carlo simulations using the GEANT code. These measurements were mutually consistent, while the resulting weighted average of the 4pi NaI(Tl) method was found to agree within 0.15% with the result of the 4pibeta-gamma coincidence technique. An ampoule of this solution and the measured value of the concentration were submitted to the BIPM as a contribution to the Système International de Référence.