995 resultados para Root rot disease


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The objective of this work was to identify sources of resistance to dry root rot induced by Fusarium sp. in cassava accessions. A macroconidial suspension (20 µL) of 11 Fusarium sp. isolates was inoculated in cassava roots, from 353 acessions plus seven commercial varieties. Ten days after inoculation, the total area colonized by the pathogen on the root pulp was evaluated by digital image analysis. Cluster analysis revealed the presence of five groups regarding resistance. The root lesion areas ranged from 18.28 to 1,096.07 mm² for the accessions BGM 1518 and BGM 556, respectively. The genotypes BGM 1042, BGM 1552, BGM 1586, BGM 1598, and BGM 1692 present the best agronomical traits.


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Soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) root rot is an important disease of soybean under continuous cropping, and root rot is widely distributed throughout the world. This disease is extremely harmful, and it is difficult to prevent and control. The study aimed to elucidate the composition of root rot pathogenic fungal communities in the continuous cropping of soybean. In this study, we employed PCRDGGE technology to analyze the communities of root rot pathogenic fungi in soybean rhizosphere soil subjected to continuous cropping during a season with a high incidence of root rot in Heilongjiang province, China, the main soybean producing area in China. The results of 13 DGGE bands were analyzed by phylogenetic revealed that the predominant root rot pathogenic fungi in rhizosphere soil in the test area were Pythium ultimum and Fusarium species. The results of cluster analysis showed that the duration of continuous cropping, the soybean variety and the plant growth stage all had significant effects on the diversity of root rot pathogenic fungi in rhizosphere soil.


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Seventy bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of tomato were screened for antagonistic activity against the tomato foot and root rot-causing fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici. One isolate, strain PCL1391, appeared to be an efficient colonizer of tomato roots and an excellent biocontrol strain in an F. oxysporum/tomato test system. Strain PCL1391 was identified as Pseudomonas chlororaphis and further characterization showed that it produces a broad spectrum of antifungal factors (AFFs), including a hydrophobic compound, hydrogen cyanide, chitinase(s), and protease(s). Through mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, the hydrophobic compound was identified as phenazine-1-carboxamide (PCN). We have studied the production and action of this AFF both in vitro and in vivo. Using a PCL1391 transposon mutant, with a lux reporter gene inserted in the phenazine biosynthetic operon (phz), we showed that this phenazine biosynthetic mutant was substantially decreased in both in vitro antifungal activity and biocontrol activity. Moreover, with the same mutant it was shown that the phz biosynthetic operon is expressed in the tomato rhizosphere. Comparison of the biocontrol activity of the PCN-producing strain PCL1391 with those of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA)-producing strains P. fluorescens 2-79 and P. aureofaciens 30-84 showed that the PCN-producing strain is able to suppress disease in the tomato/F. oxysporum system, whereas the PCA-producing strains are not. Comparison of in vitro antifungal activity of PCN and PCA showed that the antifungal activity of PCN was at least 10 times higher at neutral pH, suggesting that this may contribute to the superior biocontrol performance of strain PCL1391 in the tomato/F. oxysporum system.


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Surveys of soybean (Glycine max) seed grown in South Brazil revealed infection with Fusarium graminearum. To determine if members of this complex were pathogenic to soybean, six strains derived from soybean were added to soil at a rate of 10³ macroconidia/ ml or individual pods were inoculated with 10(4) macroconidia/ml. Seedlings grown in infested soil developed small necrotic lesions in the crown and upper roots. Pods inoculated with conidia developed large (>1 cm), dark brown, necrotic lesions. Younger pods inoculated with the fungus blighted and dropped from the plant. Strains of the F. graminearum complex recovered from lesions on the crown, roots and pods of soybean plants were identified as lineage 1, 2 or 8 by obtaining the DNA sequence from the EF1-alpha gene and comparing it to strains of the known lineage. Two strains of F. graminearum lineage 7 from the U.S. caused similar symptoms of the disease on soybean. Mycotoxin tests on soybean and wheat (Triticum aestivum) indicate that most Brazilian strains produce nivalenol as the major trichothecene mycotoxin rather than deoxynivalenol. In addition, strains from lineages 2 and 8 produce the novel trichothecene, 3-acetylnivalenol.


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The etiology and epidemiology of Pythium root rot in hydroponically-grown crops are reviewed with emphasis on knowledge and concepts considered important for managing the disease in commercial greenhouses. Pythium root rot continually threatens the productivity of numerous kinds of crops in hydroponic systems around the world including cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper, spinach, lettuce, nasturtium, arugula, rose, and chrysanthemum. Principal causal agents include Pythium aphanidermatum, Pythium dissotocum, members of Pythium group F, and Pythium ultimum var. ultimum. Perspectives are given of sources of initial inoculum of Pythium spp. in hydroponic systems, of infection and colonization of roots by the pathogens, symptom development and inoculum production in host roots, and inoculum dispersal in nutrient solutions. Recent findings that a specific elicitor produced by P. aphanidermatum may trigger necrosis (browning) of the roots and the transition from biotrophic to necrotrophic infection are considered. Effects on root rot epidemics of host factors (disease susceptibility, phenological growth stage, root exudates and phenolic substances), the root environment (rooting media, concentrations of dissolved oxygen and phenolic substances in the nutrient solution, microbial communities and temperature) and human interferences (cropping practices and control measures) are reviewed. Recent findings on predisposition of roots to Pythium attack by environmental stress factors are highlighted. The commonly minor impact on epidemics of measures to disinfest nutrient solution as it recirculates outside the crop is contrasted with the impact of treatments that suppress Pythium in the roots and root zone of the crop. New discoveries that infection of roots by P. aphanidermatum markedly slows the increase in leaf area and whole-plant carbon gain without significant effect on the efficiency of photosynthesis per unit area of leaf are noted. The platform of knowledge and understanding of the etiology and epidemiology of root rot, and its effects on the physiology of the whole plant, are discussed in relation to new research directions and development of better practices to manage the disease in hydroponic crops. Focus is on methods and technologies for tracking Pythium and root rot, and on developing, integrating, and optimizing treatments to suppress the pathogen in the root zone and progress of root rot.


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The effectiveness of six Trichoderma-based commercial products (TCP) in controlling Fusarium root rot (FRR) in common bean was assessed under field conditions. Three TCP, used for seed treatment or applied in the furrow, increased seedling emergence as much as the fungicide fludioxonil. FRR incidence was not affected, but all TCP and fludioxonil reduced the disease severity, compared to control. Application of Trichoderma-based products was as effective as that of fludioxonil in FRR management.


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Several in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to develop an effective technique for culturing potential fungal antagonists (isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, Dactylium dendroides, Chaetomium olivaceum and one unidentified fungus) selected for activity against Armillaria mellea. The antagonists were inoculated onto (1) live spawn of the oyster mu shroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), (2) extra-moistened or sucrose-enriched mushroom composts containing living or autoclaved mycelia of P. ostreatus or Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom), (3) pasteurized compost with or without A. bisporus mycelium, wheat bran, wheat germ and (4) spent mushroom composts with living mycelia of A. bisporus, P. ostreatus or Lentinus edodes (the Shiitake mushroom). In one experiment, a representative antagonist (isolate Th2 of T. harzianum) was grown together with the A. bisporus mycelium, while in another one, the antagonist was first grown on wheat germ or wheat bran and then on mushroom compost with living mycelium of A. bisporus. Some of the carrier substrates were then added to the roots of potted strawberry plants in the glasshouse to evaluate their effectiveness against the disease. The antagonists failed to grow on the spawn of P. ostreatus even after reinoculations and prolonged incubation. Providing extra moisture or sucrose enrichment also did not improve the growth of Th2 on mushroom composts in the presence of living mycelia of A. bisporus or P. ostreatus. The antagonist, however, grew rapidly and extensively on mushroom compost with autoclaved mycelia, and also on wheat germ and wheat bran. Colonization of the substrates by the antagonist was positively correlated with its effectiveness in the glasshouse studies. Whereas only 33.3% of the inoculated control plants survived in one experiment monitored for 560 days, 100% survival was achieved when Th2 was applied on wheat germ or wheat bran. Growth of the antagonist alone on pasteurized or sterilized compost (without A. bisporus mycelia) and simultaneous growth of the antagonist and mushroom on pasteurized compost did not improve survival over the inoculated controls, but growth over mushroom compost with the living mycelium resulted in 50% survival rate. C. olivaceum isolate Co was the most effective, resulting in overall survival rate of 83.3% compared with only 8.3% for the inoculated and 100% for the uninoculated (healthy) controls. This antagonist gave the highest survival rate of 100% on spent mushroom compost with L. edodes. T harzianum isolate Th23, with 75% survival rate, was the most effective on spent mushroom compost with P. ostreatus, while D. dendroides isolate SP resulted in equal survival rates of 50% on all the three mushroom composts.


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Controlling Armillaria infections by physical and chemical methods alone is at present inadequate, ineffective, or impractical. Effective biological control either alone or in integration with another control strategy appears necessary. Biological control agents of Armillaria function by the antagonists inhibiting or preventing its rhizomorphic and mycelial development, by limiting it to substrate already occupied, by actively pre-empting the substrate, or by eliminating the pathogen from substrate it has already occupied. Among the most thoroughly investigated antagonists of Armillaria are Trichoderma species. Depending on the particular isolate of a Trichoderma species, control may be achieved by competition, production of antibiotics, or by mycoparasitism. The level of control is also influenced by the growth and carrier substrate of the antagonist, time of application in relation to the occurrence of the disease, and several environmental conditions. Among a range of the other antagonists are several cord-forming fungi and an isolate of Dactylium dendroides. Integrating biological methods with an appropriate method of chemical could control the disease more effectively. However it is essential to determine whether the antagonist or the fungicide should be applied first, and the time interval between.


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The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica (Sebacinacea) forms mutualistic symbioses with a broad range of host plants, increasing their biomass production and resistance to fungal pathogens. We evaluated the effect of P. indica on Fusarium crown rot disease of wheat, under in vitro and glasshouse conditions. Interaction of P. indica and Fusarium isolates under axenic culture conditions indicated no direct antagonistic activity of P. indica against Fusarium isolates. Seedlings of wheat were inoculated with P. indica and pathogenic Fusarium culmorum or F. graminearum and grown in sterilised soil-free medium or in a non-sterilised mix of soil and sand. Fusarium alone reduced emergence and led to visible browning and reduced root growth. Roots of seedlings in pots inoculated with both Fusarium isolates and P. indica were free of visible symptoms; seed emergence and root biomass were equivalent to the uninoculated. DNA was quantified by real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The ratio of Fusarium DNA to wheat DNA rose rapidly in the plants inoculated with Fusarium alone; isolates and species were not significantly different. P. indica inoculation reduced the ratio of Fusarium to host DNA in the root systems. The reduction increased with time. The ratio of P. indica to wheat DNA initially rose but then declined in root systems without Fusarium. With Fusarium, the ratio rose throughout the experiment. The absolute amount of Fusarium DNA in root systems increased in the absence of P. indica but was static in plants co-inoculated with P. indica.


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The prospection of biological control agents in similar environments to the microbe application improves the chances of microorganisms establishment added to the environment. The low survival of these beneficial microorganisms added to hydroponic environment is a problem for the growth promotion and root rot biological control success in hydroponic crops. Because of the environmental similarity between hydroponic systems and mangrove ecosystems, the aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of mangrove microbes to control root rot caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and to improve plant growth in hydroponic cucumbers. Among the 28 strains evaluated for disease control in small-hydroponic system using cucumber seedlings, Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 alone or in combination with Pseudomonas stutzeri (MB-P3A- 49, MB-P3-C68 and SO-3L-3), and Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 increased the seedlings survival and were subsequently evaluated in hydroponic cucumbers in a greenhouse. Bacillus cereus AVIC-3-6 protected the plants from stunting caused by the pathogen and Gordonia rubripertincta SO-3B-2 and Pseudomonas stutzeri MB-P3A-49 increased the plant growth. We concluded that microorganisms from mangroves are useful as biocontrol agents and for improving plant growth in hydroponic crops.


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Podredumbre del tallo y la raíz del sorgo causada por Fusarium verticillioides en España


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Phytophthora root rot, caused by Phytophthora medicaginis, is a major limitation to lucerne production but it can be managed through the use of resistant cultivars. Current resistance screening methods, using mature plants or post-emergence seedling assays, are costly and time consuming. The use of zoospore inoculum on detached leaves and intact cotyledons as an assay for plant resistance was assessed using genetically defined segregating populations. The detached leaf assay was a reproducible test, but this test could not be used for accurately predicting root ratings. The cotyledon tests using zoospores gave results at the population level that were indicative of the root responses of 19 cultivars and lines tested. The cotyledon reaction of individual plants also showed a strong association with root response. The cotyledon test, while not completely predictive of mature root responses, allowed the selection of Phytophthora resistant plants at a higher frequency than could be achieved by random selection.


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Rhizoctonia solani AG-2-2 was isolated from wilting and dying plants of sulla ( Hedysarum coronarium), which is currently being assessed in eastern and southern Australia for its potential as a pasture and forage legume. Infected plants in the field had extensive rotting of the taproot, lateral roots and crown. Koch's postulates were fulfilled using three inoculation methods. The disease may pose a considerable threat to the potential use of H. coronarium in the dryland, grazing farming systems of Australia, with resistance offering the most viable option for minimising its impact.


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The postharvest development of crown rot of bananas depends notably on the fruit susceptibility to this disease at harvest. It has been shown that fruit susceptibility to crown rot is variable and it was suggested that this depends on environmental preharvest factors. However, little is known about the preharvest factors influencing this susceptibility. The aim of this work was to evaluate the extent to which fruit filling characteristics during growth and the fruit development stage influence the banana susceptibility to crown rot. This involved evaluating the influence of (a) the fruit position at different levels of the banana bunch (hands) and (b) changing the source-sink ratio (So-Si ratio), on the fruit susceptibility to crown rot. The fruit susceptibility was determined by measuring the internal necrotic surface (INS) after artificial inoculation of Colletotrichum musae. A linear correlation (r = -0.95) was found between the hand position on the bunch and the INS. The So-Si ratio was found to influence the pomological characteristics of the fruits and their susceptibility to crown rot. Fruits of bunches from which six hands were removed (two hands remaining on the bunch) proved to be significantly less susceptible to crown rot (INS = 138.3 mm 2) than those from bunches with eight hands (INS = 237.9 mm 2). The banana susceptibility to crown rot is thus likely to be influenced by the fruit development stage and filling characteristics. The present results highlight the importance of standardising hand sampling on a bunch when testing fruit susceptibility to crown rot. They also show that hand removal in the field has advantages in the context of integrated pest management, making it possible to reduce fruit susceptibility to crown rot while increasing fruit size.


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The biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens produces small amounts of indole-3-acetic acid via the tryptophan side chain oxidase and the tryptophan transaminase pathways. A recombinant plasmid (pME3468) expressing the tryptophan monooxygenase pathway was introduced into strain CHA0; this resulted in elevated synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid in vitro, especially after addition of -tryptophan. In natural soil, strain CHA0/pME3468 increased fresh root weight of cucumber by 17-36%, compared to the effect of strain CHA0; root colonization was about 106 cells per g of root. However, both strains gave similar protection of cucumber against Pythium ultimum. In autoclaved soil, at 6×107 cells per g of root, strain CHA0 stimulated growth of roots and shoots, whereas strain CHA0/pME3468 caused root stunting and strong reduction of plant weight. These results are in agreement with the known effects of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid on plant roots and suggest that in the system examined, indole-3-acetic acid does not contribute to the biocontrol properties of strain CHA0.